RDF Terms

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    Occupation Type
    Tipo de ocupación
    Type d’occupation
    Categorization of a profession, trade, or craft pursued by a Person in fulfilment of an Activity.
    Corresponds to RiC-A30 (Occupation Type attribute)
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    The pursuit of an occupation involves the performance of an Activity. Successful performance of the Activity is based on the ability to perform related competencies successfully. Such competencies may be acquired through education or experience, or a combination of both. The authority of the Person to pursue the occupation may be derived tacitly or explicitly from an external Agent, based on a demonstrated mastery of the competency. An occupation may be pursued independently by a Person or a Group, thereby contributing to the fulfilment of the function (activity) of the group. Should not be confused with Position where, for example, an agent with the occupation type "lawyer" holds the position of "legal counsel" in an agency. Related to but should not be confused with the domain or field of activity, such as an archivist who works in the domain of archival science.