RDF Terms

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    The top level relation class. It connects at least two Things. An instance of a Relation may have some datatype and object properties : a descriptive note (datatype property) like any Thing ; certainty (for 'certain', 'quite probable', 'uncertain','unknown'); a date (use either the date datatype property or the Date class and isAssociatedWithDate object property ; a state (relationState) ; a location (use Place class and isAssociatedWithPlace object property) ; a source of information that can be used as an evidence for it (use either source datatype property or hasSource object property).
    Use when direct, binary object properties are not enough, e.g. when you need to record a date, a location or any other descriptive element for a relation (till RDF-Star becomes a W3C recommendation and provides a lighter method for doing so); or when the relation invloves more than two entities (n-ary relation). It is recommended to use the subclasses of the Relation class.