RDF Terms
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Conditions that govern the existence, responsibility, or
authority of an Agent; or the performance of an Activity by an Agent; or that contribute
to the distinct characteristics of things created or managed by an Agent.
Corresponds to RiC-E16 (Rule
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Rule is a kind of Thing. Rule can be related directly to
agent, activity, or anything created or managed by agents, such as a record resource or
instantiation. A rule may be unwritten or written or otherwise documented. Unwritten
rules may include though are not limited to the following: social mores, customs, or
community expectations. Written rules may include though are not limited to the
following: constitutions, legislation, acts (legal), statutes, legal codes, ordinances,
charters, mission statements, regulations, policies, procedures, instructions, codes of
conduct or ethics, professional standards, work assignments, or work plans. The source
or sources of some rules governing the existence or activity of an agent may be external
(for example, expressed in elections, social mores, customs, community expectations,
laws, regulations, standards, and best practice codes), while others may be expressed
within the immediate context of an agent (for example, policies, or written or verbal
instructions). The evidence for identifying rules may be found in their entirety in one
documentary source (for example, a law or regulation) or may be found in two or more
sources. Rule should not be confused with the one or more documentary sources that serve
as evidence of its identity. A documentary source is a record.