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RDF Terms
rico:DescendanceRelation (Descendance Relation)
rico:descendanceRelation_role (has the role of the Descendance Relation)
rico:relationHasTarget (relation has target)
rico:CorrespondenceRelation (Correspondence Relation)
rico:performanceRelation_role (has the role of the Performance Relation)
rico:PerformanceRelation (Performance Relation)
rico:correspondenceRelation_role (has the role of the Correspondence Relation)
rico:isOrWasCreationDateOfAllMembersOf (is or was creation date of all members of)
rico:isOrWasCreationDateOfMostMembersOf (is or was creation date of most members of)
rico:isOrWasCreationDateOfSomeMembersOf (is or was creation date of some members of)
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