RDF Terms
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descripción general
description générale
general description
General information about an entity. General description may be
used to describe any entity. There are different appropriate uses for general
description. First, while it is recommended that more specific properties be used in
describing an entity, it may be desirable, for economic or other reasons, to describe
two or more specific properties together. Second, general description may be used to
describe one or more characteristics that are not otherwise accommodated in RiC-O.
Third, it may be used to provide a succinct summary or abstract description in addition
to more detailed specific description.
Corresponds to RiC-A43 (General Description
blank node
blank node
blank node
Le massif du Mont-Blanc est un massif des Alpes partagé entre la
France, l'Italie et la Suisse. Il abrite le mont Blanc, plus haut sommet d'Europe
occidentale qui culmine à 4 809 mètres (altitude relevée en 2015). Il est traversé par
le tunnel du Mont-Blanc, entre Chamonix dans la vallée de l'Arve et Courmayeur dans la
vallée d'Aoste.
The Senate is the academic governing body of the University of
Strathclyde and is responsible for all academic matters including academic standards and
quality. Meetings of the Senate are chaired by the Principal and the membership is drawn
entirely from within the University, comprising academic and research staff. (about a
corporate body, University of Strathclyde Senate)
This activity involves regulating the nursing profession by
conducting examinations and on-going education for nurses, maintaining rolls of those
qualified as enrolled or registered nurses, midwives, psychiatric, and other specialised
nurses. It also covers hearing disciplinary charges against nurses (and where necessary,
removing them temporarily or permanently from the registers), as well as promoting the
nursing profession. (about an activity, Nursing Profession Regulation)
Thomas Blaikie (1750-1838) est un botaniste et jardinier
écossais. Il a dessiné notamment les jardins de Malmaison et Bagatelle.