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    A series of [[Event]]s. Included events can relate with the series using the [[superEvent]] property. An EventSeries is a collection of events that share some unifying characteristic. For example, "The Olympic Games" is a series, which is repeated regularly. The "2012 London Olympics" can be presented both as an [[Event]] in the series "Olympic Games", and as an [[EventSeries]] that included a number of sporting competitions as Events. The nature of the association between the events in an [[EventSeries]] can vary, but typical examples could include a thematic event series (e.g. topical meetups or classes), or a series of regular events that share a location, attendee group and/or organizers. EventSeries has been defined as a kind of Event to make it easy for publishers to use it in an Event context without worrying about which kinds of series are really event-like enough to call an Event. In general an EventSeries may seem more Event-like when the period of time is compact and when aspects such as location are fixed, but it may also sometimes prove useful to describe a longer-term series as an Event.