RDF Terms

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    Content coded 'satire or parody content' in a [[MediaReview]], considered in the context of how it was published or shared. For a [[VideoObject]] to be 'satire or parody content': A video that was created as political or humorous commentary and is presented in that context. (Reshares of satire/parody content that do not include relevant context are more likely to fall under the “missing context” rating.) For an [[ImageObject]] to be 'satire or parody content': An image that was created as political or humorous commentary and is presented in that context. (Reshares of satire/parody content that do not include relevant context are more likely to fall under the “missing context” rating.) For an [[ImageObject]] with embedded text to be 'satire or parody content': An image that was created as political or humorous commentary and is presented in that context. (Reshares of satire/parody content that do not include relevant context are more likely to fall under the “missing context” rating.) For an [[AudioObject]] to be 'satire or parody content': Audio that was created as political or humorous commentary and is presented in that context. (Reshares of satire/parody content that do not include relevant context are more likely to fall under the “missing context” rating.)