RDF Terms

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    Multi Polygon
    A MultiPolygon is a MultiSurface whose elements are Polygons. The assertions for MultiPolygons are as follows. a) The interiors of 2 Polygons that are elements of a MultiPolygon may not intersect. b) The boundaries of any 2 Polygons that are elements of a MultiPolygon may not cross and may touch at only a finite number of Points. c) A MultiPolygon is defined as topologically closed. d) A MultiPolygon may not have cut lines, spikes or punctures, a MultiPolygon is a regular closed Point set, e) The interior of a MultiPolygon with more than 1 Polygon is not connected; the number of connected components of the interior of a MultiPolygon is equal to the number of Polygons in the MultiPolygon. The boundary of a MultiPolygon is a set of closed Curves (LineStrings) corresponding to the boundaries of its element Polygons. Each Curve in the boundary of the MultiPolygon is in the boundary of exactly 1 element Polygon, and every Curve in the boundary of an element Polygon is in the boundary of the MultiPolygon.