RDF Prefix
The Bibliographic Ontology
The Bibliographic Ontology describes bibliographic things on the semantic Web in RDF. This ontology can be used as a citation ontology, as a document classification ontology, or simply as a way to describe any kind of document in RDF. It has been inspired by many existing document description metadata formats, and can be used as a common ground for converting other bibliographic data sources.
namespace defines:
9 | bibo:DocumentStatus |
3 | bibo:ThesisDegree |
2 | foaf:Person |
59 | owl:Class |
37 | owl:DatatypeProperty |
14 | owl:NamedIndividual |
30 | owl:ObjectProperty |
1 | owl:Ontology |
14 | owl:Thing |
- bibo:status/accepted (accepted)
- bibo:status/draft (draft)
- bibo:status/forthcoming (forthcoming)
- bibo:status/legal (legal)
- bibo:status/nonPeerReviewed (non peer reviewed)
- bibo:status/peerReviewed (peer reviewed)
- bibo:status/published (published)
- bibo:status/rejected (rejected)
- bibo:status/unpublished (unpublished)
- bibo:AcademicArticle (Academic Article)
- bibo:Article (Article)
- bibo:AudioDocument (audio document)
- bibo:AudioVisualDocument (audio-visual document)
- bibo:Bill (Bill)
- bibo:Book (Book)
- bibo:BookSection (Book Section)
- bibo:Brief (Brief)
- bibo:Chapter (Chapter)
- bibo:Code (Code)
- bibo:CollectedDocument (Collected Document)
- bibo:Collection (Collection)
- bibo:Conference (Conference)
- bibo:CourtReporter (Court Reporter)
- bibo:Document (Document)
- bibo:DocumentPart (document part)
- bibo:DocumentStatus (Document Status)
- bibo:EditedBook (Edited Book)
- bibo:Email (EMail)
- bibo:Event
- bibo:Excerpt (Excerpt)
- bibo:Film (Film)
- bibo:Hearing (Hearing)
- bibo:Image (Image)
- bibo:Interview (Interview)
- bibo:Issue (Issue)
- bibo:Journal (Journal)
- bibo:LegalCaseDocument (Legal Case Document)
- bibo:LegalDecision (Decision)
- bibo:LegalDocument (Legal Document)
- bibo:Legislation (Legislation)
- bibo:Letter (Letter)
- bibo:Magazine (Magazine)
- bibo:Manual (Manual)
- bibo:Manuscript (Manuscript)
- bibo:Map (Map)
- bibo:MultiVolumeBook (Multivolume Book)
- bibo:Newspaper (Newspaper)
- bibo:Note (Note)
- bibo:Patent (Patent)
- bibo:Performance (Performance)
- bibo:Periodical (Periodical)
- bibo:PersonalCommunication (Personal Communication)
- bibo:PersonalCommunicationDocument (Personal Communication Document)
- bibo:Proceedings (Proceedings)
- bibo:Quote (Quote)
- bibo:ReferenceSource (Reference Source)
- bibo:Report (Report)
- bibo:Series (Series)
- bibo:Slide (Slide)
- bibo:Slideshow (Slideshow)
- bibo:Specification (Specification)
- bibo:Standard (Standard)
- bibo:Statute (Statute)
- bibo:Thesis (Thesis)
- bibo:ThesisDegree (Thesis degree)
- bibo:Webpage (Webpage)
- bibo:Website (Website)
- bibo:Workshop (Workshop)
- bibo:abstract (abstract)
- bibo:argued (date argued)
- bibo:asin
- bibo:chapter (chapter)
- bibo:coden
- bibo:content (content)
- bibo:doi
- bibo:eanucc13
- bibo:edition (edition)
- bibo:eissn
- bibo:gtin14
- bibo:handle
- bibo:identifier
- bibo:isbn
- bibo:isbn10
- bibo:isbn13
- bibo:issn
- bibo:issue (issue)
- bibo:lccn
- bibo:locator (locator)
- bibo:numPages (number of pages)
- bibo:numVolumes (number of volumes)
- bibo:number (number)
- bibo:oclcnum
- bibo:pageEnd (page end)
- bibo:pageStart (page start)
- bibo:pages (pages)
- bibo:pmid
- bibo:prefixName (prefix name)
- bibo:section (section)
- bibo:shortDescription
- bibo:shortTitle (short title)
- bibo:sici
- bibo:suffixName (suffix name)
- bibo:upc
- bibo:uri (uri)
- bibo:volume (volume)
- bibo:bdarcus
- bibo:degrees/ma (M.A.)
- bibo:degrees/ms (M.S.)
- bibo:degrees/phd (PhD degree)
- bibo:fgiasson
- bibo:status/accepted (accepted)
- bibo:status/draft (draft)
- bibo:status/forthcoming (forthcoming)
- bibo:status/legal (legal)
- bibo:status/nonPeerReviewed (non peer reviewed)
- bibo:status/peerReviewed (peer reviewed)
- bibo:status/published (published)
- bibo:status/rejected (rejected)
- bibo:status/unpublished (unpublished)
- bibo:affirmedBy
- bibo:annotates (annotates)
- bibo:authorList (list of authors)
- bibo:citedBy (cited by)
- bibo:cites (cites)
- bibo:contributorList (list of contributors)
- bibo:court (court)
- bibo:degree (degree)
- bibo:director (director)
- bibo:distributor (distributor)
- bibo:editor (editor)
- bibo:editorList (list of editors)
- bibo:interviewee (interviewee)
- bibo:interviewer (interviewer)
- bibo:issuer (issuer)
- bibo:organizer (organizer)
- bibo:owner (owner)
- bibo:performer (performer)
- bibo:presentedAt (presented at)
- bibo:presents (presents)
- bibo:producer (producer)
- bibo:recipient (recipient)
- bibo:reproducedIn
- bibo:reversedBy
- bibo:reviewOf (review of)
- bibo:status (status)
- bibo:subsequentLegalDecision
- bibo:transcriptOf (transcript of)
- bibo:translationOf (translation of)
- bibo:translator (translator)
- bibo:bdarcus
- bibo:degrees/ma (M.A.)
- bibo:degrees/ms (M.S.)
- bibo:degrees/phd (PhD degree)
- bibo:fgiasson
- bibo:status/accepted (accepted)
- bibo:status/draft (draft)
- bibo:status/forthcoming (forthcoming)
- bibo:status/legal (legal)
- bibo:status/nonPeerReviewed (non peer reviewed)
- bibo:status/peerReviewed (peer reviewed)
- bibo:status/published (published)
- bibo:status/rejected (rejected)
- bibo:status/unpublished (unpublished)