RDF Prefix
namespace defines:
2 | qudt:AtomicUnit |
329 | qudt:ConstantValue |
328 | qudt:PhysicalConstant |
- constant:ValueForElectronVolt (Value for electron volt)
- constant:Value_AlphaParticleElectronMassRatio (Value for alpha particle-electron mass ratio)
- constant:Value_AlphaParticleMass (Value for alpha particle mass)
- constant:Value_AlphaParticleMassEnergyEquivalent (Value for alpha particle mass energy equivalent)
- constant:Value_AlphaParticleMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV (Value for alpha particle mass energy equivalent in MeV)
- constant:Value_AlphaParticleMassInAtomicMassUnit (Value for alpha particle mass in atomic mass unit)
- constant:Value_AlphaParticleMolarMass (Value for alpha particle molar mass)
- constant:Value_AlphaParticleProtonMassRatio (Value for alpha particle-proton mass ratio)
- constant:Value_AngstromStar (Value for Angstrom star)
- constant:Value_AtomicMassConstant (Value for atomic mass constant)
- constant:Value_AtomicMassConstantEnergyEquivalent (Value for atomic mass constant energy equivalent)
- constant:Value_AtomicMassConstantEnergyEquivalentInMeV (Value for atomic mass constant energy equivalent in MeV)
- constant:Value_AtomicMassUnitElectronVoltRelationship (Value for atomic mass unit-electron volt relationship)
- constant:Value_AtomicMassUnitHartreeRelationship (Value for atomic mass unit-hartree relationship)
- constant:Value_AtomicMassUnitHertzRelationship (Value for atomic mass unit-hertz relationship)
- constant:Value_AtomicMassUnitInverseMeterRelationship (Value for atomic mass unit-inverse meter relationship)
- constant:Value_AtomicMassUnitJouleRelationship (Value for atomic mass unit-joule relationship)
- constant:Value_AtomicMassUnitKelvinRelationship (Value for atomic mass unit-kelvin relationship)
- constant:Value_AtomicMassUnitKilogramRelationship (Value for atomic mass unit-kilogram relationship)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOf1stHyperpolarizability (Value for atomic unit of 1st hyperpolarizability)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOf2ndHyperpolarizability (Value for atomic unit of 2nd hyperpolarizability)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfAction (Value for atomic unit of action)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfCharge (Value for atomic unit of charge)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfChargeDensity (Value for atomic unit of charge density)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfCurrent (Value for atomic unit of current)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfElectricDipoleMoment (Value for atomic unit of electric dipole mom.)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfElectricField (Value for atomic unit of electric field)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfElectricFieldGradient (Value for atomic unit of electric field gradient)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfElectricPolarizability (Value for atomic unit of electric polarizability)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfElectricPotential (Value for atomic unit of electric potential)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfElectricQuadrupoleMoment (Value for atomic unit of electric quadrupole moment)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfEnergy (Value for atomic unit of energy)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfForce (Value for atomic unit of force)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfLength (Value for atomic unit of length)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfMagneticDipoleMoment (Value for atomic unit of magnetic dipole moment)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfMagneticFluxDensity (Value for atomic unit of magnetic flux density)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfMagnetizability (Value for atomic unit of magnetizability)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfMass (Value for atomic unit of mass)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfMomentum (Value for atomic unit of momentum)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfPermittivity (Value for atomic unit of permittivity)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfTime (Value for atomic unit of time)
- constant:Value_AtomicUnitOfVelocity (Value for atomic unit of velocity)
- constant:Value_AvogadroConstant (Value for Avogadro constant)
- constant:Value_BohrMagneton (Value for Bohr magneton)
- constant:Value_BohrMagnetonInEVPerT (Value for Bohr magneton in eV per T)
- constant:Value_BohrMagnetonInHzPerT (Value for Bohr magneton in Hz perT)
- constant:Value_BohrMagnetonInInverseMetersPerTesla (Value for Bohr magneton in inverse meters per tesla)
- constant:Value_BohrMagnetonInKPerT (Value for Bohr magneton in K per T)
- constant:Value_BohrRadius (Value for Bohr radius)
- constant:Value_BoltzmannConstant (Value for Boltzmann constant)
- constant:Value_BoltzmannConstantInEVPerK (Value for Boltzmann constant in eV per K)
- constant:Value_BoltzmannConstantInHzPerK (Value for Boltzmann constant in Hz per K)
- constant:Value_BoltzmannConstantInInverseMetersPerKelvin (Value for Boltzmann constant in inverse meters per kelvin)
- constant:Value_CharacteristicImpedanceOfVacuum (Value for characteristic impedance of vacuum)
- constant:Value_ClassicalElectronRadius (Value for classical electron radius)
- constant:Value_ComptonWavelength (Value for Compton wavelength)
- constant:Value_ComptonWavelengthOver2Pi (Value for Compton wavelength over 2 pi)
- constant:Value_ConductanceQuantum (Value for conductance quantum)
- constant:Value_ConventionalValueOfJosephsonConstant (Value for conventional value of Josephson constant)
- constant:Value_ConventionalValueOfVonKlitzingConstant (Value for conventional value of von Klitzing constant)
- constant:Value_CuXUnit (Value for Cu x unit)
- constant:Value_DeuteronElectronMagneticMomentRatio (Value for deuteron-electron magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:Value_DeuteronElectronMassRatio (Value for deuteron-electron mass ratio)
- constant:Value_DeuteronGFactor (Value for deuteron g factor)
- constant:Value_DeuteronMagneticMoment (Value for deuteron magnetic moment)
- constant:Value_DeuteronMagneticMomentToBohrMagnetonRatio (Value for deuteron magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio)
- constant:Value_DeuteronMagneticMomentToNuclearMagnetonRatio (Value for deuteron magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio)
- constant:Value_DeuteronMass (Value for deuteron mass)
- constant:Value_DeuteronMassEnergyEquivalent (Value for deuteron mass energy equivalent)
- constant:Value_DeuteronMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV (Value for deuteron mass energy equivalent in MeV)
- constant:Value_DeuteronMassInAtomicMassUnit (Deuteron Mass (amu))
- constant:Value_DeuteronMolarMass (Value for deuteron molar mass)
- constant:Value_DeuteronNeutronMagneticMomentRatio (Value for deuteron-neutron magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:Value_DeuteronProtonMagneticMomentRatio (Value for deuteron-proton magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:Value_DeuteronProtonMassRatio (Value for deuteron-proton mass ratio)
- constant:Value_DeuteronRmsChargeRadius (Value for deuteron rms charge radius)
- constant:Value_ElectricConstant (Value for electric constant)
- constant:Value_ElectronChargeToMassQuotient (Value for electron charge to mass quotient)
- constant:Value_ElectronDeuteronMagneticMomentRatio (Value for electron-deuteron magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:Value_ElectronDeuteronMassRatio (Value for electron-deuteron mass ratio)
- constant:Value_ElectronGFactor (Value for electron g factor)
- constant:Value_ElectronGyromagneticRatio (Value for electron gyromagnetic ratio)
- constant:Value_ElectronGyromagneticRatioOver2Pi (Value for electron gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi)
- constant:Value_ElectronMagneticMoment (Value for electron magnetic moment)
- constant:Value_ElectronMagneticMomentAnomaly (Value for electron magnetic moment anomaly)
- constant:Value_ElectronMagneticMomentToBohrMagnetonRatio (Value for electron magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio)
- constant:Value_ElectronMagneticMomentToNuclearMagnetonRatio (Value for electron magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio)
- constant:Value_ElectronMass (Value for electron mass)
- constant:Value_ElectronMassEnergyEquivalent (Value for electron mass energy equivalent)
- constant:Value_ElectronMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV (Value for electron mass energy equivalent in MeV)
- constant:Value_ElectronMassInAtomicMassUnit (Electron Mass (amu))
- constant:Value_ElectronMolarMass (Value for electron molar mass)
- constant:Value_ElectronMuonMagneticMomentRatio (Value for electron-muon magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:Value_ElectronMuonMassRatio (Value for electron-muon mass ratio)
- constant:Value_ElectronNeutronMagneticMomentRatio (Value for electron-neutron magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:Value_ElectronNeutronMassRatio (Value for electron-neutron mass ratio)
- constant:Value_ElectronProtonMagneticMomentRatio (Value for electron-proton magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:Value_ElectronProtonMassRatio (Value for electron-proton mass ratio)
- constant:Value_ElectronTauMassRatio (Value for electron-tau mass ratio)
- constant:Value_ElectronToAlphaParticleMassRatio (Value for electron to alpha particle mass ratio)
- constant:Value_ElectronToShieldedHelionMagneticMomentRatio (Value for electron to shielded helion magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:Value_ElectronToShieldedProtonMagneticMomentRatio (Value for electron to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:Value_ElectronVoltAtomicMassUnitRelationship (Value for electron volt-atomic mass unit relationship)
- constant:Value_ElectronVoltHartreeRelationship (Value for electron volt-hartree relationship)
- constant:Value_ElectronVoltHertzRelationship (Value for electron volt-hertz relationship)
- constant:Value_ElectronVoltInverseMeterRelationship (Value for electron volt-inverse meter relationship)
- constant:Value_ElectronVoltJouleRelationship (Value for electron volt-joule relationship)
- constant:Value_ElectronVoltKelvinRelationship (Value for electron volt-kelvin relationship)
- constant:Value_ElectronVoltKilogramRelationship (Value for electron volt-kilogram relationship)
- constant:Value_ElementaryCharge (Value for elementary charge)
- constant:Value_ElementaryChargeOverH (Value for elementary charge over h)
- constant:Value_FaradayConstant (Value for Faraday constant)
- constant:Value_FaradayConstantForConventionalElectricCurrent (Faraday constant for conventional electric current)
- constant:Value_FermiCouplingConstant (Value for Fermi coupling constant)
- constant:Value_FineStructureConstant (Value for fine-structure constant)
- constant:Value_FirstRadiationConstant (Value for first radiation constant)
- constant:Value_FirstRadiationConstantForSpectralRadiance (Value for first radiation constant for spectral radiance)
- constant:Value_GravitationalConstant (Value for gravitational constant)
- constant:Value_HartreeAtomicMassUnitRelationship (Value for hartree-atomic mass unit relationship)
- constant:Value_HartreeElectronVoltRelationship (Value for hartree-electron volt relationship)
- constant:Value_HartreeEnergy (Value for Hartree energy)
- constant:Value_HartreeEnergyInEV (Value for Hartree energy in eV)
- constant:Value_HartreeHertzRelationship (Value for hartree-hertz relationship)
- constant:Value_HartreeInverseMeterRelationship (Value for hartree-inverse meter relationship)
- constant:Value_HartreeJouleRelationship (Value for hartree-joule relationship)
- constant:Value_HartreeKelvinRelationship (Value for hartree-kelvin relationship)
- constant:Value_HartreeKilogramRelationship (Value for hartree-kilogram relationship)
- constant:Value_HelionElectronMassRatio (Value for helion-electron mass ratio)
- constant:Value_HelionMass (Value for helion mass)
- constant:Value_HelionMassEnergyEquivalent (Value for helion mass energy equivalent)
- constant:Value_HelionMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV (Value for helion mass energy equivalent in MeV)
- constant:Value_HelionMassInAtomicMassUnit (Helion Mass (amu))
- constant:Value_HelionMolarMass (Value for helion molar mass)
- constant:Value_HelionProtonMassRatio (Value for helion-proton mass ratio)
- constant:Value_HertzAtomicMassUnitRelationship (Value for hertz-atomic mass unit relationship)
- constant:Value_HertzElectronVoltRelationship (Value for hertz-electron volt relationship)
- constant:Value_HertzHartreeRelationship (Value for hertz-hartree relationship)
- constant:Value_HertzInverseMeterRelationship (Value for hertz-inverse meter relationship)
- constant:Value_HertzJouleRelationship (Value for hertz-joule relationship)
- constant:Value_HertzKelvinRelationship (Value for hertz-kelvin relationship)
- constant:Value_HertzKilogramRelationship (Value for hertz-kilogram relationship)
- constant:Value_InverseFineStructureConstant (Value for inverse fine-structure constant)
- constant:Value_InverseMeterAtomicMassUnitRelationship (Value for inverse meter-atomic mass unit relationship)
- constant:Value_InverseMeterElectronVoltRelationship (Value for inverse meter-electron volt relationship)
- constant:Value_InverseMeterHartreeRelationship (Value for inverse meter-hartree relationship)
- constant:Value_InverseMeterHertzRelationship (Value for inverse meter-hertz relationship)
- constant:Value_InverseMeterJouleRelationship (Value for inverse meter-joule relationship)
- constant:Value_InverseMeterKelvinRelationship (Value for inverse meter-kelvin relationship)
- constant:Value_InverseMeterKilogramRelationship (Value for inverse meter-kilogram relationship)
- constant:Value_InverseOfConductanceQuantum (Value for inverse of conductance quantum)
- constant:Value_JosephsonConstant (Value for Josephson constant)
- constant:Value_JouleAtomicMassUnitRelationship (Value for joule-atomic mass unit relationship)
- constant:Value_JouleElectronVoltRelationship (Value for joule-electron volt relationship)
- constant:Value_JouleHartreeRelationship (Value for joule-hartree relationship)
- constant:Value_JouleHertzRelationship (Value for joule-hertz relationship)
- constant:Value_JouleInverseMeterRelationship (Value for joule-inverse meter relationship)
- constant:Value_JouleKelvinRelationship (Value for joule-kelvin relationship)
- constant:Value_JouleKilogramRelationship (Value for joule-kilogram relationship)
- constant:Value_KelvinAtomicMassUnitRelationship (Value for kelvin-atomic mass unit relationship)
- constant:Value_KelvinElectronVoltRelationship (Value for kelvin-electron volt relationship)
- constant:Value_KelvinHartreeRelationship (Value for kelvin-hartree relationship)
- constant:Value_KelvinHertzRelationship (Value for kelvin-hertz relationship)
- constant:Value_KelvinInverseMeterRelationship (Value for kelvin-inverse meter relationship)
- constant:Value_KelvinJouleRelationship (Value for kelvin-joule relationship)
- constant:Value_KelvinKilogramRelationship (Value for kelvin-kilogram relationship)
- constant:Value_KilogramAtomicMassUnitRelationship (Value for kilogram-atomic mass unit relationship)
- constant:Value_KilogramElectronVoltRelationship (Value for kilogram-electron volt relationship)
- constant:Value_KilogramHartreeRelationship (Value for kilogram-hartree relationship)
- constant:Value_KilogramHertzRelationship (Value for kilogram-hertz relationship)
- constant:Value_KilogramInverseMeterRelationship (Value for kilogram-inverse meter relationship)
- constant:Value_KilogramJouleRelationship (Value for kilogram-joule relationship)
- constant:Value_KilogramKelvinRelationship (Value for kilogram-kelvin relationship)
- constant:Value_LatticeParameterOfSilicon (Value for lattice parameter of silicon)
- constant:Value_LatticeSpacingOfSilicon (Value for lattice spacing of silicon)
- constant:Value_LoschmidtConstant (Value for Loschmidt constant 273.15 K 101.325 kPa)
- constant:Value_MagneticConstant (Value for magnetic constant)
- constant:Value_MagneticFluxQuantum (Value for magnetic flux quantum)
- constant:Value_MoXUnit (Value for Mo x unit)
- constant:Value_MolarGasConstant (Value for molar gas constant)
- constant:Value_MolarMassConstant (Value for molar mass constant)
- constant:Value_MolarMassOfCarbon12 (Value for molar mass of carbon-12)
- constant:Value_MolarPlanckConstant (Value for molar Planck constant)
- constant:Value_MolarPlanckConstantTimesC (Value for molar Planck constant times c)
- constant:Value_MolarVolumeOfIdealGas (Value for molar volume of ideal gas 273.15 K 101.325 kPa)
- constant:Value_MolarVolumeOfSilicon (Value for molar volume of silicon)
- constant:Value_MuonComptonWavelength (Value for muon Compton wavelength)
- constant:Value_MuonComptonWavelengthOver2Pi (Value for muon Compton wavelength over 2 pi)
- constant:Value_MuonElectronMassRatio (Value for muon-electron mass ratio)
- constant:Value_MuonGFactor (Value for muon g factor)
- constant:Value_MuonMagneticMoment (Value for muon magnetic moment)
- constant:Value_MuonMagneticMomentAnomaly (Value for muon magnetic moment anomaly)
- constant:Value_MuonMagneticMomentToBohrMagnetonRatio (Value for muon magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio)
- constant:Value_MuonMagneticMomentToNuclearMagnetonRatio (Value for muon magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio)
- constant:Value_MuonMass (Value for muon mass)
- constant:Value_MuonMassEnergyEquivalent (Value for muon mass energy equivalent)
- constant:Value_MuonMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV (Value for muon mass energy equivalent in MeV)
- constant:Value_MuonMassInAtomicMassUnit (Muon Mass (amu))
- constant:Value_MuonMolarMass (Value for muon molar mass)
- constant:Value_MuonNeutronMassRatio (Value for muon-neutron mass ratio)
- constant:Value_MuonProtonMagneticMomentRatio (Value for muon-proton magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:Value_MuonProtonMassRatio (Value for muon-proton mass ratio)
- constant:Value_MuonTauMassRatio (Value for muon-tau mass ratio)
- constant:Value_NaturalUnitOfAction (Value for natural unit of action)
- constant:Value_NaturalUnitOfActionInEVS (Value for natural unit of action in eV s)
- constant:Value_NaturalUnitOfEnergy (Value for natural unit of energy)
- constant:Value_NaturalUnitOfEnergyInMeV (Value for natural unit of energy in MeV)
- constant:Value_NaturalUnitOfLength (Value for natural unit of length)
- constant:Value_NaturalUnitOfMass (Value for natural unit of mass)
- constant:Value_NaturalUnitOfMomentum (Value for natural unit of momentum)
- constant:Value_NaturalUnitOfMomentumInMeVPerC (Value for natural unit of momentum in MeV c^-1)
- constant:Value_NaturalUnitOfTime (Value for natural unit of time)
- constant:Value_NaturalUnitOfVelocity (Value for natural unit of velocity)
- constant:Value_NeutronComptonWavelength (Value for neutron Compton wavelength)
- constant:Value_NeutronComptonWavelengthOver2Pi (Value for neutron Compton wavelength over 2 pi)
- constant:Value_NeutronElectronMagneticMomentRatio (Value for neutron-electron magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:Value_NeutronElectronMassRatio (Value for neutron-electron mass ratio)
- constant:Value_NeutronGFactor (Value for neutron g factor)
- constant:Value_NeutronGyromagneticRatio (Value for neutron gyromagnetic ratio)
- constant:Value_NeutronGyromagneticRatioOver2Pi (Value for neutron gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi)
- constant:Value_NeutronMagneticMoment (Value for neutron magnetic moment)
- constant:Value_NeutronMagneticMomentToBohrMagnetonRatio (Value for neutron magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio)
- constant:Value_NeutronMagneticMomentToNuclearMagnetonRatio (Value for neutron magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio)
- constant:Value_NeutronMass (Value for neutron mass)
- constant:Value_NeutronMassEnergyEquivalent (Value for neutron mass energy equivalent)
- constant:Value_NeutronMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV (Value for neutron mass energy equivalent in MeV)
- constant:Value_NeutronMassInAtomicMassUnit (Neutron Mass (amu))
- constant:Value_NeutronMolarMass (Value for neutron molar mass)
- constant:Value_NeutronMuonMassRatio (Value for neutron-muon mass ratio)
- constant:Value_NeutronProtonMagneticMomentRatio (Value for neutron-proton magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:Value_NeutronProtonMassRatio (Value for neutron-proton mass ratio)
- constant:Value_NeutronTauMassRatio (Value for neutron-tau mass ratio)
- constant:Value_NeutronToShieldedProtonMagneticMomentRatio (Value for neutron to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:Value_NewtonianConstantOfGravitation (Value for Newtonian constant of gravitation)
- constant:Value_NewtonianConstantOfGravitationOverHbarC (Newtonian constant of gravitation over hbar c)
- constant:Value_NuclearMagneton (Value for nuclear magneton)
- constant:Value_NuclearMagnetonInEVPerT (Value for nuclear magneton in eV per T)
- constant:Value_NuclearMagnetonInInverseMetersPerTesla (Value for nuclear magneton in inverse meters per tesla)
- constant:Value_NuclearMagnetonInKPerT (Value for nuclear magneton in K per T)
- constant:Value_NuclearMagnetonInMHzPerT (Value for nuclear magneton in MHz per T)
- constant:Value_PermittivityOfVacuum (Value for permittivity of vacuum)
- constant:Value_PlanckConstant (Value for Planck constant)
- constant:Value_PlanckConstantInEVS (Value for Planck constant in eV s)
- constant:Value_PlanckConstantOver2Pi (Value for Planck constant over 2 pi)
- constant:Value_PlanckConstantOver2PiInEVS (Value for Planck constant over 2 pi in eV s)
- constant:Value_PlanckConstantOver2PiTimesCInMeVFm (Value for Planck constant over 2 pi times c in MeV fm)
- constant:Value_PlanckLength (Value for Planck length)
- constant:Value_PlanckMass (Value for Planck mass)
- constant:Value_PlanckMassEnergyEquivalentInGeV (Value for Planck mass energy equivalent in GeV)
- constant:Value_PlanckTemperature (Value for Planck temperature)
- constant:Value_PlanckTime (Value for Planck time)
- constant:Value_ProtonChargeToMassQuotient (Value for proton charge to mass quotient)
- constant:Value_ProtonComptonWavelength (Value for proton Compton wavelength)
- constant:Value_ProtonComptonWavelengthOver2Pi (Value for proton Compton wavelength over 2 pi)
- constant:Value_ProtonElectronMassRatio (Value for proton-electron mass ratio)
- constant:Value_ProtonGFactor (Value for proton g factor)
- constant:Value_ProtonGyromagneticRatio (Value for proton gyromagnetic ratio)
- constant:Value_ProtonGyromagneticRatioOver2Pi (Value for proton gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi)
- constant:Value_ProtonMagneticMoment (Value for proton magnetic moment)
- constant:Value_ProtonMagneticMomentToBohrMagnetonRatio (Value for proton magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio)
- constant:Value_ProtonMagneticMomentToNuclearMagnetonRatio (Value for proton magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio)
- constant:Value_ProtonMagneticShieldingCorrection (Value for proton magnetic shielding correction)
- constant:Value_ProtonMass (Value for proton mass)
- constant:Value_ProtonMassEnergyEquivalent (Value for proton mass energy equivalent)
- constant:Value_ProtonMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV (Value for proton mass energy equivalent in MeV)
- constant:Value_ProtonMassInAtomicMassUnit (Proton Mass (amu))
- constant:Value_ProtonMolarMass (Value for proton molar mass)
- constant:Value_ProtonMuonMassRatio (Value for proton-muon mass ratio)
- constant:Value_ProtonNeutronMagneticMomentRatio (Value for proton-neutron magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:Value_ProtonNeutronMassRatio (Value for proton-neutron mass ratio)
- constant:Value_ProtonRmsChargeRadius (Value for proton rms charge radius)
- constant:Value_ProtonTauMassRatio (Value for proton-tau mass ratio)
- constant:Value_QuantumOfCirculation (Value for quantum of circulation)
- constant:Value_QuantumOfCirculationTimes2 (Value for quantum of circulation times 2)
- constant:Value_RydbergConstant (Value for Rydberg constant)
- constant:Value_RydbergConstantTimesCInHz (Value for Rydberg constant times c in Hz)
- constant:Value_RydbergConstantTimesHcInEV (Value for Rydberg constant times hc in eV)
- constant:Value_RydbergConstantTimesHcInJ (Value for Rydberg constant times hc in J)
- constant:Value_SackurTetrodeConstant1K100KPa (Value for Sackur-Tetrode constant 1 K 100 kPa)
- constant:Value_SackurTetrodeConstant1K101.325K (Value for Sackur-Tetrode constant 1 K 101.325 kPa)
- constant:Value_SecondRadiationConstant (Value for second radiation constant)
- constant:Value_ShieldedHelionGyromagneticRatio (Value for shielded helion gyromagnetic ratio)
- constant:Value_ShieldedHelionGyromagneticRatioOver2Pi (Value for shielded helion gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi)
- constant:Value_ShieldedHelionMagneticMoment (Value for shielded helion magnetic moment)
- constant:Value_ShieldedHelionMagneticMomentToBohrMagnetonRatio (Value for shielded helion magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio)
- constant:Value_ShieldedHelionMagneticMomentToNuclearMagnetonRatio (Value for shielded helion magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio)
- constant:Value_ShieldedHelionToProtonMagneticMomentRatio (Value for shielded helion to proton magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:Value_ShieldedHelionToShieldedProtonMagneticMomentRatio (Value for shielded helion to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:Value_ShieldedProtonGyromagneticRatio (Value for shielded proton gyromagnetic ratio)
- constant:Value_ShieldedProtonGyromagneticRatioOver2Pi (Value for shielded proton gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi)
- constant:Value_ShieldedProtonMagneticMoment (Value for shielded proton magnetic moment)
- constant:Value_ShieldedProtonMagneticMomentToBohrMagnetonRatio (Value for shielded proton magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio)
- constant:Value_ShieldedProtonMagneticMomentToNuclearMagnetonRatio (Value for shielded proton magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio)
- constant:Value_SpeedOfLight (Value for velocity of light)
- constant:Value_SpeedOfLight_Vacuum (Value for speed of light in a vacuum)
- constant:Value_SpeedOfLight_Vacuum_Imperial (Value for speed of light in vacuum (Imperial units))
- constant:Value_StandardAccelerationOfGravity (Value for standard acceleration of gravity)
- constant:Value_StandardAtmosphere (Value for standard atmosphere)
- constant:Value_StefanBoltzmannConstant (Value for Stefan-Boltzmann Constant)
- constant:Value_TauComptonWavelength (Value for tau Compton wavelength)
- constant:Value_TauComptonWavelengthOver2Pi (Value for tau Compton wavelength over 2 pi)
- constant:Value_TauElectronMassRatio (Value for tau-electron mass ratio)
- constant:Value_TauMass (Value for tau mass)
- constant:Value_TauMassEnergyEquivalent (Value for tau mass energy equivalent)
- constant:Value_TauMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV (Value for tau mass energy equivalent in MeV)
- constant:Value_TauMassInAtomicMassUnit (Tau Mass (amu))
- constant:Value_TauMolarMass (Value for tau molar mass)
- constant:Value_TauMuonMassRatio (Value for tau-muon mass ratio)
- constant:Value_TauNeutronMassRatio (Value for tau-neutron mass ratio)
- constant:Value_TauProtonMassRatio (Value for tau-proton mass ratio)
- constant:Value_ThomsonCrossSection (Value for Thomson cross section)
- constant:Value_TritonElectronMagneticMomentRatio (Value for triton-electron magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:Value_TritonElectronMassRatio (Value for triton-electron mass ratio)
- constant:Value_TritonGFactor (Value for triton g factor)
- constant:Value_TritonMagneticMoment (Value for triton magnetic moment)
- constant:Value_TritonMagneticMomentToBohrMagnetonRatio (Value for triton magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio)
- constant:Value_TritonMagneticMomentToNuclearMagnetonRatio (Value for triton magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio)
- constant:Value_TritonMass (Value for triton mass)
- constant:Value_TritonMassEnergyEquivalent (Value for triton mass energy equivalent)
- constant:Value_TritonMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV (Value for triton mass energy equivalent in MeV)
- constant:Value_TritonMassInAtomicMassUnit (Triton Mass (amu))
- constant:Value_TritonMolarMass (Value for triton molar mass)
- constant:Value_TritonNeutronMagneticMomentRatio (Value for triton-neutron magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:Value_TritonProtonMagneticMomentRatio (Value for triton-proton magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:Value_TritonProtonMassRatio (Value for triton-proton mass ratio)
- constant:Value_UnifiedAtomicMassUnit (Value for unified atomic mass unit)
- constant:Value_VonKlitzingConstant (Value for von Klitzing constant)
- constant:Value_WeakMixingAngle (Value for weak mixing angle)
- constant:Value_WienFrequencyDisplacementLawConstant (Value for Wien frequency displacement law constant)
- constant:Value_WienWavelengthDisplacementLawConstant (Value for Wien wavelength displacement law constant)
- constant:AlphaParticleElectronMassRatio (Alpha particle-electron mass ratio)
- constant:AlphaParticleMass (Alpha particle mass)
- constant:AlphaParticleMassEnergyEquivalent (alpha particle mass energy equivalent)
- constant:AlphaParticleMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV (Alpha particle mass energy equivalent in Me V)
- constant:AlphaParticleMassInAtomicMassUnit (alpha particle mass in atomic mass unit)
- constant:AlphaParticleMolarMass (alpha particle molar mass)
- constant:AlphaParticleProtonMassRatio (alpha particle-proton mass ratio)
- constant:AngstromStar (Angstrom star)
- constant:AtomicMassConstant (atomic mass constant)
- constant:AtomicMassConstantEnergyEquivalent (atomic mass constant energy equivalent)
- constant:AtomicMassConstantEnergyEquivalentInMeV (atomic mass constant energy equivalent in MeV)
- constant:AtomicMassUnitElectronVoltRelationship (atomic mass unit-electron volt relationship)
- constant:AtomicMassUnitHartreeRelationship (atomic mass unit-hartree relationship)
- constant:AtomicMassUnitHertzRelationship (atomic mass unit-hertz relationship)
- constant:AtomicMassUnitInverseMeterRelationship (atomic mass unit-inverse meter relationship)
- constant:AtomicMassUnitJouleRelationship (atomic mass unit-joule relationship)
- constant:AtomicMassUnitKelvinRelationship (atomic mass unit-kelvin relationship)
- constant:AtomicMassUnitKilogramRelationship (atomic mass unit-kilogram relationship)
- constant:AtomicUnitOf1stHyperpolarizablity (atomic unit of 1st hyperpolarizablity)
- constant:AtomicUnitOf2ndHyperpolarizablity (atomic unit of 2nd hyperpolarizablity)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfAction (atomic unit of action)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfCharge (atomic unit of charge)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfChargeDensity (atomic unit of charge density)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfCurrent (atomic unit of current)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfElectricDipoleMoment (atomic unit of electric dipole mom.)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfElectricField (atomic unit of electric field)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfElectricFieldGradient (atomic unit of electric field gradient)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfElectricPolarizablity (atomic unit of electric polarizablity)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfElectricPotential (atomic unit of electric potential)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfElectricQuadrupoleMoment (atomic unit of electric quadrupole moment)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfEnergy (atomic unit of energy)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfForce (atomic unit of force)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfLength (atomic unit of length)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfMagneticDipoleMoment (atomic unit of magnetic dipole moment)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfMagneticFluxDensity (atomic unit of magnetic flux density)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfMagnetizability (atomic unit of magnetizability)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfMass (atomic unit of mass)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfMomentum (atomic unit of momentum)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfPermittivity (atomic unit of permittivity)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfTime (atomic unit of time)
- constant:AtomicUnitOfVelocity (atomic unit of velocity)
- constant:AvogadroConstant (Avogadro constant)
- constant:BohrMagneton (Bohr Magneton)
- constant:BohrMagnetonInEVPerT (Bohr magneton in eV per T)
- constant:BohrMagnetonInHzPerT (Bohr magneton in Hz perT)
- constant:BohrMagnetonInInverseMetersPerTesla (Bohr magneton in inverse meters per tesla)
- constant:BohrMagnetonInKPerT (Bohr magneton in K per T)
- constant:BohrRadius (Bohr Radius)
- constant:BoltzmannConstant (Boltzmann Constant)
- constant:BoltzmannConstantInEVPerK (Boltzmann constant in eV per K)
- constant:BoltzmannConstantInHzPerK (Boltzmann constant in Hz per K)
- constant:BoltzmannConstantInInverseMetersPerKelvin (Boltzmann constant in inverse meters per kelvin)
- constant:CharacteristicImpedanceOfVacuum (characteristic impedance of vacuum)
- constant:ClassicalElectronRadius (classical electron radius)
- constant:ComptonWavelength (Compton Wavelength)
- constant:ComptonWavelengthOver2Pi (Compton wavelength over 2 pi)
- constant:ConductanceQuantum (conductance quantum)
- constant:ConventionalValueOfJosephsonConstant (conventional value of Josephson constant)
- constant:ConventionalValueOfVonKlitzingConstant (conventional value of von Klitzing constant)
- constant:CuXUnit (Cu x unit)
- constant:DeuteronElectronMagneticMomentRatio (deuteron-electron magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:DeuteronElectronMassRatio (deuteron-electron mass ratio)
- constant:DeuteronGFactor (deuteron g factor)
- constant:DeuteronMagneticMoment (deuteron magnetic moment)
- constant:DeuteronMagneticMomentToBohrMagnetonRatio (deuteron magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio)
- constant:DeuteronMagneticMomentToNuclearMagnetonRatio (deuteron magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio)
- constant:DeuteronMass (deuteron mass)
- constant:DeuteronMassEnergyEquivalent (deuteron mass energy equivalent)
- constant:DeuteronMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV (deuteron mass energy equivalent in MeV)
- constant:DeuteronMassInAtomicMassUnit (deuteron mass in atomic mass unit)
- constant:DeuteronMolarMass (deuteron molar mass)
- constant:DeuteronNeutronMagneticMomentRatio (deuteron-neutron magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:DeuteronProtonMagneticMomentRatio (deuteron-proton magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:DeuteronProtonMassRatio (deuteron-proton mass ratio)
- constant:DeuteronRmsChargeRadius (deuteron rms charge radius)
- constant:ElectricConstant (electric constant)
- constant:ElectromagneticPermeabilityOfVacuum (Permeability of Vacuum)
- constant:ElectronChargeToMassQuotient (electron charge to mass quotient)
- constant:ElectronDeuteronMagneticMomentRatio (electron-deuteron magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:ElectronDeuteronMassRatio (electron-deuteron mass ratio)
- constant:ElectronGFactor (electron g factor)
- constant:ElectronGyromagneticRatio (Electron Gyromagnetic Ratio)
- constant:ElectronGyromagneticRatioOver2Pi (electron gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi)
- constant:ElectronMagneticMoment (electron magnetic moment)
- constant:ElectronMagneticMomentAnomaly (electron magnetic moment anomaly)
- constant:ElectronMagneticMomentToBohrMagnetonRatio (electron magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio)
- constant:ElectronMagneticMomentToNuclearMagnetonRatio (electron magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio)
- constant:ElectronMass (Electron Mass)
- constant:ElectronMassEnergyEquivalent (electron mass energy equivalent)
- constant:ElectronMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV (electron mass energy equivalent in MeV)
- constant:ElectronMassInAtomicMassUnit (electron mass in atomic mass unit)
- constant:ElectronMolarMass (electron molar mass)
- constant:ElectronMuonMagneticMomentRatio (electron-muon magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:ElectronMuonMassRatio (electron-muon mass ratio)
- constant:ElectronNeutronMagneticMomentRatio (electron-neutron magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:ElectronNeutronMassRatio (electron-neutron mass ratio)
- constant:ElectronProtonMagneticMomentRatio (electron-proton magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:ElectronProtonMassRatio (electron-proton mass ratio)
- constant:ElectronTauMassRatio (electron-tau mass ratio)
- constant:ElectronToAlphaParticleMassRatio (electron to alpha particle mass ratio)
- constant:ElectronToShieldedHelionMagneticMomentRatio (electron to shielded helion magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:ElectronToShieldedProtonMagneticMomentRatio (electron to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:ElectronVoltAtomicMassUnitRelationship (electron volt-atomic mass unit relationship)
- constant:ElectronVoltHartreeRelationship (electron volt-hartree relationship)
- constant:ElectronVoltHertzRelationship (electron volt-hertz relationship)
- constant:ElectronVoltInverseMeterRelationship (electron volt-inverse meter relationship)
- constant:ElectronVoltJouleRelationship (electron volt-joule relationship)
- constant:ElectronVoltKelvinRelationship (electron volt-kelvin relationship)
- constant:ElectronVoltKilogramRelationship (electron volt-kilogram relationship)
- constant:ElementaryCharge (Elementary Charge)
- constant:ElementaryChargeOverH (elementary charge over h)
- constant:FaradayConstant (Faraday constant)
- constant:FermiCouplingConstant (Fermi coupling constant)
- constant:FineStructureConstant (Fine-Structure Constant)
- constant:FirstRadiationConstant (first radiation constant)
- constant:FirstRadiationConstantForSpectralRadiance (first radiation constant for spectral radiance)
- constant:GravitationalConstant (Gravitational constant)
- constant:HartreeAtomicMassUnitRelationship (hartree-atomic mass unit relationship)
- constant:HartreeElectronVoltRelationship (hartree-electron volt relationship)
- constant:HartreeEnergy (Hartree Energy)
- constant:HartreeEnergyInEV (Hartree energy in eV)
- constant:HartreeHertzRelationship (hartree-hertz relationship)
- constant:HartreeInverseMeterRelationship (hartree-inverse meter relationship)
- constant:HartreeJouleRelationship (hartree-joule relationship)
- constant:HartreeKelvinRelationship (hartree-kelvin relationship)
- constant:HartreeKilogramRelationship (hartree-kilogram relationship)
- constant:HelionElectronMassRatio (helion-electron mass ratio)
- constant:HelionMass (helion mass)
- constant:HelionMassEnergyEquivalent (helion mass energy equivalent)
- constant:HelionMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV (helion mass energy equivalent in MeV)
- constant:HelionMassInAtomicMassUnit (helion mass in atomic mass unit)
- constant:HelionMolarMass (helion molar mass)
- constant:HelionProtonMassRatio (helion-proton mass ratio)
- constant:HertzAtomicMassUnitRelationship (hertz-atomic mass unit relationship)
- constant:HertzElectronVoltRelationship (hertz-electron volt relationship)
- constant:HertzHartreeRelationship (hertz-hartree relationship)
- constant:HertzInverseMeterRelationship (hertz-inverse meter relationship)
- constant:HertzJouleRelationship (hertz-joule relationship)
- constant:HertzKelvinRelationship (hertz-kelvin relationship)
- constant:HertzKilogramRelationship (hertz-kilogram relationship)
- constant:InverseFineStructureConstant (inverse fine-structure constant)
- constant:InverseMeterAtomicMassUnitRelationship (inverse meter-atomic mass unit relationship)
- constant:InverseMeterElectronVoltRelationship (inverse meter-electron volt relationship)
- constant:InverseMeterHartreeRelationship (inverse meter-hartree relationship)
- constant:InverseMeterHertzRelationship (inverse meter-hertz relationship)
- constant:InverseMeterJouleRelationship (inverse meter-joule relationship)
- constant:InverseMeterKelvinRelationship (inverse meter-kelvin relationship)
- constant:InverseMeterKilogramRelationship (inverse meter-kilogram relationship)
- constant:InverseOfConductanceQuantum (inverse of conductance quantum)
- constant:JosephsonConstant (Josephson Constant)
- constant:JouleAtomicMassUnitRelationship (joule-atomic mass unit relationship)
- constant:JouleElectronVoltRelationship (joule-electron volt relationship)
- constant:JouleHartreeRelationship (joule-hartree relationship)
- constant:JouleHertzRelationship (joule-hertz relationship)
- constant:JouleInverseMeterRelationship (joule-inverse meter relationship)
- constant:JouleKelvinRelationship (joule-kelvin relationship)
- constant:JouleKilogramRelationship (joule-kilogram relationship)
- constant:KelvinAtomicMassUnitRelationship (kelvin-atomic mass unit relationship)
- constant:KelvinElectronVoltRelationship (kelvin-electron volt relationship)
- constant:KelvinHartreeRelationship (kelvin-hartree relationship)
- constant:KelvinHertzRelationship (kelvin-hertz relationship)
- constant:KelvinInverseMeterRelationship (kelvin-inverse meter relationship)
- constant:KelvinJouleRelationship (kelvin-joule relationship)
- constant:KelvinKilogramRelationship (kelvin-kilogram relationship)
- constant:KilogramAtomicMassUnitRelationship (kilogram-atomic mass unit relationship)
- constant:KilogramElectronVoltRelationship (kilogram-electron volt relationship)
- constant:KilogramHartreeRelationship (kilogram-hartree relationship)
- constant:KilogramHertzRelationship (kilogram-hertz relationship)
- constant:KilogramInverseMeterRelationship (kilogram-inverse meter relationship)
- constant:KilogramJouleRelationship (Kilogram-Joule Relationship)
- constant:KilogramKelvinRelationship (kilogram-kelvin relationship)
- constant:LatticeParameterOfSilicon (lattice parameter of silicon)
- constant:LatticeSpacingOfSilicon (lattice spacing of silicon)
- constant:LoschmidtConstant273.15K101.325KPa (Loschmidt constant 273.15 K 101.325 kPa)
- constant:MagneticConstant (Magnetic Constant)
- constant:MagneticFluxQuantum (magnetic flux quantum)
- constant:MoXUnit (Mo x unit)
- constant:MolarGasConstant (molar gas constant)
- constant:MolarMassConstant (molar mass constant)
- constant:MolarMassOfCarbon12 (molar mass of carbon-12)
- constant:MolarPlanckConstant (molar Planck constant)
- constant:MolarPlanckConstantTimesC (molar Planck constant times c)
- constant:MolarVolumeOfIdealGas273.15K100KPa (molar volume of ideal gas 273.15 K 100 kPa)
- constant:MolarVolumeOfIdealGas273.15K101.325KPa (molar volume of ideal gas 273.15 K 101.325 kPa)
- constant:MolarVolumeOfSilicon (molar volume of silicon)
- constant:MuonComptonWavelength (muon Compton wavelength)
- constant:MuonComptonWavelengthOver2Pi (muon Compton wavelength over 2 pi)
- constant:MuonElectronMassRatio (muon-electron mass ratio)
- constant:MuonGFactor (muon g factor)
- constant:MuonMagneticMoment (muon magnetic moment)
- constant:MuonMagneticMomentAnomaly (muon magnetic moment anomaly)
- constant:MuonMagneticMomentToBohrMagnetonRatio (muon magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio)
- constant:MuonMagneticMomentToNuclearMagnetonRatio (muon magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio)
- constant:MuonMass (muon mass)
- constant:MuonMassEnergyEquivalent (muon mass energy equivalent)
- constant:MuonMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV (muon mass energy equivalent in MeV)
- constant:MuonMassInAtomicMassUnit (muon mass in atomic mass unit)
- constant:MuonMolarMass (muon molar mass)
- constant:MuonNeutronMassRatio (muon-neutron mass ratio)
- constant:MuonProtonMagneticMomentRatio (muon-proton magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:MuonProtonMassRatio (muon-proton mass ratio)
- constant:MuonTauMassRatio (muon-tau mass ratio)
- constant:NaturalUnitOfAction (natural unit of action)
- constant:NaturalUnitOfActionInEVS (natural unit of action in eV s)
- constant:NaturalUnitOfEnergy (natural unit of energy)
- constant:NaturalUnitOfEnergyInMeV (natural unit of energy in MeV)
- constant:NaturalUnitOfLength (natural unit of length)
- constant:NaturalUnitOfMass (natural unit of mass)
- constant:NaturalUnitOfMomentum (natural unit of momentum)
- constant:NaturalUnitOfMomentumInMeV-PER-c (natural unit of momentum in MeV PER c)
- constant:NaturalUnitOfTime (natural unit of time)
- constant:NaturalUnitOfVelocity (natural unit of velocity)
- constant:NeutronComptonWavelength (neutron Compton wavelength)
- constant:NeutronComptonWavelengthOver2Pi (neutron Compton wavelength over 2 pi)
- constant:NeutronElectronMagneticMomentRatio (neutron-electron magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:NeutronElectronMassRatio (neutron-electron mass ratio)
- constant:NeutronGFactor (neutron g factor)
- constant:NeutronGyromagneticRatio (neutron gyromagnetic ratio)
- constant:NeutronGyromagneticRatioOver2Pi (neutron gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi)
- constant:NeutronMagneticMoment (neutron magnetic moment)
- constant:NeutronMagneticMomentToBohrMagnetonRatio (neutron magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio)
- constant:NeutronMagneticMomentToNuclearMagnetonRatio (neutron magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio)
- constant:NeutronMass (neutron mass)
- constant:NeutronMassEnergyEquivalent (neutron mass energy equivalent)
- constant:NeutronMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV (neutron mass energy equivalent in MeV)
- constant:NeutronMassInAtomicMassUnit (neutron mass in atomic mass unit)
- constant:NeutronMolarMass (neutron molar mass)
- constant:NeutronMuonMassRatio (neutron-muon mass ratio)
- constant:NeutronProtonMagneticMomentRatio (neutron-proton magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:NeutronProtonMassRatio (neutron-proton mass ratio)
- constant:NeutronTauMassRatio (neutron-tau mass ratio)
- constant:NeutronToShieldedProtonMagneticMomentRatio (neutron to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:NewtonianConstantOfGravitation (Newtonian constant of gravitation)
- constant:NuclearMagneton (Nuclear Magneton)
- constant:NuclearMagnetonInEVPerT (nuclear magneton in eV per T)
- constant:NuclearMagnetonInInverseMetersPerTesla (nuclear magneton in inverse meters per tesla)
- constant:NuclearMagnetonInKPerT (nuclear magneton in K per T)
- constant:NuclearMagnetonInMHzPerT (nuclear magneton in MHz per T)
- constant:PermittivityOfVacuum (Permittivity of Vacuum)
- constant:PlanckConstant (Planck Constant)
- constant:PlanckConstantInEVS (Planck constant in eV s)
- constant:PlanckConstantOver2Pi (Planck constant over 2 pi)
- constant:PlanckConstantOver2PiInEVS (Planck constant over 2 pi in eV s)
- constant:PlanckConstantOver2PiTimesCInMeVFm (Planck constant over 2 pi times c in MeV fm)
- constant:PlanckLength (Planck length)
- constant:PlanckMass (Planck mass)
- constant:PlanckMassEnergyEquivalentInGeV (Planck mass energy equivalent in GeV)
- constant:PlanckTemperature (Planck temperature)
- constant:PlanckTime (Planck time)
- constant:ProtonChargeToMassQuotient (proton charge to mass quotient)
- constant:ProtonComptonWavelength (proton Compton wavelength)
- constant:ProtonComptonWavelengthOver2Pi (proton Compton wavelength over 2 pi)
- constant:ProtonElectronMassRatio (proton-electron mass ratio)
- constant:ProtonGFactor (proton g factor)
- constant:ProtonGyromagneticRatio (proton gyromagnetic ratio)
- constant:ProtonGyromagneticRatioOver2Pi (proton gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi)
- constant:ProtonMagneticMoment (proton magnetic moment)
- constant:ProtonMagneticMomentToBohrMagnetonRatio (proton magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio)
- constant:ProtonMagneticMomentToNuclearMagnetonRatio (proton magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio)
- constant:ProtonMagneticShieldingCorrection (proton mag. shielding correction)
- constant:ProtonMass (proton mass)
- constant:ProtonMassEnergyEquivalent (proton mass energy equivalent)
- constant:ProtonMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV (proton mass energy equivalent in MeV)
- constant:ProtonMassInAtomicMassUnit (proton mass in atomic mass unit)
- constant:ProtonMolarMass (proton molar mass)
- constant:ProtonMuonMassRatio (proton-muon mass ratio)
- constant:ProtonNeutronMagneticMomentRatio (proton-neutron magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:ProtonNeutronMassRatio (proton-neutron mass ratio)
- constant:ProtonRmsChargeRadius (proton rms charge radius)
- constant:ProtonTauMassRatio (proton-tau mass ratio)
- constant:QuantumOfCirculation (quantum of circulation)
- constant:QuantumOfCirculationTimes2 (quantum of circulation times 2)
- constant:ReducedPlanckConstant (Reduced Planck Constant)
- constant:RydbergConstant (Rydberg constant)
- constant:RydbergConstantTimesCInHz (Rydberg constant times c in Hz)
- constant:RydbergConstantTimesHcInEV (Rydberg constant times hc in eV)
- constant:RydbergConstantTimesHcInJ (Rydberg constant times hc in J)
- constant:SackurTetrodeConstant1K100KPa (Sackur-Tetrode constant 1 K 100 kPa)
- constant:SackurTetrodeConstant1K101.325KPa (Sackur-Tetrode constant 1 K 101.325 kPa)
- constant:SecondRadiationConstant (second radiation constant)
- constant:ShieldedHelionGyromagneticRatio (shielded helion gyromagnetic ratio)
- constant:ShieldedHelionGyromagneticRatioOver2Pi (shielded helion gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi)
- constant:ShieldedHelionMagneticMoment (shielded helion magnetic moment)
- constant:ShieldedHelionMagneticMomentToBohrMagnetonRatio (shielded helion magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio)
- constant:ShieldedHelionMagneticMomentToNuclearMagnetonRatio (shielded helion magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio)
- constant:ShieldedHelionToProtonMagneticMomentRatio (shielded helion to proton magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:ShieldedHelionToShieldedProtonMagneticMomentRatio (shielded helion to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:ShieldedProtonGyromagneticRatio (shielded proton gyromagnetic ratio)
- constant:ShieldedProtonGyromagneticRatioOver2Pi (shielded proton gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi)
- constant:ShieldedProtonMagneticMoment (shielded proton magnetic moment)
- constant:ShieldedProtonMagneticMomentToBohrMagnetonRatio (shielded proton magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio)
- constant:ShieldedProtonMagneticMomentToNuclearMagnetonRatio (shielded proton magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio)
- constant:SpeedOfLight_Vacuum (Speed of Light (vacuum))
- constant:StandardAccelerationOfGravity (standard acceleration of gravity)
- constant:StandardAtmosphere (standard atmosphere)
- constant:StefanBoltzmannConstant (Stefan-Boltzmann Constant)
- constant:TauComptonWavelength (tau Compton wavelength)
- constant:TauComptonWavelengthOver2Pi (tau Compton wavelength over 2 pi)
- constant:TauElectronMassRatio (tau-electron mass ratio)
- constant:TauMass (tau mass)
- constant:TauMassEnergyEquivalent (tau mass energy equivalent)
- constant:TauMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV (tau mass energy equivalent in MeV)
- constant:TauMassInAtomicMassUnit (tau mass in atomic mass unit)
- constant:TauMolarMass (tau molar mass)
- constant:TauMuonMassRatio (tau-muon mass ratio)
- constant:TauNeutronMassRatio (tau-neutron mass ratio)
- constant:TauProtonMassRatio (tau-proton mass ratio)
- constant:ThomsonCrossSection (Thomson cross section)
- constant:TritonElectronMagneticMomentRatio (triton-electron magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:TritonElectronMassRatio (triton-electron mass ratio)
- constant:TritonGFactor (triton g factor)
- constant:TritonMagneticMoment (triton magnetic moment)
- constant:TritonMagneticMomentToBohrMagnetonRatio (triton magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio)
- constant:TritonMagneticMomentToNuclearMagnetonRatio (triton magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio)
- constant:TritonMass (triton mass)
- constant:TritonMassEnergyEquivalent (triton mass energy equivalent)
- constant:TritonMassEnergyEquivalentInMeV (triton mass energy equivalent in MeV)
- constant:TritonMassInAtomicMassUnit (triton mass in atomic mass unit)
- constant:TritonMolarMass (triton molar mass)
- constant:TritonNeutronMagneticMomentRatio (triton-neutron magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:TritonProtonMagneticMomentRatio (triton-proton magnetic moment ratio)
- constant:TritonProtonMassRatio (triton-proton mass ratio)
- constant:UnifiedAtomicMassUnit (unified atomic mass unit)
- constant:UniversalGasConstant (Universal Gas Constant)
- constant:VonKlitzingConstant (Von Klitzing constant)
- constant:WeakMixingAngle (Weak mixing angle)
- constant:WienFrequencyDisplacementLawConstant (Wien frequency displacement law constant)
- constant:WienWavelengthDisplacementLawConstant (Wien wavelength displacement law constant)