RDF Prefix
DASH Data Shapes Vocabulary
DASH is a SHACL library for frequently needed features and design patterns. The constraint components in this library are 100% standards compliant and will work on any engine that fully supports SHACL.
The http://datashapes.org/dash#
namespace defines:
- dash:Action (Action)
- dash:ActionGroup (Action group)
- dash:ActionTestCase (Action test case)
- dash:ChangeScript (Change script)
- dash:CommitScript (Commit script)
- dash:Constructor (Constructor)
- dash:Editor (Editor)
- dash:ExploreAction (Explore action)
- dash:FunctionTestCase (Function test case)
- dash:GraphService (Graph service)
- dash:GraphStoreTestCase (Graph store test case)
- dash:GraphValidationTestCase (Graph validation test case)
- dash:IncludedScript (Included script)
- dash:InferencingTestCase (Inferencing test case)
- dash:ModifyAction (Modify action)
- dash:MultiEditor (Multi editor)
- dash:MultiViewer (Multi viewer)
- dash:QueryTestCase (Query test case)
- dash:ResourceAction (Resource action)
- dash:ResourceService (Resource service)
- dash:Script (Script)
- dash:ScriptConstraint (Script constraint)
- dash:ScriptSuggestionGenerator (Script suggestion generator)
- dash:ScriptTestCase (Script test case)
- dash:ScriptValidator (Script validator)
- dash:Service (Service)
- dash:ShapeClass (Shape class)
- dash:SingleEditor (Single editor)
- dash:SingleViewer (Single viewer)
- dash:TestCase (Test case)
- dash:ValidationTestCase (Validation test case)
- dash:Viewer (Viewer)
- dash:Widget (Widget)
- dash:AutoCompleteEditor (Auto-complete editor)
- dash:BooleanSelectEditor (Boolean select editor)
- dash:DatePickerEditor (Date picker editor)
- dash:DateTimePickerEditor (Date time picker editor)
- dash:DetailsEditor (Details editor)
- dash:EnumSelectEditor (Enum select editor)
- dash:InstancesSelectEditor (Instances select editor)
- dash:NoSuitableEditor (No suitable editor)
- dash:PropertyAutoCompleteEditor (Property auto-complete editor)
- dash:RichTextEditor (Rich text editor)
- dash:SubClassEditor (Sub-Class editor)
- dash:TextAreaEditor (Text area editor)
- dash:TextAreaWithLangEditor (Text area with lang editor)
- dash:TextFieldEditor (Text field editor)
- dash:TextFieldWithLangEditor (Text field with lang editor)
- dash:URIEditor (URI editor)
- dash:BlankNodeViewer (Blank node viewer)
- dash:DetailsViewer (Details viewer)
- dash:HTMLViewer (HTML viewer)
- dash:HyperlinkViewer (Hyperlink viewer)
- dash:ImageViewer (Image viewer)
- dash:JSONTableViewer (JSON table viewer)
- dash:LabelViewer (Label viewer)
- dash:LangStringViewer (LangString viewer)
- dash:LiteralViewer (Literal viewer)
- dash:NodeExpressionViewer (Node expression viewer)
- dash:PropertyLabelViewer (Property label viewer)
- dash:URIViewer (URI viewer)
- dash:UntrustedHTMLViewer (Untrusted HTML viewer)
- dash:abstract (abstract)
- dash:actionGroup (action group)
- dash:actionIconClass (action icon class)
- dash:addedTriple (added triple)
- dash:apiStatus (API status)
- dash:applicableToClass (applicable to class)
- dash:cachable (cachable)
- dash:closedByTypes (closed by types)
- dash:coExistsWith (co-exists with)
- dash:composite (composite)
- dash:contextFree (context-free)
- dash:defaultLang (default language)
- dash:defaultViewForRole (default view for role)
- dash:deletedTriple (deleted triple)
- dash:dependencyPredicate (dependency predicate)
- dash:detailsEndpoint (details endpoint)
- dash:detailsGraph (details graph)
- dash:editor (editor)
- dash:expectedResult (expected result)
- dash:expectedResultIsJSON (expected result is JSON)
- dash:expectedResultIsTTL (expected result is Turtle)
- dash:fixed (fixed)
- dash:hasValueIn (has value in)
- dash:hasValueWithClass (has value with class)
- dash:height (height)
- dash:hidden (hidden)
- dash:index (index)
- dash:indexed
- dash:js (JavaScript source code)
- dash:localConstraint (local constraint)
- dash:mimeTypes (mime types)
- dash:neverMaterialize (never materialize)
- dash:onAllValues (on all values)
- dash:propertySuggestionGenerator (property suggestion generator)
- dash:readOnly (read only)
- dash:reifiableBy (reifiable by)
- dash:resourceAction (resource action)
- dash:rootClass (root class)
- dash:shape (shape)
- dash:shapeScript (shape script)
- dash:singleLine (single line)
- dash:staticConstraint (static constraint)
- dash:stem (stem)
- dash:subSetOf (sub set of)
- dash:suggestion (suggestion)
- dash:suggestionConfidence (suggestion confidence)
- dash:suggestionGenerator (suggestion generator)
- dash:suggestionGroup (suggestion)
- dash:symmetric (symmetric)
- dash:uniqueValueForClass (unique value for class)
- dash:validateShapes (validate shapes)
- dash:viewer (viewer)
- dash:width (width)
- dash:x (x)
- dash:y (y)
- dash:APIStatus (API Status)
- dash:FailureResult (Failure result)
- dash:FailureTestCaseResult (Failure test case result)
- dash:GraphUpdate (Graph update)
- dash:MultiFunction (Multi-function)
- dash:PropertyRole (Property role)
- dash:SPARQLConstructTemplate (SPARQL CONSTRUCT template)
- dash:SPARQLMultiFunction (SPARQL multi-function)
- dash:SPARQLSelectTemplate (SPARQL SELECT template)
- dash:SPARQLUpdateSuggestionGenerator (SPARQL UPDATE suggestion generator)
- dash:ScriptFunction (Script function)
- dash:ShapeScript (Shape script)
- dash:SuccessResult (Success result)
- dash:SuccessTestCaseResult (Success test case result)
- dash:Suggestion (Suggestion)
- dash:SuggestionGenerator (Suggestion generator)
- dash:SuggestionResult (Suggestion result)
- dash:TestCaseResult (Test case result)
- dash:TestEnvironment (Test environment)
- dash:ClosedByTypesConstraintComponent (Closed by types constraint component)
- dash:CoExistsWithConstraintComponent (Co-exists-with constraint component)
- dash:HasValueInConstraintComponent (Has value in constraint component)
- dash:HasValueWithClassConstraintComponent (Has value with class constraint component)
- dash:IndexedConstraintComponent (Indexed constraint component)
- dash:NonRecursiveConstraintComponent (Non-recursive constraint component)
- dash:ParameterConstraintComponent (Parameter constraint component)
- dash:PrimaryKeyConstraintComponent (Primary key constraint component)
- dash:ReifiableByConstraintComponent (Reifiable-by constraint component)
- dash:RootClassConstraintComponent (Root class constraint component)
- dash:ScriptConstraintComponent (Script constraint component)
- dash:SingleLineConstraintComponent (Single line constraint component)
- dash:StemConstraintComponent (Stem constraint component)
- dash:SubSetOfConstraintComponent (Sub set of constraint component)
- dash:SymmetricConstraintComponent (Symmetric constraint component)
- dash:UniqueValueForClassConstraintComponent (Unique value for class constraint component)
- dash:APIStatus (API Status)
- dash:ConstraintReificationShape (Constraint reification shape)
- dash:ListNodeShape (List node shape)
- dash:ListShape (List shape)
- dash:MultiFunction (Multi-function)
- dash:None (None)
- dash:PropertyRole (Property role)
- dash:SPARQLMultiFunction (SPARQL multi-function)
- dash:ScriptAPIShape (Script API)
- dash:ScriptFunction (Script function)
- dash:ClosedByTypesConstraintComponent-closedByTypes
- dash:CoExistsWithConstraintComponent-coExistsWith
- dash:HasValueInConstraintComponent-hasValueIn
- dash:HasValueWithClassConstraintComponent-hasValueWithClass
- dash:IndexedConstraintComponent-indexed
- dash:NonRecursiveConstraintComponent-nonRecursive
- dash:ParameterConstraintComponent-parameter
- dash:PrimaryKeyConstraintComponent-uriStart
- dash:ReifiableByConstraintComponent-reifiableBy
- dash:RootClassConstraintComponent-rootClass
- dash:ScriptConstraintComponent-scriptConstraint
- dash:SingleLineConstraintComponent-singleLine
- dash:StemConstraintComponent-stem
- dash:SubSetOfConstraintComponent-subSetOf
- dash:SymmetricConstraintComponent-symmetric
- dash:UniqueValueForClassConstraintComponent-uniqueValueForClass
- dash:isSubClassOf-subclass
- dash:isSubClassOf-superclass
- dash:hasClass (has class)
- dash:hasMaxExclusive (has max exclusive)
- dash:hasMaxInclusive (has max inclusive)
- dash:hasMaxLength (has max length)
- dash:hasMinExclusive (has min exclusive)
- dash:hasMinInclusive (has min inclusive)
- dash:hasMinLength (has min length)
- dash:hasNodeKind (has node kind)
- dash:hasPattern (has pattern)
- dash:hasRootClass (has root class)
- dash:hasStem (has stem)
- dash:isIn (is in)
- dash:isLanguageIn (is language in)