dash: RDF Prefix

DASH Data Shapes Vocabulary

DASH is a SHACL library for frequently needed features and design patterns. The constraint components in this library are 100% standards compliant and will work on any engine that fully supports SHACL.

The http://datashapes.org/dash# namespace defines:

3 dash:APIStatus
1 dash:AllObjectsTarget
1 dash:AllSubjectsTarget
2 dash:MultiViewer
6 dash:PropertyRole
33 dash:ShapeClass
16 dash:SingleEditor
13 dash:SingleViewer
4 rdf:List
55 rdf:Property
19 rdfs:Class
1 rdfs:Resource
16 sh:ConstraintComponent
10 sh:NodeShape
18 sh:Parameter
1 sh:PropertyGroup
5 sh:PropertyShape
13 sh:SPARQLAskValidator
8 sh:SPARQLFunction
3 sh:SPARQLTargetType

55 rdf:Property

0 other term