RDF Prefix
EBUCore - the Dublin Core for media
Guidelines: for the purpose of flexibility and interoperability with a wider range of implementations, some properties purposefully do not have a range and accept either a resource or a literal. When a resource is used, it is recommended to reuse objects defined in the model (e.g. pair hasEvent/Event or hasRole/Role). Example 1: x hasRole 'actor'. Example 2: x hasRole _:Role_1 (a reference to the Concept identifier from a SKOS Role vocabulary defined in the ontology).
The http://www.ebu.ch/metadata/ontologies/ebucore/ebucore#
namespace defines:
751 | rdf:Property |
225 | rdfs:Class |
- ebucore:DID (DID)
- ebucore:SDID (SDID)
- ebucore:abrigedTitle (Abridged title)
- ebucore:abstract (Abstract)
- ebucore:actionDescription (Action description)
- ebucore:actionId (Action identifier)
- ebucore:actionName (Action name)
- ebucore:actionTimestamp (Action timestamp)
- ebucore:actionTimestampEditUnits (Action edit unit number)
- ebucore:actionTimestampNormalPlayTime (Action normal play time)
- ebucore:actionTimestampTimecode (Action timecode)
- ebucore:actionTimestampTimecodeDropFrame (Action timecode (dropframe))
- ebucore:actionType (Action type)
- ebucore:activityEndDate (Activity end date)
- ebucore:activityStartDate (Activity start date)
- ebucore:adultContent (Adult content flag)
- ebucore:affiliationEndDate (Affiliation end date)
- ebucore:affiliationStartDate (Affiliation start date)
- ebucore:age (Age)
- ebucore:agentDbpedia (DBPedia)
- ebucore:agentDescription (Description)
- ebucore:agentEmailAddress (email)
- ebucore:agentFacebook (Facebook)
- ebucore:agentFee (Agent fee)
- ebucore:agentFlickr (Flickr)
- ebucore:agentId (Agent identifier)
- ebucore:agentImdb (Wikidata)
- ebucore:agentInstagram (Instagram)
- ebucore:agentLinkedData (Agent linked data)
- ebucore:agentLinkedIn (LinkedIn)
- ebucore:agentMobileTelephoneNumber (Mobile)
- ebucore:agentName (Name)
- ebucore:agentNickname (Nickname)
- ebucore:agentPreviousName (Previous name)
- ebucore:agentRelatedInformationLink (Related information link)
- ebucore:agentRelatedLink (Related link)
- ebucore:agentRelatedPressLink (Related press link)
- ebucore:agentSocialMedia (Socail media)
- ebucore:agentTelephoneNumber (Telephone)
- ebucore:agentTwitter (Twitter)
- ebucore:agentType (Agent type)
- ebucore:agentWebHomepage (Homepage)
- ebucore:agentWikidata (Wikidata)
- ebucore:agentWikipedia (Wikipedia)
- ebucore:alternativeTitle (Alternative title.)
- ebucore:animalBirthYear (Animal birth year)
- ebucore:animalCharacterName (Animal character name)
- ebucore:animalCode (Animal code)
- ebucore:animalDescription (Animal description)
- ebucore:animalGender (Animal gender)
- ebucore:animalId (Animal Id)
- ebucore:animalName (Animal name)
- ebucore:animalPassport (Animal passport)
- ebucore:annotationConfidence (Annotation confidence)
- ebucore:annotationCurationDateTime (Annotation curation date & time)
- ebucore:annotationDescription (Annotation description)
- ebucore:annotationId (Annotation Id)
- ebucore:annotationName (Annotation name)
- ebucore:annotationSaliency (Annotation saliency)
- ebucore:annotationType (Annotation type)
- ebucore:appliesOutOf (Exclusion area)
- ebucore:appliesTo (Media resource)
- ebucore:applyTo (Asset)
- ebucore:approvedBy (Agent)
- ebucore:artefactAvailability (Artefact availability flag)
- ebucore:artefactBoxHeight (Artefact box height.)
- ebucore:artefactBoxTopLeftCornerLineNumber (Artefact box top left corner Y position.)
- ebucore:artefactBoxTopLeftCornerPixelNumber (Artefact box top left corner X position.)
- ebucore:artefactBoxWidth (Artefact box width.)
- ebucore:artefactBrand (Artefact brand)
- ebucore:artefactColour (Artefact colour(s))
- ebucore:artefactComment (Artefact comment)
- ebucore:artefactDateOfPurchase (Artefact date of purchase)
- ebucore:artefactDateOfSell (Artefact date of sell)
- ebucore:artefactDescription (Artefact description)
- ebucore:artefactId (Artefact Identifier)
- ebucore:artefactModel (Artefact model)
- ebucore:artefactName (Artefact name)
- ebucore:artefactPeriod (Artefact period)
- ebucore:artefactPriceAmount (Artefact price)
- ebucore:artefactReference (Artefact reference)
- ebucore:artefactStyle (Artefact style)
- ebucore:artefactType (Artefact type)
- ebucore:artefactUsageHistory (Artefact usage history)
- ebucore:artefactWebsite (Artefact website)
- ebucore:aspectRatio (Aspect ratio)
- ebucore:assetDescription (Description)
- ebucore:assetId (Asset identifier)
- ebucore:assetName (Name)
- ebucore:assetType (Asset type)
- ebucore:audioBitRate (Audio bitrate)
- ebucore:audioBitRateMax (Audio bitrate)
- ebucore:audioBitRateMode (Audio bitrate mode)
- ebucore:audioChannelNumber (Audio channel number)
- ebucore:audioEncodingLevel (Audio encoding level)
- ebucore:audioEncodingProfile (Audio encoding profile)
- ebucore:audioTrackConfiguration (Audio track configuration)
- ebucore:audioTrackNumber (Audio track number)
- ebucore:awardCeremony (Award ceremony)
- ebucore:awardDate (Award date)
- ebucore:awardDescription (Award description)
- ebucore:awardId (Award identifier)
- ebucore:awardName (Award name)
- ebucore:awardType (Award type)
- ebucore:bitDepth (Bit depth)
- ebucore:bitRate (Bitrate)
- ebucore:bitRateMax (Maximum bitrate)
- ebucore:bitRateMode (Bitrate mode)
- ebucore:bitRateOverall (Overall bitrate)
- ebucore:bookmark (Bookmark)
- ebucore:businessObjectDescription (Description)
- ebucore:businessObjectId (BusinessObject identifier)
- ebucore:businessObjectName (Name)
- ebucore:businessObjectType (Business Object type)
- ebucore:characterDescription (Character description)
- ebucore:characterEndIndex (Annotation character start index)
- ebucore:characterName (Character name.)
- ebucore:characterStartIndex (Annotation text character start index)
- ebucore:clonedTo (Cloned to)
- ebucore:codecFamily (Codec family)
- ebucore:codecId (Codec Identifier)
- ebucore:codecName (Codec name)
- ebucore:codecVersion (Codec version)
- ebucore:comments (Comments)
- ebucore:costumeGender (Costume gender)
- ebucore:costumeSizeInformation (Costume size information)
- ebucore:costumeTexture (Costume texture)
- ebucore:costumeType (Costume type)
- ebucore:date (Date)
- ebucore:dateArchived (Archiving date)
- ebucore:dateBroadcast (Broadcast date)
- ebucore:dateCreated (Creation date/time)
- ebucore:dateDeleted (Deletion date)
- ebucore:dateDigitised (Digitisation date)
- ebucore:dateDistributed (Distribution date)
- ebucore:dateIngested (Ingest date)
- ebucore:dateIssued (Archiving date)
- ebucore:dateMigrated (Migration date)
- ebucore:dateModified (Modification date/time)
- ebucore:dateNormalized (Normalization date)
- ebucore:dateOfBirth (Date of birth)
- ebucore:dateOfDeath (Date of death)
- ebucore:dateOfRetirement (Date of retirement)
- ebucore:dateProduced (production date)
- ebucore:dateReleased (Release date)
- ebucore:dateTransferred (Transfer date)
- ebucore:dateValidated (Validation date)
- ebucore:datelicenseEnd (Licence end date)
- ebucore:datelicensed (Licence start date)
- ebucore:derivedTo (Derivation target)
- ebucore:description (Description)
- ebucore:dimensions (Dimensions)
- ebucore:dishDescription (Dish description)
- ebucore:dishName (Dish name)
- ebucore:displayAspectRatio (Display aspect ratio)
- ebucore:displayOrder (Display order)
- ebucore:dubbedTo (Dubbed to)
- ebucore:duration (Duration)
- ebucore:durationEditUnits (Duration (edit units))
- ebucore:durationNormalPlayTime (Duration (time))
- ebucore:durationPublished (Published Duration)
- ebucore:durationPublishedNormalPlayTime (Published duration (play time))
- ebucore:durationTimecode (Duration (timecode))
- ebucore:durationTimecodeDropFrame (Duration (timecode, drop frame))
- ebucore:editUnit (Edit unit)
- ebucore:editorialObjectDescription (Description)
- ebucore:editorialObjectId (Editorial object identifier)
- ebucore:editorialObjectName (Editorial Object name)
- ebucore:editorialObjectType (Editorial Object type)
- ebucore:education (Education)
- ebucore:emotionDescription (Emotion description)
- ebucore:emotionEditUnit (Emotion edit unit number)
- ebucore:emotionId (Emotion identifier)
- ebucore:emotionName (Emotion name)
- ebucore:emotionNormalPlayTime (Emotion normal play time)
- ebucore:emotionTimecode (Emotion timecode)
- ebucore:emotionTimecodeDropFrame (Emotion timecode (dropframe))
- ebucore:emotionTimestamp (Emotion timestamp)
- ebucore:emotionType (Emotion type)
- ebucore:encodingLevel (Encoding level)
- ebucore:encodingProfile (Encoding profile)
- ebucore:end (End)
- ebucore:endEditUnits (End time (edit units))
- ebucore:endNormalPlayTime (End time (time))
- ebucore:endOffsetEditUnits (Offset end time (edit units))
- ebucore:endOffsetNormalPlayTime (Offset end time (normal play time))
- ebucore:endOffsetTimecode (Offset end timecode)
- ebucore:endOffsetTimecodedropframe (Offset end timecode (dropframe))
- ebucore:endTimecode (End time (timecode))
- ebucore:endTimecodeDropFrame (End time (timecode dropframe))
- ebucore:episodeNumber (Episode number)
- ebucore:episodeNumberInSeason (Episode number in season)
- ebucore:episodeNumberInSeries (Episode number in series)
- ebucore:eventDescription (Event description)
- ebucore:eventDuration (Duration)
- ebucore:eventEndDate (Event end date)
- ebucore:eventEndDateTime (Event end date & time)
- ebucore:eventEndTime (Event end time)
- ebucore:eventId (Event identifier)
- ebucore:eventName (Event name)
- ebucore:eventPeriod (Event period)
- ebucore:eventStartDate (Event start date)
- ebucore:eventStartDateTime (Event start date & time)
- ebucore:eventStartTime (Event start time)
- ebucore:eventType (Event type)
- ebucore:familyInformation (Family information)
- ebucore:familyName (Family name)
- ebucore:fileSize (File size)
- ebucore:firstShowing (First showing flag)
- ebucore:firstShowingThisService (First showing on service flag)
- ebucore:folksonomy (Folksonomy)
- ebucore:followsInSequence (Preceding)
- ebucore:foodCategory (Food category)
- ebucore:foodIngredient (Food ingredient)
- ebucore:formatId (Format version identifier)
- ebucore:formatVersionId (Format version identifier)
- ebucore:frameHeight (Frame height)
- ebucore:frameHeightUnit (Frame height unit)
- ebucore:frameRate (Frame rate)
- ebucore:frameSizeUnit (Frame size unit)
- ebucore:frameWidth (Frame width)
- ebucore:frameWidthUnit (Frame width unit)
- ebucore:free (Free access)
- ebucore:gender (Gender)
- ebucore:geoBlocking (Geographical blocking)
- ebucore:givenName (Given name)
- ebucore:groupDescription (Group description)
- ebucore:groupId (Group identifier)
- ebucore:groupName (Group name)
- ebucore:groupType (Group identifier)
- ebucore:hasAccessConditions (Access conditions)
- ebucore:hasActionRelatedAgent (Action related agent)
- ebucore:hasActionRelatedScene (Action related scene)
- ebucore:hasAffiliation (Affiliation)
- ebucore:hasAgentBiography (Biography)
- ebucore:hasAgentCountryOfResidence (Country of residence)
- ebucore:hasAgentLanguage (Language)
- ebucore:hasAgentMember (Agent member)
- ebucore:hasAgentNationality (Nationality)
- ebucore:hasAgentPlaceOfResidence (Place of residence)
- ebucore:hasAgentRelatedPicture (Related picture)
- ebucore:hasAncillaryData (Ancillary data)
- ebucore:hasAncillaryDataFormat (Ancillary data format)
- ebucore:hasAnimalBreedCode (Animal breed code)
- ebucore:hasAnimalColourCode (Animal colour code)
- ebucore:hasAnimalRole (Animal role)
- ebucore:hasAnnotationBody (Annotation body)
- ebucore:hasAnnotationPurpose (Annotation confidence)
- ebucore:hasAnnotationRelatedAgent (Annotation related agent)
- ebucore:hasAnnotationRelatedArtefact (Annotation related artefact)
- ebucore:hasAnnotationRelatedEvent (Annotation related event)
- ebucore:hasAnnotationRelatedLocation (Annotation related location)
- ebucore:hasAnnotationTarget (Annotation target)
- ebucore:hasArtefactBuyer (Buyer)
- ebucore:hasArtefactCreator (Creator)
- ebucore:hasArtefactLocation (Location)
- ebucore:hasArtefactOwner (Owner)
- ebucore:hasArtefactPriceCurrency (Artefact price currency)
- ebucore:hasArtefactRelatedAgent (Associated agent)
- ebucore:hasArtefactRelatedEditorialObject (Associated editorial object)
- ebucore:hasArtefactRelatedLocation (Associated location)
- ebucore:hasArtefactRelatedPhysicalResource (Associated physical resource)
- ebucore:hasArtefactRelatedResource (Associated resource)
- ebucore:hasArtefactRetailer (Retailer)
- ebucore:hasArtefactSupplier (Supplier)
- ebucore:hasAssetRelatedBusinessObject (Related business object)
- ebucore:hasAssetRelatedEditorialObject (Related editorial object)
- ebucore:hasAssetRelatedMediaResource (Asset related media resource)
- ebucore:hasAssetRelatedResource (Asset related resource)
- ebucore:hasAssociatedArtefact (Related Artefact)
- ebucore:hasAssociatedAsset (Associated asset)
- ebucore:hasAssociatedRelation (Relation)
- ebucore:hasAudienceScoreRecordingTechnique (Audience score recording technique)
- ebucore:hasAudioCodec (Audio codec)
- ebucore:hasAudioContentType (Audio content type)
- ebucore:hasAudioDescription (Audio description)
- ebucore:hasAudioEncodingFormat (Audio encoding format)
- ebucore:hasAudioProgrammeType (Audio programme type.)
- ebucore:hasAudioTrack (Audio track)
- ebucore:hasAwardRelatedAgent (Agent)
- ebucore:hasAwardRelatedBusinessObject (Business object)
- ebucore:hasAwardRelatedEvent (Event)
- ebucore:hasBeenAwarded (Agent)
- ebucore:hasCaptioning (Captioning)
- ebucore:hasCaptioningFormat (Captioning format)
- ebucore:hasCaptioningSource (Captioning source)
- ebucore:hasCastMember (Cast member)
- ebucore:hasCastRole (Cast role)
- ebucore:hasChannelLogo (Channel logo)
- ebucore:hasChannelPublicationEvent (Publication event)
- ebucore:hasCharacter (Character)
- ebucore:hasCodec (Codec)
- ebucore:hasCodecVendor (Codec vendor)
- ebucore:hasColourSpace (Colour space)
- ebucore:hasContact (Contact)
- ebucore:hasContainerCodec (Container codec)
- ebucore:hasContainerEncodingFormat (Container encoding format)
- ebucore:hasContainerMimeType (Mime type)
- ebucore:hasContentEditorialFormat (Editorial format)
- ebucore:hasContributor (Contributor)
- ebucore:hasCopyright (Copyright)
- ebucore:hasCostumeType (Costume type)
- ebucore:hasCountryOfBirth (Country of birth)
- ebucore:hasCountryOfDeath (Country of death)
- ebucore:hasCoverage (Coverage)
- ebucore:hasCoverageRestrictions (Coverage restrictions)
- ebucore:hasCreationLocation (Creation location)
- ebucore:hasCreativeCommons (Creative Commons)
- ebucore:hasCreator (Creator)
- ebucore:hasCrewMember (Crew member)
- ebucore:hasCrewRole (Crew role)
- ebucore:hasCuisineOrigin (Cuisine origin)
- ebucore:hasCuisineStyle (Cuisine style)
- ebucore:hasDataFormat (Data format)
- ebucore:hasDataTrack (Data track)
- ebucore:hasDepartment (Department)
- ebucore:hasDisclaimer (Disclaimer)
- ebucore:hasDocumentFormat (Document format)
- ebucore:hasDopesheet (Dopesheet)
- ebucore:hasDubbedLanguage (Dubbed language)
- ebucore:hasEidrIdentifier (EIDR)
- ebucore:hasEmotionRelatedAgent (Emotion related agent)
- ebucore:hasEmotionRelatedScene (Emotion related scene)
- ebucore:hasEncodingFormat (Encoding format)
- ebucore:hasEpisode (Episode)
- ebucore:hasEventRelatedAgent (Agent)
- ebucore:hasEventRelatedArtefact (Artefact)
- ebucore:hasEventRelatedBusinessObject (Business object)
- ebucore:hasEventRelatedEvent (Event)
- ebucore:hasEventRelatedLocation (Location)
- ebucore:hasEventRelatedResource (Resource)
- ebucore:hasEventType (Agent)
- ebucore:hasExploitationIssues (Exploitation Issues)
- ebucore:hasFileFormat (File format)
- ebucore:hasFoodStyle (Food style)
- ebucore:hasFormat (Format)
- ebucore:hasFormatId (Format identifier)
- ebucore:hasGeneration (Generation)
- ebucore:hasGenre (Genre)
- ebucore:hasIMediaIdentifier (IMedia Id)
- ebucore:hasIPRRestrictions (IPR restrictions)
- ebucore:hasIdPicture (Identification picture)
- ebucore:hasIdentifier (Identifier)
- ebucore:hasIdentifierType (Identifier type)
- ebucore:hasImageCodec (Image codec)
- ebucore:hasImageFormat (Image format)
- ebucore:hasIsanIdentifier (ISAN)
- ebucore:hasKeyCareerEvent (Career event)
- ebucore:hasKeyPersonalEvent (Personal event)
- ebucore:hasKeyword (Keyword)
- ebucore:hasLanguage (Language)
- ebucore:hasLicensing (Licensing)
- ebucore:hasLocationCode (Locationcode)
- ebucore:hasLocationPicture (Picture)
- ebucore:hasLocationRelatedArtefact (Artefact)
- ebucore:hasLocationRelatedEvent (Event)
- ebucore:hasLocationRelatedResource (Related resource)
- ebucore:hasLocationType (Locationcode)
- ebucore:hasLocator (Locator)
- ebucore:hasLogo (Logo)
- ebucore:hasManifestation (Manifestation)
- ebucore:hasMaster (Master)
- ebucore:hasMediaFragment (Fragment)
- ebucore:hasMedium (Medium)
- ebucore:hasMember (Member.)
- ebucore:hasMemberPublicationPlan (Publication plan member)
- ebucore:hasMetadataTrack (Metadata track)
- ebucore:hasMimeType (Mime type)
- ebucore:hasObjectType (Object/asset type)
- ebucore:hasOrganisationLogo (Organisation logo)
- ebucore:hasOrganisationStaff (Staff)
- ebucore:hasOriginalLanguage (Original language)
- ebucore:hasParentEditorialObject (Parent editorial object)
- ebucore:hasParentMediaResource (Parent resource)
- ebucore:hasPart (Part)
- ebucore:hasPartType (Part type)
- ebucore:hasParticipatingAgent (Participating agent)
- ebucore:hasPictogram (Pictogram)
- ebucore:hasPlaceOfBirth (Birth place)
- ebucore:hasPlaceOfDeath (Death place)
- ebucore:hasProducer (Producer)
- ebucore:hasProductionLocation (Production location)
- ebucore:hasProvenance (Provenance)
- ebucore:hasProvenanceTarget (Provenance target)
- ebucore:hasPublicationEvent (Publication event)
- ebucore:hasPublicationHistory (Publication history)
- ebucore:hasPublicationMedium (Publication medium)
- ebucore:hasPublicationPlanMember (Publication plan member.)
- ebucore:hasPublicationPlanType (Publication plan type)
- ebucore:hasPublicationRegion (Publication region)
- ebucore:hasPublisher (Publisher)
- ebucore:hasRating (Rating)
- ebucore:hasRatingProvider (Rating source / agent)
- ebucore:hasRatingSource (Rating source / agent)
- ebucore:hasRelatedAnimal (Related animal)
- ebucore:hasRelatedArtefact (Related artefact)
- ebucore:hasRelatedAsset (Related asset)
- ebucore:hasRelatedAudioContent (Audio content)
- ebucore:hasRelatedAudioObject (Audio object)
- ebucore:hasRelatedAudioProgramme (Audio programme)
- ebucore:hasRelatedAudioTrack (Audio track)
- ebucore:hasRelatedAward (Related award)
- ebucore:hasRelatedEditorialObject (Related editorial object)
- ebucore:hasRelatedEssence (Related essence)
- ebucore:hasRelatedEvent (Event)
- ebucore:hasRelatedImage (Image)
- ebucore:hasRelatedLocation (Location)
- ebucore:hasRelatedMediaFragment (Media fragment)
- ebucore:hasRelatedMediaResource (Related media resource)
- ebucore:hasRelatedPicture (Picture)
- ebucore:hasRelatedPublicationChannel (Publication channel)
- ebucore:hasRelatedPublicationEvent (Publication event)
- ebucore:hasRelatedRecord (Related record)
- ebucore:hasRelatedResource (Related resource)
- ebucore:hasRelatedService (Related Service)
- ebucore:hasRelatedTextLine (Related text line)
- ebucore:hasRelationSource (Relation source)
- ebucore:hasResourceLocator (Locator)
- ebucore:hasReview (Review)
- ebucore:hasRightsClearance (Rights clearance)
- ebucore:hasRightsContact (Contact)
- ebucore:hasRightsHolder (Rights holder)
- ebucore:hasRole (Role)
- ebucore:hasSeason (Season)
- ebucore:hasServiceGenre (Service genre)
- ebucore:hasServiceLogo (Service logo)
- ebucore:hasShootingLocation (Shooting location)
- ebucore:hasSigning (Accessibility - signing)
- ebucore:hasSigningFormat (Signing format)
- ebucore:hasSigningSource (Signing source)
- ebucore:hasSource (Source)
- ebucore:hasStaffMember (member of Staff)
- ebucore:hasStaffRole (Staff role)
- ebucore:hasStakeholder (Publication plan stakeholder)
- ebucore:hasStandard (Standard)
- ebucore:hasStorageId (Storage identifier)
- ebucore:hasStorageType (Storage type)
- ebucore:hasSubject (Subject)
- ebucore:hasSubtitling (Subtitling)
- ebucore:hasSubtitlingFormat (Subtitling format)
- ebucore:hasSubtitlingSource (Subtitling source)
- ebucore:hasTargetAudience (Target audience)
- ebucore:hasTargetPlatform (Target platform)
- ebucore:hasTeamMember (Team member)
- ebucore:hasTextLineId (Text line identifier.)
- ebucore:hasTextLineRelatedAgent (Text line related agent)
- ebucore:hasTextLineRelatedCharacter (Text line related character)
- ebucore:hasTextLineRelatedScene (Text line related scene)
- ebucore:hasTextLineSource (Text line source)
- ebucore:hasTextLineType (Text line type)
- ebucore:hasTheme (Theme)
- ebucore:hasTimecodeTrack (Timecode track)
- ebucore:hasTimelineTrack (Timeline track)
- ebucore:hasTimelineTrackPart (Timeline track part)
- ebucore:hasTimelineTrackType (Timeline track type)
- ebucore:hasTopic (Topic)
- ebucore:hasTrack (Track)
- ebucore:hasTrackPart (Track part source)
- ebucore:hasTrackPurpose (Track purpose)
- ebucore:hasType (Type)
- ebucore:hasUsageRestrictions (Usage restrictions)
- ebucore:hasUsageRights (Usage rights)
- ebucore:hasVersion (Version)
- ebucore:hasVideoCodec (Video codec)
- ebucore:hasVideoEncodingFormat (Audio encoding format)
- ebucore:hasVideoTrack (Video track)
- ebucore:hasWrappingType (Wrapping type)
- ebucore:hashValue (Hash code)
- ebucore:height (Height)
- ebucore:heightUnit (Height unit)
- ebucore:highlights (Highlights)
- ebucore:hobbies (Hobbies)
- ebucore:iFrameSize (I-frame/Gop size)
- ebucore:idDateOfCreation (Date of creation)
- ebucore:identifierValue (Identifier value)
- ebucore:inchesPerSecond (Inches per second)
- ebucore:instantiates (Business object)
- ebucore:isAgent
- ebucore:isAnimalGroom (Animal groom)
- ebucore:isAnimalOwner (Animal owner)
- ebucore:isAnnotatedMediaResource (Media resource)
- ebucore:isAnnotationBy (Agent)
- ebucore:isAttributedTo (Provenance target)
- ebucore:isBrand (Brand)
- ebucore:isCharacter (Fictional character.)
- ebucore:isChildOf (Parent)
- ebucore:isClonedFrom (Clone source)
- ebucore:isComposedOf (Media Resource)
- ebucore:isCoveredBy (Rights)
- ebucore:isDerivedFrom (Derived from)
- ebucore:isDistributedOn (Range: string or Service and subclasses)
- ebucore:isDubbedFrom (Dubbed from)
- ebucore:isEditorialFormatOf (Same editorial format)
- ebucore:isEpisodeOf (Parent season / series)
- ebucore:isEpisodeOfSeason (Parent season / series)
- ebucore:isEpisodeOfSeries (Parent season / series)
- ebucore:isFictitiousPerson (Fictitious contact)
- ebucore:isInstantiatedBy (Media Resource)
- ebucore:isIssuedBy (Issuer)
- ebucore:isMasterOf (Derived media resource)
- ebucore:isMediaFragmentOf (Media fragment source)
- ebucore:isMemberOf (Member of)
- ebucore:isMemberOfPublicationPlan (Parent publication plan)
- ebucore:isNextInSequence (Next)
- ebucore:isOperatedBy (Operator, owner)
- ebucore:isOwnedBy (Owner)
- ebucore:isParentOf (Child)
- ebucore:isPartOf (Editorial object)
- ebucore:isPictureIdLocator (Identification picture locator)
- ebucore:isRatingRelatedToBusinessObject (Rated business object)
- ebucore:isRatingRelatedToResource (Rated Resource)
- ebucore:isReferencedBy (Reference source)
- ebucore:isReleasedBy (Service)
- ebucore:isReplacedBy (Replacement)
- ebucore:isRequiredBy (Required)
- ebucore:isScheduledOn (Publication event)
- ebucore:isSeasonOf (Series)
- ebucore:isSeriesOf (Brand)
- ebucore:isTimelineTrackPartOf (Editorial Object)
- ebucore:isTrackPartOf (Track part source)
- ebucore:isVersionOf (Version of)
- ebucore:lineNumber (Line number)
- ebucore:linkToLogo (Link to logo)
- ebucore:linkToSticker (Link to Sticker)
- ebucore:live (live)
- ebucore:localFamiliyName (Local familiy name)
- ebucore:localGivenName (Local given name)
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- ebucore:locationAddressArea (Area)
- ebucore:locationAddressCountry (Country)
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- ebucore:locationAddressLocality (Locality)
- ebucore:locationAddressPostalCode (Postal code)
- ebucore:locationAltitude (Altitude)
- ebucore:locationCoordinateSystemName (Coordinate system)
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- ebucore:locationRegion (Region)
- ebucore:locationTimeType (Location type)
- ebucore:locationType (Location type)
- ebucore:locatorTargetInformation (Locator target information)
- ebucore:log (Log)
- ebucore:loudnessIntegratedLoudness (Integrated loudness)
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- ebucore:loudnessMaxShortTerm (Max short term loudness)
- ebucore:loudnessMaxTruepeak (Max true peak loudness)
- ebucore:loudnessMethod (Loudness method)
- ebucore:loudnessParameters (Loudness parameters)
- ebucore:loudnessRange (Loudness range)
- ebucore:mainTitle (Main title)
- ebucore:maritalStatus (Marital Status)
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- ebucore:mediaResourceId (Media resource Id)
- ebucore:mediaResourceType (Media resource type)
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- ebucore:nickName (Nickname)
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- ebucore:numberOfAudioTracks (Number of audio tracks)
- ebucore:numberOfTracks (Number of tracks)
- ebucore:numberOfVideoTracks (Number of video tracks)
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- ebucore:officeTelephoneNumber (Telephone (private))
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- ebucore:organisationName (Organisation name)
- ebucore:organisationType (Asset type)
- ebucore:orientation (Orientation)
- ebucore:originalTitle (Original title.)
- ebucore:packageByteSize (Package size (in bytes))
- ebucore:packageName (Package name)
- ebucore:partDefinition (Part definition)
- ebucore:partDescription (Part definition)
- ebucore:partId (Part identifier)
- ebucore:partName (Part name)
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- ebucore:partTotalNumber (Part total number)
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- ebucore:personId (Person identifier)
- ebucore:personName (Person name)
- ebucore:personType (Person type)
- ebucore:personWeight (Person weight)
- ebucore:playbackSpeed (Playback speed)
- ebucore:playlist (Playlist)
- ebucore:playsOut (Essence)
- ebucore:position (Position)
- ebucore:privateEmailAddress (Private email)
- ebucore:privateHomepage (Homepage (private))
- ebucore:privateMobileTelephoneNumber (Telephone (private))
- ebucore:privateTelephoneNumber (Telephone (private))
- ebucore:productionSynopsis (Production synopsis)
- ebucore:promotionalInformation (Promotional information)
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- ebucore:provenanceDateModified (Provenance modification date & time)
- ebucore:provenanceDescription (Provenance description)
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- ebucore:provenanceName (Provenance name)
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- ebucore:publicationChannelName (PublicationChannel name)
- ebucore:publicationChannelType (Publication Channel type)
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- ebucore:publicationPlanStatus (PublicationPlan status)
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- ebucore:publishedStartDateTime (Publication start date & time)
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- ebucore:publishes (Editorial object)
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- ebucore:ratingName (Rating name)
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- ebucore:ratingScaleMin (Rating scale (min. value))
- ebucore:ratingSystemEnvironment (Rating environment)
- ebucore:ratingSystemName (Rating system)
- ebucore:ratingType (Rating type)
- ebucore:ratingValue (Rating)
- ebucore:readyForPublication (Ready for publication)
- ebucore:reason (Reason)
- ebucore:references (References)
- ebucore:regionDelimX (Region delimiter (x-axis))
- ebucore:regionDelimY (Region delimiter (y-axis))
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- ebucore:relationNote (Relation Note)
- ebucore:relationOrderedGroupFlag (Relation Ordered group flag)
- ebucore:relationRunningOrderNumber (Relation Running Order Number)
- ebucore:relationTotalNumberOfGroupMembers (Total number of group members.)
- ebucore:relationType (Relation Type)
- ebucore:replaces (Replaces)
- ebucore:represents (Related asset)
- ebucore:requires (Requires)
- ebucore:resolution (Resolution)
- ebucore:resourceDescription (Resource description)
- ebucore:resourceFileSize (File size)
- ebucore:resourceFilename (File name)
- ebucore:resourceId (Resource id)
- ebucore:resourceIdType (Resource id)
- ebucore:resourceLocatorTargetInformation (Locator target information)
- ebucore:resourceName (Resource name)
- ebucore:resourceOffset (Resource offset)
- ebucore:resourceOffsetNormalPlaytime (Resource offset normal playtime)
- ebucore:resourceOffsetNumberEditUnit (Resource offset number edit units)
- ebucore:resourceOffsetTimecode (Resource offset timecode.)
- ebucore:resourceOffsetTimecodedropframe (Resource offset timecode (dropframe).)
- ebucore:rightsClearanceFlag (Rights clearance flag)
- ebucore:rightsDuration (Rights duration)
- ebucore:rightsEndDateTime (Rights end date time)
- ebucore:rightsExpression (Rights)
- ebucore:rightsId (Rights identifier)
- ebucore:rightsLink (Rights web resource)
- ebucore:rightsStartDateTime (Rights start date time)
- ebucore:rightsTerritoryExcludes (Excluded territories)
- ebucore:rightsTerritoryIncludes (Included territories)
- ebucore:rightsType (Rights type)
- ebucore:roleId (role Id)
- ebucore:roleType (Role type)
- ebucore:salutationTitle (Salutation title)
- ebucore:sampleRate (Sample Rate)
- ebucore:sampleSize (Sample size)
- ebucore:sampleType (Sample type)
- ebucore:scanningFormat (Scanning format)
- ebucore:script (Script)
- ebucore:seasonNumber (Season number)
- ebucore:serviceDescription (Service description)
- ebucore:serviceId (Service identiifier)
- ebucore:serviceName (Service name)
- ebucore:serviceType (Service type)
- ebucore:shotLog (Shot log)
- ebucore:start (Start time)
- ebucore:startEditUnits (Start time (edit units))
- ebucore:startNormalPlayTime (Start time (normal play time))
- ebucore:startOffsetEditUnit (Startoffset time (edit units))
- ebucore:startOffsetNormalPlayTime (Startoffset time (edit units))
- ebucore:startOffsetTimecode (Start offset time (timecode))
- ebucore:startOffsetTimecodeDropFrame (Start offset time (timecode, drop frames))
- ebucore:startTimecode (Start time (timecode))
- ebucore:startTimecodeDropFrame (Start time (timecode, drop frames))
- ebucore:subtitle (Subtitle)
- ebucore:suffix (Suffix)
- ebucore:summary (Summary)
- ebucore:synopsis (Synopsis)
- ebucore:tableOfContent (Table of content)
- ebucore:tag (Tag)
- ebucore:targetAudienceSystem (Target audience system)
- ebucore:textLineBoxHeight (Text line box height.)
- ebucore:textLineBoxTopLeftCornerLineNumber (Text line box top left corner Y position.)
- ebucore:textLineBoxTopLeftCornerPixelNumber (Text line box top left Coner X position.)
- ebucore:textLineBoxWidth (Text line box width.)
- ebucore:textLineContent (Text line)
- ebucore:textLineEndEditUnits (Text line end in edit units)
- ebucore:textLineEndNormalPlayTime (Text line end in normal play time)
- ebucore:textLineEndTime (Text line end time)
- ebucore:textLineEndTimecode (Text line end timecode)
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- ebucore:textLineOrder (Text line order)
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- ebucore:textLineStartNormalPlayTime (Text line start in normal play time)
- ebucore:textLineStartTime (Text line start time)
- ebucore:textLineStartTimecode (Text line start timecode)
- ebucore:textLineStartTimecodeDropFrame (Text line start timecode drop frames)
- ebucore:timeCreated (Time created.)
- ebucore:timelineTrackDuration (TimelineTrack duration)
- ebucore:timelineTrackDurationEditUnits (Duration (edit unit))
- ebucore:timelineTrackDurationNormalPlayTime (Duration (time))
- ebucore:timelineTrackDurationTimecode (Duration (timecode))
- ebucore:timelineTrackDurationTimecodeDropFrame (Duration (timecode, drop frame))
- ebucore:title (Title)
- ebucore:totalNumberOfEpisodes (Total number of episodes)
- ebucore:totalNumberOfGroupMembers (Total number of Group members)
- ebucore:trackDefinition (Definition)
- ebucore:trackId (Track identifier)
- ebucore:trackName (Track name)
- ebucore:trackType (Track name)
- ebucore:translationTitle (Translation title)
- ebucore:username (Username)
- ebucore:version (Version)
- ebucore:versionTitle (Version title)
- ebucore:videoBitRate (Video bitrate)
- ebucore:videoBitRateMax (Video bitrate max)
- ebucore:videoBitRateMode (Video bitrate mode)
- ebucore:videoEncodingLevel (Video encoding level)
- ebucore:videoEncodingProfile (Video encoding profile)
- ebucore:width (Width)
- ebucore:widthUnit (Width unit)
- ebucore:wordCount (Word count)
- ebucore:workingTitle (Working title)
- ebucore:AccessConditions (Access conditions)
- ebucore:Action (Action)
- ebucore:Action_Type (Action type)
- ebucore:ActiveFormatDescriptorCode (Active format descriptor code)
- ebucore:Affiliation (Affiliation)
- ebucore:Agent (Agent)
- ebucore:AncillaryData (Ancillary data)
- ebucore:AncillaryDataFormat (Ancillary data format)
- ebucore:Animal (Animal)
- ebucore:AnimalBreedCode (Animal breed code)
- ebucore:AnimalColourCode (Animal colour code)
- ebucore:Annotation (Annotation)
- ebucore:Annotation_Type (Annotation type)
- ebucore:Artefact (Artefact)
- ebucore:Artefact_Type (Artefact type)
- ebucore:Asset (Asset)
- ebucore:Asset_Type (Asset type)
- ebucore:Atmosphere (Atmosphere)
- ebucore:AudienceLevel (Target audience)
- ebucore:AudienceRating (Audience rating)
- ebucore:AudienceScoreRecordingTechnique (Audience score recording technique)
- ebucore:AudioChannelFunction (Audio channel function)
- ebucore:AudioChannelPurpose (Audio channel purpose)
- ebucore:AudioCodec (Audio codec)
- ebucore:AudioContent (Audio content)
- ebucore:AudioContent_Type (Audio content type)
- ebucore:AudioDescription (Audio description)
- ebucore:AudioEncodingFormat (Audio encoding format)
- ebucore:AudioFormat (Audio format)
- ebucore:AudioObject (Audio object)
- ebucore:AudioProgramme (Audio programme)
- ebucore:AudioProgramme_Type (Audio programme type)
- ebucore:AudioStream (Audio stream)
- ebucore:AudioTrack (Audio track)
- ebucore:AudioTrackPurpose (Audio track purpose)
- ebucore:Award (Award)
- ebucore:Award_Type (Award type)
- ebucore:BMContent (BMContent)
- ebucore:BMEssence (BMEssence)
- ebucore:BMTemplate (BMTemplate)
- ebucore:BibliographicalObject (Bibliographical object)
- ebucore:Biography (Biography)
- ebucore:Brand (Brand)
- ebucore:BreakingNewsItem (Breaking news item)
- ebucore:BusinessObject (Business Object)
- ebucore:BusinessObject_Type (Business object type)
- ebucore:Captioning (Captioning)
- ebucore:CaptioningFormat (Captioning format)
- ebucore:Cast (Cast member)
- ebucore:Character (Character)
- ebucore:CityCode (City code)
- ebucore:Clip (Clip)
- ebucore:ClosedCaptions (Closed caption)
- ebucore:ClosedSubtitling (Closed subtitling)
- ebucore:Codec (Codec)
- ebucore:Collection (Collection)
- ebucore:ColourSpace (Colour space)
- ebucore:CommercialCode (Commercial code)
- ebucore:Component (Component)
- ebucore:Contact (Contact)
- ebucore:ContainerCodec (Container codec)
- ebucore:ContainerEncodingFormat (Container encoding format)
- ebucore:ContainerMimeType (Container Mime type)
- ebucore:ContentAlert (Content alert)
- ebucore:ContentEditorialCode (Editorial code)
- ebucore:ContentEditorialFormat (Editorial format)
- ebucore:ContractType (Contract type)
- ebucore:Copyright (Copyright)
- ebucore:Costume (Costume)
- ebucore:CostumeType (Costume type)
- ebucore:CountryCode (Country code)
- ebucore:CoverageRestrictions (Coverage restrictions)
- ebucore:CreativeCommons (Creative commons)
- ebucore:Crew (Crew member)
- ebucore:CuisineStyle (Cuisine style)
- ebucore:CurrencyCode (Currency code)
- ebucore:DataFormat (Data format)
- ebucore:DataTrack (Data track)
- ebucore:Department (Department)
- ebucore:DepictedEvent (Depicted Event)
- ebucore:Disclaimer (Disclaimer)
- ebucore:Document (Document)
- ebucore:DocumentFormat (Document format)
- ebucore:Dopesheet (Dopesheet)
- ebucore:EditorialObject (Editorial Object)
- ebucore:EditorialObject_Type (Editorial object type)
- ebucore:Emotion (Emotion)
- ebucore:Emotion_Type (Emotion type)
- ebucore:EncodingFormat (Encoding)
- ebucore:Episode (Episode)
- ebucore:Essence (Essence)
- ebucore:Event (Event)
- ebucore:EventType (Event type)
- ebucore:ExclusivityType (Exclusivity type)
- ebucore:ExploitationIssues (Exploitation issues)
- ebucore:Feature (Feature)
- ebucore:FictionalEvent (Fictional event)
- ebucore:FictionalLocation (Fictional location)
- ebucore:FictionalOrganisation (Fictional organisation)
- ebucore:FictionalPerson (Fictional person)
- ebucore:FileFormat (File format)
- ebucore:Food (Food)
- ebucore:FoodStyle (Food style)
- ebucore:Format (Format)
- ebucore:Generation (Generation)
- ebucore:Genre (Genre)
- ebucore:Group (Group)
- ebucore:IPRRestrictions (IPR restrictions)
- ebucore:Identifier (Identifier)
- ebucore:IdentifierType (Identifier type)
- ebucore:Image (Image)
- ebucore:ImageCodec (Image codec)
- ebucore:ImageFormat (Image format)
- ebucore:IntentionCode (Intention code)
- ebucore:Item (Item)
- ebucore:KeyCareerEvent (Key career event)
- ebucore:KeyEvent (Key event)
- ebucore:KeyPersonalEvent (Key personal event)
- ebucore:Keyframe (key frame)
- ebucore:Keyword (Keyword)
- ebucore:Language (Language)
- ebucore:Licensing (Licensing)
- ebucore:Link (Link)
- ebucore:Location (Location)
- ebucore:LocationCode (Location code.)
- ebucore:LocationTimeType (Location time type)
- ebucore:LocationType (Location type)
- ebucore:Locator (Locator)
- ebucore:Logo (Logo)
- ebucore:MediaFragment (Media Fragment)
- ebucore:MediaResource (Media Resource)
- ebucore:MediaResource_Type (Media resource type)
- ebucore:MediaType (Media type)
- ebucore:Medium (Medium)
- ebucore:MetadataTrack (Metadata track)
- ebucore:MimeType (Mime type)
- ebucore:NewsItem (News Item)
- ebucore:ObjectType (Object type)
- ebucore:OpenCaptions (Open captions)
- ebucore:OpenSubtitling (Open subtitling)
- ebucore:Organisation (Organisation)
- ebucore:OriginalLanguage (Language)
- ebucore:Part (Part, Fragment, Segment)
- ebucore:Part_Type (Part type)
- ebucore:Party (Party)
- ebucore:Person (Person)
- ebucore:PhysicalResource (Physical resource)
- ebucore:Pictogram (Pictogram)
- ebucore:Picture (Picture)
- ebucore:PictureDisplayFormat (Picture display format code)
- ebucore:Platform (Platform)
- ebucore:Programme (Programme)
- ebucore:Props (Props)
- ebucore:Provenance
- ebucore:PublicationChannel (Publication Channel)
- ebucore:PublicationChannel_Type (Publication channel type)
- ebucore:PublicationEvent (Publication Event)
- ebucore:PublicationEvent_Type (Publication event type)
- ebucore:PublicationHistory (Publication History)
- ebucore:PublicationMedium (Publication medium)
- ebucore:PublicationPlan (Publication History)
- ebucore:PublicationPlan_Type (Publication plan type)
- ebucore:RadioProgramme (Radio Programme)
- ebucore:Rating (Rating)
- ebucore:Record (Record)
- ebucore:RegionCode (Region code)
- ebucore:Relation (Relation)
- ebucore:Relation_Type (Relation type)
- ebucore:Resource (Resource)
- ebucore:Resource_Type (Resource type)
- ebucore:Review (Review)
- ebucore:Rights (Rights)
- ebucore:RightsClearance (Rights Clearance)
- ebucore:RightsType (Rights type)
- ebucore:Role (Role)
- ebucore:Scene (Scene)
- ebucore:Season (Season)
- ebucore:Series (Series)
- ebucore:Service (Service)
- ebucore:Service_Type (Service type)
- ebucore:Shot (Shot)
- ebucore:SignLanguageCode (Sign language code)
- ebucore:Signing (Signing)
- ebucore:SigningFormat (Signing format)
- ebucore:SportItem (Sport item)
- ebucore:Staff (Staff member.)
- ebucore:Standard (Standard)
- ebucore:Sticker (Sticker)
- ebucore:Storage_Type (Storage type)
- ebucore:Stream (Stream)
- ebucore:Subject (Subject)
- ebucore:Subtitling (Subtitling)
- ebucore:SubtitlingFormat (Subtitling format)
- ebucore:TVProgramme (TV Programme)
- ebucore:TargetAudience (Target audience)
- ebucore:TargetPlatform (Target Platform)
- ebucore:Team (Team)
- ebucore:Template (Template)
- ebucore:TerritoryCode (Territory code)
- ebucore:TextAnnotation (Text Annotation)
- ebucore:TextLine (Text line)
- ebucore:TextLine_Type (Text line type)
- ebucore:TextUsageType (Text usage type)
- ebucore:Theme (Theme)
- ebucore:Thumbnail (Thumbnail)
- ebucore:TimecodeTrack (Timecode track)
- ebucore:TimedTextAuthoringTechnique (Timed text authoring technique)
- ebucore:TimedTextContentType (Timed text content type)
- ebucore:TimedTextSubtitleTargetFormat (Timed text subtitle target format)
- ebucore:TimelineTrack (Timeline track)
- ebucore:TimelineTrack_Type (Timeline track type)
- ebucore:Topic (Topic)
- ebucore:Track (Track)
- ebucore:TrackPurpose (Track purpose)
- ebucore:Track_Type (Track type)
- ebucore:Type (Type)
- ebucore:UsageRestrictions (Usage restrictions)
- ebucore:UsageRights (Usage rights)
- ebucore:Version (Version)
- ebucore:VideoCodec (Video codec)
- ebucore:VideoEncodingFormat (Video encoding format)
- ebucore:VideoFormat (Video format)
- ebucore:VideoStream (Video stream)
- ebucore:VideoTrack (Video track)
- ebucore:WrappingType (Wrapping type)