RDF Prefix
General Transit Feed Specification
This ontology is a translation of the General Transit Feed Specification towards URIs. Its intended use is creating an exchange platform where the Linked GTFS model can be used as a start to get the right data into the right format. For semantics of the classes and properties, see
namespace defines:
4 | gtfs:DropOffType |
2 | gtfs:PaymentMethod |
4 | gtfs:PickupType |
8 | gtfs:RouteType |
4 | gtfs:TransferType |
4 | gtfs:TransfersAllowedType |
3 | gtfs:WheelchairBoardingStatus |
1 | owl:Ontology |
52 | rdf:Property |
25 | rdfs:Class |
- gtfs:agency (agency)
- gtfs:arrivalTime (Arrival time)
- gtfs:bikesAllowed (Bikes allowed)
- gtfs:block (Block)
- gtfs:code (Stop Code)
- gtfs:color (Color)
- gtfs:comment (Mapping comment)
- gtfs:dateAddition (Date Addition)
- gtfs:departureTime (Departure time)
- gtfs:destinationStop (Destination Stop)
- gtfs:destinationZone (Destination Zone)
- gtfs:direction (Direction)
- gtfs:distanceTraveled (Distance Traveled)
- gtfs:dropOffType (Drop off type)
- gtfs:endTime (End Time)
- gtfs:fareUrl (fare URL)
- gtfs:friday (Friday)
- gtfs:headsign (Headsign)
- gtfs:headwaySeconds (Headway Seconds)
- gtfs:longName (Long name)
- gtfs:minimumTransferTime (Minimum Transfer Time)
- gtfs:monday (Monday)
- gtfs:originStop (Origin Stop)
- gtfs:originZone (Origin Zone)
- gtfs:parentStation (Parent Station)
- gtfs:paymentMethod (Payment method)
- gtfs:pickupType (Pickup type)
- gtfs:pointSequence (Point Sequence)
- gtfs:route (Route)
- gtfs:routeType (Route type)
- gtfs:saturday (Saturday)
- gtfs:service (Service)
- gtfs:serviceRule (Service rule)
- gtfs:shape (Shape)
- gtfs:shapePoint (Shape Point)
- gtfs:shortName (Short name)
- gtfs:startTime (Start Time)
- gtfs:stop (Stop)
- gtfs:stopSequence (Stop sequence)
- gtfs:sunday (Sunday)
- gtfs:textColor (Text color)
- gtfs:thursday (Thursday)
- gtfs:timeZone (Time zone)
- gtfs:transferExpiryTime (Transfer Expiry Time)
- gtfs:transferType (Transfer Type)
- gtfs:transfers (Transfers)
- gtfs:trip (Trip)
- gtfs:tuesday (Tuesday)
- gtfs:usesExactTimes (Frequency uses exact times)
- gtfs:wednesday (Wednesday)
- gtfs:wheelchairAccessible (wheelchair boarding)
- gtfs:zone (Zone)
- gtfs:Agency (Agency)
- gtfs:CalendarDateRule (Calendar date rule)
- gtfs:CalendarRule (Calendar rule)
- gtfs:DropOffType (Drop Off Type)
- gtfs:FareClass (Fare Class)
- gtfs:FareRule (Fare Rule)
- gtfs:Feed (GTFS Feed)
- gtfs:Frequency (Frequency)
- gtfs:PaymentMethod (Payment Method)
- gtfs:PickupType (Pickup Type)
- gtfs:Route (Route)
- gtfs:RouteType (Route type)
- gtfs:Service (Service)
- gtfs:ServiceRule (Service rule)
- gtfs:Shape (Shape)
- gtfs:ShapePoint (Shape Point)
- gtfs:Station (Station)
- gtfs:Stop (Stop)
- gtfs:StopTime (Stop time)
- gtfs:TransferRule (Transfer Rule)
- gtfs:TransferType (Transfer Type)
- gtfs:TransfersAllowedType (Transfers Allowed Type)
- gtfs:Trip (Trip)
- gtfs:WheelchairBoardingStatus (Wheelchair Boarding Information)
- gtfs:Zone (Zone)