RDF Prefix
MADS/RDF (Metadata Authority Description Schema in RDF)
This document describes the MADS/RDF (Metadata Authority Description Schema in RDF) vocabulary, a data model for authority and vocabulary data used within the library and information science (LIS) community, which is inclusive of museums, archives, and other cultural institutions. It is presented as an OWL ontology. MADS/RDF is a knowledge organization system (KOS) designed for use with controlled values for names (personal, corporate, geographic, etc.), thesauri, taxonomies, subject heading systems, and other controlled value lists. It is closely related to SKOS, the Simple Knowledge Organization System and a widely supported and adopted RDF vocabulary. Given the close relationship between the aim of MADS/RDF and the aim of SKOS, the MADS ontology has been fully mapped to SKOS. Unlike SKOS, however, which is very broad in its application, MADS/RDF is designed specifically to support authority data as used by and needed in the LIS community and its technology systems. For example, MADS/RDF provides a means to record data from the Machine Readable Cataloging (MARC) Authorities format in RDF for use in semantic applications and Linked Data projects. MADS/RDF is designed to support the description of cultural and bibliographic resources. Data described using MADS/RDF, therefore, assists with identifying and annotating bibliographic and cultural resources. MADS/RDF is not focused on the description of Real World Objects. Although a MADS/RDF description may contain information specific to the Real World Object associated with the MADS/RDF authoritative label, the MADS/RDF ontology distinguishes between these two entities – the RWO and the Authority. Updated: 29 October 2015. Addition of new properties, madsrdf:activityEndDate, madsrdf:activityStartDate, madsrdf:associatedLanguage, madsrdf:associatedLocale, madsrdf:birthDate, madsrdf:birthPlace, madsrdf:deathDate, madsrdf:deathPlace, madsrdf:entityDescriptor, madsrdf:establishDate, madsrdf:fieldOfActivity, madsrdf:gender, madsrdf:hasAffiliation, madsrdf:honoraryTitle, madsrdf:isIdentifiedByAuthority, madsrdf:occupation, madsrdf:prominentFamilyMember, madsrdf:terminateDate, madsrdf:fullerName, madsrdf:creationDateStart, madsrdf:creationDateEnd, madsrdf:workOrigin, madsrdf:hasChararacteristic. The MADS/RDF to SKOS/RDF mapping was done by Antoine Isaac. The MADS/RDF model and ontology benefited significantly as a result of the fruitful discussions surrounding his effort to map the MADS/RDF ontology to SKOS.
namespace defines:
19 | owl:AnnotationProperty |
58 | owl:Class |
1 | owl:DataTypeProperty |
26 | owl:DatatypeProperty |
47 | owl:ObjectProperty |
4 | owl:SymmetricProperty |
1 | owl:TransitiveProperty |
- mads:authoritativeLabel (Authoritative Label)
- mads:changeNote (Change Note)
- mads:citationNote (Citation Note)
- mads:citationSource (Citation Source)
- mads:city (City)
- mads:classification (Classification)
- mads:country (Country)
- mads:definitionNote (Definition Note)
- mads:deletionNote (Deletion Note)
- mads:deprecatedLabel (Deprecated Label)
- mads:editorialNote (Editorial Note)
- mads:exampleNote (Example Note)
- mads:historyNote (History Note)
- mads:idScheme (Identifier Scheme)
- mads:natureOfAffiliation (Nature of Affiliation)
- mads:note (Note)
- mads:organization (Organization or Group)
- mads:scopeNote (Scope Note)
- mads:state (State)
- mads:Address (Address)
- mads:Affiliation (Affiliation)
- mads:Area (Area Type)
- mads:Authority (Authority)
- mads:City (City Type)
- mads:CitySection (City Section Type)
- mads:ComplexSubject (Complex Subject Type)
- mads:ComplexType (Complex Type)
- mads:ConferenceName (Conference Name Type)
- mads:Continent (Continent Type)
- mads:CorporateName (Corporate Name Type)
- mads:Country (Country Type)
- mads:County (County Type)
- mads:DateNameElement (Date Name Element)
- mads:DeprecatedAuthority (Deprecated Authority)
- mads:Element (Element)
- mads:ExtraterrestrialArea (Extraterrestrial Area Type)
- mads:FamilyName (Family Name Type)
- mads:FamilyNameElement (Family Name Element)
- mads:FullNameElement (Fullname Element)
- mads:GenreForm (Genre/Form Type)
- mads:GenreFormElement (Genre/Form Element)
- mads:Geographic (Geographic Authority)
- mads:GeographicElement (Geographic Element)
- mads:GivenNameElement (Given Name Element)
- mads:HierarchicalGeographic (Hierarchical Geographic Type)
- mads:Identifier (Other Identifier)
- mads:Island (Island Type)
- mads:Language (Language Type)
- mads:LanguageElement (Language Element)
- mads:MADSCollection (MADS Collection)
- mads:MADSScheme (MADS Scheme)
- mads:MADSType (MADS Type)
- mads:MainTitleElement (Main Title Element)
- mads:Name (Name Type)
- mads:NameElement (Name Element)
- mads:NameTitle (Name/Title Type)
- mads:NonSortElement (Non-sort Element)
- mads:Occupation (Occupation Type)
- mads:PartNameElement (Part Name Element)
- mads:PartNumberElement (Part Number Element)
- mads:PersonalName (Personal Name Type)
- mads:Province (Province Type)
- mads:RWO (Real World Object)
- mads:Region (Region Type)
- mads:SimpleType (Simple Type)
- mads:Source (Source)
- mads:State (State Type)
- mads:SubTitleElement (Subtitle Element)
- mads:Temporal (Temporal Type)
- mads:TemporalElement (Temporal Element)
- mads:TermsOfAddressNameElement (Terms of Address Element)
- mads:Territory (Territory Type)
- mads:Title (Title Type)
- mads:TitleElement (Title Element)
- mads:Topic (Topic Type)
- mads:TopicElement (Topic Element)
- mads:Variant (Variant)
- mads:activityEndDate (Activity End)
- mads:activityStartDate (Activity Start)
- mads:affiliationEnd (Affiliation Ended)
- mads:affiliationStart (Affiliation Started)
- mads:birthDate (Birth Date)
- mads:citationStatus (Citation Status)
- mads:code (Code)
- mads:creationDateEnd (Work end)
- mads:creationDateStart (Work begun)
- mads:deathDate (Death Date)
- mads:elementValue (Element Value)
- mads:email (Email)
- mads:entityDescriptor (Entity Descriptor)
- mads:establishDate (Established)
- mads:extendedAddress (Extended Address)
- mads:fax (Fax)
- mads:hiddenLabel (Hidden Label)
- mads:honoraryTitle (Honorary Title)
- mads:hours (Hours)
- mads:idValue (Identifier Value)
- mads:phone (Phone)
- mads:postcode (Post Code / Zip Code)
- mads:prominentFamilyMember (Prominent Family Member)
- mads:streetAddress (Street Address)
- mads:terminateDate (Terminated)
- mads:variantLabel (Variant Label)
- mads:adminMetadata (Administrative Metadata)
- mads:associatedLanguage (Associated Language)
- mads:associatedLocale (Associated Locale)
- mads:birthPlace (Place of Birth)
- mads:componentList (Component List)
- mads:deathPlace (Place of Death)
- mads:elementList (Element List)
- mads:extension (Extension)
- mads:fieldOfActivity (Field of Activity)
- mads:fullerName (Fuller Name)
- mads:hasAbbreviationVariant (Has Abbreviation Variant)
- mads:hasAcronymVariant (Has Acronym Variant)
- mads:hasAffiliation (Has Affiliation)
- mads:hasAffiliationAddress (Has Affiliation Address)
- mads:hasBroaderAuthority (Has Broader Authority)
- mads:hasBroaderExternalAuthority (Has Broader External Authority)
- mads:hasChararacteristic (Other characteristic)
- mads:hasCloseExternalAuthority (Has Close External Authority)
- mads:hasCorporateParentAuthority (Has Parent Organization)
- mads:hasCorporateSubsidiaryAuthority (Is Parent Organization Of)
- mads:hasDemonym (Has Demonym)
- mads:hasEarlierEstablishedForm (Has Earlier Established Form)
- mads:hasExactExternalAuthority (Has Exact External Authority)
- mads:hasExpansionVariant (Has Expansion Variant)
- mads:hasHiddenVariant (Has Hidden Variant)
- mads:hasIdentifier (Has Identifier)
- mads:hasLaterEstablishedForm (Has Later Established Form)
- mads:hasMADSCollectionMember (Has MADSCollection Member)
- mads:hasMADSSchemeMember (Has MADS Scheme Member)
- mads:hasNarrowerAuthority (Has Narrower Authority)
- mads:hasNarrowerExternalAuthority (Has Narrower External Authority)
- mads:hasRelatedAuthority (Has Related Authority)
- mads:hasSource (Has Source)
- mads:hasTopMemberOfMADSScheme (Has Top Member of MADS Scheme)
- mads:hasTranslationVariant (Has Translation Variant)
- mads:hasVariant (Has Variant)
- mads:identifiesRWO (Identifies RWO)
- mads:isDemonymFor (Is Demonym For)
- mads:isIdentifiedByAuthority (Is Identified By Authority)
- mads:isMemberOfMADSCollection (Is Member Of MADSCollection)
- mads:isMemberOfMADSScheme (Is Member of MADS Scheme)
- mads:isTopMemberOfMADSScheme (Is Top Member of MADS Scheme)
- mads:occupation (Occupation)
- mads:see (See Also)
- mads:useFor (Use For)
- mads:useInstead (Use Instead)
- mads:workOrigin (Work locale)