RDF Prefix
SKOS Vocabulary
An RDF vocabulary for describing the basic structure and content of concept schemes such as thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading lists, taxonomies, 'folksonomies', other types of controlled vocabulary, and also concept schemes embedded in glossaries and terminologies.
namespace defines:
10 | owl:AnnotationProperty |
4 | owl:Class |
1 | owl:DatatypeProperty |
1 | owl:FunctionalProperty |
17 | owl:ObjectProperty |
4 | owl:SymmetricProperty |
3 | owl:TransitiveProperty |
28 | rdf:Property |
- skos:broadMatch (has broader match)
- skos:broader (has broader)
- skos:broaderTransitive (has broader transitive)
- skos:closeMatch (has close match)
- skos:exactMatch (has exact match)
- skos:hasTopConcept (has top concept)
- skos:inScheme (is in scheme)
- skos:mappingRelation (is in mapping relation with)
- skos:member (has member)
- skos:memberList (has member list)
- skos:narrowMatch (has narrower match)
- skos:narrower (has narrower)
- skos:narrowerTransitive (has narrower transitive)
- skos:related (has related)
- skos:relatedMatch (has related match)
- skos:semanticRelation (is in semantic relation with)
- skos:topConceptOf (is top concept in scheme)
- skos:altLabel (alternative label)
- skos:broadMatch (has broader match)
- skos:broader (has broader)
- skos:broaderTransitive (has broader transitive)
- skos:changeNote (change note)
- skos:closeMatch (has close match)
- skos:definition (definition)
- skos:editorialNote (editorial note)
- skos:exactMatch (has exact match)
- skos:example (example)
- skos:hasTopConcept (has top concept)
- skos:hiddenLabel (hidden label)
- skos:historyNote (history note)
- skos:inScheme (is in scheme)
- skos:mappingRelation (is in mapping relation with)
- skos:member (has member)
- skos:memberList (has member list)
- skos:narrowMatch (has narrower match)
- skos:narrower (has narrower)
- skos:narrowerTransitive (has narrower transitive)
- skos:notation (notation)
- skos:note (note)
- skos:prefLabel (preferred label)
- skos:related (has related)
- skos:relatedMatch (has related match)
- skos:scopeNote (scope note)
- skos:semanticRelation (is in semantic relation with)
- skos:topConceptOf (is top concept in scheme)