RDF Prefix
VSO: The Vehicle Sales Ontology for Semantic Web-based E-Commerce
VSO: The Vehicle Sales Ontology A Web vocabulary for describings cars, boats, bikes, and other vehicles for e-commerce. Vocabulary: http://purl.org/vso/ns Namespace: http://purl.org/vso/ns# The Vehicle Sales Ontology is designed to be used in combination with GoodRelations, a standard vocabulary for the commercial aspects of offers for sale or rental. See http://purl.org/goodrelations/ for more information.
The http://purl.org/vso/ns#
namespace defines:
28 | owl:Class |
10 | owl:DatatypeProperty |
35 | owl:ObjectProperty |
4 | vso:DriveWheelConfigurationValue |
3 | vso:FuelQuantity |
1 | vso:FuelTypeValue |
2 | vso:SpeedInterval |
2 | vso:SteeringPositionValue |
- vso:Automobile (Automobile (gr:ProductOrService))
- vso:Bicycle (Bicycle (gr:ProductOrService))
- vso:Boat (Boat (gr:ProductOrService))
- vso:BodyStyleValue (Body style value (the class of predefined values))
- vso:BusOrCoach (Bus or coach (gr:ProductOrService))
- vso:Canoe (Canoe (gr:ProductOrService))
- vso:DriveWheelConfigurationValue (Drive wheel configuration value (the class of predefined values))
- vso:EmissionStandardValue (Emission standard value (the class of predefined values))
- vso:EngineTypeValue (Engine type value (the class of predefined values))
- vso:FeatureValue (Feature value (the class of predefined values))
- vso:FuelQuantity (FuelQuantity)
- vso:FuelTypeValue (Fuel type value (the class of predefined values))
- vso:Kayak (Kayak (gr:ProductOrService))
- vso:MotorBoat (Motor boat (gr:ProductOrService))
- vso:Motorcycle (Motorcycle (gr:ProductOrService))
- vso:MotorizedBicycle (Motorized bicycle (gr:ProductOrService))
- vso:MotorizedRoadVehicle (Motorized road vehicle (gr:ProductOrService))
- vso:Quadracycle (Quadracycle (gr:ProductOrService) )
- vso:Rickshaw (Rickshaw (gr:ProductOrService))
- vso:SailingBoat (Sailing boat (gr:ProductOrService))
- vso:Ship (Ship (gr:ProductOrService))
- vso:SpeedInterval (SpeedInterval)
- vso:SteeringPositionValue (Steering position value (the class of predefined values))
- vso:TransmissionTypeValue (Transmission type value (the class of predefined values))
- vso:Truck (Truck (gr:ProductOrService))
- vso:Van (Van (gr:ProductOrService))
- vso:Vehicle (Vehicle (gr:ProductOrService))
- vso:Watercraft (Watercraft (gr:ProductOrService))
- vso:ACRISSCode (ACRISSCode (0..1))
- vso:VIN (VIN [Vehicle Identification Number] (0..1))
- vso:color (color (0..*))
- vso:condition (condition (0..*))
- vso:damages (damages (0..*))
- vso:engineName (engineName (0..*))
- vso:firstRegistration (firstRegistration (0..1))
- vso:modelDate (modelDate (0..1))
- vso:productionDate (productionDate (0..1))
- vso:rentalUsage (rentalUsage (0..1))
- vso:acceleration (acceleration (0..*))
- vso:axles (axles (0..1))
- vso:bodyStyle (bodyStyle (0..1))
- vso:cargoVolume (cargoVolume (0..1))
- vso:doors (doors (0..1))
- vso:driveWheelConfiguration (driveWheelConfiguration (0..1))
- vso:engineDisplacement (engineDisplacement (0..*))
- vso:enginePower (enginePower (0..*))
- vso:engineType (engineType (0..*))
- vso:feature (feature (0..*))
- vso:fuelConsumption (fuelConsumption (0..*))
- vso:fuelEconomy (fuelEconomy (0..*))
- vso:fuelTankVolume (fuelTankVolume (0..1))
- vso:fuelType (fuelType (0..*))
- vso:gearsTotal (gearsTotal (0..1))
- vso:height (height (0..1))
- vso:length (length (0..1))
- vso:meetsEmissionStandard (meetsEmissionStandard (0..*))
- vso:mileageFromOdometer (mileageFromOdometer (0..1))
- vso:payload (payload (0..1))
- vso:previousOwners (previousOwners (0..1))
- vso:referenceDistance (referenceDistance (0..1))
- vso:referenceFuelQuantity (referenceFuelQuantity (0..1))
- vso:referenceSpeeds (referenceSpeeds (0..1))
- vso:roofLoad (roofLoad (0..1))
- vso:seatingCapacity (seatingCapacity (0..1))
- vso:speed (speed (0..*))
- vso:steeringPosition (steeringPosition (0..1))
- vso:tongueWeight (tongueWeight (0..1))
- vso:trailerWeight (trailerWeight (0..1))
- vso:transmission (transmission (0..*))
- vso:weight (weight (0..1))
- vso:weightTotal (weightTotal (0..1))
- vso:wheelbase (wheelbase (0..1))
- vso:width (width (0..1))