RDF Terms

    Data based on @zazuko/vocabularies
    Defined by qudt:
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    Array Type
    blank node
    blank node
    blank node
    blank node
    blank node
    blank node
    blank node
    blank node
    An array is represented as ordered entries of values arranged according to the dimensions given. The dimensions are given as a list of integers where each integer is the cardinality of each dimension. The number of dimensions is specified in the attribute 'dimensionality'. Optionally a reference can be made to a variable, whose values are the array entries. The data type of the array entries is an optional field, 'elementType', which points to a data type definition. If the data type is given, then it applies to all elements. If it is not given then the elements can be of different types for each position in the array. The property 'type:typeMatrix' must refer to a matrix of types. If a default value is given this can be used to place the appropriate value in a cell when an entry value is not known. If no dimensionality or dimension vector is specified the array is under-specified but still legitimate as a place-holder for a data type.