RDF Prefix
The http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/
namespace defines:
- qudt:AbstractDatatype (Abstract Datatype)
- qudt:AbstractQuantityKind (Quantity Kind (abstract))
- qudt:AerospaceCoordinateSystem (Aerospace coordinate system)
- qudt:AlgebraicDatatype (Algebraic Datatype)
- qudt:AlignmentType (Alignment type)
- qudt:AngleUnit (Angle unit)
- qudt:Array (Array Type)
- qudt:ArrayDataOrderType (Array data order type)
- qudt:ArrayIndex (Array Index Type)
- qudt:ArrayIndexType (Array Index Type)
- qudt:ArrayType (Array Type)
- qudt:AspectClass (Aspect Class)
- qudt:AssociativeArray (Associative Array)
- qudt:AssociativeArrayType (Associative Array Type)
- qudt:AuralCue (Aural Cue)
- qudt:AxialOrientationType (Axial Orientation Type)
- qudt:BalancedTree (Balanced Tree Type)
- qudt:BalancedTreeType (Balanced Tree Type)
- qudt:BaseDimensionMagnitude (Base Dimension Magnitude)
- qudt:BigIntegerType (Big Integer Type)
- qudt:BinaryPrefix (Binary Prefix)
- qudt:BinaryTree (Binary Tree Type)
- qudt:BinaryTreeType (Binary Tree Type)
- qudt:BitEncodingType (Bit Encoding)
- qudt:BitFieldType (Bit Field Type)
- qudt:BooleanEncodingType (Boolean encoding type)
- qudt:BooleanType (Boolean Type)
- qudt:BooleanTypeEnumeratedValue (boolean value)
- qudt:ByteEncodingType (Byte Encoding)
- qudt:CardinalityType (Cardinality Type)
- qudt:CartesianCoordinates (Cartesian Coordinate Type)
- qudt:CartesianCoordinatesType (Cartesian Coordinate Type)
- qudt:CharEncodingType (Char Encoding Type)
- qudt:CharacterType (Character Type)
- qudt:Citation (Citation)
- qudt:Collection (Collection Type)
- qudt:CollectionType (Collection Type)
- qudt:ColorCue (Color Cue)
- qudt:Comment (Comment)
- qudt:CompositeDataStructure (Composite Data Structure)
- qudt:CompositeDatatype (Composite Data Type)
- qudt:CompositeTable (Composite Table Type)
- qudt:CompositionFunction (Composition function)
- qudt:CompositionTreeType
- qudt:Concept (QUDT Concept)
- qudt:ConstantValue (Constant value)
- qudt:Container (Container)
- qudt:CoordinateCenterType (Coordinate center)
- qudt:CoordinateMember (Coordinate Member Type)
- qudt:CoordinateSystem (Coordinate system)
- qudt:CoordinateSystemFrame (Coordinate system frame)
- qudt:CoordinateSystemType (Coordinate system type)
- qudt:Coordinates (Coordinate System Type)
- qudt:Coordinates-2D (2D Coordinate Type)
- qudt:Coordinates-2D-DoublePrecision (Coordinates-2D-Double precision)
- qudt:Coordinates-2D-SinglePrecision (Cartesian Coordinates 2D Single Precision)
- qudt:Coordinates-2D-Type (2D Coordinate Type)
- qudt:Coordinates-3D (3D Coordinate Type)
- qudt:Coordinates-3D-DoublePrecision (3D Coordinates (Double Precision))
- qudt:Coordinates-3D-SinglePrecision (3D Coordinates (Single Precision))
- qudt:Coordinates-3D-Type (3D Coordinate Type)
- qudt:CountingUnit (Counting Unit)
- qudt:CurrencyUnit (Currency Unit)
- qudt:DataEncoding (Data Encoding)
- qudt:DataSetElement (QUDT DataSet Element)
- qudt:Datatype (QUDT Datatype)
- qudt:DateStringType (Date String Type)
- qudt:DateTimeStringEncodingType (Date Time String Encoding Type)
- qudt:DateTimeStringType (Temporal Type)
- qudt:DecimalPrefix (Decimal Prefix)
- qudt:DerivedUnit (Derived Unit)
- qudt:Dictionary (Dictionary Type)
- qudt:DictionaryType (Dictionary Type)
- qudt:DimensionVector (Dimension Vector)
- qudt:DimensionalDatatype (Dimensional Data Type)
- qudt:DimensionlessUnit (Dimensionless Unit)
- qudt:Discipline (Discipline)
- qudt:DiscreteState
- qudt:DoublePrecisionType (Double Precision Type)
- qudt:EarthCoordinateSystem (Earth Coordinate System Type)
- qudt:Encoding (Encoding)
- qudt:EndianType (Endian Type)
- qudt:EngineeringValueTupleMember (Engineering Value Tuple Member)
- qudt:EnumeratedValue (Enumerated Value)
- qudt:Enumeration (QUDT Enumeration)
- qudt:EnumerationScale (Enumeration scale)
- qudt:FieldType (Field Type)
- qudt:Figure (Figure)
- qudt:FileFormat (File format)
- qudt:FixedIntervalTimeSeriesArray (Fixed Interval Time Series Array Type)
- qudt:FixedIntervalTimeSeriesArrayType (Fixed Interval Time Series Array Type)
- qudt:FloatingPointEncodingType (Floating Point Encoding)
- qudt:FrameType (Frame Type)
- qudt:Function (Function)
- qudt:FunctionDatatype (Function Data Type)
- qudt:Graph (Graph Type)
- qudt:GraphType (Graph Type)
- qudt:GroundCoordinateSystem (Ground coordinate system)
- qudt:HashTable (Hash Table Type)
- qudt:HashTableType (Hash Table Type)
- qudt:Heap (Heap Type)
- qudt:HeapType (Heap Type)
- qudt:HexBinaryType (Hexidecimal Binary Type)
- qudt:IconicCue (Iconic enumeration literal)
- qudt:InertialCoordinateFrame (Inertial Coordinate Frame)
- qudt:InertialReferenceFrame (Inertial reference frame)
- qudt:IntegerDatatype (Integer Datatype)
- qudt:IntegerEncodingType (Integer Encoding)
- qudt:IntegerList (Integer list)
- qudt:IntegerVector (Integer vector)
- qudt:InterpolatedTable (Interpolated Table Type)
- qudt:IntervalScale (Interval scale)
- qudt:KinestheticCue (Kinesthetic Cue)
- qudt:LargeObject (Large object)
- qudt:LargeObjectType (Large object)
- qudt:LimitType (Limit type)
- qudt:List (List)
- qudt:ListType (List type)
- qudt:LocalCoordinateSystem (Local Coordinate System Type)
- qudt:LogarithmicUnit (Logarithmic Unit)
- qudt:LongIntegerType (Long Integer Type)
- qudt:LunarCoordinateSystem (Lunar Coordinate System)
- qudt:MajorMinorType (Major minor type)
- qudt:Map (Map Type)
- qudt:MapType (Map Type)
- qudt:MarsCoordinateSystem (Mars Coordinate System Type)
- qudt:MassPropertiesArray (Mass Properties Array Type)
- qudt:MassPropertiesArrayType (Mass Properties Array Type)
- qudt:MathsFunctionType (Maths Function Type)
- qudt:Matrix (Matrix Type)
- qudt:MatrixType (Matrix Type)
- qudt:MemoryOrderType (Memory order type)
- qudt:ModalCue (Modal Cue)
- qudt:ModalEnumeration (Modal Enumeration)
- qudt:MultiDimensionalArray (Multi Dimensional Array Type)
- qudt:MultiDimensionalArrayType (Multi Dimensional Array Type)
- qudt:MultiDimensionalDataFormat (Multi dimensional data format)
- qudt:MultiDimensionalDataFormatType (Multi Dimensional Data Format Type)
- qudt:MultiModalEnumeration (Multi modal enumeration)
- qudt:MultiModalType (Multi Modal Type)
- qudt:MultiSet (Bag)
- qudt:N-Tuple (N-Tuple Type)
- qudt:N-TupleType (N-Tuple Type)
- qudt:NIST_SP811_Comment (NIST SP~811 Comment)
- qudt:NominalScale (Nominal scale)
- qudt:NonRotatingInertialFrame (Non Rotating Coordinate Frame)
- qudt:NumericType (Numeric Type)
- qudt:NumericUnion (Numeric union)
- qudt:OctetType (Octet Type)
- qudt:OnOffStateType (On off state type)
- qudt:OpenCloseStateType (Open Close State Type)
- qudt:OrderedCollection (Ordered Collection Type)
- qudt:OrderedCollectionType (Ordered Collection Type)
- qudt:OrderedTree (Ordered Tree Type)
- qudt:OrderedTreeType (Ordered Tree Type)
- qudt:OrderedType (Ordered type)
- qudt:OrdinalScale (Ordinal scale)
- qudt:OrdinalType (Ordinal Data Type)
- qudt:Organization (Organization)
- qudt:PaddingType (Padding type)
- qudt:ParameterModifiabilityType (Parameter modifiability type)
- qudt:Percentage (Percentage Type)
- qudt:PhysicalAddress (Physical Address Type)
- qudt:PhysicalConstant (Physical Constant)
- qudt:PlaneAngleUnit (Plane Angle Unit)
- qudt:PolarCoordinates (Polar Coordinate System Type)
- qudt:PolarCoordinatesType (Polar Coordinate System Type)
- qudt:Polarity (Polarity)
- qudt:PositiveIntegerType (Positive Integer Type)
- qudt:Prefix (Prefix)
- qudt:PubEnumeratedType (Pub enumerated type)
- qudt:Quantifiable (Quantifiable)
- qudt:Quantity (Quantity)
- qudt:QuantityKind (Quantity Kind)
- qudt:QuantityKindDimensionVector (Quantity Kind Dimension Vector)
- qudt:QuantityKindDimensionVector_CGS (CGS Dimension vector)
- qudt:QuantityKindDimensionVector_CGS-EMU (CGS EMU Dimension vector)
- qudt:QuantityKindDimensionVector_CGS-ESU (CGS ESU Dimension vector)
- qudt:QuantityKindDimensionVector_CGS-GAUSS (CGS GAUSS Dimension vector)
- qudt:QuantityKindDimensionVector_CGS-LH (CGS LH Dimension vector)
- qudt:QuantityKindDimensionVector_ISO (ISO Dimension vector)
- qudt:QuantityKindDimensionVector_Imperial (Imperial dimension vector)
- qudt:QuantityKindDimensionVector_SI (Quantity Kind Dimension vector (SI))
- qudt:QuantityType (Quantity type)
- qudt:QuantityValue (Quantity value)
- qudt:QuantityValueType (Quantity value type)
- qudt:RatioScale (Ratio scale)
- qudt:RawValueTupleMember (Raw value tuple member)
- qudt:RawValueTupleMemberType (Raw value tuple member type)
- qudt:RealDatatype (Real Datatype)
- qudt:RealDoublePrecisionType (Real Double Precision Type)
- qudt:RealNumberType (Real number type)
- qudt:RealSinglePrecisionType (Real Single Precision Type)
- qudt:Record (Record Type)
- qudt:ReferenceDatatype (Reference Data Type)
- qudt:ReferenceFrame (Reference Frame)
- qudt:RotatingReferenceFrame (Rotating reference frame)
- qudt:Rule (Rule)
- qudt:RuleType (Rule Type)
- qudt:ScalarDatatype (Scalar Datatype)
- qudt:Scale (Scale)
- qudt:ScaleType (Scale type)
- qudt:Sequence (Sequence)
- qudt:SequenceType (Sequence)
- qudt:Set (Set Type)
- qudt:SetType (Set Type)
- qudt:ShortIntegerType (Short Integer Type)
- qudt:SignedBigIntegerType (Signed Big Integer Type)
- qudt:SignedIntegerType (Signed Integer Type)
- qudt:SignedLongIntegerType (Signed Long Integer Type)
- qudt:SignedMediumIntegerType (Signed Integer Type)
- qudt:SignedShortIntegerType (Signed Short Integer Type)
- qudt:SignedType (Signed Type)
- qudt:SignedVariableLengthIntegerType (Signed Variable Length Integer Type)
- qudt:SignednessType (Signedness type)
- qudt:SinglePrecisionType (Single Precision Type)
- qudt:SolidAngleUnit (Solid Angle Unit)
- qudt:SplineCalibrator (Spline calibrator)
- qudt:SplineCalibratorType (Spline calibrator type)
- qudt:SplinePoint (Spline point)
- qudt:SplinePointType (Spline point type)
- qudt:StateSpaceMatrix (State Space Matrix Type)
- qudt:StateSpaceMatrixType (State Space Matrix Type)
- qudt:StateSpaceVector (State Space Vector Type)
- qudt:StateSpaceVectorType (State Space Vector Type)
- qudt:StateVectorType (State Vector Type)
- qudt:StringEncodingType (String Encoding Type)
- qudt:StringList (String list)
- qudt:StringType (String Type)
- qudt:StringUTF16 (String UTF16 Type)
- qudt:StringUTF8 (String UTF8 Type)
- qudt:StructuredDatatype (Structured Data Type)
- qudt:SubjectArea (Subject Area)
- qudt:Symbol (Symbol)
- qudt:SystemOfQuantityKinds (System of Quantity Kinds)
- qudt:SystemOfUnits (System of Units)
- qudt:Table (Table Type)
- qudt:TableType (Table Type)
- qudt:TaggedEnumeration (Tagged Enumeration)
- qudt:TextStringType (Text String Type)
- qudt:Three-Tuple (Three-Tuple Type)
- qudt:ThreeBodyRotatingCoordinateSystem (Three Body Rotating Coordinate System Type)
- qudt:ThreeTupleType (Three-Tuple Type)
- qudt:Time (Time)
- qudt:TimeDataType (Time data type)
- qudt:TimeInterval (Time interval)
- qudt:TimeSeriesArray (Time Series Array Type)
- qudt:TimeSeriesArrayType (Time Series Array Type)
- qudt:TimeStringType (Time Type)
- qudt:TrajectoryCoordinateSystem (Trajectory Coordinate System)
- qudt:TransformType (Transform type)
- qudt:Tree (Tree Type)
- qudt:TreeType (Tree Type)
- qudt:Triplet (Triplet)
- qudt:Tuple (Tuple Type)
- qudt:TupleMember (Tuple Member Type)
- qudt:TupleMemberType (Tuple Member Type)
- qudt:TupleType (Tuple Type)
- qudt:Two-Tuple (Two-Tuple Type)
- qudt:TwoTupleType (Two-Tuple Type)
- qudt:TypeList (Type list)
- qudt:TypeMatrix (Type matrix)
- qudt:TypeVector (Type vector)
- qudt:Unit (Unit)
- qudt:UnsignedBigIntegerType (Unsigned Big Integer Type)
- qudt:UnsignedIntegerType (Unsigned Integer Type)
- qudt:UnsignedLongIntegerType (Unsigned Long Integer Type)
- qudt:UnsignedMediumIntegerType (Signed Integer Type)
- qudt:UnsignedShortIntegerType (Unsigned Short Integer Type)
- qudt:UnsignedType (Unsigned Type)
- qudt:UnsignedVariableLengthIntegerType (Unsigned Variable Length Integer Type)
- qudt:UserQuantityKind (User Quantity Kind)
- qudt:VariableIntervalTimeSeriesArray (Variable Interval Time Series Array Type)
- qudt:VariableIntervalTimeSeriesArrayType (Variable Interval Time Series Array Type)
- qudt:VariableLengthIntegerType (Variable Length Integer Type)
- qudt:Vector (Vector Type)
- qudt:VectorArray (Vector Array Type)
- qudt:VectorArrayType (Vector Array Type)
- qudt:VectorType (Vector Type)
- qudt:VehicleCoordinateSystem (Vehicle coordinate system)
- qudt:VisualCue (Visual Cue)
- qudt:WetDryStateType (Wet dry state type)
- qudt:YesNoType (Yes no type)
- qudt:abbreviation (abbreviation)
- qudt:accuracy (accuracy)
- qudt:acronym (acronym)
- qudt:allowedPattern (allowed pattern)
- qudt:ansiSQLName (ANSI SQL name)
- qudt:base (base)
- qudt:bits (bits)
- qudt:bounded (bounded)
- qudt:byRow (by row)
- qudt:bytes (bytes)
- qudt:citation (citation)
- qudt:code (code)
- qudt:columns (columns)
- qudt:conversionCoefficient (conversion coefficient)
- qudt:conversionMultiplier (conversion multiplier)
- qudt:conversionOffset (conversion offset)
- qudt:currencyCode (currency code)
- qudt:currencyExponent (currency exponent)
- qudt:currencyNumber (currency number)
- qudt:dataStructure (data structure)
- qudt:dbpediaMatch (dbpedia match)
- qudt:dimension (dimension)
- qudt:dimensionExponent (dimension exponent)
- qudt:dimensionExponentForAmountOfSubstance (dimension exponent for amount of substance)
- qudt:dimensionExponentForElectricCurrent (dimension exponent for electric current)
- qudt:dimensionExponentForLength (dimension exponent for length)
- qudt:dimensionExponentForLuminousIntensity (dimension exponent for luminous intensity)
- qudt:dimensionExponentForMass (dimension exponent for mass)
- qudt:dimensionExponentForThermodynamicTemperature (dimension exponent for thermodynamic temperature)
- qudt:dimensionExponentForTime (dimension exponent for time)
- qudt:dimensionality (dimensionality)
- qudt:dimensionlessExponent (dimensionless exponent)
- qudt:elementName (element name)
- qudt:elementTypeCount (element type count)
- qudt:encodedValue (encoded value)
- qudt:encodingDescription (encoding description)
- qudt:exactConstant (exact constant)
- qudt:exponent (exponent)
- qudt:fieldCode (field code)
- qudt:fieldName (field name)
- qudt:figureCaption (figure caption)
- qudt:figureLabel (figure label)
- qudt:float_X (float X)
- qudt:float_Y (float Y)
- qudt:float_Z (float Z)
- qudt:functionArity (function arity)
- qudt:guidance (guidance)
- qudt:height (height)
- qudt:id (qudt id)
- qudt:iec61360Code (iec-61360 code)
- qudt:image (image)
- qudt:imageLocation (image location)
- qudt:informativeReference (informative reference)
- qudt:inverted (inverted)
- qudt:isByteString (is byte string)
- qudt:isDeltaQuantity (is Delta Quantity)
- qudt:isMetricUnit (is metric unit)
- qudt:isoNormativeReference (normative reference (ISO))
- qudt:javaName (java name)
- qudt:jsName (Javascript name)
- qudt:landscape (landscape)
- qudt:latexDefinition (latex definition)
- qudt:latexSymbol (latex symbol)
- qudt:length (length)
- qudt:literal (literal)
- qudt:lowerBound (lower bound)
- qudt:mantissa (mantissa)
- qudt:mathDefinition (math definition)
- qudt:mathMLdefinition (mathML definition)
- qudt:matlabName (matlab name)
- qudt:maxBits (maximum bits)
- qudt:maxDepth (max depth)
- qudt:maxExclusive (max exclusive)
- qudt:maxExponent (max exponent)
- qudt:maxInclusive (max inclusive)
- qudt:maxLength (max length)
- qudt:maxMantissa (max mantissa)
- qudt:microsoftSQLServerName (Microsoft SQL Server name)
- qudt:minBits (minimum bits)
- qudt:minExclusive (min exclusive)
- qudt:minInclusive (min inclusive)
- qudt:minLength (min length)
- qudt:minMantissa (min mantissa)
- qudt:minValue (minimum value)
- qudt:mySQLName (MySQL name)
- qudt:negativeDeltaLimit (negative delta limit)
- qudt:normativeReference (normative reference)
- qudt:numericValue (numeric value)
- qudt:octets (octets)
- qudt:odbcName (ODBC name)
- qudt:oleDBName (OLE DB name)
- qudt:onlineReference (online reference)
- qudt:oracleSQLName (ORACLE SQL name)
- qudt:order (order)
- qudt:orderInStructure (order in structure)
- qudt:originDefinition (origin definition)
- qudt:outOfScope (out of scope)
- qudt:pattern (pattern)
- qudt:plainTextDescription (description (plain text))
- qudt:positiveDeltaLimit (Positive delta limit)
- qudt:precision (precision)
- qudt:prefixMultiplier (prefix multiplier)
- qudt:protocolBuffersName (protocol buffers name)
- qudt:pythonName (python name)
- qudt:rationale (rationale)
- qudt:realization (realization)
- qudt:relativeStandardUncertainty (relative standard uncertainty)
- qudt:rgbCode (rgb code)
- qudt:rows (rows)
- qudt:siUnitsExpression (si units expression)
- qudt:significantDigits (significant digits)
- qudt:sound (sound)
- qudt:standardUncertainty (standard uncertainty)
- qudt:stringValue (string value)
- qudt:symbol (symbol)
- qudt:totalDigits (total digits)
- qudt:ucumCode (ucum code)
- qudt:udunitsCode (udunits code)
- qudt:uneceCommonCode (unece common code)
- qudt:upperBound (upper bound)
- qudt:url (url)
- qudt:vbName (Vusal Basic name)
- qudt:vectorMagnitude (vector magnitude)
- qudt:width (width)
- qudt:xAxisDefinition (X-Axis Definition)
- qudt:xCoordinateDefinition (X-Coordinate definition)
- qudt:yAxisDefinition (Y-Axis definition)
- qudt:yCoordinateDefinition (Y-Coordinate definition)
- qudt:zAxisDefinition (Z-Axis definition)
- qudt:zCoordinateDefinition (Z-Coordinate definition)
- qudt:accuracy (accuracy)
- qudt:baseDimensionEnumeration (base dimension enumeration)
- qudt:coherentUnitSystem (coherent unit system)
- qudt:conversionMultiplier (conversion multiplier)
- qudt:conversionOffset (conversion offset)
- qudt:currencyCode (currency code)
- qudt:currencyExponent (currency exponent)
- qudt:currencyNumber (currency number)
- qudt:dimensionInverse (dimension inverse)
- qudt:elementUnit (element unit)
- qudt:exponent (exponent)
- qudt:hasBaseQuantityKind (has base quantity kind)
- qudt:hasUnitSystem (has unit system)
- qudt:mantissa (mantissa)
- qudt:maxExponent (max exponent)
- qudt:orderingRelation (Ordering Relation)
- qudt:precision (precision)
- qudt:prefixMultiplier (prefix multiplier)
- qudt:referenceUnit (reference unit)
- qudt:vectorMagnitude (vector magnitude)
- qudt:alignment (alignment)
- qudt:allowedUnitOfSystem (allowed unit of system)
- qudt:applicableCGSUnit (applicable CGS unit)
- qudt:applicableISOUnit (applicable ISO unit)
- qudt:applicableImperialUnit (applicable Imperial unit)
- qudt:applicablePhysicalConstant (applicable physical constant)
- qudt:applicablePlanckUnit (applicable Planck unit)
- qudt:applicableSIUnit (applicable SI unit)
- qudt:applicableUSCustomaryUnit (applicable US Customary unit)
- qudt:applicableUnit (applicable unit)
- qudt:arg1Type (arg1Type)
- qudt:arg2Type (arg2Type)
- qudt:arg3Type (arg3Type)
- qudt:argType (argType)
- qudt:auralCue (aural cue)
- qudt:auralCueEnumeration (aural cue enumeration)
- qudt:baseDimensionEnumeration (base dimension enumeration)
- qudt:baseUnitOfSystem (is base unit of system)
- qudt:basis (basis)
- qudt:belongsToSystemOfQuantities (belongs to system of quantities)
- qudt:bitOrder (bit order)
- qudt:byteOrder (byte order)
- qudt:cardinality (cardinality)
- qudt:categorizedAs (categorized as)
- qudt:coherentUnitOfSystem (is coherent unit of system)
- qudt:coherentUnitSystem (coherent unit system)
- qudt:coordinateCenter (coordinate center)
- qudt:coordinateSystem (coordinate system)
- qudt:coordinateSystemFrame (coordinate system frame)
- qudt:dataEncoding (data encoding)
- qudt:dataOrder (data order)
- qudt:dataType (datatype)
- qudt:default (default)
- qudt:definedUnitOfSystem (defined unit of system)
- qudt:denominatorDimensionVector (denominator dimension vector)
- qudt:derivedCoherentUnitOfSystem (is coherent derived unit of system)
- qudt:derivedNonCoherentUnitOfSystem (is non-coherent derived unit of system)
- qudt:derivedQuantityKindOfSystem (derived quantity kind of system)
- qudt:derivedUnitOfSystem (is derived unit of system)
- qudt:dimensionInverse (dimension inverse)
- qudt:dimensionVector (dimension vector)
- qudt:dimensionVectorForSI (dimension vector for SI)
- qudt:element (element)
- qudt:elementKind (element kind)
- qudt:elementType (element type)
- qudt:elementTypeList (element type list)
- qudt:elementUnit (element unit)
- qudt:encoding (encoding)
- qudt:enumeratedValue (enumerated value)
- qudt:enumeration (enumeration)
- qudt:exactMatch (exact match)
- qudt:fieldLabels (field labels)
- qudt:figure (figure)
- qudt:frameType (frame type)
- qudt:generalization (generalization)
- qudt:hasAllowedUnit (allowed unit)
- qudt:hasBaseQuantityKind (has base quantity kind)
- qudt:hasBaseUnit (base unit)
- qudt:hasCoherentUnit (coherent unit)
- qudt:hasDefinedUnit (defined unit)
- qudt:hasDenominatorPart (has quantity kind dimension vector denominator part)
- qudt:hasDerivedCoherentUnit (derived coherent unit)
- qudt:hasDerivedNonCoherentUnit (has coherent derived unit)
- qudt:hasDerivedUnit (derived unit)
- qudt:hasDimension (has dimension)
- qudt:hasDimensionExpression (dimension expression)
- qudt:hasDimensionVector (has dimension vector)
- qudt:hasNonCoherentUnit (has non-coherent unit)
- qudt:hasNumeratorPart (has quantity kind dimension vector numerator part)
- qudt:hasPrefixUnit (prefix unit)
- qudt:hasQuantity (has quantity)
- qudt:hasQuantityKind (has quantity kind)
- qudt:hasReferenceQuantityKind (has reference quantity kind)
- qudt:hasRule (has rule)
- qudt:hasUnit (has unit)
- qudt:hasUnitSystem (has unit system)
- qudt:hasVocabulary (has vocabulary)
- qudt:iconicCue (iconic cue)
- qudt:iconicCueEnumeration (iconic cue enumeration)
- qudt:isBaseQuantityKindOfSystem (is base quantity kind of system)
- qudt:isDimensionInSystem (is dimension in system)
- qudt:isQuantityKindOf (is quantity kind of)
- qudt:kinestheticCue (kinesthetic cue)
- qudt:kinestheticCueEnumeration (kinesthetic cue enumeration)
- qudt:modalCue (modal cue)
- qudt:modalCueEnumeration (modal cue enumeration)
- qudt:modifiability (modifiability)
- qudt:numeratorDimensionVector (numerator dimension vector)
- qudt:omUnit (om unit)
- qudt:orderedType (ordered type)
- qudt:orderingRelation (Ordering Relation)
- qudt:padding (padding)
- qudt:permissibleMaths (permissible maths)
- qudt:permissibleTransformation (permissible transformation)
- qudt:pitchRotationDefinition (pitch rotation definition)
- qudt:prefix (prefix)
- qudt:qkdvDenominator (denominator dimension vector)
- qudt:qkdvNumerator (numerator dimension vector)
- qudt:quantity (quantity)
- qudt:quantityValue (quantity value)
- qudt:rdfsDatatype (rdfs datatype)
- qudt:reference (reference)
- qudt:referenceFrame (reference frame)
- qudt:referenceFrameType (reference frame type)
- qudt:referenceUnit (reference unit)
- qudt:relevantQuantityKind (relevant quantity kind)
- qudt:relevantUnit (Relevant Unit)
- qudt:returnType (return type)
- qudt:rollRotationDefinition (roll rotation definition)
- qudt:rotationDefinition (rotation definition)
- qudt:ruleType (rule type)
- qudt:scaleType (scale type)
- qudt:signedness (signedness)
- qudt:specialization (specialization)
- qudt:supercededBy (superceded by)
- qudt:systemDefinition (system definition)
- qudt:systemDerivedQuantityKind (system derived quantity kind)
- qudt:systemDimension (system dimension)
- qudt:timeDatatype (time datatype)
- qudt:type (type)
- qudt:typeMatrix (type matrix)
- qudt:typeVector (type vector)
- qudt:unit (unit)
- qudt:unitFor (unit for)
- qudt:unitOfSystem (is unit of system)
- qudt:valueQuantity (value for quantity)
- qudt:valueRange (value range)
- qudt:valueType (value type)
- qudt:valueVector (value vector)
- qudt:vector (vector)
- qudt:visualCue (visual cue)
- qudt:visualCueEnumeration (visual cue enumeration)
- qudt:yawRotationDefinition (Yaw rotation definition)
- qudt:BitField01 (Bit Field of 1 bit)
- qudt:BitField02 (Bit Field of 2 bits)
- qudt:BitField03 (Bit Field of 3 bits)
- qudt:BitField04 (Bit Field of 4 bits)
- qudt:BitField05 (Bit Field of 5 bits)
- qudt:BitField06 (Bit Field of 6 bits)
- qudt:BitField07 (Bit Field of 7 bits)
- qudt:BitField08 (Bit Field of 8 bits)
- qudt:BitField09 (Bit Field of 9 bits)
- qudt:BitField10 (Bit Field Of 10 Bits)
- qudt:BitField11 (Bit Field Of 11 Bits)
- qudt:BitField12 (Bit Field of 12 bits)
- qudt:CCT_EarthCentered (Earth-centered Coordinate System Type)
- qudt:CCT_MarsCentered (Mars-centered Coordinate System Type)
- qudt:CCT_MoonCentered (Moon-centered Coordinate System Type)
- qudt:CCT_SunCentered (Sun-centered Coordinate System Type)
- qudt:CCT_VehicleCentered (Vehicle-centered Coordinate System Type)
- qudt:LongUnsignedIntegerEncoding (Long Unsigned Integer Encoding)
- qudt:ShortSignedIntegerEncoding (Short Signed Integer Encoding)
- qudt:ShortUnsignedIntegerEncoding (Short Unsigned Integer Encoding)
- qudt:SignedIntegerEncoding (Signed Integer Encoding)
- qudt:UnsignedIntegerEncoding (Unsigned Integer Encoding)
- qudt:Article (Pub article type)
- qudt:Book (Pub book type)
- qudt:Booklet (Pub booklet type)
- qudt:Conference (Pub techreport type)
- qudt:InBook (Pub inbook type)
- qudt:InCollection (Pub incollection type)
- qudt:InProceedings (Pub inproceedings type)
- qudt:Manual (Pub manual type)
- qudt:Misc (Pub misc type)
- qudt:Proceedings (Pub proceedings type)
- qudt:TechReport (Pub techreport type)
- qudt:Unpublished (Pub unpublished type)
- qudt:allowedPattern (allowed pattern)
- qudt:ansiSQLName (ANSI SQL name)
- qudt:basis (basis)
- qudt:bits (bits)
- qudt:bounded (bounded)
- qudt:bytes (bytes)
- qudt:cName (C Language name)
- qudt:cardinality (cardinality)
- qudt:elementLabel (element label)
- qudt:elementType (element type)
- qudt:field
- qudt:isComprisedOf
- qudt:length (length)
- qudt:minExclusive (min exclusive)
- qudt:optional (optional)
- qudt:oracleSQLName (ORACLE SQL name)
- qudt:orderedType (ordered type)
- qudt:protocolBuffersName (protocol buffers name)
- qudt:pythonName (python name)
- qudt:rdfsDatatype (rdfs datatype)
- qudt:value (value)
- qudt:vbName (Vusal Basic name)
- qudt:BitField (bitfield)
- qudt:BitField01 (Bit Field of 1 bit)
- qudt:BitField02 (Bit Field of 2 bits)
- qudt:BitField03 (Bit Field of 3 bits)
- qudt:BitField04 (Bit Field of 4 bits)
- qudt:BitField05 (Bit Field of 5 bits)
- qudt:BitField06 (Bit Field of 6 bits)
- qudt:BitField07 (Bit Field of 7 bits)
- qudt:BitField08 (Bit Field of 8 bits)
- qudt:BitField09 (Bit Field of 9 bits)
- qudt:BitField10 (Bit Field Of 10 Bits)
- qudt:BitField11 (Bit Field Of 11 Bits)
- qudt:BitField12 (Bit Field of 12 bits)
- qudt:CRC32 (CRC-32)
- qudt:LatexString (Latex String)
- qudt:UCUMci (case-insensitive UCUM code)
- qudt:UCUMci-term (case-insensitive UCUM term)
- qudt:UCUMcs (case-sensitive UCUM code)
- qudt:UCUMcs-term (case-sensitive UCUM terminal)
- qudt:UTC-DayTime (UTC Day time)
- qudt:floatPercentage (float percentage)
- qudt:hexbinary (hexbinary)
- qudt:integer1to12 (integer 1..12)
- qudt:integer1to31 (integer 1..31)
- qudt:integerPercentage (integer percentage)
- qudt:valueUnion (value union)
- qudt:ArrayIndexType (Array Index Type)
- qudt:ArrayType (Array Type)
- qudt:AuralCue (Aural Cue)
- qudt:BalancedTreeType (Balanced Tree Type)
- qudt:BigIntegerType (Big Integer Type)
- qudt:BitFieldType (Bit Field Type)
- qudt:BooleanType (Boolean Type)
- qudt:ColorCue (Color Cue)
- qudt:CompositeDataStructure (Composite Data Structure)
- qudt:CompositeDatatype (Composite Data Type)
- qudt:CompositionFunction (Composition function)
- qudt:CompositionTreeType
- qudt:Concept (QUDT Concept)
- qudt:Container (Container)
- qudt:CoordinateSystem (Coordinate system)
- qudt:CoordinateSystemType (Coordinate system type)
- qudt:DataSetElement (QUDT DataSet Element)
- qudt:DateTimeStringEncodingType (Date Time String Encoding Type)
- qudt:DateTimeStringType (Temporal Type)
- qudt:EarthCoordinateSystem (Earth Coordinate System Type)
- qudt:Encoding (Encoding)
- qudt:EngineeringValueTupleMember (Engineering Value Tuple Member)
- qudt:Enumeration (QUDT Enumeration)
- qudt:Function (Function)
- qudt:FunctionDatatype (Function Data Type)
- qudt:HexBinaryType (Hexidecimal Binary Type)
- qudt:IconicCue (Iconic enumeration literal)
- qudt:InertialCoordinateFrame (Inertial Coordinate Frame)
- qudt:IntegerList (Integer list)
- qudt:IntegerVector (Integer vector)
- qudt:KinestheticCue (Kinesthetic Cue)
- qudt:ListType (List type)
- qudt:LongIntegerType (Long Integer Type)
- qudt:LunarCoordinateSystem (Lunar Coordinate System)
- qudt:MarsCoordinateSystem (Mars Coordinate System Type)
- qudt:ModalCue (Modal Cue)
- qudt:ModalEnumeration (Modal Enumeration)
- qudt:MultiDimensionalDataFormatType (Multi Dimensional Data Format Type)
- qudt:MultiModalEnumeration (Multi modal enumeration)
- qudt:MultiModalType (Multi Modal Type)
- qudt:N-TupleType (N-Tuple Type)
- qudt:NonRotatingInertialFrame (Non Rotating Coordinate Frame)
- qudt:NumericType (Numeric Type)
- qudt:OrderedCollectionType (Ordered Collection Type)
- qudt:QuantityValueType (Quantity value type)
- qudt:RawValueTupleMemberType (Raw value tuple member type)
- qudt:RealDatatype (Real Datatype)
- qudt:RealNumberType (Real number type)
- qudt:ReferenceFrame (Reference Frame)
- qudt:SequenceType (Sequence)
- qudt:SignedBigIntegerType (Signed Big Integer Type)
- qudt:SignedLongIntegerType (Signed Long Integer Type)
- qudt:SignedMediumIntegerType (Signed Integer Type)
- qudt:SignedShortIntegerType (Signed Short Integer Type)
- qudt:SignedType (Signed Type)
- qudt:StateSpaceVectorType (State Space Vector Type)
- qudt:StateVectorType (State Vector Type)
- qudt:StringList (String list)
- qudt:StringType (String Type)
- qudt:StringUTF16 (String UTF16 Type)
- qudt:StringUTF8 (String UTF8 Type)
- qudt:StructuredDatatype (Structured Data Type)
- qudt:TableType (Table Type)
- qudt:TaggedEnumeration (Tagged Enumeration)
- qudt:ThreeTupleType (Three-Tuple Type)
- qudt:Time (Time)
- qudt:TimeInterval (Time interval)
- qudt:TimeSeriesArrayType (Time Series Array Type)
- qudt:TupleMemberType (Tuple Member Type)
- qudt:TupleType (Tuple Type)
- qudt:TwoTupleType (Two-Tuple Type)
- qudt:TypeMatrix (Type matrix)
- qudt:TypeVector (Type vector)
- qudt:UnsignedBigIntegerType (Unsigned Big Integer Type)
- qudt:UnsignedLongIntegerType (Unsigned Long Integer Type)
- qudt:UnsignedMediumIntegerType (Signed Integer Type)
- qudt:UnsignedShortIntegerType (Unsigned Short Integer Type)
- qudt:UnsignedType (Unsigned Type)
- qudt:VariableLengthIntegerType (Variable Length Integer Type)
- qudt:VectorArrayType (Vector Array Type)
- qudt:VectorType (Vector Type)
- qudt:VehicleCoordinateSystem (Vehicle coordinate system)
- qudt:ArrayIndex-elementType
- qudt:ArrayType-byRow
- qudt:ArrayType-dataOrder
- qudt:ArrayType-dimensionVector
- qudt:ArrayType-dimensionality
- qudt:ArrayType-typeMatrix
- qudt:AuralCue-sound
- qudt:AuralCueEnumeration-defaultValue
- qudt:BalancedTree-maxDepth
- qudt:BigIntegerType-octets
- qudt:BitFieldType-encodedValue
- qudt:BooleanType-encoding
- qudt:ColorCue-rgbCode
- qudt:CompositeDataStructure-dataElement
- qudt:CompositeDatatype-alignment
- qudt:CompositeDatatype-elementType
- qudt:CompositeDatatype-padding
- qudt:CompositionTreeType-compositionFunction
- qudt:Container-elementTypeCount
- qudt:CoordinateSystem-abbreviation
- qudt:CoordinateSystem-acronym
- qudt:CoordinateSystem-coordinateCenter
- qudt:CoordinateSystem-referenceFrame
- qudt:CoordinateSystemType-originDefinition
- qudt:Coordinates-2D-DoublePrecision-Double_X
- qudt:Coordinates-2D-DoublePrecision-Double_Y
- qudt:Coordinates-2D-SinglePrecision-float_X
- qudt:Coordinates-2D-SinglePrecision-float_Y
- qudt:Coordinates-3D-DoublePrecision-Double_X
- qudt:Coordinates-3D-DoublePrecision-Double_Y
- qudt:Coordinates-3D-DoublePrecision-Double_Z
- qudt:Coordinates-3D-SinglePrecision-float_X
- qudt:Coordinates-3D-SinglePrecision-float_Y
- qudt:Coordinates-3D-SinglePrecision-float_Z
- qudt:Coordinates-elementType
- qudt:DataElement-type
- qudt:DataSetElement-elementLabel
- qudt:DataSetElement-optional
- qudt:DataSetElement-quantityKind
- qudt:Datatype-ansiSQLName
- qudt:Datatype-basis
- qudt:Datatype-bounded
- qudt:Datatype-cName
- qudt:Datatype-cardinality
- qudt:Datatype-description
- qudt:Datatype-id
- qudt:Datatype-javaName
- qudt:Datatype-jsName
- qudt:Datatype-matlabName
- qudt:Datatype-microsoftSQLServerName
- qudt:Datatype-mySQLName
- qudt:Datatype-odbcName
- qudt:Datatype-oleDBName
- qudt:Datatype-oracleSQLName
- qudt:Datatype-protocolBuffersName
- qudt:Datatype-pythonName
- qudt:Datatype-vbName
- qudt:DateTimeStringEncodingType-allowedPattern
- qudt:DateTimeStringType-encoding
- qudt:EarthCoordinateSystem-coordinateCenter
- qudt:Encoding-bits
- qudt:Encoding-bytes
- qudt:EngineeringValueTupleMember-elementType
- qudt:Enumeration-bits
- qudt:Enumeration-defaultValue
- qudt:Enumeration-encoding
- qudt:Enumeration-value
- qudt:FieldType-elementName
- qudt:FieldType-elementType
- qudt:FieldType-fieldLabel
- qudt:FieldType-fieldType
- qudt:FieldType-optional
- qudt:FunctionDatatype-argType
- qudt:FunctionDatatype-functionArity
- qudt:FunctionDatatype-returnType
- qudt:HexBinaryType-length
- qudt:HexBinaryType-maxLength
- qudt:HexBinaryType-minLength
- qudt:HexBinaryType-pattern
- qudt:IconicCue-image
- qudt:IconicCueEnumeration-defaultValue
- qudt:InertialCoordinateFrame-frameType
- qudt:IntegerList-first
- qudt:IntegerList-rest
- qudt:KinestheticCue-code
- qudt:KinestheticCueEnumeration-defaultValue
- qudt:List-first
- qudt:List-rest
- qudt:LongIntegerType-octets
- qudt:LunarCoordinateSystem-coordinateCenter
- qudt:LunarCoordinateSystem-realization
- qudt:LunarCoordinateSystem-xAxisDefinition
- qudt:LunarCoordinateSystem-yAxisDefinition
- qudt:LunarCoordinateSystem-zAxisDefinition
- qudt:MarsCoordinateSystem-coordinateCenter
- qudt:ModalCue-duration
- qudt:ModalEnumeration-defaultValue
- qudt:MultiDimensionalDataFormat-descriptor
- qudt:MultiModalEnumeration-auralCueEnumeration
- qudt:MultiModalEnumeration-iconicCueEnumeration
- qudt:MultiModalEnumeration-kinestheticCueEnumeration
- qudt:MultiModalEnumeration-modalCueEnumeration
- qudt:MultiModalEnumeration-visualCueEnumeration
- qudt:MultiModalType-auralCue
- qudt:MultiModalType-iconicCue
- qudt:MultiModalType-kinestheticCue
- qudt:MultiModalType-modalCue
- qudt:MultiModalType-visualCue
- qudt:N-Tuple-elementType
- qudt:NonRotatingInertialFrame-frameType
- qudt:NumericType-accuracy
- qudt:NumericType-signedness
- qudt:OrderedCollection-first
- qudt:OrderedCollection-orderingRelation
- qudt:OrderedCollection-rest
- qudt:QuantityValueType-basis
- qudt:QuantityValueType-elementType
- qudt:QuantityValueType-elementUnit
- qudt:RawValueTupleMember-elementType
- qudt:RealDatatype-base
- qudt:RealDatatype-maxExponent
- qudt:RealDatatype-precision
- qudt:ReferenceFrame-comment
- qudt:ReferenceFrame-description
- qudt:ReferenceFrame-frameType
- qudt:ReferenceFrame-realization
- qudt:ReferenceFrame-xAxisDefinition
- qudt:ReferenceFrame-xCoordinateDefinition
- qudt:ReferenceFrame-yAxisDefinition
- qudt:ReferenceFrame-yCoordinateDefinition
- qudt:ReferenceFrame-zAxisDefinition
- qudt:ReferenceFrame-zCoordinateDefinition
- qudt:ScalarDatatype-bitOrder
- qudt:ScalarDatatype-bits
- qudt:ScalarDatatype-byteOrder
- qudt:ScalarDatatype-bytes
- qudt:ScalarDatatype-encoding
- qudt:ScalarDatatype-length
- qudt:ScalarDatatype-maxExclusive
- qudt:ScalarDatatype-maxInclusive
- qudt:ScalarDatatype-minExclusive
- qudt:ScalarDatatype-minInclusive
- qudt:ScalarDatatype-rdfsDatatype
- qudt:Sequence-first
- qudt:Sequence-rest
- qudt:SignedBigIntegerType-literal
- qudt:SignedBigIntegerType-maxInclusive
- qudt:SignedBigIntegerType-minInclusive
- qudt:SignedLongIntegerType-abbreviation
- qudt:SignedLongIntegerType-maxInclusive
- qudt:SignedLongIntegerType-minInclusive
- qudt:SignedShortIntegerType-abbreviation
- qudt:SignedType-signedness
- qudt:StateSpaceVector-coordinateSystem
- qudt:StringList-first
- qudt:StringList-rest
- qudt:StringType-dimensionality
- qudt:StringType-elementType
- qudt:StringType-isByteString
- qudt:StringType-maxLength
- qudt:StringType-typeMatrix
- qudt:StringUTF16-elementType
- qudt:StringUTF8-elementType
- qudt:StructuredDatatype-elementType
- qudt:Table-byRow
- qudt:Table-columns
- qudt:Table-dimensionality
- qudt:Table-rows
- qudt:TaggedEnumeration-code
- qudt:Three-Tuple-elementType
- qudt:Three-Tuple-elementTypeCount
- qudt:Time-type
- qudt:TimeInterval-type
- qudt:TimeSeriesArray-dimensionVector
- qudt:TimeSeriesArray-incrementDatatype
- qudt:TimeSeriesArray-vector
- qudt:Tuple-elementType
- qudt:Tuple-elementTypeCount
- qudt:Tuple-length
- qudt:TupleMember-elementType
- qudt:TupleMember-orderInStructure
- qudt:Two-Tuple-elementType
- qudt:Two-Tuple-elementTypeCount
- qudt:TypeVector-objectValue
- qudt:TypeVector-type
- qudt:TypeVector-typeVector
- qudt:UnsignedBigIntegerType-abbreviation
- qudt:UnsignedBigIntegerType-maxInclusive
- qudt:UnsignedBigIntegerType-minInclusive
- qudt:UnsignedLongIntegerType-maxInclusive
- qudt:UnsignedLongIntegerType-minInclusive
- qudt:UnsignedShortIntegerType-abbreviation
- qudt:UnsignedShortIntegerType-maxInclusive
- qudt:UnsignedShortIntegerType-minInclusive
- qudt:UnsignedType-signedness
- qudt:VariableLengthIntegerType-maxBits
- qudt:VariableLengthIntegerType-minBits
- qudt:Vector-dimension
- qudt:Vector-dimensionality
- qudt:Vector-referenceFrame
- qudt:VectorArray-vector
- qudt:VehicleCoordinateSystem-pitchRotationDefinition
- qudt:VehicleCoordinateSystem-rollRotationDefinition
- qudt:VehicleCoordinateSystem-yawRotationDefinition
- qudt:VisualCueEnumeration-defaultValue