RDF Terms

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    UTC Date Time
    UTC is the time-scale maintained by the BIPM, with assistance from the IERS, which forms the basis of a coordinated dissemination of standard frequencies and time signals. It corresponds exactly in rate with the international reference scale of atomic time (TAI) but differs from it by an integer number of seconds. TAI, based on the second (SI), as realized on the rotating geoid, is formed by the BIPM on the basis of clock data supplied by cooperating establishments. It is in the form of a continuous scale, e.g. in days, hours, minutes and seconds from the origin 1 January, 1958 (adopted by the CGPM 1971).
    YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.dd] or YYYY-DDDThh:mm:ss[.dd], where 'YYYY' is the year, 'MM' is the two-digit month, 'DD' is the two-digit day, 'DDD' is the three digit day of year, 'T' is constant, 'hh:mm:ss[.dd]' is the UTC time in hours, minutes, seconds, and optional fractional seconds. As many 'd' characters to the right of the period as required may be used to obtain the required precision. All fields require leading zeros.