RDF Prefix
Ontology for Certificates and crypto stuff.
Ontology for Certificates and crypto stuff. This is in development. Some other ontologies to look at: * http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/crypto + has cwm builtins: http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/doc/Trust - a bit old perhaps. It imports daml+oil - would help to be more completely specified - uses literals as subjects a little liberally, which makes this a bit difficult to work with frameworks that don't permit this * http://xmlns.com/wot/0.1/ - limited very much to PGP (though on can map PGP to X509) - a little coarse grained, mixes up the PGP certificate with the PGP public key * Todo: - add some classes and relations for DSA - should this all be in one file? Or should this be cut up a little? Say one file for the general CERT ontology, and then files for RSA, DSA, PGP, etc... Or perhaps it does not really matter? - expand more on the certification side of things - verify this by security experts - owl2 has some constructs for combined inverse functional properties. This may be useful to use in defining an RSA key which is identified by two numbers. - also create html version of the spec by using this as a template. - should comments such as this be in html?
The http://www.w3.org/ns/auth/cert#
namespace defines:
9 | owl:Class |
3 | owl:DatatypeProperty |
1 | owl:InverseFunctionalProperty |
2 | owl:ObjectProperty |
1 | owl:Ontology |
2 | rdf:Property |
1 | rdfs:Datatype |