RDF Prefix
The DBpedia Ontology
The DBpedia ontology provides the classes and properties used in the DBpedia data set.
The http://dbpedia.org/ontology/
namespace defines:
760 | owl:Class |
1760 | owl:DatatypeProperty |
30 | owl:FunctionalProperty |
1105 | owl:ObjectProperty |
1 | owl:Ontology |
2727 | rdf:Property |
- dbo:Abbey (abbey)
- dbo:AcademicConference (academic conference)
- dbo:AcademicJournal (academic journal)
- dbo:AcademicSubject (academic subject)
- dbo:Activity (activity)
- dbo:Actor (actor)
- dbo:AdministrativeRegion (administrative region)
- dbo:AdultActor (adult (pornographic) actor)
- dbo:Agent (agent)
- dbo:Agglomeration (agglomeration)
- dbo:Aircraft (aircraft)
- dbo:Airline (airline)
- dbo:Airport (airport)
- dbo:Album (album)
- dbo:Altitude (altitude)
- dbo:AmateurBoxer (amateur boxer)
- dbo:Ambassador (ambassador)
- dbo:AmericanFootballCoach (american football coach)
- dbo:AmericanFootballLeague (american football league)
- dbo:AmericanFootballPlayer (american football player)
- dbo:AmericanFootballTeam (american football Team)
- dbo:Amphibian (amphibian)
- dbo:AmusementParkAttraction (amusement park attraction)
- dbo:AnatomicalStructure (anatomical structure)
- dbo:Animal (animal)
- dbo:AnimangaCharacter (animanga character)
- dbo:Anime (Anime)
- dbo:Annotation (Annotation)
- dbo:Arachnid (arachnid)
- dbo:Archaea (archaea)
- dbo:Archeologist (archeologist)
- dbo:ArcherPlayer (Archer Player)
- dbo:Archipelago (archipelago)
- dbo:Architect (architect)
- dbo:ArchitecturalStructure (architectural structure)
- dbo:Archive (Archive)
- dbo:Area (area)
- dbo:Arena (arena)
- dbo:Aristocrat (aristocrat)
- dbo:Arrondissement (arrondissement)
- dbo:Artery (artery)
- dbo:Article (article)
- dbo:ArtificialSatellite (ArtificialSatellite)
- dbo:Artist (artist)
- dbo:ArtistDiscography (artist discography)
- dbo:ArtisticGenre (artistic genre)
- dbo:Artwork (artwork)
- dbo:Asteroid (asteroid)
- dbo:Astronaut (astronaut)
- dbo:Athlete (athlete)
- dbo:Athletics (athletics)
- dbo:AthleticsPlayer (athletics player)
- dbo:Atoll (atoll)
- dbo:Attack (attack)
- dbo:AustralianFootballLeague (australian football league)
- dbo:AustralianFootballTeam (australian football Team)
- dbo:AustralianRulesFootballPlayer (Australian rules football player)
- dbo:AutoRacingLeague (auto racing league)
- dbo:Automobile (automobile)
- dbo:AutomobileEngine (automobile engine)
- dbo:Award (award)
- dbo:BackScene (back scene)
- dbo:Bacteria (bacteria)
- dbo:BadmintonPlayer (badminton player)
- dbo:Band (Band)
- dbo:Bank (bank)
- dbo:Baronet (baronet)
- dbo:BaseballLeague (baseball league)
- dbo:BaseballPlayer (baseball player)
- dbo:BaseballSeason (baseball season)
- dbo:BaseballTeam (baseball team)
- dbo:BasketballLeague (basketball league)
- dbo:BasketballPlayer (basketball player)
- dbo:BasketballTeam (basketball team)
- dbo:Bay (bay)
- dbo:Beach (beach)
- dbo:BeachVolleyballPlayer (beach volleyball player)
- dbo:BeautyQueen (beauty queen)
- dbo:Beer (beer)
- dbo:Beverage (beverage)
- dbo:Biathlete (Biathlete)
- dbo:BiologicalDatabase (Biological database)
- dbo:Biologist (biologist)
- dbo:Biomolecule (Biomolecule)
- dbo:Bird (bird)
- dbo:Birth (birth)
- dbo:Blazon (Blazon)
- dbo:BloodVessel (blood vessel)
- dbo:BoardGame (board game)
- dbo:BobsleighAthlete (BobsleighAthlete)
- dbo:BodyOfWater (body of water)
- dbo:Bodybuilder (bodybuilder)
- dbo:Bone (bone)
- dbo:Book (book)
- dbo:BowlingLeague (bowling league)
- dbo:Boxer (boxer)
- dbo:Boxing (boxing)
- dbo:BoxingCategory (boxing category)
- dbo:BoxingLeague (boxing league)
- dbo:BoxingStyle (boxing style)
- dbo:Brain (brain)
- dbo:Brewery (brewery)
- dbo:Bridge (bridge)
- dbo:BritishRoyalty (British royalty)
- dbo:BroadcastNetwork (broadcast network)
- dbo:Broadcaster (broadcaster)
- dbo:BrownDwarf (brown dwarf)
- dbo:Building (building)
- dbo:BullFighter (bullfighter)
- dbo:BusCompany (bus company)
- dbo:BusinessPerson (businessperson)
- dbo:Camera (camera)
- dbo:CanadianFootballLeague (liga de fĂștbol canadiense)
- dbo:CanadianFootballPlayer (canadian football Player)
- dbo:CanadianFootballTeam (canadian football Team)
- dbo:Canal (canal)
- dbo:Canoeist (canoeist)
- dbo:Canton (canton)
- dbo:Cape (cape)
- dbo:Capital (Capital)
- dbo:CapitalOfRegion (Capital of region)
- dbo:CardGame (card game)
- dbo:Cardinal (cardinal)
- dbo:CardinalDirection (Cardinal direction)
- dbo:CareerStation (career station)
- dbo:Cartoon (cartoon)
- dbo:Case (case)
- dbo:Casino (casino)
- dbo:Castle (castle)
- dbo:Cat (cat)
- dbo:Caterer (Caterer)
- dbo:Cave (cave)
- dbo:Celebrity (celebrity)
- dbo:CelestialBody (celestial body)
- dbo:Cemetery (cemetery)
- dbo:Chancellor (chancellor)
- dbo:ChartsPlacements (Place in the Music Charts)
- dbo:Cheese (cheese)
- dbo:Chef (chef)
- dbo:ChemicalCompound (chemical compound)
- dbo:ChemicalElement (chemical element)
- dbo:ChemicalSubstance (chemical substance)
- dbo:ChessPlayer (chess player)
- dbo:ChristianBishop (Christian Bishop)
- dbo:ChristianDoctrine (Christian Doctrine)
- dbo:ChristianPatriarch (Christian Patriarch)
- dbo:Church (church)
- dbo:City (city)
- dbo:CityDistrict (city district)
- dbo:ClassicalMusicArtist (classical music artist)
- dbo:ClassicalMusicComposition (classical music composition)
- dbo:Cleric (cleric)
- dbo:ClericalAdministrativeRegion (clerical administrative region)
- dbo:ClericalOrder (clerical order)
- dbo:ClubMoss (club moss)
- dbo:Coach (coach)
- dbo:CoalPit (coal pit)
- dbo:CollectionOfValuables (collection of valuables)
- dbo:College (college)
- dbo:CollegeCoach (college coach)
- dbo:Colour (colour)
- dbo:Comedian (comedian)
- dbo:ComedyGroup (Comedy Group)
- dbo:Comic (comic)
- dbo:ComicStrip (comic strip)
- dbo:ComicsCharacter (comics character)
- dbo:ComicsCreator (comics creator)
- dbo:Community (Community)
- dbo:Company (company)
- dbo:Competition (competition)
- dbo:ConcentrationCamp (Concentration camp)
- dbo:Congressman (congressman)
- dbo:Conifer (conifer)
- dbo:Constellation (constellation)
- dbo:Contest (contest)
- dbo:Continent (continent)
- dbo:ControlledDesignationOfOriginWine (Controlled designation of origin wine)
- dbo:Convention (convention)
- dbo:ConveyorSystem (conveyor system)
- dbo:Country (country)
- dbo:CountrySeat (country estate)
- dbo:Crater (crater)
- dbo:Creek (creek)
- dbo:CricketGround (cricket ground)
- dbo:CricketLeague (cricket league)
- dbo:CricketTeam (cricket team)
- dbo:Cricketer (cricketer)
- dbo:Criminal (criminal)
- dbo:CrossCountrySkier (cross-country skier)
- dbo:Crustacean (crustacean)
- dbo:CultivatedVariety (cultivar (cultivated variety))
- dbo:Curler (curler)
- dbo:CurlingLeague (curling league)
- dbo:Currency (currency)
- dbo:Cycad (cycad)
- dbo:CyclingCompetition (cycling competition)
- dbo:CyclingLeague (cycling league)
- dbo:CyclingRace (cycling race)
- dbo:CyclingTeam (cycling team)
- dbo:Cyclist (cyclist)
- dbo:DTMRacer (DTM racer)
- dbo:Dam (dam)
- dbo:Dancer (dancer)
- dbo:DartsPlayer (darts player)
- dbo:Database (Database)
- dbo:Deanery (deanery)
- dbo:Death (death)
- dbo:Decoration (decoration)
- dbo:Deity (deity)
- dbo:Demographics (demographics)
- dbo:Department (department)
- dbo:Depth (depth)
- dbo:Deputy (deputy)
- dbo:Desert (Desert)
- dbo:Device (device)
- dbo:DigitalCamera (digital camera)
- dbo:Dike (dike)
- dbo:Diocese (diocese)
- dbo:Diploma (diploma)
- dbo:Disease (disease)
- dbo:DisneyCharacter (disney character)
- dbo:District (district)
- dbo:DistrictWaterBoard (district water board)
- dbo:Divorce (divorce)
- dbo:Document (document)
- dbo:DocumentType (Document Type)
- dbo:Dog (dog)
- dbo:Drama (drama)
- dbo:Drug (drug)
- dbo:Earthquake (earthquake)
- dbo:Economist (economist)
- dbo:EducationalInstitution (educational institution)
- dbo:Egyptologist (egyptologist)
- dbo:Election (Election)
- dbo:ElectionDiagram (Election Diagram)
- dbo:ElectricalSubstation (electrical substation)
- dbo:Embryology (embryology)
- dbo:Employer (Employer)
- dbo:EmployersOrganisation (Employers' Organisation)
- dbo:Engine (engine)
- dbo:Engineer (engineer)
- dbo:Entomologist (entomologist)
- dbo:Enzyme (enzyme)
- dbo:Escalator (escalator)
- dbo:EthnicGroup (ethnic group)
- dbo:Eukaryote (eukaryote)
- dbo:EurovisionSongContestEntry (Eurovision song contest entry)
- dbo:Event (event)
- dbo:Factory (factory)
- dbo:Family (family)
- dbo:Farmer (farmer)
- dbo:Fashion (fashion)
- dbo:FashionDesigner (fashion designer)
- dbo:Fencer (fencer)
- dbo:Fern (fern)
- dbo:FictionalCharacter (fictional character)
- dbo:Fiefdom (fiefdom)
- dbo:FieldHockeyLeague (field hockey league)
- dbo:FigureSkater (figure skater)
- dbo:File (file)
- dbo:FillingStation (filling station)
- dbo:Film (movie)
- dbo:FilmFestival (film festival)
- dbo:Fish (fish)
- dbo:Flag (flag)
- dbo:FloweringPlant (flowering plant)
- dbo:Food (Food)
- dbo:FootballLeagueSeason (football league season)
- dbo:FootballMatch (football match)
- dbo:Forest (forest)
- dbo:FormerMunicipality (one-time municipality)
- dbo:FormulaOneRacer (Formula One racer)
- dbo:FormulaOneRacing (formula one racing)
- dbo:FormulaOneTeam (formula 1 team)
- dbo:Fort (fort)
- dbo:Fungus (fungus)
- dbo:GaelicGamesPlayer (Gaelic games player)
- dbo:Galaxy (galaxy)
- dbo:Game (game)
- dbo:Garden (garden)
- dbo:Gate (gate)
- dbo:GatedCommunity (Gated community)
- dbo:Gene (gene)
- dbo:GeneLocation (GeneLocation)
- dbo:Genre (genre)
- dbo:GeologicalPeriod (geological period)
- dbo:GeopoliticalOrganisation (geopolitical organisation)
- dbo:Ginkgo (ginkgo)
- dbo:GivenName (given name)
- dbo:Glacier (glacier)
- dbo:Globularswarm (Globular Swarm)
- dbo:Gnetophytes (Gnetophytes)
- dbo:GolfCourse (golf course)
- dbo:GolfLeague (golf league)
- dbo:GolfPlayer (golf player)
- dbo:GolfTournament (golf tournament)
- dbo:GovernmentAgency (government agency)
- dbo:GovernmentCabinet (cabinet of ministers)
- dbo:GovernmentType (Government Type)
- dbo:GovernmentalAdministrativeRegion (governmental administrative region)
- dbo:Governor (governor)
- dbo:GrandPrix (Grand Prix)
- dbo:Grape (grape)
- dbo:GraveMonument (grave stone or grave monument)
- dbo:GreenAlga (green alga)
- dbo:GridironFootballPlayer (gridiron football player)
- dbo:GrossDomesticProduct (gross domestic product)
- dbo:GrossDomesticProductPerCapita (gross domestic product per capita)
- dbo:Group (group)
- dbo:Guitar (guitar)
- dbo:Guitarist (guitarist)
- dbo:Gymnast (gymnast)
- dbo:HandballLeague (handball league)
- dbo:HandballPlayer (handball player)
- dbo:HandballTeam (handball team)
- dbo:HighDiver (high diver)
- dbo:Historian (historian)
- dbo:HistoricBuilding (historic building)
- dbo:HistoricPlace (historic place)
- dbo:HistoricalAreaOfAuthority (ancient area of jurisdiction of a person (feudal) or of a governmental body)
- dbo:HistoricalCountry (Historical country)
- dbo:HistoricalDistrict (Historical district)
- dbo:HistoricalPeriod (historical period)
- dbo:HistoricalProvince (Historical province)
- dbo:HistoricalRegion (Historical region)
- dbo:HistoricalSettlement (Historical settlement)
- dbo:HockeyClub (hockey club)
- dbo:HockeyTeam (hockey team)
- dbo:Holiday (holiday)
- dbo:HollywoodCartoon (hollywood cartoon)
- dbo:Hormone (Hormone)
- dbo:Horse (horse)
- dbo:HorseRace (horse race)
- dbo:HorseRider (horse rider)
- dbo:HorseRiding (HorseRiding)
- dbo:HorseTrainer (horse trainer)
- dbo:Hospital (hospital)
- dbo:Host (host)
- dbo:HotSpring (hot spring)
- dbo:Hotel (hotel)
- dbo:HumanDevelopmentIndex (human development index)
- dbo:HumanGene (HumanGene)
- dbo:HumanGeneLocation (HumanGeneLocation)
- dbo:Humorist (humorist)
- dbo:IceHockeyLeague (ice hockey league)
- dbo:IceHockeyPlayer (ice hockey player)
- dbo:Ideology (ideology)
- dbo:Image (image)
- dbo:InformationAppliance (information appliance)
- dbo:Infrastructure (infrastructure)
- dbo:InlineHockeyLeague (inline hockey league)
- dbo:Insect (insect)
- dbo:Instrument (Instrument)
- dbo:Instrumentalist (instrumentalist)
- dbo:Intercommunality (Intercommunality)
- dbo:InternationalFootballLeagueEvent (international football league event)
- dbo:InternationalOrganisation (international organisation)
- dbo:Island (island)
- dbo:Jockey (jockey (horse racer))
- dbo:Journalist (journalist)
- dbo:Judge (judge)
- dbo:LacrosseLeague (lacrosse league)
- dbo:LacrossePlayer (lacrosse player)
- dbo:Lake (lake)
- dbo:Language (language)
- dbo:LaunchPad (launch pad)
- dbo:Law (law)
- dbo:LawFirm (law firm)
- dbo:Lawyer (Lawyer)
- dbo:LegalCase (Legal Case)
- dbo:Legislature (legislature)
- dbo:Letter (letter)
- dbo:Library (library)
- dbo:Lieutenant (lieutenant)
- dbo:LifeCycleEvent (life cycle event)
- dbo:Ligament (ligament)
- dbo:LightNovel (light novel)
- dbo:Lighthouse (lighthouse)
- dbo:LineOfFashion (line of fashion)
- dbo:Linguist (linguist)
- dbo:Lipid (lipid)
- dbo:List (list)
- dbo:LiteraryGenre (literary genre)
- dbo:Locality (locality)
- dbo:Lock (lock)
- dbo:Locomotive (locomotive)
- dbo:LunarCrater (lunar crater)
- dbo:Lymph (lymph)
- dbo:Magazine (magazine)
- dbo:Mammal (mammal)
- dbo:Manga (manga)
- dbo:Manhua (manhua)
- dbo:Manhwa (manhwa)
- dbo:Marriage (marriage)
- dbo:MartialArtist (martial artist)
- dbo:MathematicalConcept (Mathematical concept)
- dbo:Mayor (mayor)
- dbo:MeanOfTransportation (mean of transportation)
- dbo:Media (media)
- dbo:Medician (medician)
- dbo:Medicine (Medicine)
- dbo:Meeting (meeting)
- dbo:MemberOfParliament (member of parliament)
- dbo:MemberResistanceMovement (Member of a Resistance Movement)
- dbo:Memorial (memorial)
- dbo:MetroStation (subway station)
- dbo:MicroRegion (micro-region)
- dbo:MilitaryAircraft (military aircraft)
- dbo:MilitaryConflict (military conflict)
- dbo:MilitaryPerson (military person)
- dbo:MilitaryStructure (military structure)
- dbo:MilitaryUnit (military unit)
- dbo:MilitaryVehicle (military vehicle)
- dbo:Mill (Mill)
- dbo:Mine (mine)
- dbo:Mineral (mineral)
- dbo:MixedMartialArtsEvent (mixed martial arts event)
- dbo:MixedMartialArtsLeague (mixed martial arts league)
- dbo:MobilePhone (mobile phone)
- dbo:Model (model)
- dbo:Mollusca (mollusca)
- dbo:Monarch (monarch)
- dbo:Monastery (monastery)
- dbo:Monument (monument)
- dbo:Mosque (mosque)
- dbo:Moss (moss)
- dbo:MotocycleRacer (motocycle racer)
- dbo:MotorRace (motor race)
- dbo:Motorcycle (motorcycle)
- dbo:MotorcycleRacingLeague (motorcycle racing league)
- dbo:MotorcycleRider (motorcycle rider)
- dbo:MotorsportRacer (motorsport racer)
- dbo:MotorsportSeason (motorsport season)
- dbo:Mountain (mountain)
- dbo:MountainPass (mountain pass)
- dbo:MountainRange (mountain range)
- dbo:MouseGene (MouseGene)
- dbo:MouseGeneLocation (MouseGeneLocation)
- dbo:MovieDirector (Movie director)
- dbo:MovieGenre (movie genre)
- dbo:MovingImage (moving image)
- dbo:MovingWalkway (travellator)
- dbo:MultiVolumePublication (multi volume publication)
- dbo:Municipality (municipality)
- dbo:Murderer (murderer)
- dbo:Muscle (muscle)
- dbo:Museum (museum)
- dbo:MusicComposer (music composer)
- dbo:MusicDirector (music director)
- dbo:MusicFestival (music festival)
- dbo:MusicGenre (music genre)
- dbo:Musical (musical)
- dbo:MusicalArtist (musical artist)
- dbo:MusicalWork (musical work)
- dbo:MythologicalFigure (mythological figure)
- dbo:NCAATeamSeason (national collegiate athletic association team season)
- dbo:Name (name)
- dbo:NarutoCharacter (naruto character)
- dbo:NascarDriver (nascar driver)
- dbo:NationalAnthem (National anthem)
- dbo:NationalCollegiateAthleticAssociationAthlete (national collegiate athletic association athlete)
- dbo:NationalFootballLeagueEvent (national football league event)
- dbo:NationalFootballLeagueSeason (national football league season)
- dbo:NationalSoccerClub (national soccer club)
- dbo:NaturalEvent (natural event)
- dbo:NaturalPlace (natural place)
- dbo:NaturalRegion (natural region)
- dbo:Nerve (nerve)
- dbo:NetballPlayer (netball player)
- dbo:Newspaper (newspaper)
- dbo:NobelPrize (Nobel Prize)
- dbo:Noble (noble)
- dbo:NobleFamily (Noble family)
- dbo:Non-ProfitOrganisation (non-profit organisation)
- dbo:NordicCombined (Nordic Combined)
- dbo:Novel (novel)
- dbo:NuclearPowerStation (Nuclear Power plant)
- dbo:Ocean (Ocean)
- dbo:OfficeHolder (office holder)
- dbo:OldTerritory (old territory)
- dbo:OlympicEvent (olympic event)
- dbo:OlympicResult (olympic result)
- dbo:Olympics (olympics)
- dbo:On-SiteTransportation (on-site mean of transportation)
- dbo:Openswarm (Open Swarm)
- dbo:Opera (opera)
- dbo:Organ (organ)
- dbo:Organisation (organisation)
- dbo:OrganisationMember (Organisation member)
- dbo:Orphan (orphan)
- dbo:OverseasDepartment (overseas department)
- dbo:PaintballLeague (paintball league)
- dbo:Painter (painter)
- dbo:Painting (Painting)
- dbo:Parish (parish)
- dbo:Park (park)
- dbo:Parliament (parliament)
- dbo:PenaltyShootOut (penalty shoot-out)
- dbo:PeriodOfArtisticStyle (period of artistic style)
- dbo:PeriodicalLiterature (periodical literature)
- dbo:Person (person)
- dbo:PersonFunction (person function)
- dbo:PersonalEvent (personal event)
- dbo:Philosopher (philosopher)
- dbo:PhilosophicalConcept (Philosophical concept)
- dbo:Photographer (photographer)
- dbo:Place (place)
- dbo:Planet (planet)
- dbo:Plant (plant)
- dbo:Play (play)
- dbo:PlayWright (Playwright)
- dbo:PlayboyPlaymate (Playboy Playmate)
- dbo:Poem (poem)
- dbo:Poet (poet)
- dbo:PokerPlayer (poker player)
- dbo:PoliticalConcept (Political concept)
- dbo:PoliticalFunction (political function)
- dbo:PoliticalParty (political party)
- dbo:Politician (politician)
- dbo:PoliticianSpouse (politician spouse)
- dbo:PoloLeague (polo league)
- dbo:Polyhedron (Polyhedron)
- dbo:Polysaccharide (polysaccharide)
- dbo:Pope (pope)
- dbo:PopulatedPlace (populated place)
- dbo:Population (population)
- dbo:Port (Port)
- dbo:PowerStation (power station)
- dbo:Prefecture (prefecture)
- dbo:PrehistoricalPeriod (prehistorical period)
- dbo:Presenter (presenter)
- dbo:President (president)
- dbo:Priest (priest)
- dbo:PrimeMinister (prime minister)
- dbo:Prison (prison)
- dbo:Producer (Producer)
- dbo:Profession (profession)
- dbo:Professor (professor)
- dbo:ProgrammingLanguage (programming language)
- dbo:Project (project)
- dbo:ProtectedArea (protected area)
- dbo:Protein (protein)
- dbo:ProtohistoricalPeriod (protohistorical period)
- dbo:Province (province)
- dbo:Psychologist (psychologist)
- dbo:PublicService (public service)
- dbo:PublicTransitSystem (public transit system)
- dbo:Publisher (publisher)
- dbo:Pyramid (Pyramid)
- dbo:Quote (Quote)
- dbo:Race (race)
- dbo:RaceHorse (race horse)
- dbo:RaceTrack (race track)
- dbo:Racecourse (racecourse)
- dbo:RacingDriver (racing driver)
- dbo:RadioControlledRacingLeague (radio-controlled racing league)
- dbo:RadioHost (radio host)
- dbo:RadioProgram (radio program)
- dbo:RadioStation (radio station)
- dbo:RailwayLine (railway line)
- dbo:RailwayStation (train station)
- dbo:RailwayTunnel (railway tunnel)
- dbo:RallyDriver (rally driver)
- dbo:Ratio (Ratio)
- dbo:Rebellion (rebellion)
- dbo:RecordLabel (record label)
- dbo:RecordOffice (Record Office)
- dbo:Referee (referee)
- dbo:Reference (Reference)
- dbo:Regency (regency)
- dbo:Region (region)
- dbo:Relationship (Relationship)
- dbo:Religious (religious)
- dbo:ReligiousBuilding (religious building)
- dbo:ReligiousOrganisation (religious organisation)
- dbo:Reptile (reptile)
- dbo:ResearchProject (research project)
- dbo:RestArea (rest area)
- dbo:Restaurant (restaurant)
- dbo:Resume (Resume)
- dbo:River (river)
- dbo:Road (road)
- dbo:RoadJunction (road junction)
- dbo:RoadTunnel (road tunnel)
- dbo:Rocket (rocket)
- dbo:RocketEngine (rocket engine)
- dbo:RollerCoaster (roller coaster)
- dbo:RomanEmperor (roman emperor)
- dbo:RouteOfTransportation (route of transportation)
- dbo:RouteStop (route stage)
- dbo:Rower (rower)
- dbo:Royalty (royalty)
- dbo:RugbyClub (rugby club)
- dbo:RugbyLeague (rugby league)
- dbo:RugbyPlayer (rugby player)
- dbo:Saint (saint)
- dbo:Sales (sales)
- dbo:SambaSchool (samba school)
- dbo:Satellite (Satellite)
- dbo:School (school)
- dbo:ScientificConcept (Scientific concept)
- dbo:Scientist (scientist)
- dbo:ScreenWriter (screenwriter)
- dbo:Sculptor (sculptor)
- dbo:Sculpture (Sculpture)
- dbo:Sea (sea)
- dbo:Senator (senator)
- dbo:SerialKiller (serial killer)
- dbo:Settlement (settlement)
- dbo:Ship (ship)
- dbo:ShoppingMall (shopping mall)
- dbo:Shrine (shrine)
- dbo:Singer (Singer)
- dbo:Single (single)
- dbo:SiteOfSpecialScientificInterest (Site of Special Scientific Interest)
- dbo:Skater (skater)
- dbo:SkiArea (ski area)
- dbo:SkiResort (ski resort)
- dbo:Ski_jumper (ski jumper)
- dbo:Skier (skier)
- dbo:Skyscraper (skyscraper)
- dbo:SnookerChamp (snooker world champion)
- dbo:SnookerPlayer (snooker player)
- dbo:SnookerWorldRanking (snooker world ranking)
- dbo:SoapCharacter (soap character)
- dbo:Soccer (football)
- dbo:SoccerClub (soccer club)
- dbo:SoccerClubSeason (soccer club season)
- dbo:SoccerLeague (soccer league)
- dbo:SoccerLeagueSeason (soccer league season)
- dbo:SoccerManager (soccer manager)
- dbo:SoccerPlayer (soccer player)
- dbo:SoccerTournament (soccer tournoment)
- dbo:SocietalEvent (societal event)
- dbo:SoftballLeague (softball league)
- dbo:Software (software)
- dbo:SolarEclipse (solar eclipse)
- dbo:Song (song)
- dbo:SongWriter (songwriter)
- dbo:Sound (sound)
- dbo:SpaceMission (space mission)
- dbo:SpaceShuttle (space shuttle)
- dbo:SpaceStation (space station)
- dbo:Spacecraft (spacecraft)
- dbo:Species (species)
- dbo:SpeedSkater (speed skater)
- dbo:SpeedwayLeague (speedway league)
- dbo:SpeedwayRider (speedway rider)
- dbo:SpeedwayTeam (speedway team)
- dbo:Sport (sport)
- dbo:SportCompetitionResult (results of a sport competition)
- dbo:SportFacility (sport facility)
- dbo:SportsClub (sports club)
- dbo:SportsEvent (sports event)
- dbo:SportsLeague (sports league)
- dbo:SportsManager (sports manager)
- dbo:SportsSeason (sports season)
- dbo:SportsTeam (sports team)
- dbo:SportsTeamMember (Sports team member)
- dbo:SportsTeamSeason (sports team season)
- dbo:Square (square)
- dbo:SquashPlayer (squash player)
- dbo:Stadium (stadium)
- dbo:Standard (standard)
- dbo:Star (star)
- dbo:State (state)
- dbo:StatedResolution (Stated Resolution)
- dbo:Station (station)
- dbo:Statistic (statistic)
- dbo:StillImage (still image)
- dbo:StormSurge (storm surge)
- dbo:Stream (stream)
- dbo:Street (street)
- dbo:SubMunicipality (borough)
- dbo:SumoWrestler (sumo wrestler)
- dbo:SupremeCourtOfTheUnitedStatesCase (Supreme Court of the United States case)
- dbo:Surfer (surfer)
- dbo:Surname (surname)
- dbo:Swarm (Swarm)
- dbo:Swimmer (swimmer)
- dbo:Synagogue (synagogue)
- dbo:SystemOfLaw (System of law)
- dbo:TableTennisPlayer (table tennis player)
- dbo:Tax (tax)
- dbo:Taxon (taxonomic group)
- dbo:TeamMember (Team member)
- dbo:TeamSport (team sport)
- dbo:TelevisionDirector (Television director)
- dbo:TelevisionEpisode (television episode)
- dbo:TelevisionHost (television host)
- dbo:TelevisionPersonality (television personality)
- dbo:TelevisionSeason (television season)
- dbo:TelevisionShow (television show)
- dbo:TelevisionStation (television station)
- dbo:Temple (temple)
- dbo:TennisLeague (tennis league)
- dbo:TennisPlayer (tennis player)
- dbo:TennisTournament (tennis tournament)
- dbo:TermOfOffice (term of office)
- dbo:Territory (territory)
- dbo:Theatre (theatre)
- dbo:TheatreDirector (Theatre director)
- dbo:TheologicalConcept (Theological concept)
- dbo:TimePeriod (time period)
- dbo:TopicalConcept (topical concept)
- dbo:Tournament (tournament)
- dbo:Tower (tower)
- dbo:Town (town)
- dbo:TrackList (track list)
- dbo:TradeUnion (trade union)
- dbo:Train (train)
- dbo:TrainCarriage (train carriage)
- dbo:Tram (streetcar)
- dbo:TramStation (tram station)
- dbo:Treadmill (Treadmill)
- dbo:Treaty (treaty)
- dbo:Tunnel (tunnel)
- dbo:Type (type)
- dbo:UndergroundJournal (underground journal)
- dbo:UnitOfWork (unit of work)
- dbo:University (university)
- dbo:Unknown (Unknown)
- dbo:Valley (valley)
- dbo:Vein (vein)
- dbo:Venue (venue)
- dbo:Vicar (vicar)
- dbo:VicePresident (vice president)
- dbo:VicePrimeMinister (vice prime minister)
- dbo:VideoGame (video game)
- dbo:VideogamesLeague (videogames league)
- dbo:Village (village)
- dbo:Vodka (vodka)
- dbo:VoiceActor (voice actor)
- dbo:Volcano (volcano)
- dbo:VolleyballCoach (volleyball coach)
- dbo:VolleyballLeague (volleyball league)
- dbo:VolleyballPlayer (volleyball player)
- dbo:WaterPoloPlayer (water polo Player)
- dbo:WaterRide (water ride)
- dbo:WaterTower (Water tower)
- dbo:Watermill (Watermill)
- dbo:WaterwayTunnel (waterway tunnel)
- dbo:Weapon (weapon)
- dbo:Website (website)
- dbo:WindMotor (Wind motor)
- dbo:Windmill (Windmill)
- dbo:Wine (wine)
- dbo:WineRegion (wine region)
- dbo:Winery (winery)
- dbo:WinterSportPlayer (winter sport Player)
- dbo:WomensTennisAssociationTournament (Women's Tennis Association tournament)
- dbo:Work (work)
- dbo:WorldHeritageSite (World Heritage Site)
- dbo:Wrestler (wrestler)
- dbo:WrestlingEvent (wrestling event)
- dbo:Writer (writer)
- dbo:WrittenWork (written work)
- dbo:Year (year)
- dbo:YearInSpaceflight (year in spaceflight)
- dbo:Zoo (zoo)
- dbo:Astronaut/timeInSpace (total time person has spent in space (m))
- dbo:Automobile/fuelCapacity (fuel capacity (l))
- dbo:Automobile/wheelbase (wheelbase (mm))
- dbo:Building/floorArea (floor area (m2))
- dbo:Canal/maximumBoatBeam (maximum boat beam (Ό))
- dbo:Canal/maximumBoatLength (maximum boat length (Ό))
- dbo:Canal/originalMaximumBoatBeam (original maximum boat beam (Ό))
- dbo:Canal/originalMaximumBoatLength (original maximum boat length (Ό))
- dbo:ChemicalSubstance/boilingPoint (boiling point (K))
- dbo:ChemicalSubstance/density (density (Ό3))
- dbo:ChemicalSubstance/meltingPoint (melting point (K))
- dbo:ConveyorSystem/diameter (diameter (Ό))
- dbo:ConveyorSystem/height (height (mm))
- dbo:ConveyorSystem/length (length (mm))
- dbo:ConveyorSystem/mass (mass (kg))
- dbo:ConveyorSystem/weight (weight (kg))
- dbo:ConveyorSystem/width (width (mm))
- dbo:Drug/boilingPoint (boiling point (K))
- dbo:Drug/meltingPoint (melting point (K))
- dbo:Engine/acceleration (acceleration (s))
- dbo:Engine/co2Emission (CO2 emission (g/km))
- dbo:Engine/cylinderBore (cylinder bore (mm))
- dbo:Engine/diameter (diameter (mm))
- dbo:Engine/displacement (displacement (cc))
- dbo:Engine/height (height (mm))
- dbo:Engine/length (length (mm))
- dbo:Engine/pistonStroke (piston stroke (mm))
- dbo:Engine/powerOutput (power output (kW))
- dbo:Engine/topSpeed (top speed (kmh))
- dbo:Engine/torqueOutput (torque output (Nm))
- dbo:Engine/weight (weight (kg))
- dbo:Engine/width (width (mm))
- dbo:Escalator/diameter (diameter (Ό))
- dbo:Escalator/height (height (mm))
- dbo:Escalator/length (length (mm))
- dbo:Escalator/mass (mass (kg))
- dbo:Escalator/weight (weight (kg))
- dbo:Escalator/width (width (mm))
- dbo:Galaxy/apoapsis (apoapsis (km))
- dbo:Galaxy/averageSpeed (average speed (km/s))
- dbo:Galaxy/density (density (Ό3))
- dbo:Galaxy/mass (mass (kg))
- dbo:Galaxy/maximumTemperature (maximum temperature (K))
- dbo:Galaxy/meanRadius (mean radius (km))
- dbo:Galaxy/meanTemperature (mean temperature (K))
- dbo:Galaxy/minimumTemperature (minimum temperature (K))
- dbo:Galaxy/orbitalPeriod (orbital period (Ό))
- dbo:Galaxy/periapsis (periapsis (km))
- dbo:Galaxy/surfaceArea (surface area (km2))
- dbo:Galaxy/temperature (temperature (K))
- dbo:Galaxy/volume (volume (km3))
- dbo:GeopoliticalOrganisation/areaMetro (area metro (km2))
- dbo:GeopoliticalOrganisation/populationDensity (population density (/sqkm))
- dbo:GrandPrix/course (course (km))
- dbo:GrandPrix/distance (distance (km))
- dbo:Infrastructure/length (length (km))
- dbo:Lake/areaOfCatchment (area of catchment (km2))
- dbo:Lake/shoreLength (shore length (km))
- dbo:Lake/volume (volume (ÎŒÂł))
- dbo:LunarCrater/diameter (diameter (km))
- dbo:MeanOfTransportation/diameter (diameter (Ό))
- dbo:MeanOfTransportation/height (height (mm))
- dbo:MeanOfTransportation/length (length (mm))
- dbo:MeanOfTransportation/mass (mass (kg))
- dbo:MeanOfTransportation/weight (weight (kg))
- dbo:MeanOfTransportation/width (width (mm))
- dbo:MovingWalkway/diameter (diameter (Ό))
- dbo:MovingWalkway/height (height (mm))
- dbo:MovingWalkway/length (length (mm))
- dbo:MovingWalkway/mass (mass (kg))
- dbo:MovingWalkway/weight (weight (kg))
- dbo:MovingWalkway/width (width (mm))
- dbo:On-SiteTransportation/diameter (diameter (Ό))
- dbo:On-SiteTransportation/height (height (mm))
- dbo:On-SiteTransportation/length (length (mm))
- dbo:On-SiteTransportation/mass (mass (kg))
- dbo:On-SiteTransportation/weight (weight (kg))
- dbo:On-SiteTransportation/width (width (mm))
- dbo:Person/height (height (cm))
- dbo:Person/weight (weight (kg))
- dbo:Planet/apoapsis (apoapsis (km))
- dbo:Planet/averageSpeed (average speed (km/s))
- dbo:Planet/density (density (Ό3))
- dbo:Planet/mass (mass (kg))
- dbo:Planet/maximumTemperature (maximum temperature (K))
- dbo:Planet/meanRadius (mean radius (km))
- dbo:Planet/meanTemperature (mean temperature (K))
- dbo:Planet/minimumTemperature (minimum temperature (K))
- dbo:Planet/orbitalPeriod (orbital period (Ό))
- dbo:Planet/periapsis (periapsis (km))
- dbo:Planet/surfaceArea (surface area (km2))
- dbo:Planet/temperature (temperature (K))
- dbo:Planet/volume (volume (km3))
- dbo:PopulatedPlace/area (area (km2))
- dbo:PopulatedPlace/areaMetro (area metro (km2))
- dbo:PopulatedPlace/areaTotal (area total (km2))
- dbo:PopulatedPlace/areaUrban (area urban (km2))
- dbo:PopulatedPlace/populationDensity (population density (/sqkm))
- dbo:PopulatedPlace/populationMetroDensity (population metro density (/sqkm))
- dbo:PopulatedPlace/populationUrbanDensity (population urban density (/sqkm))
- dbo:Rocket/lowerEarthOrbitPayload (lower earth orbit payload (kg))
- dbo:Rocket/mass (mass (kg))
- dbo:School/campusSize (campus size (km2))
- dbo:Software/fileSize (size (MB))
- dbo:SpaceMission/cmpEvaDuration (CMP EVA duration (Ï))
- dbo:SpaceMission/distanceTraveled (distance traveled (km))
- dbo:SpaceMission/lunarEvaTime (lunar EVA time (Ï))
- dbo:SpaceMission/lunarOrbitTime (lunar orbit time (Ï))
- dbo:SpaceMission/lunarSampleMass (lunar sample mass (kg))
- dbo:SpaceMission/lunarSurfaceTime (lunar surface time (Ï))
- dbo:SpaceMission/mass (mass (kg))
- dbo:SpaceMission/missionDuration (mission duration (Ό))
- dbo:SpaceMission/stationEvaDuration (station EVA duration (Ï))
- dbo:SpaceMission/stationVisitDuration (station visit duration (Ï))
- dbo:SpaceShuttle/distance (distance (km))
- dbo:SpaceShuttle/timeInSpace (total time person has spent in space (Ό))
- dbo:SpaceStation/volume (volume (ÎŒÂł))
- dbo:Spacecraft/apoapsis (apoapsis (km))
- dbo:Spacecraft/cargoFuel (cargo fuel (kg))
- dbo:Spacecraft/cargoGas (cargo gas (kg))
- dbo:Spacecraft/cargoWater (cargo water (kg))
- dbo:Spacecraft/dockedTime (docked time (Ό))
- dbo:Spacecraft/dryCargo (dry cargo (kg))
- dbo:Spacecraft/freeFlightTime (free flight time (Ό))
- dbo:Spacecraft/periapsis (periapsis (km))
- dbo:Spacecraft/totalCargo (total cargo (kg))
- dbo:Spacecraft/totalMass (total mass (kg))
- dbo:Stream/discharge (discharge (mÂł/s))
- dbo:Stream/dischargeAverage (discharge average (mÂł/s))
- dbo:Stream/maximumDischarge (maximum discharge (mÂł/s))
- dbo:Stream/minimumDischarge (minimum discharge (mÂł/s))
- dbo:Stream/watershed (watershed (km2))
- dbo:Weapon/diameter (diameter (mm))
- dbo:Weapon/height (height (mm))
- dbo:Weapon/length (length (mm))
- dbo:Weapon/weight (weight (kg))
- dbo:Weapon/width (width (mm))
- dbo:Work/runtime (runtime (m))
- dbo:aSide (a side)
- dbo:abbeychurchBlessing (abbey church blessing)
- dbo:abbeychurchBlessingCharge (abbey church blessing charge)
- dbo:abbreviation (abbreviation)
- dbo:ableToGrind (able to grind)
- dbo:absoluteMagnitude (absolute magnitude)
- dbo:abstentions (abstentions)
- dbo:abstract (has abstract)
- dbo:acceleration (acceleration (s))
- dbo:access (access)
- dbo:accessDate (access date)
- dbo:acquirementDate (date of acquirement)
- dbo:activeYears (active years)
- dbo:activeYearsEndDate (active years end date)
- dbo:activeYearsEndDateMgr (active years end date manager)
- dbo:activeYearsEndYear (active years end year)
- dbo:activeYearsEndYearMgr (active years end year manager)
- dbo:activeYearsStartDate (active years start date)
- dbo:activeYearsStartDateMgr (active years start date manager)
- dbo:activeYearsStartYear (active years start year)
- dbo:activeYearsStartYearMgr (active years start year manager)
- dbo:added (added)
- dbo:address (address)
- dbo:administrativeStatus (administrative status)
- dbo:afdbId (afdb id)
- dbo:affair (affair)
- dbo:affiliate (affiliate)
- dbo:age (age)
- dbo:ageRange (age range)
- dbo:agencyStationCode (agency station code)
- dbo:agglomerationPopulationTotal (agglomeration population total)
- dbo:agglomerationPopulationYear (agglomerationPopulationYear)
- dbo:aggregation (Aggregation)
- dbo:airDate (airdate)
- dbo:aircraftType (aircraft type)
- dbo:airportUsing (Different usage of an airport)
- dbo:aitaCode (aita code)
- dbo:albedo (albedo)
- dbo:albumRuntime (album duration (s))
- dbo:alias (alias)
- dbo:allcinemaId (allcinema id)
- dbo:allegiance (allegiance)
- dbo:alpsSoiusaCode (Alps SOIUSA code)
- dbo:alternativeName (alternative name)
- dbo:alternativeTitle (alternative title)
- dbo:amateurDefeat (amateur defeat)
- dbo:amateurFight (amateur fight)
- dbo:amateurKo (amateur ko)
- dbo:amateurNoContest (amateur no contest)
- dbo:amateurTie (amateur tie)
- dbo:amateurTitle (amateur title)
- dbo:amateurVictory (amateur victory)
- dbo:amateurYear (amateur year)
- dbo:amgid (amgId)
- dbo:amsterdamCode (Amsterdam Code)
- dbo:analogChannel (analog channel)
- dbo:anniversary (anniversary)
- dbo:annualTemperature (annual temperature (K))
- dbo:apoapsis (apoapsis (Ό))
- dbo:apofocus (apofocus)
- dbo:apparentMagnitude (apparent magnitude)
- dbo:appearancesInLeague (appearances in league)
- dbo:appearancesInNationalTeam (appearances in national team)
- dbo:approvedByLowerParliament (date of approval by lower parliament)
- dbo:approvedByUpperParliament (date of approval by upper parliament)
- dbo:approximateCalories (approximate calories (J))
- dbo:apskritis (apskritis)
- dbo:architecturalMovement (architectural movement)
- dbo:area (area (m2))
- dbo:areaCode (area code)
- dbo:areaDate (area date)
- dbo:areaLand (area land (m2))
- dbo:areaMetro (area metro (m2))
- dbo:areaOfCatchment (area of catchment (m2))
- dbo:areaOfCatchmentQuote (area of catchment quote)
- dbo:areaQuote (area quote)
- dbo:areaRank (area rank)
- dbo:areaRural (area rural (m2))
- dbo:areaTotal (area total (m2))
- dbo:areaTotalRanking (total area ranking)
- dbo:areaUrban (area urban (m2))
- dbo:areaWater (area water (m2))
- dbo:argueDate (argue date)
- dbo:arm (arm)
- dbo:army (army)
- dbo:arrestDate (arrest date)
- dbo:artificialSnowArea (artificial snow area)
- dbo:artisticFunction (artistic function)
- dbo:asWikiText (Contains a WikiText representation of this thing)
- dbo:ascent (ascent)
- dbo:asiaChampionship (asia championship)
- dbo:assetUnderManagement (asset under management ($))
- dbo:assets (assets ($))
- dbo:atPage (page number)
- dbo:atRowNumber (row number)
- dbo:atcPrefix (ATC prefix)
- dbo:atcSuffix (ATC suffix)
- dbo:atcSupplemental (ATC supplemental)
- dbo:atomicNumber (atomic number)
- dbo:australiaOpenDouble (australia open double)
- dbo:australiaOpenMixed (australia open mixed)
- dbo:australiaOpenSingle (australia open single)
- dbo:authorityMandate (authority mandate)
- dbo:authorityTitle (authority title of a romanian settlement)
- dbo:automobileModel (automobile model)
- dbo:average (average)
- dbo:averageAnnualGeneration (average annual gross power generation (J))
- dbo:averageClassSize (average class size)
- dbo:averageDepth (average depth (Ό))
- dbo:averageDepthQuote (average depth quote)
- dbo:averageSpeed (average speed (kmh))
- dbo:avifaunaPopulation (avifauna population)
- dbo:awardName (awardName)
- dbo:awayColourHexCode (colour hex code of away jersey or its parts)
- dbo:bSide (b side)
- dbo:background (background)
- dbo:backhand (backhand)
- dbo:badGuy (bad guy)
- dbo:band (band)
- dbo:barPassRate (bar pass rate)
- dbo:barangays (barangays)
- dbo:battingSide (batting side)
- dbo:battleHonours (battle honours)
- dbo:beatifiedDate (beatified date)
- dbo:bedCount (bed count)
- dbo:believers (Believers)
- dbo:bestFinish (best ranking finish)
- dbo:bestLap (best lap)
- dbo:bestRankDouble (best rank double)
- dbo:bestRankSingle (best rank single)
- dbo:bestWsopRank (best wsop rank)
- dbo:bestYearWsop (best year wsop)
- dbo:bgafdId (bgafd id)
- dbo:bibsysId (BIBSYS Id)
- dbo:bicycleInformation (bicycle information)
- dbo:bigPoolRecord (big pool record)
- dbo:bioavailability (Bioavailability)
- dbo:bioclimate (bioclimate)
- dbo:birthDate (birth date)
- dbo:birthName (birth name)
- dbo:birthYear (birth year)
- dbo:blackLongDistancePisteNumber (long distance piste number)
- dbo:blackSkiPisteNumber (black ski piste number)
- dbo:blazon (blazon)
- dbo:blazonCaption (Blazon caption)
- dbo:blazonLink (blazon link)
- dbo:blazonRatio (blazon ratio)
- dbo:block (block)
- dbo:bloodGroup (blood group)
- dbo:blueLongDistancePisteNumber (blue long distance piste number)
- dbo:blueSkiPisteNumber (blue ski piste number)
- dbo:bnfId (BNF Id)
- dbo:boilingPoint (boiling point (K))
- dbo:book (name)
- dbo:bowlRecord (bowl record)
- dbo:bpnId (BPN Id)
- dbo:brainInfoNumber (brain info number)
- dbo:brainInfoType (brain info type)
- dbo:bridgeCarries (bridge carries)
- dbo:britishOpen (britishOpen)
- dbo:broadcastRepeater (broadcast repeater)
- dbo:broadcastStationClass (broadcast station class)
- dbo:broadcastTranslator (broadcast translator)
- dbo:bronzeMedalDouble (bronze medal double)
- dbo:bronzeMedalMixed (bronze medal mixed)
- dbo:bronzeMedalSingle (bronze medal single)
- dbo:budget (budget ($))
- dbo:budgetYear (budget year)
- dbo:buildingEndDate (building end date)
- dbo:buildingEndYear (building end year)
- dbo:buildingStartDate (building start date)
- dbo:buildingStartYear (building start year)
- dbo:bustSize (bust size (Ό))
- dbo:bustWaistHipSize (bust-waist-hip Size)
- dbo:cableCar (cable car)
- dbo:callSign (call sign)
- dbo:callsignMeaning (call sign meaning)
- dbo:campusSize (campus size (m2))
- dbo:campusType (campus type)
- dbo:canBaggageChecked (can baggage checked)
- dbo:cannonNumber (cannon number)
- dbo:canonizedDate (canonized date)
- dbo:capacity (capacity)
- dbo:capacityFactor (capacity factor)
- dbo:capitalCoordinates (capital coordinates)
- dbo:capitalElevation (capital elevation (Ό))
- dbo:captureDate (capture date)
- dbo:carNumber (car number)
- dbo:carbohydrate (carbohydrate (g))
- dbo:carcinogen (carcinogen)
- dbo:careerPoints (career points)
- dbo:careerPrizeMoney (career prize money ($))
- dbo:cargoFuel (cargo fuel (g))
- dbo:cargoGas (cargo gas (g))
- dbo:cargoWater (cargo water (g))
- dbo:casNumber (CAS number)
- dbo:casSupplemental (CAS supplemental)
- dbo:case (case)
- dbo:casualties (casualties)
- dbo:catch (catch)
- dbo:catholicPercentage (catholic percentage)
- dbo:causalties (causalties)
- dbo:causeOfDeath (cause of death)
- dbo:ccaState (cca state)
- dbo:ceeb (ceeb)
- dbo:ceiling (ceiling)
- dbo:censusYear (census year)
- dbo:center (norwegian center)
- dbo:centuryBreaks (century breaks)
- dbo:certification (certification)
- dbo:certificationDate (certification date)
- dbo:chEBI (ChEBI)
- dbo:chairmanTitle (chairman title)
- dbo:championships (championships)
- dbo:characterInPlay (character in play)
- dbo:chorusCharacterInPlay (chorus character in play)
- dbo:christeningDate (date of christening)
- dbo:chromosome (chromosome)
- dbo:circle (region)
- dbo:circuitLength (circuit length (Ό))
- dbo:circuitName (circuit name)
- dbo:circulation (circulation)
- dbo:circumcised (circumcised)
- dbo:cites (cites)
- dbo:cityLink (city link)
- dbo:cityRank (city rank)
- dbo:citySince (city since)
- dbo:cityType (city type)
- dbo:classes (classes)
- dbo:classification (classification)
- dbo:climbUpNumber (clip up number)
- dbo:closed (closed)
- dbo:closingDate (closing date)
- dbo:closingYear (closing year)
- dbo:clothSize (cloth size)
- dbo:clothingSize (clothing size)
- dbo:cmpEvaDuration (CMP EVA duration (s))
- dbo:cmykCoordinateBlack (black coordinate in the CMYK space)
- dbo:cmykCoordinateCyanic (cyanic coordinate in the CMYK space)
- dbo:cmykCoordinateMagenta (magenta coordinate in the CMYK space)
- dbo:cmykCoordinateYellow (yellow coordinate in the CMYK space)
- dbo:co2Emission (CO2 emission (g/km))
- dbo:coachSeason (coach season)
- dbo:coachingRecord (coaching record)
- dbo:coalition (coalition)
- dbo:coastLength (length of a coast)
- dbo:coastLine (coast line (Ό))
- dbo:code (code)
- dbo:codeBook (code book)
- dbo:codeDistrict (City district code)
- dbo:codeIndex (code on index)
- dbo:codeLandRegistry (code land registry)
- dbo:codeListOfHonour (code on List of Honour)
- dbo:codeMemorial (memorial ID number)
- dbo:codeMunicipalMonument (monument code (municipal))
- dbo:codeNationalMonument (monument code (national))
- dbo:codeProvincialMonument (monument code (provinciall))
- dbo:codeSettlement (settlement code)
- dbo:codeStockExchange (code Stock Exchange)
- dbo:coden (CODEN)
- dbo:collection (collection)
- dbo:collegeHof (college hof)
- dbo:colonialName (colonial name)
- dbo:colorChart (colorChart)
- dbo:colourHexCode (colour hex code)
- dbo:colourName (colour name)
- dbo:combatant (combatant)
- dbo:comitat (comitat of a settlement)
- dbo:command (command)
- dbo:commandModule (command module)
- dbo:comment (comment)
- dbo:commissioner (commissioner)
- dbo:commissionerDate (commissioner date)
- dbo:commissioningDate (commissioning date)
- dbo:committee (committee)
- dbo:commonName (common name)
- dbo:communityIsoCode (iso code of a community)
- dbo:completionDate (completion date)
- dbo:complexity (complexity)
- dbo:compressionRatio (compression ratio)
- dbo:configuration (configuration)
- dbo:consecration (consecration)
- dbo:conservationStatus (conservation status)
- dbo:conservationStatusSystem (conservation status system)
- dbo:continentRank (continent rank)
- dbo:continentalTournamentBronze (continental tournament bronze)
- dbo:continentalTournamentGold (continental tournament gold)
- dbo:continentalTournamentSilver (continental tournament silver)
- dbo:contractAward (contract award)
- dbo:convictionDate (conviction date)
- dbo:coronationDate (coronation date)
- dbo:cosparId (COSPAR id)
- dbo:cost (cost ($))
- dbo:council (council of a liechtenstein settlement)
- dbo:countryRank (country rank)
- dbo:course (course (Ό))
- dbo:creationChristianBishop (creation christian bishop)
- dbo:creationYear (year of creation)
- dbo:credit (credit)
- dbo:crewSize (crew size)
- dbo:crews (crews)
- dbo:criteria (criteria)
- dbo:crownDependency (crown dependency)
- dbo:cuisine (cuisine)
- dbo:currencyCode (currency code)
- dbo:currentRank (current rank)
- dbo:currentRecord (current record)
- dbo:currentSeason (current season)
- dbo:currentStatus (current status)
- dbo:currentlyUsedFor (currently used for)
- dbo:cylinderBore (cylinder bore (Ό))
- dbo:cylinderCount (cylinder count)
- dbo:danseCompetition (danse competition)
- dbo:danseScore (danse score)
- dbo:date (date)
- dbo:dateAct (date act)
- dbo:dateAgreement (date of an agreement)
- dbo:dateBudget (date budget)
- dbo:dateClosed (date closed)
- dbo:dateCompleted (date completed)
- dbo:dateConstruction (date construction)
- dbo:dateExtended (date extended)
- dbo:dateLastUpdated (Date Last Updated)
- dbo:dateOfAbandonment (date of abandonment)
- dbo:dateOfBurial (date of burial)
- dbo:dateUnveiled (date unveiled)
- dbo:dateUse (date use)
- dbo:davisCup (davis cup)
- dbo:day (day)
- dbo:dbnlCodeDutch (Digital Library code NL)
- dbo:dcc (Dewey Decimal Classification)
- dbo:deadInFightDate (dead in fight date)
- dbo:deadInFightPlace (dead in fight place)
- dbo:deathAge (death age)
- dbo:deathDate (death date)
- dbo:deathYear (death year)
- dbo:debut (debut)
- dbo:dec (dec)
- dbo:decay (decay)
- dbo:decideDate (decide date)
- dbo:declination (declination)
- dbo:decommissioningDate (decommissioning date)
- dbo:defeat (defeat)
- dbo:defeatAsMgr (defeat as team manager)
- dbo:definition (definition)
- dbo:delegation (delegation)
- dbo:deliveryDate (delivery date)
- dbo:deme (deme)
- dbo:demographicsAsOf (demographics as of)
- dbo:demolitionDate (demolition date)
- dbo:demolitionYear (demolition year)
- dbo:demonym (demonym)
- dbo:density (density (Ό3))
- dbo:departmentCode (code of the department)
- dbo:departmentPosition (geolocDepartment)
- dbo:depictionDescription (depiction description (caption))
- dbo:depth (depth (Ό))
- dbo:depthQuote (depth quote)
- dbo:derivedWord (derived word)
- dbo:description (description)
- dbo:destructionDate (destruction date)
- dbo:detectionMethod (Method of discovery)
- dbo:diameter (diameter (Ό))
- dbo:different (different)
- dbo:digitalChannel (digital channel)
- dbo:digitalSubChannel (digital sub channel)
- dbo:disappearanceDate (date disappearance of a populated place)
- dbo:disbanded (disbanded)
- dbo:discharge (discharge (mÂł/s))
- dbo:dischargeAverage (discharge average (mÂł/s))
- dbo:discontinued (discontinued)
- dbo:discovered (discovery date)
- dbo:discovery (date when the island has been discovered)
- dbo:diseasesDb (diseasesDb)
- dbo:displacement (displacement (ÎŒÂł))
- dbo:dissolutionDate (dissolution date)
- dbo:dissolutionYear (dissolution year)
- dbo:dissolved (dissolved)
- dbo:dist_ly (dist_ly)
- dbo:dist_pc (dist_pc)
- dbo:distance (distance (Ό))
- dbo:distanceLaps (distance laps)
- dbo:distanceToBelfast (distance to Belfast (Ό))
- dbo:distanceToCapital (distance to capital (Ό))
- dbo:distanceToCardiff (distance to Cardiff (Ό))
- dbo:distanceToCharingCross (distance to Charing Cross (Ό))
- dbo:distanceToDouglas (distance to Douglas (Ό))
- dbo:distanceToDublin (distance to Dublin (Ό))
- dbo:distanceToEdinburgh (distance to Edinburgh (Ό))
- dbo:distanceToLondon (distance to London (Ό))
- dbo:distanceToNearestCity (distance to nearest city (Ό))
- dbo:distanceTraveled (distance traveled (Ό))
- dbo:dockedTime (docked time (s))
- dbo:documentDesignation (String designation of the WrittenWork describing the resource)
- dbo:documentNumber (document number)
- dbo:dorlandsPrefix (Dorlands prefix)
- dbo:dorlandsSuffix (Dorlands suffix)
- dbo:draft (draft)
- dbo:draftLeague (draft league)
- dbo:draftPick (draft pick)
- dbo:draftPosition (draft position)
- dbo:draftRound (draft round)
- dbo:draftYear (draft year)
- dbo:dressCode (dress code)
- dbo:drugbank (DrugBank)
- dbo:dryCargo (dry cargo (g))
- dbo:duration (duration (s))
- dbo:dutchArtworkCode (Dutch artwork code)
- dbo:dutchCOROPCode (Dutch COROP code)
- dbo:dutchMIPCode (monument code for the Monuments Inventory Project)
- dbo:dutchNAIdentifier (Identifier for Duch National Archive)
- dbo:dutchPPNCode (Dutch PPN code)
- dbo:dutchRKDCode (Dutch RKD code)
- dbo:dutchWinkelID (Dutch PPN code)
- dbo:eMedicineSubject (eMedicine subject)
- dbo:eMedicineTopic (eMedicine topic)
- dbo:eTeatrId (e-teatr.pl id)
- dbo:ecNumber (EC number)
- dbo:editorTitle (editor title)
- dbo:effectiveRadiatedPower (effectiveRadiatedPower (W))
- dbo:egafdId (egafd id)
- dbo:einecsNumber (EINECS number)
- dbo:ekatteCode (EKATTE code)
- dbo:electionDate (election date)
- dbo:electionDateLeader (election date leader)
- dbo:electionMajority (election majority)
- dbo:elementBlock (element block)
- dbo:elementGroup (element group)
- dbo:elementPeriod (element period)
- dbo:elevation (elevation (Ό))
- dbo:elevationQuote (elevation quote)
- dbo:elevatorCount (elevator count)
- dbo:elo (ELO rating)
- dbo:eloRecord (maximum ELO rating)
- dbo:emblem (emblem)
- dbo:employersCelebration (employer's celebration)
- dbo:endCareer (end career)
- dbo:endDate (end date)
- dbo:endDateTime (end date and time)
- dbo:endOccupation (end occupation)
- dbo:endYear (start year)
- dbo:endYearOfInsertion (end year of insertion)
- dbo:endYearOfSales (end year of sales)
- dbo:endangeredSince (endangered since)
- dbo:endowment (endowment ($))
- dbo:enginePower (engine power)
- dbo:ensembl (ensemble)
- dbo:entrezgene (EntrezGene)
- dbo:episode (episode)
- dbo:episodeNumber (episode number)
- dbo:epoch (epoch)
- dbo:eptFinalTable (ept final table)
- dbo:eptItm (ept itm)
- dbo:eptTitle (ept title)
- dbo:equity (equity ($))
- dbo:eruption (eruption)
- dbo:eruptionYear (eruption date)
- dbo:escalafon (escalafon)
- dbo:escapeVelocity (escape velocity (kmh))
- dbo:espnId (ESPN id)
- dbo:established (Established)
- dbo:establishment (Establishment)
- dbo:ethnicGroupsInYear (ethnic groups in year)
- dbo:eurobabeIndexId (eurobabe index id)
- dbo:europeanChampionship (european championship)
- dbo:europeanUnionEntranceDate (european union entrance date)
- dbo:eventDate (event date)
- dbo:eventDescription (event description)
- dbo:exhibition (exhibition)
- dbo:expedition (expedition)
- dbo:externalOrnament (external ornament)
- dbo:extinctionDate (extinction date)
- dbo:extinctionYear (extinction year)
- dbo:eyeColor (eye color)
- dbo:eyeColour (eye colour)
- dbo:eyes (eyes)
- dbo:faaLocationIdentifier (FAA Location Identifier)
- dbo:facilityId (facility id)
- dbo:facultySize (faculty size)
- dbo:failedLaunches (failed launches)
- dbo:fansgroup (fansgroup)
- dbo:fareZone (fare zone)
- dbo:fastestLap (fastest lap)
- dbo:fat (fat (g))
- dbo:fate (fate)
- dbo:fauna (fauna)
- dbo:fc (FC)
- dbo:fcRuns (FC runs)
- dbo:fdaUniiCode (FDA UNII code)
- dbo:feastDay (feast day, holiday)
- dbo:feat (feat)
- dbo:feature (feature)
- dbo:fedCup (fed cup)
- dbo:fees (fees ($))
- dbo:fibahof (fibahof)
- dbo:fight (fight)
- dbo:fighter (fighter)
- dbo:fileExtension (The extension of this file)
- dbo:fileSize (size (B))
- dbo:filename (filename)
- dbo:filmAudioType (film audio type)
- dbo:filmColourType (film colour type)
- dbo:filmNumber (film number)
- dbo:filmPolskiId (FilmPolski.pl id)
- dbo:filmRuntime (film runtime (s))
- dbo:finalFlight (final flight)
- dbo:finalLost (final lost)
- dbo:finalLostDouble (final lost double)
- dbo:finalLostSingle (final lost single)
- dbo:finalLostTeam (final lost team)
- dbo:finalPublicationDate (final publication date)
- dbo:finalPublicationYear (final publication year)
- dbo:fipsCode (fips code)
- dbo:firstAirDate (first air date)
- dbo:firstAppearance (first appearance)
- dbo:firstAscent (first ascent)
- dbo:firstAscentYear (year of first ascent)
- dbo:firstBroadcast (first broadcast)
- dbo:firstFlightEndDate (first flight end date)
- dbo:firstFlightStartDate (first flight start date)
- dbo:firstGame (first game)
- dbo:firstLaunch (first launch)
- dbo:firstLaunchDate (first launch date)
- dbo:firstMention (first mention)
- dbo:firstPlace (first place)
- dbo:firstProMatch (first pro match)
- dbo:firstPublicationDate (first publication date)
- dbo:firstPublicationYear (first publication year)
- dbo:flag (flag (image))
- dbo:flagBorder (flag border)
- dbo:flagCaption (flag caption)
- dbo:flagLink (flag Link)
- dbo:flagSize (flagSize)
- dbo:flashPoint (flash point)
- dbo:floodingDate (flooding date)
- dbo:floorArea (floor area (m2))
- dbo:floorCount (floor count)
- dbo:flora (flora)
- dbo:flyingHours (flying hours (s))
- dbo:foalDate (foal date)
- dbo:foot (foot)
- dbo:forces (forces)
- dbo:formationDate (formation date)
- dbo:formationYear (formation year)
- dbo:formerCallsign (former call sign)
- dbo:formerChannel (former channel)
- dbo:formerName (former name)
- dbo:formula (formula)
- dbo:foundation (foundation)
- dbo:foundingDate (founding date)
- dbo:foundingYear (founding year)
- dbo:free (free)
- dbo:freeDanseScore (free danse score)
- dbo:freeFlightTime (free flight time (s))
- dbo:freeLabel (freeLabel)
- dbo:freeProgCompetition (free prog competition)
- dbo:freeProgScore (free prog score)
- dbo:freeScoreCompetition (free score competition)
- dbo:frequency (frequency (Hz))
- dbo:frequencyOfPublication (frequency of publication)
- dbo:frequentlyUpdated (frequently updated)
- dbo:frontierLength (length of a frontier)
- dbo:frozen (frozen)
- dbo:fuelCapacity (fuel capacity (ÎŒÂł))
- dbo:fuelConsumption (fuel consumption)
- dbo:fuelType (fuel type)
- dbo:fuelTypeName (fuel type)
- dbo:fullCompetition (full competition)
- dbo:fullScore (full score)
- dbo:functionEndDate (function end date)
- dbo:functionEndYear (function end year)
- dbo:functionStartDate (function start date)
- dbo:functionStartYear (function start year)
- dbo:galicianSpeakersDate (galicianSpeakersDate)
- dbo:galicianSpeakersPercentage (galicianSpeakersPercentage)
- dbo:gameModus (Modus the game can be played in)
- dbo:games (games)
- dbo:gasChambers (gas chambers)
- dbo:geneLocationEnd (gene location end)
- dbo:geneLocationStart (gene location start)
- dbo:geneReviewsId (geneReviewsId)
- dbo:geneReviewsName (geneReviewsName)
- dbo:generationUnits (generation units)
- dbo:genomeDB (Genome DB)
- dbo:geolocDual (geolocdual)
- dbo:geologicPeriod (geologic period)
- dbo:geology (geology)
- dbo:giniCoefficient (gini coefficient)
- dbo:giniCoefficientAsOf (gini coefficient as of)
- dbo:giniCoefficientRanking (gini coefficient ranking)
- dbo:glycemicIndex (glycemic index)
- dbo:gnisCode (gnis code)
- dbo:gnl (gnl)
- dbo:goalsInLeague (goals in league)
- dbo:goalsInNationalTeam (goals in national team)
- dbo:goldMedalDouble (gold medal double)
- dbo:goldMedalMixed (gold medal mixed)
- dbo:goldMedalSingle (gold medal single)
- dbo:governmentElevation (government elevation (Ό))
- dbo:governorate (governorate)
- dbo:grave (grave)
- dbo:grayPage (Gray page)
- dbo:graySubject (Gray subject)
- dbo:greekName (name in ancient Greek)
- dbo:greenLongDistancePisteNumber (green long distance piste number)
- dbo:greenSkiPisteNumber (green ski piste number)
- dbo:gridReference (grid reference)
- dbo:grindingCapability (grinding capability)
- dbo:gross (gross ($))
- dbo:grossDomesticProduct (gross domestic product (GDP) ($))
- dbo:grossDomesticProductAsOf (gross domestic product as of)
- dbo:grossDomesticProductPerPeople (gross domestic product per people)
- dbo:grossDomesticProductRank (gross domestic product rank)
- dbo:groundsForLiquidation (grounds for termination of activities)
- dbo:groupCommemorated (group commemorated)
- dbo:gun (aircraft gun)
- dbo:hairColor (hair color)
- dbo:hairColour (hair colour)
- dbo:hairs (hairs)
- dbo:hallOfFame (hall of fame)
- dbo:handisport (handisport)
- dbo:hasKMLData (Has KML data associated with it (usually because of KML overlays))
- dbo:hasNaturalBust (has natural bust)
- dbo:hasSurfaceForm
- dbo:headLabel (head label)
- dbo:height (height (Ό))
- dbo:heightAboveAverageTerrain (height above average terrain (Ό))
- dbo:heightAgainst (height against)
- dbo:heightAttack (height attack)
- dbo:heisman (heisman)
- dbo:hgncid (HGNCid)
- dbo:highestBreak (highest break)
- dbo:highestBuildingInYear (highest building in year)
- dbo:highestPointIsland (highest point of the island)
- dbo:highestRank (highest rank)
- dbo:hipSize (hip size (Ό))
- dbo:historicalMap (historical map)
- dbo:historicalName (historical name)
- dbo:historicalRegion (historical region)
- dbo:hof (hof)
- dbo:homage (homage)
- dbo:homeColourHexCode (colour hex code of home jersey or its parts)
- dbo:hopmanCup (hopman cup)
- dbo:hraState (hra state)
- dbo:hsvCoordinateHue (hue coordinate in the HSV colour space)
- dbo:hsvCoordinateSaturation (saturation coordinate in the HSV colour space)
- dbo:hsvCoordinateValue (value coordinate in the HSV colour space)
- dbo:humanDevelopmentIndex (Human Development Index (HDI))
- dbo:humanDevelopmentIndexAsOf (human development index as of)
- dbo:humanDevelopmentIndexRank (human development index rank)
- dbo:iafdId (iafd id)
- dbo:iataAirlineCode (IATA code)
- dbo:iataLocationIdentifier (IATA Location Identifier)
- dbo:ibdbId (IBDB ID)
- dbo:icaoAirlineCode (ICAO code)
- dbo:icaoLocationIdentifier (ICAO Location Identifier)
- dbo:icd1 (ICD1)
- dbo:icd10 (ICD10)
- dbo:icd9 (ICD9)
- dbo:icdo (ICDO)
- dbo:iconographicAttributes (iconographic attributes)
- dbo:id (id)
- dbo:idAllocine (Allocine ID)
- dbo:idNumber (id number)
- dbo:identificationSymbol (identification symbol)
- dbo:iihfHof (lihf hof)
- dbo:illiteracy (illiteracy)
- dbo:imageSize (image size (px))
- dbo:imdbId (IMDB id)
- dbo:impactFactor (impact factor)
- dbo:impactFactorAsOf (impact factor as of)
- dbo:imposedDanseCompetition (imposed danse competition)
- dbo:imposedDanseScore (imposed danse score)
- dbo:inchi (The IUPAC International Chemical Identifier)
- dbo:inclination (inclination)
- dbo:income (income)
- dbo:individualisedGnd (individualised GND number)
- dbo:individualisedPnd (individualised PND number)
- dbo:infantMortality (infant mortality)
- dbo:information (information)
- dbo:informationName (information name)
- dbo:ingredientName (ingredient name (literal))
- dbo:initiallyUsedFor (initally used for)
- dbo:inn (INN)
- dbo:inscription (inscription)
- dbo:inseeCode (INSEE code)
- dbo:installedCapacity (installed capacity (W))
- dbo:interest (interest)
- dbo:internationalPhonePrefix (international phone prefix)
- dbo:internationalPhonePrefixLabel (international phone prefix label)
- dbo:internationally (internationally)
- dbo:introduced (introduced)
- dbo:introductionDate (introduction date)
- dbo:iobdbId (IOBDB ID)
- dbo:isCityState (is a city state)
- dbo:isHandicappedAccessible (is handicapped accessible)
- dbo:isPartOfName (is part of (literal))
- dbo:isPeerReviewed (is peer reviewed)
- dbo:isbn (ISBN)
- dbo:isil (International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations (ISIL))
- dbo:isniId (ISNI Id)
- dbo:iso31661Code (ISO 3166-1 code)
- dbo:iso6391Code (ISO 639-1 code)
- dbo:iso6392Code (ISO 639-2 code)
- dbo:iso6393Code (ISO 639-3 code)
- dbo:isoCode (iso code of a place)
- dbo:isoCodeRegion (ISO region code)
- dbo:issDockings (iss dockings)
- dbo:issn (issn)
- dbo:ist (ist)
- dbo:istat (code istat)
- dbo:ithfDate (ithf date)
- dbo:iucnCategory (iucn category)
- dbo:iupacName (IUPAC name)
- dbo:jstor (JSTOR)
- dbo:juniorYearsEndYear (junior years end year)
- dbo:juniorYearsStartYear (junior years start year)
- dbo:jutsu (jutsu)
- dbo:khlDraft (khl draft year)
- dbo:khlDraftYear (khl draft year)
- dbo:killedBy (killed by)
- dbo:kinOfLanguage (kindOfLanguage)
- dbo:kindOfCoordinate (kind of coordinate)
- dbo:kindOfCriminal (kind of criminal)
- dbo:kindOfCriminalAction (kind of criminal action)
- dbo:kindOfRock (kind of rock)
- dbo:ko (ko)
- dbo:lahHof (lah hof)
- dbo:landArea (area of a land (m2))
- dbo:landPercentage (land percentage of a place)
- dbo:landRegistryCode (land registry code)
- dbo:landingDate (landing date)
- dbo:landingSite (landing site)
- dbo:landskap (norwegian landskap)
- dbo:landtag (austrian land tag)
- dbo:landtagMandate (austrian land tag mandate)
- dbo:languageCode (language code)
- dbo:largestWin (largest win)
- dbo:lastAirDate (last air date)
- dbo:lastElectionDate (last election date)
- dbo:lastFlightEndDate (last flight end date)
- dbo:lastFlightStartDate (last flight start date)
- dbo:lastLaunch (last launch)
- dbo:lastLaunchDate (last launch date)
- dbo:lastPosition (last position)
- dbo:lastProMatch (first pro match)
- dbo:lastPublicationDate (last publication date)
- dbo:lastSeason (last season)
- dbo:laterality (laterality)
- dbo:latestElection (date of latest election)
- dbo:latestPreviewDate (latest preview date)
- dbo:latestPreviewVersion (latest preview version)
- dbo:latestReleaseDate (latest release date)
- dbo:latestReleaseVersion (latest release version)
- dbo:latinName (name in latin)
- dbo:launch (launch)
- dbo:launchDate (launch date)
- dbo:launches (launches)
- dbo:lawCountry (law country)
- dbo:layingDown (laying down)
- dbo:lcc (LCC)
- dbo:lccn (LCCN)
- dbo:lccnId (LCCN Id)
- dbo:lchfDraft (lchf draft year)
- dbo:lchfDraftYear (lchf draft year)
- dbo:leadYear (lead year)
- dbo:leaderTitle (leader title)
- dbo:leadership (leadership)
- dbo:legalArrondissement (legal arrondissement)
- dbo:legalArticle (legal article)
- dbo:legislativePeriodName (legislative period name)
- dbo:length (length (Ό))
- dbo:lengthQuote (length quote)
- dbo:lengthReference (length reference)
- dbo:lethalOnChickens (lethal when given to chickens)
- dbo:lethalOnMice (lethal when given to mice)
- dbo:lethalOnRabbits (lethal when given to rabbits)
- dbo:lethalOnRats (lethal when given to rats)
- dbo:liberationDate (date of liberation)
- dbo:libretto (libretto)
- dbo:licenceLetter (licence letter of a german settlement)
- dbo:licenceNumber (licence number)
- dbo:licenceNumberLabel (licence number label)
- dbo:licensee (licensee)
- dbo:lieutenancy (lieutenancy)
- dbo:lifeExpectancy (life expectancy)
- dbo:limit (limit)
- dbo:lineLength (line length (Ό))
- dbo:linkedSpace (linked space)
- dbo:littlePoolRecord (little pool record)
- dbo:loadLimit (load limit (g))
- dbo:localPhonePrefix (local phone prefix)
- dbo:locality (locality of a switzerland settlement)
- dbo:localization (localization of the island)
- dbo:localizationThumbnailCaption (legend thumbnail localization)
- dbo:locationIdentifier (Location Identifier)
- dbo:locationName (locationName)
- dbo:locusSupplementaryData (locus supplementary data)
- dbo:logo (logo)
- dbo:longDistancePisteKilometre (long distance piste kilometre (Ό))
- dbo:longDistancePisteNumber (long distance piste number)
- dbo:longName (longName)
- dbo:longtype (longtype)
- dbo:lowerAge (lower age)
- dbo:lowerEarthOrbitPayload (lower earth orbit payload (g))
- dbo:lowest (lowest)
- dbo:lunarEvaTime (lunar EVA time (s))
- dbo:lunarLandingSite (lunar landing site)
- dbo:lunarModule (lunar module)
- dbo:lunarOrbitTime (lunar orbit time (s))
- dbo:lunarSampleMass (lunar sample mass (g))
- dbo:lunarSurfaceTime (lunar surface time (s))
- dbo:maidenFlight (maiden flight)
- dbo:maidenVoyage (maiden voyage)
- dbo:mainBuilding (main building)
- dbo:mainIslands (main islands)
- dbo:mainspan (mainspan (Ό))
- dbo:majorityFloorLeader (majority floor leader)
- dbo:majorityLeader (majority leader)
- dbo:managementElevation (management elevation (Ό))
- dbo:managerTitle (manager title)
- dbo:managerYears (manager years)
- dbo:managerYearsEndYear (manager years end year)
- dbo:managerYearsStartYear (manager years start year)
- dbo:mandate (political mandate)
- dbo:mapCaption (map caption)
- dbo:mapDescription (map description)
- dbo:marketCapitalisation (market capitalisation ($))
- dbo:mascot (mascot)
- dbo:mass (mass (g))
- dbo:matchPoint (match point)
- dbo:material (material)
- dbo:max (max)
- dbo:maxAbsoluteMagnitude (maximum absolute magnitude)
- dbo:maxApparentMagnitude (maximum apparent magnitude)
- dbo:maxTime (maximum preparation time (s))
- dbo:maximumArea (maximum area)
- dbo:maximumAreaQuote (maximum area quote)
- dbo:maximumBoatBeam (maximum boat beam (Ό))
- dbo:maximumBoatLength (maximum boat length (Ό))
- dbo:maximumDepth (maximum depth (Ό))
- dbo:maximumDepthQuote (maximum depth quote)
- dbo:maximumDischarge (maximum discharge (mÂł/s))
- dbo:maximumElevation (maximum elevation (Ό))
- dbo:maximumInclination (maximum inclination)
- dbo:maximumTemperature (maximum temperature (K))
- dbo:mayorArticle (mayor article)
- dbo:mayorCouncillor (mayor councillor)
- dbo:mayorFunction (mayor function of a switzerland settlement)
- dbo:mayorMandate (mayorMandate)
- dbo:mayorTitle (mayor title of a hungarian settlement)
- dbo:mbaId (MBA Id)
- dbo:meanRadius (mean radius (Ό))
- dbo:meanTemperature (mean temperature (K))
- dbo:meaning (meaning)
- dbo:measurements (measurements)
- dbo:medlinePlus (MedlinePlus)
- dbo:meltingPoint (melting point (K))
- dbo:member (member)
- dbo:membership (membership)
- dbo:membershipAsOf (date membership established)
- dbo:mergerDate (merger date)
- dbo:meshId (MeSH ID)
- dbo:meshName (MeSH name)
- dbo:meshNumber (MeSH number)
- dbo:messierName (Messier name)
- dbo:mgiid (mgiid)
- dbo:militaryCommand (military command)
- dbo:militaryFunction (military function)
- dbo:militaryGovernment (military government)
- dbo:militaryUnitSize (military unit size)
- dbo:millSpan (mill span (Ό))
- dbo:millsCodeBE (mill code BE)
- dbo:millsCodeDutch (mill code NL)
- dbo:millsCodeNL (mill code NL)
- dbo:millsCodeNLVerdwenen (mill dissapeared code NL)
- dbo:millsCodeNLWindmotoren (millsCodeNLWindmotoren)
- dbo:min (min)
- dbo:minTime (minimum preparation time (s))
- dbo:minimumArea (minimum area)
- dbo:minimumAreaQuote (minimum area quote)
- dbo:minimumDischarge (minimum discharge (mÂł/s))
- dbo:minimumElevation (minimum elevation (Ό))
- dbo:minimumInclination (minimum inclination)
- dbo:minimumTemperature (minimum temperature (K))
- dbo:minorityFloorLeader (minority floor leader)
- dbo:minorityLeader (minority leader)
- dbo:mirDockings (mir dockings)
- dbo:missionDuration (mission duration (s))
- dbo:missions (missions)
- dbo:model (model)
- dbo:modelEndDate (model end date)
- dbo:modelEndYear (model end year)
- dbo:modelLineVehicle (type series)
- dbo:modelStartDate (model start date)
- dbo:modelStartYear (model start year)
- dbo:molecularWeight (molecular weight)
- dbo:month (month)
- dbo:mood (mood)
- dbo:motto (motto)
- dbo:mount (mount)
- dbo:mouthElevation (mouth elevation (Ό))
- dbo:mukhtar (mukthar of a lebanon settlement)
- dbo:municipalityCode (municipality code)
- dbo:municipalityRenamedTo (a municipality's new name)
- dbo:municipalityType (type of municipality)
- dbo:musicFormat (musicFormat)
- dbo:musicalKey (musical key)
- dbo:muteCharacterInPlay (mute character in play)
- dbo:mvp (mvp)
- dbo:name (name)
- dbo:nameAsOf (so named since)
- dbo:nameDay (name day)
- dbo:nameInCantoneseChinese (name in Yue Chinese)
- dbo:nameInHangulKorean (name in Hangul-written Korean)
- dbo:nameInHanjaKorean (name in Hanja-written (traditional) Korean)
- dbo:nameInJapanese (name in Japanese)
- dbo:nameInMindongyuChinese (name in Mindongyu Chinese)
- dbo:nameInMinnanyuChinese (name in Minnanyu Chinese)
- dbo:nameInPinyinChinese (name in Pinyin Chinese)
- dbo:nameInSimplifiedChinese (name in Simplified Chinese)
- dbo:nameInTraditionalChinese (name in Traditional Chinese)
- dbo:nameInWadeGilesChinese (name in the Wade-Giles transscription of Chinese)
- dbo:names (names)
- dbo:nation (nation)
- dbo:nationalChampionship (national championship)
- dbo:nationalRanking (national ranking)
- dbo:nationalTeamMatchPoint (national team match point)
- dbo:nationalTeamYear (national team year)
- dbo:nationalTopographicSystemMapNumber (National Topographic System map number)
- dbo:nationalTournamentBronze (national tournament bronze)
- dbo:nationalTournamentGold (national tournament gold)
- dbo:nationalTournamentSilver (national tournament silver)
- dbo:nationalYears (national years)
- dbo:ncaaSeason (ncaa season)
- dbo:ncbhof (ncbhof)
- dbo:ndlId (NDL id)
- dbo:neighbourConstellations (neighbour constellations)
- dbo:neighbourRegion (neighbour region)
- dbo:neighbourhood (neighbourhood of a hungarian settlement)
- dbo:netIncome (net income ($))
- dbo:networth (networth ($))
- dbo:nflCode (nfl code)
- dbo:nflSeason (nfl season)
- dbo:ngcName (NGC name)
- dbo:nisCode (NIS code)
- dbo:nlaId (NLA Id)
- dbo:nndbId (NNDB id)
- dbo:noContest (no contest)
- dbo:nonProfessionalCareer (non professional career)
- dbo:notableFeatures (notable features)
- dbo:note (note)
- dbo:noteOnPlaceOfBurial (note on place of burial)
- dbo:noteOnRestingPlace (note on resting place)
- dbo:notes (notes)
- dbo:notifyDate (notify date)
- dbo:nrhpReferenceNumber (NRHP Reference Number)
- dbo:nssdcId (NSSDC ID)
- dbo:number (number)
- dbo:numberBuilt (number built)
- dbo:numberOfAcademicStaff (number of academic staff)
- dbo:numberOfAlbums (number of albums)
- dbo:numberOfArrondissement (number of arrondissement)
- dbo:numberOfBombs (number of bombs)
- dbo:numberOfBronzeMedalsWon (number of bronze medals won)
- dbo:numberOfCanton (number of canton)
- dbo:numberOfCantons (Number Of Cantons)
- dbo:numberOfCapitalDeputies (Number Of Capital Deputies)
- dbo:numberOfCity (number of contries inside en continent)
- dbo:numberOfClubs (number of clubs)
- dbo:numberOfCollectionItems (number of items in collection)
- dbo:numberOfCompetitors (number of competitors)
- dbo:numberOfCounties (number of counties)
- dbo:numberOfCountries (number of countries)
- dbo:numberOfCrew (number of crew)
- dbo:numberOfDeaths (number of deaths)
- dbo:numberOfDependency (number of dependency)
- dbo:numberOfDistrict (number of district)
- dbo:numberOfDistricts (number of districts)
- dbo:numberOfDoctoralStudents (number of doctoral students)
- dbo:numberOfEmployees (number of employees)
- dbo:numberOfEntrances (number of entrances)
- dbo:numberOfEpisodes (number of episodes)
- dbo:numberOfFederalDeputies (Number Of Federal Deputies)
- dbo:numberOfFilms (number of films)
- dbo:numberOfGoals (number of goals scored)
- dbo:numberOfGoldMedalsWon (number of gold medals won)
- dbo:numberOfGraduateStudents (number of graduate students)
- dbo:numberOfGraves (number of graves)
- dbo:numberOfHoles (number of holes)
- dbo:numberOfHouses (number of houses present))
- dbo:numberOfIntercommunality (number of intercommunality)
- dbo:numberOfIsland (number of islands)
- dbo:numberOfIslands (number of islands)
- dbo:numberOfLanes (number of lanes)
- dbo:numberOfLaps (number of laps)
- dbo:numberOfLaunches (number of launches)
- dbo:numberOfLawyers (number of lawyers)
- dbo:numberOfLines (number of lines)
- dbo:numberOfLiveAlbums (number of live albums)
- dbo:numberOfLocations (number of locations)
- dbo:numberOfMatches (number of matches or caps)
- dbo:numberOfMembers (number of members)
- dbo:numberOfMembersAsOf (number of members as of)
- dbo:numberOfMinistries (number of ministries)
- dbo:numberOfMunicipalities (Number Of Municipalities)
- dbo:numberOfNeighbourhood (number of neighbourhood)
- dbo:numberOfNewlyIntroducedSports (number of newly introduced sports)
- dbo:numberOfOffices (number of offices)
- dbo:numberOfOfficials (number of officials)
- dbo:numberOfOrbits (number of orbits)
- dbo:numberOfPads (number of pads)
- dbo:numberOfPages (number of pages)
- dbo:numberOfParkingSpaces (number of parking spaces)
- dbo:numberOfParticipatingAthletes (number of participating athletes)
- dbo:numberOfParticipatingFemaleAthletes (number of participating female athletes)
- dbo:numberOfParticipatingMaleAthletes (number of participating male athletes)
- dbo:numberOfParticipatingNations (number of participating nations)
- dbo:numberOfPeopleAttending (number of people attending)
- dbo:numberOfPeopleLicensed (number of licensed)
- dbo:numberOfPiersInWater (number of piers in water)
- dbo:numberOfPixels (number of pixels (millions))
- dbo:numberOfPlatformLevels (number of platform levels)
- dbo:numberOfPlayers (number of players)
- dbo:numberOfPostgraduateStudents (number of postgraduate students)
- dbo:numberOfProfessionals (number of professionals)
- dbo:numberOfReactors (number of reactors)
- dbo:numberOfRestaurants (number of restaurants)
- dbo:numberOfRockets (number of rockets)
- dbo:numberOfRooms (number of rooms)
- dbo:numberOfRun (number of run)
- dbo:numberOfSeasons (number of seasons)
- dbo:numberOfSeats (number of seats)
- dbo:numberOfSeatsInParliament (number of seats in parliament)
- dbo:numberOfSettlement (number of settlement)
- dbo:numberOfSilverMedalsWon (number of silver medals won)
- dbo:numberOfSpans (number of spans)
- dbo:numberOfSpeakers (number of speakers)
- dbo:numberOfSports (number of sports)
- dbo:numberOfSportsEvents (number of sports events)
- dbo:numberOfStaff (number of staff)
- dbo:numberOfStars (number of stars)
- dbo:numberOfStateDeputies (Number Of State Deputies)
- dbo:numberOfStations (number of stations)
- dbo:numberOfStudents (number of students)
- dbo:numberOfStudioAlbums (number of studio albums)
- dbo:numberOfSuites (number of suites)
- dbo:numberOfTeams (number of teams)
- dbo:numberOfTracks (number of tracks)
- dbo:numberOfTurns (number of turns)
- dbo:numberOfUndergraduateStudents (number of undergraduate students)
- dbo:numberOfVehicles (number of vehicles)
- dbo:numberOfVillages (number of villages)
- dbo:numberOfVineyards (number of vineyards)
- dbo:numberOfVisitors (number of visitors)
- dbo:numberOfVisitorsAsOf (number of visitors as of)
- dbo:numberOfVolumes (number of volumes)
- dbo:numberOfVolunteers (number of volunteers)
- dbo:numberOfWineries (number of wineries)
- dbo:numberSold (number sold)
- dbo:nutsCode (NUTS code)
- dbo:observatory (observatory)
- dbo:oclc (OCLC)
- dbo:offeredClasses (offered classes)
- dbo:office (office)
- dbo:officialName (official name)
- dbo:officialSchoolColour (official school colour)
- dbo:ofsCode (ofs code of a settlement)
- dbo:okatoCode (okato code)
- dbo:oldName (old name)
- dbo:oldcode (oldcode)
- dbo:olympicGamesBronze (olympic games bronze)
- dbo:olympicGamesGold (olympic games gold)
- dbo:olympicGamesSilver (olympic games silver)
- dbo:olympicGamesWins (olympic games wins)
- dbo:omim (OMIM id)
- dbo:onChromosome (on chromosome)
- dbo:ons (ons)
- dbo:openAccessContent (open access content)
- dbo:openingDate (opening date)
- dbo:openingYear (opening year)
- dbo:operatingIncome (operating income ($))
- dbo:orbitalEccentricity (orbital eccentricity)
- dbo:orbitalFlights (orbital flights)
- dbo:orbitalInclination (orbital inclination)
- dbo:orbitalPeriod (orbital period (s))
- dbo:orbits (orbits)
- dbo:orcidId (ORCID Id)
- dbo:orderDate (order date)
- dbo:orderInOffice (order in office)
- dbo:ordination (Ordination)
- dbo:orientation (orientation)
- dbo:originalDanseCompetition (original danse competititon)
- dbo:originalDanseScore (original danse score)
- dbo:originalMaximumBoatBeam (original maximum boat beam (Ό))
- dbo:originalMaximumBoatLength (original maximum boat length (Ό))
- dbo:originalName (original name)
- dbo:originalTitle (original title)
- dbo:originallyUsedFor (originally used for)
- dbo:other (other)
- dbo:otherActivity (other activity)
- dbo:otherChannel (other channel)
- dbo:otherInformation (other information of a settlement)
- dbo:otherLanguage (other language of a settlement)
- dbo:otherName (other name)
- dbo:otherServingLines (other serving lines)
- dbo:otherWins (other wins)
- dbo:output (output)
- dbo:outskirts (outskirts)
- dbo:overallRecord (overall record)
- dbo:oversight (oversight)
- dbo:parkingInformation (parking information)
- dbo:parkingLotsCars (number of parking lots for cars)
- dbo:parkingLotsTrucks (number of parking lots for trucks)
- dbo:parliamentType (parliament type)
- dbo:parliamentaryGroup (parliamentary group)
- dbo:partialFailedLaunches (partial failed launches)
- dbo:participant (participant)
- dbo:particularSign (particular sign)
- dbo:partyNumber (party number)
- dbo:passengersPerDay (passengers per day)
- dbo:passengersPerYear (passengers per year)
- dbo:passengersUsedSystem (passengers used system)
- dbo:pccSecretary (pcc secretary)
- dbo:pdb (PDB ID)
- dbo:penaltiesTeamA (Penalties Team A)
- dbo:penaltiesTeamB (Penalties Team B)
- dbo:penaltyScore (penalty score)
- dbo:penisLength (penis length)
- dbo:peopleName (peopleName)
- dbo:perCapitaIncome (per capita income ($))
- dbo:perCapitaIncomeAsOf (per capita income as of)
- dbo:perCapitaIncomeRank (per capital income rank)
- dbo:percentageAlcohol (percentage of alcohol)
- dbo:percentageFat (percentage of fat)
- dbo:percentageLiteracyMen (percentage of a place's male population that is literate, degree of analphabetism)
- dbo:percentageLiteracyWomen (percentage of a place's female population that is literate, degree of analphabetism)
- dbo:percentageLiterate (percentage of a place's population that is literate, degree of analphabetism)
- dbo:percentageOfAreaWater (percentage of area water)
- dbo:periapsis (periapsis (Ό))
- dbo:perifocus (perifocus)
- dbo:perimeter (perimeter (Ό))
- dbo:personName (personName)
- dbo:phonePrefix (phone prefix)
- dbo:phonePrefixLabel (phone prefix label of a settlement)
- dbo:picturesCommonsCategory (pictures Commons category)
- dbo:piercing (piercing)
- dbo:pisciculturalPopulation (piscicultural population)
- dbo:pistonStroke (piston stroke (Ό))
- dbo:playerStatus (player status)
- dbo:playingTime (playing time (s))
- dbo:plays (plays)
- dbo:pluviometry (pluviometry)
- dbo:podium (podium)
- dbo:podiums (podiums)
- dbo:pole (pole)
- dbo:polePosition (pole position)
- dbo:poles (poles)
- dbo:policeName (police name)
- dbo:politicalFunction (political function)
- dbo:politicalSeats (political seats)
- dbo:popularVote (Number of votes given to candidate)
- dbo:populationAsOf (population as of)
- dbo:populationDensity (population density (/sqkm))
- dbo:populationMetro (population metro)
- dbo:populationMetroDensity (population metro density (/sqkm))
- dbo:populationPctChildren (population percentage under 12 years)
- dbo:populationPctMen (population percentage male)
- dbo:populationPctWomen (population percentage female)
- dbo:populationQuote (population quote)
- dbo:populationRural (population rural)
- dbo:populationRuralDensity (population density rural (/sqkm))
- dbo:populationTotal (population total)
- dbo:populationTotalRanking (total population ranking)
- dbo:populationUrban (population urban)
- dbo:populationUrbanDensity (population urban density (/sqkm))
- dbo:populationYear (population year)
- dbo:portfolio (portfolio)
- dbo:postalCode (postal code)
- dbo:power (power)
- dbo:powerOutput (power output (W))
- dbo:prefectMandate (mandate of a prefect of a romanian settlement)
- dbo:prefix (prefix)
- dbo:premiereDate (premiere date)
- dbo:premiereYear (premiere year)
- dbo:presentName (a municipality's present name)
- dbo:presidentGeneralCouncilMandate (mandate of the president of the general council)
- dbo:presidentRegionalCouncilMandate (mandate of the president council of the regional council)
- dbo:previousName (previous name)
- dbo:previousPopulationTotal (previous population total)
- dbo:price (price ($))
- dbo:primate (Primite)
- dbo:proPeriod (pro period)
- dbo:proSince (pro since)
- dbo:proYear (pro year)
- dbo:probowlPick (pro bowl pick)
- dbo:procedure (procedure)
- dbo:productShape (product shape)
- dbo:production (production)
- dbo:productionEndDate (production end date)
- dbo:productionEndYear (production end year)
- dbo:productionStartDate (production start date)
- dbo:productionStartYear (production start year)
- dbo:productionYears (production years)
- dbo:programCost (program cost ($))
- dbo:projectBudgetFunding (project budget funding ($))
- dbo:projectBudgetTotal (project budget total ($))
- dbo:projectEndDate (project end date)
- dbo:projectKeyword (project keyword)
- dbo:projectObjective (project objective)
- dbo:projectReferenceID (project reference ID)
- dbo:projectStartDate (project start date)
- dbo:projectType (project type)
- dbo:prominence (prominence (Ό))
- dbo:pronunciation (pronunciation)
- dbo:protectionStatus (monument protection status)
- dbo:protein (protein (g))
- dbo:protestantPercentage (protestant percentage)
- dbo:provCode (prove code)
- dbo:provinceIsoCode (iso code of a province)
- dbo:pseudonym (pseudonym)
- dbo:pubchem (PubChem)
- dbo:publication (publication)
- dbo:publicationDate (publication date)
- dbo:publiclyAccessible (publicly accessible)
- dbo:purchasingPowerParity (purchasing power parity)
- dbo:purchasingPowerParityRank (purchasing power parity rank)
- dbo:purchasingPowerParityYear (purchasing power parity year)
- dbo:purpose (purpose)
- dbo:qatarClassic (qatar classic)
- dbo:quebecerTitle (quebecer title)
- dbo:quotation (quotation)
- dbo:quote (quote)
- dbo:ra (ra)
- dbo:raceLength (race length (Ό))
- dbo:raceWins (race wins)
- dbo:races (races)
- dbo:racketCatching (racket catching)
- dbo:radioStation (radio station)
- dbo:radius_ly (Radius_ly)
- dbo:railGauge (rail gauge (Ό))
- dbo:railwayPlatforms (railway platforms)
- dbo:range (range)
- dbo:rank (rank)
- dbo:rankAgreement (rank of an agreement)
- dbo:rankArea (rank of an area)
- dbo:rankInFinalMedalCount (rank in final medal count)
- dbo:rankPopulation (rank of a population)
- dbo:ranking (ranking)
- dbo:rankingWins (ranking wins)
- dbo:rankingsDoubles (doubles rankings)
- dbo:rankingsSingles (single rankings)
- dbo:rating (rating)
- dbo:rebuildDate (rebuild date)
- dbo:rebuildingDate (rebuilding date)
- dbo:rebuildingYear (rebuilding year)
- dbo:recommissioningDate (recommissioning date)
- dbo:recordDate (record date)
- dbo:redListIdNL (red list ID NL)
- dbo:redLongDistancePisteNumber (red long distance piste number)
- dbo:redSkiPisteNumber (red ski piste number)
- dbo:redline (redline (kmh))
- dbo:refcul (reference for cultural data)
- dbo:reference (reference)
- dbo:refgen (reference for general data)
- dbo:refgeo (reference for geographic data)
- dbo:refpol (reference for politic data)
- dbo:refseq (RefSeq)
- dbo:refseqmrna (refseq mRNA)
- dbo:refseqprotein (refseq protein)
- dbo:regime (regime)
- dbo:regionLink (region link)
- dbo:regionType (region type)
- dbo:regionalPrefecture (regional prefecture)
- dbo:registration (registration)
- dbo:registryNumber (registry number)
- dbo:reign (reign)
- dbo:reignName (reign name)
- dbo:relativeAtomicMass (atomic weight)
- dbo:releaseDate (release date)
- dbo:relics (relics)
- dbo:relief (relief)
- dbo:reopened (reopened)
- dbo:reopeningDate (reopening date)
- dbo:reopeningYear (reopening year)
- dbo:reportingMark (reporting mark)
- dbo:representative (number of representatives)
- dbo:requirement (requirement)
- dbo:reservations (reservations)
- dbo:restingDate (resting date)
- dbo:restoreDate (restore date)
- dbo:result (result)
- dbo:retentionTime (relation time)
- dbo:retired (retired)
- dbo:retirementDate (retirement date)
- dbo:revenue (revenue ($))
- dbo:review (review)
- dbo:rgbCoordinateBlue (bluecoordinate in the RGB space)
- dbo:rgbCoordinateGreen (green coordinate in the RGB space)
- dbo:rgbCoordinateRed (red coordinate in the RGB space)
- dbo:ridId (RID Id)
- dbo:rightAscension (right ascension)
- dbo:rkdArtistsId (RKDartists id)
- dbo:rocketStages (number of rocket stages)
- dbo:rolandGarrosDouble (roland garros double)
- dbo:rolandGarrosMixed (roland garros mixed)
- dbo:rolandGarrosSingle (roland garros single)
- dbo:role (role)
- dbo:roofHeight (roof height)
- dbo:rotationPeriod (rotation period (s))
- dbo:route (route)
- dbo:routeDirection (route direction)
- dbo:routeEndDirection (road end direction)
- dbo:routeNumber (route number)
- dbo:routeStartDirection (road start direction)
- dbo:routeTypeAbbreviation (route type abbreviation)
- dbo:ruling (ruling)
- dbo:runtime (runtime (s))
- dbo:runwayDesignation (designation of runway)
- dbo:runwayLength (length of runway (Ό))
- dbo:runwaySurface (surface of runway)
- dbo:runwayWidth (width of runway (Ό))
- dbo:salary (salary ($))
- dbo:sameName (same name)
- dbo:satellite (satellite)
- dbo:satellitesDeployed (satellites deployed)
- dbo:scale (scale)
- dbo:scene (scene)
- dbo:schoolCode (school code)
- dbo:schoolNumber (school number)
- dbo:scientificName (scientific name)
- dbo:score (score)
- dbo:seasonManager (season manager)
- dbo:seasonNumber (season number)
- dbo:seatNumber (number of seats in the land parlement)
- dbo:seatingCapacity (seating capacity)
- dbo:second (second)
- dbo:secondPlace (second place)
- dbo:security (security)
- dbo:selectionPoint (selection point)
- dbo:selectionYear (selection year)
- dbo:selibrId (SELIBR Id)
- dbo:senior (senior)
- dbo:seniority (seniority)
- dbo:seniunija (seniunija)
- dbo:sentence (sentence)
- dbo:serviceEndDate (service end date)
- dbo:serviceEndYear (service end year)
- dbo:serviceModule (service module)
- dbo:serviceNumber (service number)
- dbo:serviceStartDate (service start date)
- dbo:serviceStartYear (service start year)
- dbo:servingSize (serving size (g))
- dbo:servingTemperature (serving temperature)
- dbo:sessionNumber (session number)
- dbo:settingOfPlay (setting of play)
- dbo:setupTime (setup time (s))
- dbo:sex (sex)
- dbo:shareDate (share date)
- dbo:shareOfAudience (share of audience)
- dbo:shareSource (share source)
- dbo:sharingOutPopulation (sharing out population)
- dbo:sharingOutPopulationYear (sharing out year)
- dbo:shipBeam (ship beam (Ό))
- dbo:shipDisplacement (displacement (g))
- dbo:shipDraft (ship draft (Ό))
- dbo:shipLaunch (ship launched)
- dbo:shoeNumber (shoe number)
- dbo:shoeSize (shoe size)
- dbo:shoot (shoot)
- dbo:shoots (shoots)
- dbo:shoreLength (shore length (Ό))
- dbo:shortProgCompetition (short prog competition)
- dbo:shortProgScore (short prog score)
- dbo:signName (sign name of a hungarian settlement)
- dbo:signature (signature)
- dbo:silverMedalDouble (silver medal double)
- dbo:silverMedalMixed (silver medal mixed)
- dbo:silverMedalSingle (silver medal single)
- dbo:siren (siren number)
- dbo:sixthFormStudents (sixth form students)
- dbo:sizeBlazon (size blazon)
- dbo:sizeLogo (size logo)
- dbo:sizeMap (size map)
- dbo:sizeThumbnail (size thumbnail)
- dbo:size_v (size_v)
- dbo:skiLift (ski lift)
- dbo:skiPisteKilometre (ski piste kilometre (Ό))
- dbo:skiPisteNumber (ski piste number)
- dbo:skiTow (ski tow)
- dbo:skinColor (skin color)
- dbo:slogan (slogan)
- dbo:smiles (SMILES)
- dbo:snowParkNumber (snow park number)
- dbo:solubility (solubility)
- dbo:sourceConfluenceElevation (source confluence elevation (Ό))
- dbo:sourceElevation (source elevation (Ό))
- dbo:sourceText (sourceText)
- dbo:space (space)
- dbo:spacewalkBegin (spacewalk begin)
- dbo:spacewalkEnd (spacewalk end)
- dbo:speaker (speaker)
- dbo:specialTrial (special trial)
- dbo:specialist (specialist)
- dbo:speciality (speciality)
- dbo:speedLimit (speed limit (kmh))
- dbo:spike (spike)
- dbo:sportsFunction (sports function)
- dbo:spouseName (spouse name)
- dbo:squadNumber (squad number)
- dbo:staff (staff)
- dbo:starRating (star rating)
- dbo:start (start)
- dbo:startCareer (start career)
- dbo:startDate (start date)
- dbo:startDateTime (start date and time)
- dbo:startOccupation (start occupation)
- dbo:startWct (start xct)
- dbo:startWqs (start wqs)
- dbo:startYear (start year)
- dbo:startYearOfInsertion (start year of insertion)
- dbo:startYearOfSales (start year of sales)
- dbo:statName (stat name)
- dbo:statValue (stat value)
- dbo:stateOfOriginPoint (state of origin point)
- dbo:stateOfOriginYear (state of origin year)
- dbo:stationEvaDuration (station EVA duration (s))
- dbo:stationStructure (station structure)
- dbo:stationVisitDuration (station visit duration (s))
- dbo:statisticValue (statistic value)
- dbo:statisticYear (statistic year)
- dbo:status (status)
- dbo:statusManager (status manager)
- dbo:statusYear (status year)
- dbo:stockExchange (Registered at Stock Exchange)
- dbo:strength (strength)
- dbo:subMunicipalityType (type of municipality)
- dbo:subPrefecture (subprefecture)
- dbo:subdivisionLink (subdivision link)
- dbo:subdivisions (subdivisions)
- dbo:subjectOfPlay (subject of play)
- dbo:subjectTerm (subject term)
- dbo:sublimationPoint (sublimation point (K))
- dbo:suborbitalFlights (suborbital flights)
- dbo:subsystem (subsystem)
- dbo:subsystemLink (subsystem link)
- dbo:subtitle (subtitle)
- dbo:successfulLaunches (successful launches)
- dbo:sudocId (SUDOC id)
- dbo:summerTemperature (summer temperature (K))
- dbo:superbowlWin (superbowl win)
- dbo:supplementalDraftRound (supplemental draft round)
- dbo:supplementalDraftYear (supplemental draft year)
- dbo:suppreddedDate (suppredded date)
- dbo:surfaceArea (surface area (m2))
- dbo:surfaceFormOccurrenceOffset (position in which a surface occurs in a text)
- dbo:surfaceGravity (surface gravity (g))
- dbo:surfaceType (type of surface)
- dbo:swimmingStyle (Swimming style)
- dbo:symbol (Symbol)
- dbo:synonym (synonym)
- dbo:systemRequirements (minimum system requirements)
- dbo:tag (tag)
- dbo:taste (taste or flavour)
- dbo:tattoo (tattoo)
- dbo:teamName (team name)
- dbo:teamPoint (team point)
- dbo:teamSize (team size)
- dbo:teamTitle (team title)
- dbo:technique (technique)
- dbo:tempPlace (Temporary Placement in the Music Charts)
- dbo:temperature (temperature (K))
- dbo:temple (temple)
- dbo:templeYear (temple year)
- dbo:tennisSurfaceType (type of tennis surface)
- dbo:termOfOffice (term of office)
- dbo:tessitura (tessitura)
- dbo:testaverage (testaverage)
- dbo:theology (Theology)
- dbo:third (third)
- dbo:thirdPlace (third place)
- dbo:throwingSide (throwing side)
- dbo:thumbnailCaption (thumbnail caption)
- dbo:tie (tie)
- dbo:time (time)
- dbo:timeInSpace (total time person has spent in space (s))
- dbo:timeshiftChannel (timeshift channel)
- dbo:title (title)
- dbo:titleDate (title date)
- dbo:titleDouble (title double)
- dbo:titleLanguage (title language)
- dbo:titleSingle (title single)
- dbo:toll (toll ($))
- dbo:topFloorHeight (tor floor height)
- dbo:topLevelDomain (country top level (tld))
- dbo:topSpeed (top speed (kmh))
- dbo:topic (topic)
- dbo:torqueOutput (torque output (Nm))
- dbo:totalCargo (total cargo (g))
- dbo:totalDiscs (total discs)
- dbo:totalLaunches (total launches)
- dbo:totalMass (total mass (g))
- dbo:totalPopulation (total population)
- dbo:totalTracks (total tracks)
- dbo:totalTravellers (total travellers)
- dbo:tournamentOfChampions (tournament of champions)
- dbo:tournamentRecord (tournament record)
- dbo:towerHeight (tower height)
- dbo:trackLength (track length (Ό))
- dbo:trackNumber (track number)
- dbo:trackWidth (track width (Ό))
- dbo:trainerYears (trainer years)
- dbo:translatedMotto (translated motto)
- dbo:transmission (transmission)
- dbo:tu (tu)
- dbo:tuition (tuition ($))
- dbo:tvComId (tv.com id)
- dbo:typeCoordinate (type coordinate)
- dbo:typeOfGrain (type of grain (wheat etc.))
- dbo:typeOfStorage (type of storage)
- dbo:typeOfYeast (type of yeast)
- dbo:uciCode (UCI code)
- dbo:ulanId (ULAN id)
- dbo:umbrellaTitle (umbrella title)
- dbo:undraftedYear (undrafted year)
- dbo:unicode (unicode)
- dbo:uniprot (UniProt)
- dbo:unitCost (unit cost ($))
- dbo:unitedStatesNationalBridgeId (United States National Bridge ID)
- dbo:unknownOutcomes (unknown outcomes)
- dbo:unloCode (UN/LOCODE)
- dbo:updated (updated)
- dbo:upperAge (upper age)
- dbo:urbanArea (urban area)
- dbo:usOpenDouble (us open double)
- dbo:usOpenMixed (us open mixed)
- dbo:usOpenSingle (us open single)
- dbo:usSales (US sales)
- dbo:usk (approved rating of the Entertainment Software Self-Regulation Body in Germany)
- dbo:utcOffset (UTC offset)
- dbo:v_hb (V_hb)
- dbo:value (value)
- dbo:valvetrain (valvetrain)
- dbo:vehicleCode (vehicle code)
- dbo:vehiclesPerDay (vehicles per day)
- dbo:viafId (VIAF Id)
- dbo:victims (victims (string))
- dbo:victory (victory)
- dbo:victoryAsMgr (victory as manager)
- dbo:victoryPercentageAsMgr (victory percentage as manager)
- dbo:virtualChannel (virtual channel)
- dbo:visitorStatisticsAsOf (visitor statistics as of)
- dbo:visitorsPerDay (visitors per day)
- dbo:visitorsPerYear (visitors per year)
- dbo:visitorsPercentageChange (visitor percentage change)
- dbo:visitorsTotal (visitors total)
- dbo:volcanicActivity (volcanic activity)
- dbo:volcanicType (volcanic type)
- dbo:volcanoId (volcano id)
- dbo:voltageOfElectrification (voltage of electrification (V))
- dbo:volume (volume (ÎŒÂł))
- dbo:volumeQuote (volume quote)
- dbo:vonKlitzingConstant (von Klitzing electromagnetic constant (RK))
- dbo:votesAgainst (Votes against the resolution)
- dbo:votesFor (Number of votes in favour of the resolution)
- dbo:waistSize (waist size (Ό))
- dbo:war (wars)
- dbo:ward (ward of a liechtenstein settlement)
- dbo:water (water)
- dbo:waterArea (area of water (m2))
- dbo:waterPercentage (water percentage of a place)
- dbo:watercourse (watercourse)
- dbo:watershed (watershed (m2))
- dbo:wavelength (wavelength (Ό))
- dbo:websiteLabel (label of a website)
- dbo:weddingParentsDate (Parents Wedding Date)
- dbo:weight (weight (g))
- dbo:whaDraft (wha draft)
- dbo:whaDraftYear (wha draft year)
- dbo:wheelbase (wheelbase (Ό))
- dbo:width (width (Ό))
- dbo:widthQuote (width quote)
- dbo:wikiPageCharacterSize (Character size of wiki page)
- dbo:wikiPageExtracted (extraction datetime)
- dbo:wikiPageID (Wikipage page ID)
- dbo:wikiPageInDegree (Wiki page in degree)
- dbo:wikiPageLength (page length (characters) of wiki page)
- dbo:wikiPageModified (Wikipage modification datetime)
- dbo:wikiPageOutDegree (Wiki page out degree)
- dbo:wikiPageRevisionID (Wikipage revision ID)
- dbo:wimbledonDouble (wimbledon double)
- dbo:wimbledonMixed (wimbledon mixed)
- dbo:wimbledonSingle (wimbledon single)
- dbo:wineYear (wine year)
- dbo:wingArea (wing area (m2))
- dbo:wingspan (wingspan (Ό))
- dbo:wins (wins)
- dbo:winterTemperature (winter temperature (K))
- dbo:wordBefore (word before the country)
- dbo:work (work)
- dbo:workArea (work area (m2))
- dbo:worldChampionTitleYear (year of world champion title)
- dbo:worldOpen (world open)
- dbo:worldTeamCup (world team cup)
- dbo:worldTournamentBronze (world tournament bronze)
- dbo:worldTournamentGold (world tournament gold)
- dbo:worldTournamentSilver (world tournament silver)
- dbo:worstDefeat (worst defeat)
- dbo:wptFinalTable (wpt final table)
- dbo:wptItm (wpt itm)
- dbo:wptTitle (wpt title)
- dbo:wsopItm (wsop itm)
- dbo:wsopWinYear (wsop win year)
- dbo:wsopWristband (wsop wristband)
- dbo:year (year)
- dbo:yearElevationIntoNobility (year of elevation into the nobility)
- dbo:yearOfConstruction (year of construction)
- dbo:yearOfElectrification (year of electrification)
- dbo:years (years)
- dbo:youthYears (youth years)
- dbo:zdb (zdb)
- dbo:zipCode (zip code)
- dbo:acceleration (acceleration (s))
- dbo:averageAnnualGeneration (average annual gross power generation (J))
- dbo:birthDate (birth date)
- dbo:birthYear (birth year)
- dbo:co2Emission (CO2 emission (g/km))
- dbo:deathDate (death date)
- dbo:deathYear (death year)
- dbo:diameter (diameter (Ό))
- dbo:displacement (displacement (ÎŒÂł))
- dbo:foalDate (foal date)
- dbo:fuelCapacity (fuel capacity (ÎŒÂł))
- dbo:fuelConsumption (fuel consumption)
- dbo:height (height (Ό))
- dbo:installedCapacity (installed capacity (W))
- dbo:latestReleaseDate (latest release date)
- dbo:length (length (Ό))
- dbo:marketCapitalisation (market capitalisation ($))
- dbo:netIncome (net income ($))
- dbo:operatingIncome (operating income ($))
- dbo:populationTotal (population total)
- dbo:powerOutput (power output (W))
- dbo:redline (redline (kmh))
- dbo:restingDate (resting date)
- dbo:retirementDate (retirement date)
- dbo:topSpeed (top speed (kmh))
- dbo:torqueOutput (torque output (Nm))
- dbo:weight (weight (g))
- dbo:wheelbase (wheelbase (Ό))
- dbo:width (width (Ό))
- dbo:zipCode (zip code)
- dbo:academicAdvisor (academic advisor)
- dbo:academicDiscipline (academic discipline)
- dbo:academyAward (Academy Award)
- dbo:achievement (achievement)
- dbo:actScore (ACT score)
- dbo:actingHeadteacher (acting headteacher)
- dbo:activity (activity)
- dbo:addressInRoad (address in road)
- dbo:adjacentSettlement (adjacent settlement of a switzerland settlement)
- dbo:administrativeCenter (administrative center)
- dbo:administrativeCollectivity (administrative collectivity)
- dbo:administrativeDistrict (administrative district)
- dbo:administrativeHeadCity (head city)
- dbo:administrator (administrator)
- dbo:affiliation (affiliation)
- dbo:afiAward (AFI Award)
- dbo:agency (agency)
- dbo:agglomeration (agglomeration)
- dbo:agglomerationArea (agglomeration area)
- dbo:agglomerationDemographics (agglomeration demographics)
- dbo:agglomerationPopulation (agglomeration population)
- dbo:aircraftAttack (aircraft attack)
- dbo:aircraftBomber (aircraft bomber)
- dbo:aircraftElectronic (aircraft electronic)
- dbo:aircraftFighter (aircraft fighter)
- dbo:aircraftHelicopter (aircraft helicopter)
- dbo:aircraftHelicopterAttack (aircraft helicopter attack)
- dbo:aircraftHelicopterCargo (aircraft helicopter cargo)
- dbo:aircraftHelicopterMultirole (aircraft helicopter multirole)
- dbo:aircraftHelicopterObservation (aircraft helicopter observation)
- dbo:aircraftHelicopterTransport (aircraft helicopter transport)
- dbo:aircraftHelicopterUtility (aircraft helicopter utility)
- dbo:aircraftInterceptor (aircraft interceptor)
- dbo:aircraftPatrol (aircraft patrol)
- dbo:aircraftRecon (aircraft recon)
- dbo:aircraftTrainer (aircraft trainer)
- dbo:aircraftTransport (aircraft transport)
- dbo:aircraftUser (aircraft user)
- dbo:album (album)
- dbo:alliance (alliance)
- dbo:almaMater (alma mater)
- dbo:alongside (alongside)
- dbo:alpsGroup (Alps group)
- dbo:alpsMainPart (Alps main part)
- dbo:alpsMajorSector (Alps major sector)
- dbo:alpsSection (Alps section)
- dbo:alpsSubgroup (Alps subgroup)
- dbo:alpsSubsection (Alps subsection)
- dbo:alpsSupergroup (Alps supergroup)
- dbo:altitude (altitude)
- dbo:alumni (alumni)
- dbo:amateurTeam (amateur team)
- dbo:americanComedyAward (American Comedy Award)
- dbo:animal (animal)
- dbo:animator (animator)
- dbo:announcedFrom (announcedFrom)
- dbo:anthem (anthem)
- dbo:apcPresident (apc president)
- dbo:appointer (appointer)
- dbo:approach (approach)
- dbo:archipelago (archipelago)
- dbo:architect (architect)
- dbo:architectualBureau (architectual bureau)
- dbo:architecturalStyle (architectural style)
- dbo:areaOfSearch (area of search)
- dbo:arielAward (Ariel Award)
- dbo:arrondissement (arrondissement)
- dbo:artPatron (patron (art))
- dbo:artery (artery)
- dbo:artist (performer)
- dbo:aspectRatio (Aspect Ratio)
- dbo:assembly (assembly)
- dbo:assistantPrincipal (assistant principal)
- dbo:associate (associate)
- dbo:associateEditor (associate editor)
- dbo:associateStar (associateStar)
- dbo:associatedAct (associated act)
- dbo:associatedBand (associated band)
- dbo:associatedMusicalArtist (associated musical artist)
- dbo:associatedRocket (associated rocket)
- dbo:associationOfLocalGovernment (association of local government)
- dbo:astrologicalSign (astrological sign)
- dbo:athletics (athletics)
- dbo:athleticsDiscipline (athletics discipline)
- dbo:attorneyGeneral (attorney general)
- dbo:author (author)
- dbo:authority (authority)
- dbo:automobilePlatform (automobile platform)
- dbo:autonomy (autonomy)
- dbo:availableSmartCard (available smart card)
- dbo:award (award)
- dbo:baftaAward (BAFTA Award)
- dbo:bandMember (band member)
- dbo:basedOn (based on)
- dbo:battle (battle)
- dbo:beatifiedBy (beatified by)
- dbo:beatifiedPlace (beatified place)
- dbo:beltwayCity (beltway city)
- dbo:biggestCity (biggest city)
- dbo:billed (billed)
- dbo:binomial (binomial)
- dbo:binomialAuthority (binomial authority)
- dbo:biome (biome)
- dbo:bird (bird)
- dbo:birthPlace (birth place)
- dbo:birthSign (birth sign)
- dbo:bishopric (bishopric)
- dbo:blockAlloy (block alloy)
- dbo:bloodType (blood type)
- dbo:board (board)
- dbo:bodyDiscovered (body discovered)
- dbo:bodyStyle (body style)
- dbo:boiler (boiler)
- dbo:boilerPressure (boiler pressure)
- dbo:booster (booster)
- dbo:border (border)
- dbo:borough (borough)
- dbo:bourgmestre (bourgmestre)
- dbo:boxerCategory (boxer category)
- dbo:boxerStyle (boxing style)
- dbo:branchFrom (branch from)
- dbo:branchTo (branch to)
- dbo:brand (brand)
- dbo:breeder (breeder)
- dbo:britishComedyAwards (British Comedy Awards)
- dbo:britishWins (british wins)
- dbo:broadcastArea (broadcast area)
- dbo:broadcastNetwork (broadcast network)
- dbo:bronzeMedalist (bronze medalist)
- dbo:builder (builder)
- dbo:building (building)
- dbo:buildingType (buildingType)
- dbo:calculationNeeds (its calculation needs)
- dbo:campus (campus)
- dbo:canonizedBy (canonized by)
- dbo:canonizedPlace (canonized place)
- dbo:canton (canton)
- dbo:capital (capital)
- dbo:capitalCountry (capital country)
- dbo:capitalDistrict (capital district)
- dbo:capitalMountain (capital mountain)
- dbo:capitalPlace (capital place)
- dbo:capitalPosition (capital position)
- dbo:capitalRegion (capital region)
- dbo:careerStation (career station)
- dbo:category (category)
- dbo:caterer (caterer)
- dbo:causedBy (caused by)
- dbo:cemetery (cemetery)
- dbo:ceo (chief executive officer)
- dbo:ceremonialCounty (Ceremonial County)
- dbo:cesarAward (Cesar Award)
- dbo:chain (chain)
- dbo:chairLabel (chair label)
- dbo:chairman (chairman)
- dbo:chairperson (chairperson)
- dbo:champion (champion)
- dbo:championInDouble (champion in double)
- dbo:championInDoubleFemale (champion in double female)
- dbo:championInDoubleMale (champion in double male)
- dbo:championInMixedDouble (champion in mixed double)
- dbo:championInSingle (champion in single)
- dbo:championInSingleFemale (champion in single female)
- dbo:championInSingleMale (champion in single male)
- dbo:chancellor (chancellor)
- dbo:channel (channel)
- dbo:chaplain (chaplain)
- dbo:chef (chef)
- dbo:chiefEditor (chief editor)
- dbo:chiefPlace (chief place)
- dbo:child (child)
- dbo:childOrganisation (child organisation)
- dbo:choreographer (choreographer)
- dbo:cinematography (cinematography)
- dbo:citizenship (citizenship)
- dbo:city (city)
- dbo:class (class)
- dbo:classis (classis)
- dbo:climate (climate)
- dbo:closeTo (is close to)
- dbo:closingFilm (closing film)
- dbo:club (club)
- dbo:clubsRecordGoalscorer (clubs record goalscorer)
- dbo:cluster (cluster)
- dbo:coExecutiveProducer (co executive producer)
- dbo:coProducer (co producer)
- dbo:coach (coach)
- dbo:coachClub (coach club)
- dbo:coachedTeam (coached team)
- dbo:coatOfArms (coat of arms image)
- dbo:coemperor (coemperor)
- dbo:collaboration (collaboration)
- dbo:colleague (colleague)
- dbo:collectionSize (country)
- dbo:collectivityMinority (collectivity minority)
- dbo:college (college)
- dbo:colour (colour)
- dbo:comic (comic)
- dbo:commandStructure (command structure)
- dbo:commandant (commandant)
- dbo:commander (commander)
- dbo:committeeInLegislature (committee in legislature)
- dbo:commune (commune)
- dbo:company (company)
- dbo:comparable (comparable)
- dbo:competition (competition)
- dbo:competitionTitle (death place)
- dbo:compiler (compiler)
- dbo:complexion (complexion)
- dbo:component (component)
- dbo:composer (composer)
- dbo:computingInput (Computing input)
- dbo:computingMedia (Computing Media)
- dbo:computingPlatform (computing platform)
- dbo:conflict (conflict)
- dbo:congressionalDistrict (congressional district)
- dbo:connectsReferencedTo (connects referenced to)
- dbo:connotation (connotation)
- dbo:constellation (constellation)
- dbo:construction (construction)
- dbo:constructionMaterial (construction material)
- dbo:contest (contest)
- dbo:continent (continent)
- dbo:continentalTournament (continental tournament)
- dbo:contractor (contractor)
- dbo:coolingSystem (cooling system)
- dbo:copilote (copilote)
- dbo:costumeDesigner (costume designer)
- dbo:councilArea (Council area)
- dbo:country (country)
- dbo:countryOrigin (country origin)
- dbo:countryWithFirstAstronaut (country with first astronaut)
- dbo:countryWithFirstSatellite (country with first satellite)
- dbo:countryWithFirstSatelliteLaunched (country with first satellite launched)
- dbo:countryWithFirstSpaceflight (country with first spaceflight)
- dbo:county (county)
- dbo:countySeat (county seat)
- dbo:cousurper (cousurper)
- dbo:coverArtist (cover artist)
- dbo:cpu (CPU)
- dbo:created (created)
- dbo:creativeDirector (creative director)
- dbo:creator (creator (agent))
- dbo:creatorOfDish (creator of dish)
- dbo:crest (crest)
- dbo:crew (crew)
- dbo:crewMember (crew member)
- dbo:crosses (crosses)
- dbo:cultivatedVariety (cultivar)
- dbo:curator (curator)
- dbo:currency (currency)
- dbo:currentCity (current city)
- dbo:currentLeague (current league)
- dbo:currentMember (current member)
- dbo:currentPartner (current partner)
- dbo:currentProduction (current production)
- dbo:currentTeam (current team)
- dbo:currentTeamManager (current team manager)
- dbo:currentTeamMember (current team member)
- dbo:currentWorldChampion (current world champion)
- dbo:custodian (custodian)
- dbo:cyclistGenre (cyclist genre)
- dbo:daira (daira)
- dbo:dam (dam)
- dbo:damage (damage amount)
- dbo:damsire (damsire)
- dbo:daylightSavingTimeZone (daylight saving time zone)
- dbo:deFactoLanguage (de facto language)
- dbo:dean (dean)
- dbo:deanery (deanery)
- dbo:deathCause (death cause)
- dbo:deathPlace (death place)
- dbo:debutTeam (debut team)
- dbo:debutWork (debutWork)
- dbo:decoration (decoration)
- dbo:delegateMayor (delegate mayor)
- dbo:demographics (demographics)
- dbo:denomination (denomination)
- dbo:department (department)
- dbo:depths (depths)
- dbo:deputy (deputy)
- dbo:derivative (derivative)
- dbo:designCompany (designer company)
- dbo:designer (designer)
- dbo:destination (destination)
- dbo:detractor (detractor)
- dbo:developer (developer)
- dbo:dfE (DfE)
- dbo:diocese (diocese)
- dbo:diploma (diploma)
- dbo:director (film director)
- dbo:disciple (disciple)
- dbo:discipline (discipline)
- dbo:discoverer (discoverer)
- dbo:distributingCompany (distributing company)
- dbo:distributingLabel (distributing label)
- dbo:distributor (distributor)
- dbo:district (district)
- dbo:division (division)
- dbo:doctoralAdvisor (doctoral advisor)
- dbo:doctoralStudent (doctoral student)
- dbo:domain (domain)
- dbo:draftTeam (draft team)
- dbo:drainsFrom (drains from)
- dbo:drainsTo (drains to)
- dbo:drama (drama)
- dbo:dubber (dubber)
- dbo:dynasty (dynasty)
- dbo:eastPlace (east place)
- dbo:editing (editing)
- dbo:editor (editor)
- dbo:education (education)
- dbo:educationPlace (education place)
- dbo:educationSystem (education system)
- dbo:elementAbove (element above)
- dbo:emmyAward (Emmy Award)
- dbo:employer (employer)
- dbo:endPoint (end point)
- dbo:endReign (end reign)
- dbo:endingTheme (ending theme)
- dbo:enemy (enemy)
- dbo:engine (engine)
- dbo:engineType (engine type)
- dbo:engineer (engineer)
- dbo:enshrinedDeity (enshrined deity)
- dbo:entourage (entourage)
- dbo:eparchy (eparchy)
- dbo:equipment (equipment)
- dbo:era (era)
- dbo:ethnicGroup (ethnic group)
- dbo:ethnicity (ethnicity)
- dbo:europeanAffiliation (european affiliation)
- dbo:europeanParliamentGroup (european parliament group)
- dbo:event (event)
- dbo:executiveHeadteacher (executive headteacher)
- dbo:executiveProducer (executive producer)
- dbo:existence (existence)
- dbo:explorer (explorer)
- dbo:family (family)
- dbo:familyMember (family member)
- dbo:fastestDriver (fastest driver)
- dbo:fastestDriverCountry (fastest driver country)
- dbo:fastestDriverTeam (fastest driver team)
- dbo:father (father)
- dbo:features (features)
- dbo:federalState (federal state)
- dbo:federation (federation)
- dbo:field (field)
- dbo:fileURL (The URL at which this file can be downloaded)
- dbo:fillingStation (filling station)
- dbo:film (film)
- dbo:filmFareAward (Film Fare Award)
- dbo:filmVersion (film version)
- dbo:firstAscentPerson (person that first ascented a mountain)
- dbo:firstDriver (first driver)
- dbo:firstDriverCountry (first driver country)
- dbo:firstDriverTeam (winning team)
- dbo:firstFlight (first flight)
- dbo:firstLaunchRocket (first launch rocket)
- dbo:firstLeader (firstLeader)
- dbo:firstOlympicEvent (first olympic event)
- dbo:firstOwner (first owner)
- dbo:firstPopularVote (firstPopularVote)
- dbo:firstPublisher (first publisher)
- dbo:firstRace (first race)
- dbo:firstWin (first win)
- dbo:firstWinner (first winner)
- dbo:flagBearer (flag bearer)
- dbo:flower (flower)
- dbo:followedBy (followed by)
- dbo:followingEvent (following event)
- dbo:follows (follows)
- dbo:footedness (Footedness)
- dbo:foresterDistrict (foresterDistrict)
- dbo:format (format (object))
- dbo:formerBandMember (former band member)
- dbo:formerBroadcastNetwork (former broadcast network)
- dbo:formerChoreographer (former choreographer)
- dbo:formerCoach (former coach)
- dbo:formerHighschool (former highschool)
- dbo:formerPartner (former partner)
- dbo:formerTeam (former team)
- dbo:fossil (fossil)
- dbo:foundationPlace (foundation place)
- dbo:foundedBy (founded by)
- dbo:founder (founder)
- dbo:fourthCommander (fourth commander)
- dbo:frazioni (frazioni)
- dbo:friend (friend)
- dbo:fuel (fuel)
- dbo:fuelSystem (fuel system)
- dbo:fundedBy (funded by)
- dbo:galleryItem (gallery item)
- dbo:gameArtist (game artist)
- dbo:gameEngine (Game Engine)
- dbo:garrison (garrison)
- dbo:gaudiAward (GaudĂ Award)
- dbo:geminiAward (Gemini Award)
- dbo:gender (gender)
- dbo:geneLocation (Gene Location)
- dbo:generalCouncil (general council)
- dbo:generalManager (general manager)
- dbo:genre (genre)
- dbo:genus (genus)
- dbo:geolocDepartment (geolocDepartment)
- dbo:giniCoefficientCategory (gini coefficient category)
- dbo:goldMedalist (gold medalist)
- dbo:goldenCalfAward (Golden Calf Award)
- dbo:goldenGlobeAward (Golden Globe Award)
- dbo:goldenRaspberryAward (Golden Raspberry Award)
- dbo:governingBody (governing body)
- dbo:government (government)
- dbo:governmentCountry (government country)
- dbo:governmentMountain (government mountain)
- dbo:governmentPlace (government place)
- dbo:governmentPosition (government position)
- dbo:governmentRegion (government region)
- dbo:governmentType (government type)
- dbo:governor (governor)
- dbo:governorGeneral (governor general)
- dbo:goyaAward (Goya Award)
- dbo:grades (grades)
- dbo:grammyAward (Grammy Award)
- dbo:grandsire (grandsire)
- dbo:grossDomesticProductNominalPerCapita (gross domestic product nominal per capita)
- dbo:grossDomesticProductPurchasingPowerParityPerCapita (gross domestic product purchasing power parity per capita)
- dbo:ground (ground)
- dbo:growingGrape (growing grape)
- dbo:guest (guest)
- dbo:gymApparatus (gym apparatus)
- dbo:hand (hand)
- dbo:handedness (handedness)
- dbo:hasAbsorbedMunicipality (the previous municipality from which this one has been created or enlarged)
- dbo:hasAnnotation (Indicates an annotation associated with this document)
- dbo:hasChannel (has channel)
- dbo:hasInput (has input)
- dbo:hasInsidePlace (has inside place)
- dbo:hasJunctionWith (has junction with)
- dbo:hasOutsidePlace (has outside place)
- dbo:hasVariant (variant or variation)
- dbo:head (head)
- dbo:headAlloy (head alloy)
- dbo:headChef (head chef)
- dbo:headOfFamily (family head)
- dbo:headquarter (headquarter)
- dbo:headteacher (head teacher)
- dbo:heir (heir)
- dbo:heritageRegister (heritage register)
- dbo:highestMountain (highest mountain)
- dbo:highestPlace (highest place)
- dbo:highestPoint (highest point)
- dbo:highestPosition (highest position)
- dbo:highestRegion (highest region)
- dbo:highestState (highest state)
- dbo:highschool (highschool)
- dbo:highwaySystem (highway system)
- dbo:homeArena (home arena)
- dbo:homeStadium (home stadium)
- dbo:homeport (homeport)
- dbo:hometown (home town)
- dbo:honours (honours)
- dbo:horseRidingDiscipline (horse riding discipline)
- dbo:house (house)
- dbo:hubAirport (hub airport)
- dbo:humanDevelopmentIndexRankingCategory (human development index (HDI) category)
- dbo:hybrid (hybrid)
- dbo:ideology (ideology)
- dbo:iftaAward (IFTA Award)
- dbo:illustrator (illustrator)
- dbo:inCemetery (in cemetery)
- dbo:incumbent (incumbent)
- dbo:industry (industry)
- dbo:inflow (inflow)
- dbo:influenced (influenced)
- dbo:influencedBy (influenced by)
- dbo:ingredient (ingredient)
- dbo:innervates (innervates)
- dbo:institution (institution)
- dbo:instrument (instrument)
- dbo:intercommunality (intercommunality)
- dbo:internationalAffiliation (international affiliation)
- dbo:isPartOf (is part of)
- dbo:isPartOfAnatomicalStructure (is part of anatomical structure)
- dbo:isPartOfMilitaryConflict (is part of military conflict)
- dbo:isPartOfWineRegion (is part of wine region)
- dbo:isRouteStop (is route stop)
- dbo:island (island)
- dbo:jockey (jockey)
- dbo:jointCommunity (joint community)
- dbo:judge (judge)
- dbo:juniorSeason (junior season)
- dbo:juniorTeam (junior team)
- dbo:jureLanguage (jure language)
- dbo:jurisdiction (jurisdiction)
- dbo:keyPerson (key person)
- dbo:khlDraftTeam (khl draft team)
- dbo:kingdom (kingdom)
- dbo:knownFor (known for)
- dbo:lake (vastest lake)
- dbo:land (land)
- dbo:landeshauptmann (landeshauptmann)
- dbo:landingVehicle (landing vehicle)
- dbo:language (language)
- dbo:languageFamily (family)
- dbo:languageRegulator (language regulator or academy)
- dbo:largestCity (largest city)
- dbo:largestMetro (largest metro)
- dbo:largestSettlement (largest settlement)
- dbo:lastAppearance (last appearance)
- dbo:lastFamilyMember (last family member)
- dbo:lastFlight (last flight)
- dbo:lastLaunchRocket (last launch rocket)
- dbo:lastRace (last race)
- dbo:lastWin (last win)
- dbo:launchPad (launch pad)
- dbo:launchSite (launch site)
- dbo:launchVehicle (launch vehicle)
- dbo:laurenceOlivierAward (Laurence Olivier Award)
- dbo:layout (layout)
- dbo:lchfDraftTeam (lchf draft year)
- dbo:leadTeam (lead team)
- dbo:leader (leader)
- dbo:leaderFunction (leaderFunction)
- dbo:leaderName (leader name)
- dbo:leaderParty (leader party)
- dbo:league (league)
- dbo:leagueManager (league manager)
- dbo:leftChild (left child)
- dbo:leftTributary (left tributary)
- dbo:legalForm (legal form)
- dbo:license (license)
- dbo:lieutenancyArea (Lieutenancy area)
- dbo:lieutenant (lieutenant)
- dbo:linguisticsTradition (linguistics tradition)
- dbo:linkedTo (linked to)
- dbo:listItemOf (list item)
- dbo:literaryGenre (literary genre)
- dbo:livingPlace (livingPlace)
- dbo:localAuthority (local authority)
- dbo:localizationThumbnail (thumbnail localization)
- dbo:locatedInArea (located in area)
- dbo:location (location)
- dbo:locationCity (location city)
- dbo:locationCountry (paĆstwo)
- dbo:locomotive (locomotive)
- dbo:lounge (lounge)
- dbo:lowestMountain (lowest mountain)
- dbo:lowestPlace (lowest place)
- dbo:lowestPoint (lowest point)
- dbo:lowestPosition (lowest position)
- dbo:lowestRegion (lowest region)
- dbo:lowestState (lowest state)
- dbo:lunarRover (lunar rover)
- dbo:lymph (lymph)
- dbo:lyrics (lyrics)
- dbo:magazine (magazine)
- dbo:maidenFlightRocket (maiden flight rocket)
- dbo:mainCharacter (main character)
- dbo:mainDomain (main domain)
- dbo:mainFamilyBranch (main branch)
- dbo:mainInterest (main interest)
- dbo:mainIsland (main island)
- dbo:mainOrgan (main organ)
- dbo:maintainedBy (maintained by)
- dbo:majorIsland (major island)
- dbo:majorShrine (major shrine)
- dbo:makeupArtist (makeup artist)
- dbo:management (management)
- dbo:managementCountry (management country)
- dbo:managementMountain (management mountain)
- dbo:managementPlace (management place)
- dbo:managementPosition (management position)
- dbo:managementRegion (management region)
- dbo:manager (manager)
- dbo:managerClub (manager club)
- dbo:managerSeason (manager season)
- dbo:managingEditor (managing editor)
- dbo:manufacturer (manufacturer)
- dbo:map (map)
- dbo:march (march)
- dbo:massif (massif)
- dbo:mastersWins (masters wins)
- dbo:mayor (mayor)
- dbo:medalist (medalist)
- dbo:media (media)
- dbo:mediaItem (media item)
- dbo:mediaType (media type)
- dbo:meetingBuilding (meeting building)
- dbo:meetingCity (meeting city)
- dbo:meetingRoad (meeting road)
- dbo:memberOfParliament (Member of Parliament)
- dbo:mentor (mentor)
- dbo:mergedIntoParty (merged into party)
- dbo:mergedSettlement (merged settlement)
- dbo:metropolitanBorough (metropolitan borough)
- dbo:militaryBranch (military branch)
- dbo:militaryRank (military rank)
- dbo:militaryUnit (military unit)
- dbo:millType (mill type)
- dbo:minority (minority)
- dbo:mission (mission)
- dbo:monarch (monarch)
- dbo:mostDownPoint (most down point of a norwegian settlement)
- dbo:mostWins (most wins)
- dbo:mother (mother)
- dbo:mountainRange (mountain range)
- dbo:mouthCountry (mouth country)
- dbo:mouthDistrict (mouth district)
- dbo:mouthMountain (mouth mountain)
- dbo:mouthPlace (mouth place)
- dbo:mouthPosition (mouth position)
- dbo:mouthRegion (mouth region)
- dbo:mouthState (mouth state)
- dbo:movement (movement)
- dbo:movie (movie)
- dbo:municipality (municipality)
- dbo:municipalityAbsorbedBy (absorbed by)
- dbo:museum (museum)
- dbo:museumType (museumType)
- dbo:musicBand (Music Band)
- dbo:musicBy (music by)
- dbo:musicComposer (music composer)
- dbo:musicFusionGenre (music fusion genre)
- dbo:musicSubgenre (music subgenre)
- dbo:musicType (musicType)
- dbo:musicalArtist (musical artist)
- dbo:musicalBand (musical band)
- dbo:musicians (musicians)
- dbo:mythology (mythology)
- dbo:naacpImageAward (NAACP Image Award)
- dbo:namedAfter (named after)
- dbo:namedByLanguage (named by language)
- dbo:narrator (narrator)
- dbo:nationalAffiliation (national affiliation)
- dbo:nationalFilmAward (National Film Award)
- dbo:nationalOlympicCommittee (National Olympic Committee)
- dbo:nationalSelection (national selection)
- dbo:nationalTeam (national team)
- dbo:nationalTournament (continental tournament)
- dbo:nationality (nationality)
- dbo:ncaaTeam (ncaa season)
- dbo:nearestCity (nearest city)
- dbo:neighboringMunicipality (neighboring municipality)
- dbo:nerve (nerve)
- dbo:network (network)
- dbo:newspaper (newspaper)
- dbo:nextEntity (next entity)
- dbo:nextEvent (next event)
- dbo:nextMission (next mission)
- dbo:nflTeam (nfl team)
- dbo:nobelLaureates (nobel laureates)
- dbo:nominee (nominee)
- dbo:nonFictionSubject (non-fiction subject)
- dbo:northEastPlace (north-east place)
- dbo:northPlace (north place)
- dbo:northWestPlace (north-west place)
- dbo:notSolubleIn (not soluble in)
- dbo:notableCommander (notable commander)
- dbo:notableIdea (notableIdea)
- dbo:notableStudent (notable student)
- dbo:notableWine (notable wine)
- dbo:notableWork (notable work)
- dbo:novel (novel)
- dbo:nrhpType (NRHP type)
- dbo:numberOfClassrooms (number of classrooms)
- dbo:occupation (occupation)
- dbo:officerInCharge (officer in charge)
- dbo:officialLanguage (official language)
- dbo:officialOpenedBy (official opened by)
- dbo:oilSystem (oil system)
- dbo:oldDistrict (old district)
- dbo:oldProvince (old province)
- dbo:oldTeamCoached (old team coached)
- dbo:olivierAward (Olivier Award)
- dbo:olympicGames (olympic games)
- dbo:olympicOathSwornBy (olympic oath sworn by)
- dbo:olympicOathSwornByAthlete (olympic oath sworn by athlete)
- dbo:olympicOathSwornByJudge (olympic oath sworn by judge)
- dbo:openingFilm (opening film)
- dbo:openingTheme (opening theme)
- dbo:operatingSystem (operating system)
- dbo:operator (operator)
- dbo:opponent (opponent)
- dbo:opponents (opponents)
- dbo:order (order (taxonomy))
- dbo:organ (organ)
- dbo:organSystem (organ system)
- dbo:organisation (organisation)
- dbo:organisationMember (organisation member)
- dbo:origin (origin)
- dbo:originalEndPoint (original end point)
- dbo:originalLanguage (original language)
- dbo:originalStartPoint (original start point)
- dbo:origo (origo)
- dbo:orogeny (orogeny)
- dbo:orthologousGene (Orthologous Gene)
- dbo:otherAppearances (other appearances)
- dbo:otherFamilyBranch (other branch)
- dbo:otherFuelType (secondary/other fuel type)
- dbo:otherFunction (other function)
- dbo:otherMedia (other media)
- dbo:otherOccupation (other occupation)
- dbo:otherParty (other party)
- dbo:otherSportsExperience (otherSportsExperience)
- dbo:outflow (outflow)
- dbo:owner (owner)
- dbo:owningCompany (owning company)
- dbo:owningOrganisation (owning organisation)
- dbo:owns (owns)
- dbo:painter (painter)
- dbo:parent (parent)
- dbo:parentCompany (parent company)
- dbo:parentMountainPeak (parent mountain peak)
- dbo:parentOrganisation (parent organisation)
- dbo:parish (parish)
- dbo:parliament (parliament)
- dbo:part (part)
- dbo:participatingIn (participates/participated in)
- dbo:partner (partner)
- dbo:party (party)
- dbo:pastMember (past member)
- dbo:pastor (pastor)
- dbo:patent (patent)
- dbo:patron (patron)
- dbo:patronSaint (patron saint)
- dbo:peabodyAward (Peabody Award)
- dbo:percentage (percentage)
- dbo:performer (performer)
- dbo:period (event period)
- dbo:person (person)
- dbo:personFunction (person function)
- dbo:pgaWins (pga wins)
- dbo:philosophicalSchool (philosophicalSchool)
- dbo:photographer (photographer)
- dbo:phylum (phylum)
- dbo:picture (picture)
- dbo:pictureDescription (picture description)
- dbo:pictureFormat (picture format)
- dbo:place (place of military conflict)
- dbo:placeOfBurial (place of burial)
- dbo:placeOfWorship (place of worship)
- dbo:plant (plant)
- dbo:playRole (play role)
- dbo:playerInTeam (player in team)
- dbo:playerSeason (player season)
- dbo:poleDriver (pole driver)
- dbo:poleDriverCountry (pole driver country)
- dbo:poleDriverTeam (pole driver team)
- dbo:polishFilmAward (Polish Film Award)
- dbo:politicGovernmentDepartment (politic government department)
- dbo:politicalLeader (political leader)
- dbo:politicalMajority (political majority)
- dbo:politicalPartyInLegislature (political party in legislature)
- dbo:politicalPartyOfLeader (political party of leader)
- dbo:population (population)
- dbo:populationPlace (population place)
- dbo:populationTotalReference (total population reference)
- dbo:portrayer (portrayer)
- dbo:position (position)
- dbo:powerType (power type)
- dbo:precursor (precursor)
- dbo:predecessor (predecessor)
- dbo:prefaceBy (author of preface)
- dbo:prefect (prefect)
- dbo:prefecture (prefecture)
- dbo:premierePlace (premiere place)
- dbo:presentMunicipality (present municipality)
- dbo:presenter (presenter)
- dbo:president (president)
- dbo:presidentGeneralCouncil (president general council)
- dbo:presidentRegionalCouncil (president regional council)
- dbo:previousDemographics (previous demographics)
- dbo:previousEditor (previous editor)
- dbo:previousEntity (previous entity)
- dbo:previousEvent (previous event)
- dbo:previousInfrastructure (previous infrastructure)
- dbo:previousMission (previous mission)
- dbo:previousPopulation (previous population)
- dbo:previousWork (previous work)
- dbo:primaryFuelType (primary fuel type)
- dbo:primeMinister (prime minister)
- dbo:primogenitor (primogenitor, first forebear)
- dbo:principal (principal)
- dbo:principalArea (principal area)
- dbo:principalEngineer (principal engineer)
- dbo:proTeam (pro team)
- dbo:producedBy (produced by)
- dbo:producer (producer)
- dbo:produces (produces)
- dbo:product (product)
- dbo:productionCompany (production company)
- dbo:profession (profession)
- dbo:programmeFormat (programme format)
- dbo:programmingLanguage (programming language)
- dbo:project (project)
- dbo:projectCoordinator (project coordinator)
- dbo:projectParticipant (project participant)
- dbo:promotion (promotion)
- dbo:prospectLeague (prospect league)
- dbo:prospectTeam (prospect team)
- dbo:provides (provides)
- dbo:province (province)
- dbo:provinceLink (province link)
- dbo:provost (provost)
- dbo:publisher (publisher)
- dbo:race (race)
- dbo:raceHorse (race horse)
- dbo:raceResult (race result)
- dbo:raceTrack (race track)
- dbo:radio (radio)
- dbo:railwayLineUsingTunnel (railway line using tunnel)
- dbo:railwayRollingStock (railway rolling stock)
- dbo:ratio (CalculationNeeds)
- dbo:rebuilder (rebuilder)
- dbo:recentWinner (recent winner)
- dbo:recordLabel (record label)
- dbo:recordedIn (recorded in)
- dbo:rector (rector)
- dbo:reffBourgmestre (referent bourgmestre)
- dbo:regency (regency)
- dbo:regentOf (regent of)
- dbo:region (region)
- dbo:regionServed (region served)
- dbo:regionalCouncil (regional council)
- dbo:regionalLanguage (regional language)
- dbo:reigningPope (reigning pope)
- dbo:related (related)
- dbo:relatedFunctions (related functions)
- dbo:relatedMeanOfTransportation (related mean of transportation)
- dbo:relatedPlaces (related places)
- dbo:relation (relation)
- dbo:relative (relative)
- dbo:releaseLocation (release location)
- dbo:religion (religion)
- dbo:religiousHead (religious head)
- dbo:religiousHeadLabel (religious head label)
- dbo:religiousOrder (religious order)
- dbo:residence (residence)
- dbo:resolution (resolution)
- dbo:restingPlace (resting place)
- dbo:restingPlacePosition (resting place position)
- dbo:retiredRocket (retired rocket)
- dbo:rightChild (right child)
- dbo:rightTributary (right tributary)
- dbo:rival (rival)
- dbo:river (river)
- dbo:riverBranch (branch)
- dbo:riverBranchOf (branch of)
- dbo:riverMouth (river mouth)
- dbo:road (road)
- dbo:rocket (rocket)
- dbo:rocketFunction (rocket function)
- dbo:roleInEvent (A Person's role in an event)
- dbo:routeActivity (route activity)
- dbo:routeEnd (route end)
- dbo:routeEndLocation (route end location)
- dbo:routeJunction (route junction)
- dbo:routeLine (line)
- dbo:routeNext (route next stop)
- dbo:routePrevious (route previous stop)
- dbo:routeStart (route start)
- dbo:routeStartLocation (route start location)
- dbo:royalAnthem (royal anthem)
- dbo:runningMate (running mate)
- dbo:ruralMunicipality (rural municipality)
- dbo:saint (saint)
- dbo:sales (sales)
- dbo:satScore (SAT score)
- dbo:school (school)
- dbo:schoolBoard (school board)
- dbo:schoolPatron (school patron)
- dbo:screenActorsGuildAward (Screen Actors Guild Award)
- dbo:sea (sea)
- dbo:season (season)
- dbo:secondCommander (second commander)
- dbo:secondDriver (second driver)
- dbo:secondDriverCountry (second driver country)
- dbo:secondLeader (secondLeader)
- dbo:secondPopularVote (secondPopularVote)
- dbo:secondTeam (second team)
- dbo:secretaryGeneral (secretary)
- dbo:seiyu (seiyu)
- dbo:selection (selection)
- dbo:senator (senator)
- dbo:series (series)
- dbo:service (service)
- dbo:servingRailwayLine (serving railway line)
- dbo:setDesigner (set designer)
- dbo:settlement (settlement)
- dbo:settlementAttached (settlement attached)
- dbo:sexualOrientation (sexual orientation)
- dbo:shape (intercommunality shape)
- dbo:sheading (sheading)
- dbo:shipCrew (crew)
- dbo:show (show)
- dbo:showJudge (showJudge)
- dbo:shuttle (shuttle)
- dbo:sibling (sibling)
- dbo:significantBuilding (significant building)
- dbo:significantDesign (significant design)
- dbo:significantProject (significant project)
- dbo:silCode (SIL code)
- dbo:silverMedalist (siler medalist)
- dbo:simcCode (SIMC code)
- dbo:similar (similar)
- dbo:sire (sire)
- dbo:sisterCollege (sister college)
- dbo:sisterNewspaper (sister newspaper)
- dbo:sisterStation (sister station)
- dbo:skills (skills)
- dbo:soccerLeaguePromoted (promoted)
- dbo:soccerLeagueRelegated (relegated teams)
- dbo:soccerLeagueSeason (season)
- dbo:soccerLeagueWinner (league champion)
- dbo:soccerTournamentClosingSeason (closing season)
- dbo:soccerTournamentLastChampion (last champion)
- dbo:soccerTournamentMostSteady (most steady)
- dbo:soccerTournamentMostSuccesfull (most successfull)
- dbo:soccerTournamentOpeningSeason (opening season)
- dbo:soccerTournamentThisSeason (this season)
- dbo:soccerTournamentTopScorer (top scorer)
- dbo:solicitorGeneral (solicitor general)
- dbo:solventWithBadSolubility (solvent with bad solubility)
- dbo:solventWithGoodSolubility (solvent with good solubility)
- dbo:solventWithMediocreSolubility (solvent with mediocre solubility)
- dbo:soundRecording (sound recording)
- dbo:source (source)
- dbo:sourceConfluence (source confluence)
- dbo:sourceConfluenceCountry (source confluence country)
- dbo:sourceConfluenceMountain (source confluence mountain)
- dbo:sourceConfluencePlace (source confluence place)
- dbo:sourceConfluencePosition (source confluence position)
- dbo:sourceConfluenceRegion (source confluence region)
- dbo:sourceConfluenceState (source confluence state)
- dbo:sourceCountry (source country)
- dbo:sourceDistrict (source district)
- dbo:sourceMountain (source mountain)
- dbo:sourcePlace (source place)
- dbo:sourcePosition (source position)
- dbo:sourceRegion (source region)
- dbo:sourceState (source state)
- dbo:southEastPlace (south-east place)
- dbo:southPlace (south place)
- dbo:southWestPlace (south-west place)
- dbo:sovereignCountry (sovereign country)
- dbo:spacecraft (spacecraft)
- dbo:spacestation (spacestation)
- dbo:specialEffects (special effects)
- dbo:species (species)
- dbo:splitFromParty (split from party)
- dbo:spokenIn (spoken in)
- dbo:spokesperson (spokesperson)
- dbo:sport (sport)
- dbo:sportCountry (sport country)
- dbo:sportDiscipline (sport discipline)
- dbo:sportGoverningBody (sport governing body)
- dbo:sportSpecialty (sport specialty)
- dbo:spouse (spouse)
- dbo:spurOf (spur of)
- dbo:spurType (spur type)
- dbo:stadium (Stadium)
- dbo:starring (starring)
- dbo:startPoint (start point)
- dbo:startReign (start reign)
- dbo:state (state)
- dbo:stateDelegate (state delegate)
- dbo:stateOfOrigin (state of origin)
- dbo:stateOfOriginTeam (state of origin team)
- dbo:statistic (statistic)
- dbo:statisticLabel (statistic label)
- dbo:stellarClassification (stellar classification)
- dbo:storyEditor (story editor)
- dbo:structuralSystem (structural system)
- dbo:student (diploma)
- dbo:style (style)
- dbo:stylisticOrigin (stylistic origin)
- dbo:subClassis (sub-classis)
- dbo:subFamily (sub-family)
- dbo:subGenus (subgenus)
- dbo:subOrder (sub-order)
- dbo:subTribus (subtribus)
- dbo:subdivision (subdivision)
- dbo:subdivisionName (subdivision name of the island)
- dbo:subprefecture (subprefecture)
- dbo:subregion (subregion)
- dbo:subsequentInfrastructure (subsequent infrastructure)
- dbo:subsequentWork (subsequent work)
- dbo:subsidiary (subsidiary)
- dbo:successor (successor)
- dbo:summerAppearances (summer appearances)
- dbo:superFamily (super-family)
- dbo:superOrder (super-order)
- dbo:superTribus (supertribus)
- dbo:superintendent (superintendent)
- dbo:supplies (supplies)
- dbo:supply (supply)
- dbo:systemOfLaw (system of law)
- dbo:taoiseach (taoiseach)
- dbo:targetAirport (target airport)
- dbo:targetSpaceStation (target space station station)
- dbo:taxon (has taxon)
- dbo:teachingStaff (teaching staff)
- dbo:team (team)
- dbo:teamCoached (team coached)
- dbo:teamManager (team manager)
- dbo:televisionSeries (television series)
- dbo:tenant (tenant)
- dbo:termPeriod (term period)
- dbo:territory (territory)
- dbo:terytCode (TERYT code)
- dbo:thirdCommander (third commander)
- dbo:thirdDriver (third driver)
- dbo:thirdDriverCountry (third driver country)
- dbo:thirdTeam (third team)
- dbo:thumbnail (thumbnail)
- dbo:timeZone (time zone)
- dbo:tonyAward (Tony Award)
- dbo:torchBearer (torch bearer)
- dbo:touristicSite (touristic site)
- dbo:tradeMark (TradeMark)
- dbo:trainer (trainer)
- dbo:trainerClub (trainer club)
- dbo:training (training)
- dbo:translator (translator)
- dbo:tree (tree)
- dbo:tribus (tribus)
- dbo:trustee (trustee)
- dbo:tvShow (tvShow)
- dbo:twinCountry (twin country)
- dbo:twinTown (twin city)
- dbo:type (type)
- dbo:typeOfElectrification (type of electrification)
- dbo:uRN (unique reference number (URN))
- dbo:unesco (unesco)
- dbo:unitaryAuthority (unitary authority)
- dbo:university (university)
- dbo:usedInWar (used in war)
- dbo:uses (uses)
- dbo:usingCountry (using country)
- dbo:usopenWins (usopen wins)
- dbo:usurper (usurper)
- dbo:variantOf (variant or variation)
- dbo:varietals (varietals)
- dbo:vehicle (vehicle)
- dbo:vein (vein)
- dbo:veneratedIn (venerated in)
- dbo:version (version)
- dbo:viceChancellor (vice chancellor)
- dbo:viceLeader (vice leader)
- dbo:viceLeaderParty (vice leader party)
- dbo:vicePresident (vice president)
- dbo:vicePrimeMinister (vice prime minister)
- dbo:vicePrincipal (vice principal)
- dbo:vicePrincipalLabel (vice principal label)
- dbo:victim (victim (resource))
- dbo:voice (voice)
- dbo:voiceType (voice type)
- dbo:volumes (volumes)
- dbo:wagon (train carriage)
- dbo:waterwayThroughTunnel (waterway through tunnel)
- dbo:weapon (weapon)
- dbo:webcast (webcast)
- dbo:westPlace (west place)
- dbo:whaDraftTeam (wha draft team)
- dbo:wholeArea (whole area)
- dbo:wikiPageDisambiguates (Wikipage disambiguates)
- dbo:wikiPageEditLink (Link to the Wikipage edit URL)
- dbo:wikiPageExternalLink (Link from a Wikipage to an external page)
- dbo:wikiPageHistoryLink (Link to the Wikipage history URL)
- dbo:wikiPageInterLanguageLink (Link from a Wikipage to a Wikipage in a different language about the same or a related subject.)
- dbo:wikiPageRedirects (Wikipage redirect)
- dbo:wikiPageRevisionLink (Link to the Wikipage revision URL)
- dbo:wikiPageWikiLink (Link from a Wikipage to another Wikipage)
- dbo:wikiPageWikiLinkText (Text used to link from a Wikipage to another Wikipage)
- dbo:wikidataSplitIri (Wikidata IRI slit)
- dbo:wilaya (wilaya)
- dbo:wineProduced (wine produced)
- dbo:wineRegion (wine region)
- dbo:winsAtAlpg (wins at ALPG)
- dbo:winsAtAsia (wins at ASIA)
- dbo:winsAtAus (wins at AUS)
- dbo:winsAtChallenges (wins at challenges)
- dbo:winsAtChampionships (wins at championships)
- dbo:winsAtJLPGA (wins at JLPGA)
- dbo:winsAtJapan (wins at japan)
- dbo:winsAtKLPGA (wins at KLPGA)
- dbo:winsAtLAGT (wins at LAGT)
- dbo:winsAtLET (wins at LET)
- dbo:winsAtLPGA (wins at LPGA)
- dbo:winsAtMajors (wins at majors)
- dbo:winsAtNWIDE (wins at NWIDE)
- dbo:winsAtOtherTournaments (wins at other tournaments)
- dbo:winsAtPGA (wins at pga)
- dbo:winsAtProTournaments (wins at pro tournaments)
- dbo:winsAtSenEuro (wins at Senior Euro)
- dbo:winsAtSun (wins at sun)
- dbo:winsInEurope (wins in Europe)
- dbo:winterAppearances (winter appearances)
- dbo:woRMS (WoRMS)
- dbo:world (world)
- dbo:worldTournament (world tournament)
- dbo:writer (writer)
- dbo:youthClub (youth club)
- dbo:youthWing (youth wing)
- dbo:zodiacSign (zodiac sign)
- dbo:aSide (a side)
- dbo:abbeychurchBlessing (abbey church blessing)
- dbo:abbeychurchBlessingCharge (abbey church blessing charge)
- dbo:abbreviation (abbreviation)
- dbo:ableToGrind (able to grind)
- dbo:absoluteMagnitude (absolute magnitude)
- dbo:abstentions (abstentions)
- dbo:abstract (has abstract)
- dbo:academicAdvisor (academic advisor)
- dbo:academicDiscipline (academic discipline)
- dbo:academyAward (Academy Award)
- dbo:acceleration (acceleration (s))
- dbo:access (access)
- dbo:accessDate (access date)
- dbo:achievement (achievement)
- dbo:acquirementDate (date of acquirement)
- dbo:actScore (ACT score)
- dbo:actingHeadteacher (acting headteacher)
- dbo:activeYears (active years)
- dbo:activeYearsEndDate (active years end date)
- dbo:activeYearsEndDateMgr (active years end date manager)
- dbo:activeYearsEndYear (active years end year)
- dbo:activeYearsEndYearMgr (active years end year manager)
- dbo:activeYearsStartDate (active years start date)
- dbo:activeYearsStartDateMgr (active years start date manager)
- dbo:activeYearsStartYear (active years start year)
- dbo:activeYearsStartYearMgr (active years start year manager)
- dbo:activity (activity)
- dbo:added (added)
- dbo:address (address)
- dbo:addressInRoad (address in road)
- dbo:adjacentSettlement (adjacent settlement of a switzerland settlement)
- dbo:administrativeCenter (administrative center)
- dbo:administrativeCollectivity (administrative collectivity)
- dbo:administrativeDistrict (administrative district)
- dbo:administrativeHeadCity (head city)
- dbo:administrativeStatus (administrative status)
- dbo:administrator (administrator)
- dbo:afdbId (afdb id)
- dbo:affair (affair)
- dbo:affiliate (affiliate)
- dbo:affiliation (affiliation)
- dbo:afiAward (AFI Award)
- dbo:age (age)
- dbo:ageRange (age range)
- dbo:agency (agency)
- dbo:agencyStationCode (agency station code)
- dbo:agglomeration (agglomeration)
- dbo:agglomerationArea (agglomeration area)
- dbo:agglomerationDemographics (agglomeration demographics)
- dbo:agglomerationPopulation (agglomeration population)
- dbo:agglomerationPopulationTotal (agglomeration population total)
- dbo:agglomerationPopulationYear (agglomerationPopulationYear)
- dbo:aggregation (Aggregation)
- dbo:airDate (airdate)
- dbo:aircraftAttack (aircraft attack)
- dbo:aircraftBomber (aircraft bomber)
- dbo:aircraftElectronic (aircraft electronic)
- dbo:aircraftFighter (aircraft fighter)
- dbo:aircraftHelicopter (aircraft helicopter)
- dbo:aircraftHelicopterAttack (aircraft helicopter attack)
- dbo:aircraftHelicopterCargo (aircraft helicopter cargo)
- dbo:aircraftHelicopterMultirole (aircraft helicopter multirole)
- dbo:aircraftHelicopterObservation (aircraft helicopter observation)
- dbo:aircraftHelicopterTransport (aircraft helicopter transport)
- dbo:aircraftHelicopterUtility (aircraft helicopter utility)
- dbo:aircraftInterceptor (aircraft interceptor)
- dbo:aircraftPatrol (aircraft patrol)
- dbo:aircraftRecon (aircraft recon)
- dbo:aircraftTrainer (aircraft trainer)
- dbo:aircraftTransport (aircraft transport)
- dbo:aircraftType (aircraft type)
- dbo:aircraftUser (aircraft user)
- dbo:airportUsing (Different usage of an airport)
- dbo:aitaCode (aita code)
- dbo:albedo (albedo)
- dbo:album (album)
- dbo:albumRuntime (album duration (s))
- dbo:alias (alias)
- dbo:allcinemaId (allcinema id)
- dbo:allegiance (allegiance)
- dbo:alliance (alliance)
- dbo:almaMater (alma mater)
- dbo:alongside (alongside)
- dbo:alpsGroup (Alps group)
- dbo:alpsMainPart (Alps main part)
- dbo:alpsMajorSector (Alps major sector)
- dbo:alpsSection (Alps section)
- dbo:alpsSoiusaCode (Alps SOIUSA code)
- dbo:alpsSubgroup (Alps subgroup)
- dbo:alpsSubsection (Alps subsection)
- dbo:alpsSupergroup (Alps supergroup)
- dbo:alternativeName (alternative name)
- dbo:alternativeTitle (alternative title)
- dbo:altitude (altitude)
- dbo:alumni (alumni)
- dbo:amateurDefeat (amateur defeat)
- dbo:amateurFight (amateur fight)
- dbo:amateurKo (amateur ko)
- dbo:amateurNoContest (amateur no contest)
- dbo:amateurTeam (amateur team)
- dbo:amateurTie (amateur tie)
- dbo:amateurTitle (amateur title)
- dbo:amateurVictory (amateur victory)
- dbo:amateurYear (amateur year)
- dbo:americanComedyAward (American Comedy Award)
- dbo:amgid (amgId)
- dbo:amsterdamCode (Amsterdam Code)
- dbo:analogChannel (analog channel)
- dbo:animal (animal)
- dbo:animator (animator)
- dbo:anniversary (anniversary)
- dbo:announcedFrom (announcedFrom)
- dbo:annualTemperature (annual temperature (K))
- dbo:anthem (anthem)
- dbo:apcPresident (apc president)
- dbo:apoapsis (apoapsis (Ό))
- dbo:apofocus (apofocus)
- dbo:apparentMagnitude (apparent magnitude)
- dbo:appearancesInLeague (appearances in league)
- dbo:appearancesInNationalTeam (appearances in national team)
- dbo:appointer (appointer)
- dbo:approach (approach)
- dbo:approvedByLowerParliament (date of approval by lower parliament)
- dbo:approvedByUpperParliament (date of approval by upper parliament)
- dbo:approximateCalories (approximate calories (J))
- dbo:apskritis (apskritis)
- dbo:archipelago (archipelago)
- dbo:architect (architect)
- dbo:architectualBureau (architectual bureau)
- dbo:architecturalMovement (architectural movement)
- dbo:architecturalStyle (architectural style)
- dbo:area (area (m2))
- dbo:areaCode (area code)
- dbo:areaDate (area date)
- dbo:areaLand (area land (m2))
- dbo:areaMetro (area metro (m2))
- dbo:areaOfCatchment (area of catchment (m2))
- dbo:areaOfCatchmentQuote (area of catchment quote)
- dbo:areaOfSearch (area of search)
- dbo:areaQuote (area quote)
- dbo:areaRank (area rank)
- dbo:areaRural (area rural (m2))
- dbo:areaTotal (area total (m2))
- dbo:areaTotalRanking (total area ranking)
- dbo:areaUrban (area urban (m2))
- dbo:areaWater (area water (m2))
- dbo:argueDate (argue date)
- dbo:arielAward (Ariel Award)
- dbo:arm (arm)
- dbo:army (army)
- dbo:arrestDate (arrest date)
- dbo:arrondissement (arrondissement)
- dbo:artPatron (patron (art))
- dbo:artery (artery)
- dbo:artificialSnowArea (artificial snow area)
- dbo:artist (performer)
- dbo:artisticFunction (artistic function)
- dbo:asWikiText (Contains a WikiText representation of this thing)
- dbo:ascent (ascent)
- dbo:asiaChampionship (asia championship)
- dbo:aspectRatio (Aspect Ratio)
- dbo:assembly (assembly)
- dbo:assetUnderManagement (asset under management ($))
- dbo:assets (assets ($))
- dbo:assistantPrincipal (assistant principal)
- dbo:associate (associate)
- dbo:associateEditor (associate editor)
- dbo:associateStar (associateStar)
- dbo:associatedAct (associated act)
- dbo:associatedBand (associated band)
- dbo:associatedMusicalArtist (associated musical artist)
- dbo:associatedRocket (associated rocket)
- dbo:associationOfLocalGovernment (association of local government)
- dbo:astrologicalSign (astrological sign)
- dbo:atPage (page number)
- dbo:atRowNumber (row number)
- dbo:atcPrefix (ATC prefix)
- dbo:atcSuffix (ATC suffix)
- dbo:atcSupplemental (ATC supplemental)
- dbo:athletics (athletics)
- dbo:athleticsDiscipline (athletics discipline)
- dbo:atomicNumber (atomic number)
- dbo:attorneyGeneral (attorney general)
- dbo:australiaOpenDouble (australia open double)
- dbo:australiaOpenMixed (australia open mixed)
- dbo:australiaOpenSingle (australia open single)
- dbo:author (author)
- dbo:authority (authority)
- dbo:authorityMandate (authority mandate)
- dbo:authorityTitle (authority title of a romanian settlement)
- dbo:automobileModel (automobile model)
- dbo:automobilePlatform (automobile platform)
- dbo:autonomy (autonomy)
- dbo:availableSmartCard (available smart card)
- dbo:average (average)
- dbo:averageAnnualGeneration (average annual gross power generation (J))
- dbo:averageClassSize (average class size)
- dbo:averageDepth (average depth (Ό))
- dbo:averageDepthQuote (average depth quote)
- dbo:averageSpeed (average speed (kmh))
- dbo:avifaunaPopulation (avifauna population)
- dbo:award (award)
- dbo:awardName (awardName)
- dbo:awayColourHexCode (colour hex code of away jersey or its parts)
- dbo:bSide (b side)
- dbo:background (background)
- dbo:backhand (backhand)
- dbo:badGuy (bad guy)
- dbo:baftaAward (BAFTA Award)
- dbo:band (band)
- dbo:bandMember (band member)
- dbo:barPassRate (bar pass rate)
- dbo:barangays (barangays)
- dbo:basedOn (based on)
- dbo:battingSide (batting side)
- dbo:battle (battle)
- dbo:battleHonours (battle honours)
- dbo:beatifiedBy (beatified by)
- dbo:beatifiedDate (beatified date)
- dbo:beatifiedPlace (beatified place)
- dbo:bedCount (bed count)
- dbo:believers (Believers)
- dbo:beltwayCity (beltway city)
- dbo:bestFinish (best ranking finish)
- dbo:bestLap (best lap)
- dbo:bestRankDouble (best rank double)
- dbo:bestRankSingle (best rank single)
- dbo:bestWsopRank (best wsop rank)
- dbo:bestYearWsop (best year wsop)
- dbo:bgafdId (bgafd id)
- dbo:bibsysId (BIBSYS Id)
- dbo:bicycleInformation (bicycle information)
- dbo:bigPoolRecord (big pool record)
- dbo:biggestCity (biggest city)
- dbo:billed (billed)
- dbo:binomial (binomial)
- dbo:binomialAuthority (binomial authority)
- dbo:bioavailability (Bioavailability)
- dbo:bioclimate (bioclimate)
- dbo:biome (biome)
- dbo:bird (bird)
- dbo:birthDate (birth date)
- dbo:birthName (birth name)
- dbo:birthPlace (birth place)
- dbo:birthSign (birth sign)
- dbo:birthYear (birth year)
- dbo:bishopric (bishopric)
- dbo:blackLongDistancePisteNumber (long distance piste number)
- dbo:blackSkiPisteNumber (black ski piste number)
- dbo:blazon (blazon)
- dbo:blazonCaption (Blazon caption)
- dbo:blazonLink (blazon link)
- dbo:blazonRatio (blazon ratio)
- dbo:block (block)
- dbo:blockAlloy (block alloy)
- dbo:bloodGroup (blood group)
- dbo:bloodType (blood type)
- dbo:blueLongDistancePisteNumber (blue long distance piste number)
- dbo:blueSkiPisteNumber (blue ski piste number)
- dbo:bnfId (BNF Id)
- dbo:board (board)
- dbo:bodyDiscovered (body discovered)
- dbo:bodyStyle (body style)
- dbo:boiler (boiler)
- dbo:boilerPressure (boiler pressure)
- dbo:boilingPoint (boiling point (K))
- dbo:book (name)
- dbo:booster (booster)
- dbo:border (border)
- dbo:borough (borough)
- dbo:bourgmestre (bourgmestre)
- dbo:bowlRecord (bowl record)
- dbo:boxerCategory (boxer category)
- dbo:boxerStyle (boxing style)
- dbo:bpnId (BPN Id)
- dbo:brainInfoNumber (brain info number)
- dbo:brainInfoType (brain info type)
- dbo:branchFrom (branch from)
- dbo:branchTo (branch to)
- dbo:brand (brand)
- dbo:breeder (breeder)
- dbo:bridgeCarries (bridge carries)
- dbo:britishComedyAwards (British Comedy Awards)
- dbo:britishOpen (britishOpen)
- dbo:britishWins (british wins)
- dbo:broadcastArea (broadcast area)
- dbo:broadcastNetwork (broadcast network)
- dbo:broadcastRepeater (broadcast repeater)
- dbo:broadcastStationClass (broadcast station class)
- dbo:broadcastTranslator (broadcast translator)
- dbo:bronzeMedalDouble (bronze medal double)
- dbo:bronzeMedalMixed (bronze medal mixed)
- dbo:bronzeMedalSingle (bronze medal single)
- dbo:bronzeMedalist (bronze medalist)
- dbo:budget (budget ($))
- dbo:budgetYear (budget year)
- dbo:builder (builder)
- dbo:building (building)
- dbo:buildingEndDate (building end date)
- dbo:buildingEndYear (building end year)
- dbo:buildingStartDate (building start date)
- dbo:buildingStartYear (building start year)
- dbo:buildingType (buildingType)
- dbo:bustSize (bust size (Ό))
- dbo:bustWaistHipSize (bust-waist-hip Size)
- dbo:cableCar (cable car)
- dbo:calculationNeeds (its calculation needs)
- dbo:callSign (call sign)
- dbo:callsignMeaning (call sign meaning)
- dbo:campus (campus)
- dbo:campusSize (campus size (m2))
- dbo:campusType (campus type)
- dbo:canBaggageChecked (can baggage checked)
- dbo:cannonNumber (cannon number)
- dbo:canonizedBy (canonized by)
- dbo:canonizedDate (canonized date)
- dbo:canonizedPlace (canonized place)
- dbo:canton (canton)
- dbo:capacity (capacity)
- dbo:capacityFactor (capacity factor)
- dbo:capital (capital)
- dbo:capitalCoordinates (capital coordinates)
- dbo:capitalCountry (capital country)
- dbo:capitalDistrict (capital district)
- dbo:capitalElevation (capital elevation (Ό))
- dbo:capitalMountain (capital mountain)
- dbo:capitalPlace (capital place)
- dbo:capitalPosition (capital position)
- dbo:capitalRegion (capital region)
- dbo:captureDate (capture date)
- dbo:carNumber (car number)
- dbo:carbohydrate (carbohydrate (g))
- dbo:carcinogen (carcinogen)
- dbo:careerPoints (career points)
- dbo:careerPrizeMoney (career prize money ($))
- dbo:careerStation (career station)
- dbo:cargoFuel (cargo fuel (g))
- dbo:cargoGas (cargo gas (g))
- dbo:cargoWater (cargo water (g))
- dbo:casNumber (CAS number)
- dbo:casSupplemental (CAS supplemental)
- dbo:case (case)
- dbo:casualties (casualties)
- dbo:catch (catch)
- dbo:category (category)
- dbo:caterer (caterer)
- dbo:catholicPercentage (catholic percentage)
- dbo:causalties (causalties)
- dbo:causeOfDeath (cause of death)
- dbo:causedBy (caused by)
- dbo:ccaState (cca state)
- dbo:ceeb (ceeb)
- dbo:ceiling (ceiling)
- dbo:cemetery (cemetery)
- dbo:censusYear (census year)
- dbo:center (norwegian center)
- dbo:centuryBreaks (century breaks)
- dbo:ceo (chief executive officer)
- dbo:ceremonialCounty (Ceremonial County)
- dbo:certification (certification)
- dbo:certificationDate (certification date)
- dbo:cesarAward (Cesar Award)
- dbo:chEBI (ChEBI)
- dbo:chain (chain)
- dbo:chairLabel (chair label)
- dbo:chairman (chairman)
- dbo:chairmanTitle (chairman title)
- dbo:chairperson (chairperson)
- dbo:champion (champion)
- dbo:championInDouble (champion in double)
- dbo:championInDoubleFemale (champion in double female)
- dbo:championInDoubleMale (champion in double male)
- dbo:championInMixedDouble (champion in mixed double)
- dbo:championInSingle (champion in single)
- dbo:championInSingleFemale (champion in single female)
- dbo:championInSingleMale (champion in single male)
- dbo:championships (championships)
- dbo:chancellor (chancellor)
- dbo:channel (channel)
- dbo:chaplain (chaplain)
- dbo:characterInPlay (character in play)
- dbo:chef (chef)
- dbo:chiefEditor (chief editor)
- dbo:chiefPlace (chief place)
- dbo:child (child)
- dbo:childOrganisation (child organisation)
- dbo:choreographer (choreographer)
- dbo:chorusCharacterInPlay (chorus character in play)
- dbo:christeningDate (date of christening)
- dbo:chromosome (chromosome)
- dbo:cinematography (cinematography)
- dbo:circle (region)
- dbo:circuitLength (circuit length (Ό))
- dbo:circuitName (circuit name)
- dbo:circulation (circulation)
- dbo:circumcised (circumcised)
- dbo:cites (cites)
- dbo:citizenship (citizenship)
- dbo:city (city)
- dbo:cityLink (city link)
- dbo:cityRank (city rank)
- dbo:citySince (city since)
- dbo:cityType (city type)
- dbo:class (class)
- dbo:classes (classes)
- dbo:classification (classification)
- dbo:classis (classis)
- dbo:climate (climate)
- dbo:climbUpNumber (clip up number)
- dbo:closeTo (is close to)
- dbo:closed (closed)
- dbo:closingDate (closing date)
- dbo:closingFilm (closing film)
- dbo:closingYear (closing year)
- dbo:clothSize (cloth size)
- dbo:clothingSize (clothing size)
- dbo:club (club)
- dbo:clubsRecordGoalscorer (clubs record goalscorer)
- dbo:cluster (cluster)
- dbo:cmpEvaDuration (CMP EVA duration (s))
- dbo:cmykCoordinateBlack (black coordinate in the CMYK space)
- dbo:cmykCoordinateCyanic (cyanic coordinate in the CMYK space)
- dbo:cmykCoordinateMagenta (magenta coordinate in the CMYK space)
- dbo:cmykCoordinateYellow (yellow coordinate in the CMYK space)
- dbo:co2Emission (CO2 emission (g/km))
- dbo:coExecutiveProducer (co executive producer)
- dbo:coProducer (co producer)
- dbo:coach (coach)
- dbo:coachClub (coach club)
- dbo:coachSeason (coach season)
- dbo:coachedTeam (coached team)
- dbo:coachingRecord (coaching record)
- dbo:coalition (coalition)
- dbo:coastLength (length of a coast)
- dbo:coastLine (coast line (Ό))
- dbo:coatOfArms (coat of arms image)
- dbo:code (code)
- dbo:codeBook (code book)
- dbo:codeDistrict (City district code)
- dbo:codeIndex (code on index)
- dbo:codeLandRegistry (code land registry)
- dbo:codeListOfHonour (code on List of Honour)
- dbo:codeMemorial (memorial ID number)
- dbo:codeMunicipalMonument (monument code (municipal))
- dbo:codeNationalMonument (monument code (national))
- dbo:codeProvincialMonument (monument code (provinciall))
- dbo:codeSettlement (settlement code)
- dbo:codeStockExchange (code Stock Exchange)
- dbo:coden (CODEN)
- dbo:coemperor (coemperor)
- dbo:collaboration (collaboration)
- dbo:colleague (colleague)
- dbo:collection (collection)
- dbo:collectionSize (country)
- dbo:collectivityMinority (collectivity minority)
- dbo:college (college)
- dbo:collegeHof (college hof)
- dbo:colonialName (colonial name)
- dbo:colorChart (colorChart)
- dbo:colour (colour)
- dbo:colourHexCode (colour hex code)
- dbo:colourName (colour name)
- dbo:combatant (combatant)
- dbo:comic (comic)
- dbo:comitat (comitat of a settlement)
- dbo:command (command)
- dbo:commandModule (command module)
- dbo:commandStructure (command structure)
- dbo:commandant (commandant)
- dbo:commander (commander)
- dbo:comment (comment)
- dbo:commissioner (commissioner)
- dbo:commissionerDate (commissioner date)
- dbo:commissioningDate (commissioning date)
- dbo:committee (committee)
- dbo:committeeInLegislature (committee in legislature)
- dbo:commonName (common name)
- dbo:commune (commune)
- dbo:communityIsoCode (iso code of a community)
- dbo:company (company)
- dbo:comparable (comparable)
- dbo:competition (competition)
- dbo:competitionTitle (death place)
- dbo:compiler (compiler)
- dbo:completionDate (completion date)
- dbo:complexion (complexion)
- dbo:complexity (complexity)
- dbo:component (component)
- dbo:composer (composer)
- dbo:compressionRatio (compression ratio)
- dbo:computingInput (Computing input)
- dbo:computingMedia (Computing Media)
- dbo:computingPlatform (computing platform)
- dbo:configuration (configuration)
- dbo:conflict (conflict)
- dbo:congressionalDistrict (congressional district)
- dbo:connectsReferencedTo (connects referenced to)
- dbo:connotation (connotation)
- dbo:consecration (consecration)
- dbo:conservationStatus (conservation status)
- dbo:conservationStatusSystem (conservation status system)
- dbo:constellation (constellation)
- dbo:construction (construction)
- dbo:constructionMaterial (construction material)
- dbo:contest (contest)
- dbo:continent (continent)
- dbo:continentRank (continent rank)
- dbo:continentalTournament (continental tournament)
- dbo:continentalTournamentBronze (continental tournament bronze)
- dbo:continentalTournamentGold (continental tournament gold)
- dbo:continentalTournamentSilver (continental tournament silver)
- dbo:contractAward (contract award)
- dbo:contractor (contractor)
- dbo:convictionDate (conviction date)
- dbo:coolingSystem (cooling system)
- dbo:copilote (copilote)
- dbo:coronationDate (coronation date)
- dbo:cosparId (COSPAR id)
- dbo:cost (cost ($))
- dbo:costumeDesigner (costume designer)
- dbo:council (council of a liechtenstein settlement)
- dbo:councilArea (Council area)
- dbo:country (country)
- dbo:countryOrigin (country origin)
- dbo:countryRank (country rank)
- dbo:countryWithFirstAstronaut (country with first astronaut)
- dbo:countryWithFirstSatellite (country with first satellite)
- dbo:countryWithFirstSatelliteLaunched (country with first satellite launched)
- dbo:countryWithFirstSpaceflight (country with first spaceflight)
- dbo:county (county)
- dbo:countySeat (county seat)
- dbo:course (course (Ό))
- dbo:cousurper (cousurper)
- dbo:coverArtist (cover artist)
- dbo:cpu (CPU)
- dbo:created (created)
- dbo:creationChristianBishop (creation christian bishop)
- dbo:creationYear (year of creation)
- dbo:creativeDirector (creative director)
- dbo:creator (creator (agent))
- dbo:creatorOfDish (creator of dish)
- dbo:credit (credit)
- dbo:crest (crest)
- dbo:crew (crew)
- dbo:crewMember (crew member)
- dbo:crewSize (crew size)
- dbo:crews (crews)
- dbo:criteria (criteria)
- dbo:crosses (crosses)
- dbo:crownDependency (crown dependency)
- dbo:cuisine (cuisine)
- dbo:cultivatedVariety (cultivar)
- dbo:curator (curator)
- dbo:currency (currency)
- dbo:currencyCode (currency code)
- dbo:currentCity (current city)
- dbo:currentLeague (current league)
- dbo:currentMember (current member)
- dbo:currentPartner (current partner)
- dbo:currentProduction (current production)
- dbo:currentRank (current rank)
- dbo:currentRecord (current record)
- dbo:currentSeason (current season)
- dbo:currentStatus (current status)
- dbo:currentTeam (current team)
- dbo:currentTeamManager (current team manager)
- dbo:currentTeamMember (current team member)
- dbo:currentWorldChampion (current world champion)
- dbo:currentlyUsedFor (currently used for)
- dbo:custodian (custodian)
- dbo:cyclistGenre (cyclist genre)
- dbo:cylinderBore (cylinder bore (Ό))
- dbo:cylinderCount (cylinder count)
- dbo:daira (daira)
- dbo:dam (dam)
- dbo:damage (damage amount)
- dbo:damsire (damsire)
- dbo:danseCompetition (danse competition)
- dbo:danseScore (danse score)
- dbo:date (date)
- dbo:dateAct (date act)
- dbo:dateAgreement (date of an agreement)
- dbo:dateBudget (date budget)
- dbo:dateClosed (date closed)
- dbo:dateCompleted (date completed)
- dbo:dateConstruction (date construction)
- dbo:dateExtended (date extended)
- dbo:dateLastUpdated (Date Last Updated)
- dbo:dateOfAbandonment (date of abandonment)
- dbo:dateOfBurial (date of burial)
- dbo:dateUnveiled (date unveiled)
- dbo:dateUse (date use)
- dbo:davisCup (davis cup)
- dbo:day (day)
- dbo:daylightSavingTimeZone (daylight saving time zone)
- dbo:dbnlCodeDutch (Digital Library code NL)
- dbo:dcc (Dewey Decimal Classification)
- dbo:deFactoLanguage (de facto language)
- dbo:deadInFightDate (dead in fight date)
- dbo:deadInFightPlace (dead in fight place)
- dbo:dean (dean)
- dbo:deanery (deanery)
- dbo:deathAge (death age)
- dbo:deathCause (death cause)
- dbo:deathDate (death date)
- dbo:deathPlace (death place)
- dbo:deathYear (death year)
- dbo:debut (debut)
- dbo:debutTeam (debut team)
- dbo:debutWork (debutWork)
- dbo:dec (dec)
- dbo:decay (decay)
- dbo:decideDate (decide date)
- dbo:declination (declination)
- dbo:decommissioningDate (decommissioning date)
- dbo:decoration (decoration)
- dbo:defeat (defeat)
- dbo:defeatAsMgr (defeat as team manager)
- dbo:definition (definition)
- dbo:delegateMayor (delegate mayor)
- dbo:delegation (delegation)
- dbo:deliveryDate (delivery date)
- dbo:deme (deme)
- dbo:demographics (demographics)
- dbo:demographicsAsOf (demographics as of)
- dbo:demolitionDate (demolition date)
- dbo:demolitionYear (demolition year)
- dbo:demonym (demonym)
- dbo:denomination (denomination)
- dbo:density (density (Ό3))
- dbo:department (department)
- dbo:departmentCode (code of the department)
- dbo:departmentPosition (geolocDepartment)
- dbo:depictionDescription (depiction description (caption))
- dbo:depth (depth (Ό))
- dbo:depthQuote (depth quote)
- dbo:depths (depths)
- dbo:deputy (deputy)
- dbo:derivative (derivative)
- dbo:derivedWord (derived word)
- dbo:description (description)
- dbo:designCompany (designer company)
- dbo:designer (designer)
- dbo:destination (destination)
- dbo:destructionDate (destruction date)
- dbo:detectionMethod (Method of discovery)
- dbo:detractor (detractor)
- dbo:developer (developer)
- dbo:dfE (DfE)
- dbo:diameter (diameter (Ό))
- dbo:different (different)
- dbo:digitalChannel (digital channel)
- dbo:digitalSubChannel (digital sub channel)
- dbo:diocese (diocese)
- dbo:diploma (diploma)
- dbo:director (film director)
- dbo:disappearanceDate (date disappearance of a populated place)
- dbo:disbanded (disbanded)
- dbo:discharge (discharge (mÂł/s))
- dbo:dischargeAverage (discharge average (mÂł/s))
- dbo:disciple (disciple)
- dbo:discipline (discipline)
- dbo:discontinued (discontinued)
- dbo:discovered (discovery date)
- dbo:discoverer (discoverer)
- dbo:discovery (date when the island has been discovered)
- dbo:diseasesDb (diseasesDb)
- dbo:displacement (displacement (ÎŒÂł))
- dbo:dissolutionDate (dissolution date)
- dbo:dissolutionYear (dissolution year)
- dbo:dissolved (dissolved)
- dbo:dist_ly (dist_ly)
- dbo:dist_pc (dist_pc)
- dbo:distance (distance (Ό))
- dbo:distanceLaps (distance laps)
- dbo:distanceToBelfast (distance to Belfast (Ό))
- dbo:distanceToCapital (distance to capital (Ό))
- dbo:distanceToCardiff (distance to Cardiff (Ό))
- dbo:distanceToCharingCross (distance to Charing Cross (Ό))
- dbo:distanceToDouglas (distance to Douglas (Ό))
- dbo:distanceToDublin (distance to Dublin (Ό))
- dbo:distanceToEdinburgh (distance to Edinburgh (Ό))
- dbo:distanceToLondon (distance to London (Ό))
- dbo:distanceToNearestCity (distance to nearest city (Ό))
- dbo:distanceTraveled (distance traveled (Ό))
- dbo:distributingCompany (distributing company)
- dbo:distributingLabel (distributing label)
- dbo:distributor (distributor)
- dbo:district (district)
- dbo:division (division)
- dbo:dockedTime (docked time (s))
- dbo:doctoralAdvisor (doctoral advisor)
- dbo:doctoralStudent (doctoral student)
- dbo:documentDesignation (String designation of the WrittenWork describing the resource)
- dbo:documentNumber (document number)
- dbo:domain (domain)
- dbo:dorlandsPrefix (Dorlands prefix)
- dbo:dorlandsSuffix (Dorlands suffix)
- dbo:draft (draft)
- dbo:draftLeague (draft league)
- dbo:draftPick (draft pick)
- dbo:draftPosition (draft position)
- dbo:draftRound (draft round)
- dbo:draftTeam (draft team)
- dbo:draftYear (draft year)
- dbo:drainsFrom (drains from)
- dbo:drainsTo (drains to)
- dbo:drama (drama)
- dbo:dressCode (dress code)
- dbo:drugbank (DrugBank)
- dbo:dryCargo (dry cargo (g))
- dbo:dubber (dubber)
- dbo:duration (duration (s))
- dbo:dutchArtworkCode (Dutch artwork code)
- dbo:dutchCOROPCode (Dutch COROP code)
- dbo:dutchMIPCode (monument code for the Monuments Inventory Project)
- dbo:dutchNAIdentifier (Identifier for Duch National Archive)
- dbo:dutchPPNCode (Dutch PPN code)
- dbo:dutchRKDCode (Dutch RKD code)
- dbo:dutchWinkelID (Dutch PPN code)
- dbo:dynasty (dynasty)
- dbo:eMedicineSubject (eMedicine subject)
- dbo:eMedicineTopic (eMedicine topic)
- dbo:eTeatrId (e-teatr.pl id)
- dbo:eastPlace (east place)
- dbo:ecNumber (EC number)
- dbo:editing (editing)
- dbo:editor (editor)
- dbo:editorTitle (editor title)
- dbo:education (education)
- dbo:educationPlace (education place)
- dbo:educationSystem (education system)
- dbo:effectiveRadiatedPower (effectiveRadiatedPower (W))
- dbo:egafdId (egafd id)
- dbo:einecsNumber (EINECS number)
- dbo:ekatteCode (EKATTE code)
- dbo:electionDate (election date)
- dbo:electionDateLeader (election date leader)
- dbo:electionMajority (election majority)
- dbo:elementAbove (element above)
- dbo:elementBlock (element block)
- dbo:elementGroup (element group)
- dbo:elementPeriod (element period)
- dbo:elevation (elevation (Ό))
- dbo:elevationQuote (elevation quote)
- dbo:elevatorCount (elevator count)
- dbo:elo (ELO rating)
- dbo:eloRecord (maximum ELO rating)
- dbo:emblem (emblem)
- dbo:emmyAward (Emmy Award)
- dbo:employer (employer)
- dbo:employersCelebration (employer's celebration)
- dbo:endCareer (end career)
- dbo:endDate (end date)
- dbo:endDateTime (end date and time)
- dbo:endOccupation (end occupation)
- dbo:endPoint (end point)
- dbo:endReign (end reign)
- dbo:endYear (start year)
- dbo:endYearOfInsertion (end year of insertion)
- dbo:endYearOfSales (end year of sales)
- dbo:endangeredSince (endangered since)
- dbo:endingTheme (ending theme)
- dbo:endowment (endowment ($))
- dbo:enemy (enemy)
- dbo:engine (engine)
- dbo:enginePower (engine power)
- dbo:engineType (engine type)
- dbo:engineer (engineer)
- dbo:ensembl (ensemble)
- dbo:enshrinedDeity (enshrined deity)
- dbo:entourage (entourage)
- dbo:entrezgene (EntrezGene)
- dbo:eparchy (eparchy)
- dbo:episode (episode)
- dbo:episodeNumber (episode number)
- dbo:epoch (epoch)
- dbo:eptFinalTable (ept final table)
- dbo:eptItm (ept itm)
- dbo:eptTitle (ept title)
- dbo:equipment (equipment)
- dbo:equity (equity ($))
- dbo:era (era)
- dbo:eruption (eruption)
- dbo:eruptionYear (eruption date)
- dbo:escalafon (escalafon)
- dbo:escapeVelocity (escape velocity (kmh))
- dbo:espnId (ESPN id)
- dbo:established (Established)
- dbo:establishment (Establishment)
- dbo:ethnicGroup (ethnic group)
- dbo:ethnicGroupsInYear (ethnic groups in year)
- dbo:ethnicity (ethnicity)
- dbo:eurobabeIndexId (eurobabe index id)
- dbo:europeanAffiliation (european affiliation)
- dbo:europeanChampionship (european championship)
- dbo:europeanParliamentGroup (european parliament group)
- dbo:europeanUnionEntranceDate (european union entrance date)
- dbo:event (event)
- dbo:eventDate (event date)
- dbo:eventDescription (event description)
- dbo:executiveHeadteacher (executive headteacher)
- dbo:executiveProducer (executive producer)
- dbo:exhibition (exhibition)
- dbo:existence (existence)
- dbo:expedition (expedition)
- dbo:explorer (explorer)
- dbo:externalOrnament (external ornament)
- dbo:extinctionDate (extinction date)
- dbo:extinctionYear (extinction year)
- dbo:eyeColor (eye color)
- dbo:eyeColour (eye colour)
- dbo:eyes (eyes)
- dbo:faaLocationIdentifier (FAA Location Identifier)
- dbo:facilityId (facility id)
- dbo:facultySize (faculty size)
- dbo:failedLaunches (failed launches)
- dbo:family (family)
- dbo:familyMember (family member)
- dbo:fansgroup (fansgroup)
- dbo:fareZone (fare zone)
- dbo:fastestDriver (fastest driver)
- dbo:fastestDriverCountry (fastest driver country)
- dbo:fastestDriverTeam (fastest driver team)
- dbo:fastestLap (fastest lap)
- dbo:fat (fat (g))
- dbo:fate (fate)
- dbo:father (father)
- dbo:fauna (fauna)
- dbo:fc (FC)
- dbo:fcRuns (FC runs)
- dbo:fdaUniiCode (FDA UNII code)
- dbo:feastDay (feast day, holiday)
- dbo:feat (feat)
- dbo:feature (feature)
- dbo:features (features)
- dbo:fedCup (fed cup)
- dbo:federalState (federal state)
- dbo:federation (federation)
- dbo:fees (fees ($))
- dbo:fibahof (fibahof)
- dbo:field (field)
- dbo:fight (fight)
- dbo:fighter (fighter)
- dbo:fileExtension (The extension of this file)
- dbo:fileSize (size (B))
- dbo:fileURL (The URL at which this file can be downloaded)
- dbo:filename (filename)
- dbo:fillingStation (filling station)
- dbo:film (film)
- dbo:filmAudioType (film audio type)
- dbo:filmColourType (film colour type)
- dbo:filmFareAward (Film Fare Award)
- dbo:filmNumber (film number)
- dbo:filmPolskiId (FilmPolski.pl id)
- dbo:filmRuntime (film runtime (s))
- dbo:filmVersion (film version)
- dbo:finalFlight (final flight)
- dbo:finalLost (final lost)
- dbo:finalLostDouble (final lost double)
- dbo:finalLostSingle (final lost single)
- dbo:finalLostTeam (final lost team)
- dbo:finalPublicationDate (final publication date)
- dbo:finalPublicationYear (final publication year)
- dbo:fipsCode (fips code)
- dbo:firstAirDate (first air date)
- dbo:firstAppearance (first appearance)
- dbo:firstAscent (first ascent)
- dbo:firstAscentPerson (person that first ascented a mountain)
- dbo:firstAscentYear (year of first ascent)
- dbo:firstBroadcast (first broadcast)
- dbo:firstDriver (first driver)
- dbo:firstDriverCountry (first driver country)
- dbo:firstDriverTeam (winning team)
- dbo:firstFlight (first flight)
- dbo:firstFlightEndDate (first flight end date)
- dbo:firstFlightStartDate (first flight start date)
- dbo:firstGame (first game)
- dbo:firstLaunch (first launch)
- dbo:firstLaunchDate (first launch date)
- dbo:firstLaunchRocket (first launch rocket)
- dbo:firstLeader (firstLeader)
- dbo:firstMention (first mention)
- dbo:firstOlympicEvent (first olympic event)
- dbo:firstOwner (first owner)
- dbo:firstPlace (first place)
- dbo:firstPopularVote (firstPopularVote)
- dbo:firstProMatch (first pro match)
- dbo:firstPublicationDate (first publication date)
- dbo:firstPublicationYear (first publication year)
- dbo:firstPublisher (first publisher)
- dbo:firstRace (first race)
- dbo:firstWin (first win)
- dbo:firstWinner (first winner)
- dbo:flag (flag (image))
- dbo:flagBearer (flag bearer)
- dbo:flagBorder (flag border)
- dbo:flagCaption (flag caption)
- dbo:flagLink (flag Link)
- dbo:flagSize (flagSize)
- dbo:flashPoint (flash point)
- dbo:floodingDate (flooding date)
- dbo:floorArea (floor area (m2))
- dbo:floorCount (floor count)
- dbo:flora (flora)
- dbo:flower (flower)
- dbo:flyingHours (flying hours (s))
- dbo:foalDate (foal date)
- dbo:followedBy (followed by)
- dbo:followingEvent (following event)
- dbo:follows (follows)
- dbo:foot (foot)
- dbo:footedness (Footedness)
- dbo:forces (forces)
- dbo:foresterDistrict (foresterDistrict)
- dbo:format (format (object))
- dbo:formationDate (formation date)
- dbo:formationYear (formation year)
- dbo:formerBandMember (former band member)
- dbo:formerBroadcastNetwork (former broadcast network)
- dbo:formerCallsign (former call sign)
- dbo:formerChannel (former channel)
- dbo:formerChoreographer (former choreographer)
- dbo:formerCoach (former coach)
- dbo:formerHighschool (former highschool)
- dbo:formerName (former name)
- dbo:formerPartner (former partner)
- dbo:formerTeam (former team)
- dbo:formula (formula)
- dbo:fossil (fossil)
- dbo:foundation (foundation)
- dbo:foundationPlace (foundation place)
- dbo:foundedBy (founded by)
- dbo:founder (founder)
- dbo:foundingDate (founding date)
- dbo:foundingYear (founding year)
- dbo:fourthCommander (fourth commander)
- dbo:frazioni (frazioni)
- dbo:free (free)
- dbo:freeDanseScore (free danse score)
- dbo:freeFlightTime (free flight time (s))
- dbo:freeLabel (freeLabel)
- dbo:freeProgCompetition (free prog competition)
- dbo:freeProgScore (free prog score)
- dbo:freeScoreCompetition (free score competition)
- dbo:frequency (frequency (Hz))
- dbo:frequencyOfPublication (frequency of publication)
- dbo:frequentlyUpdated (frequently updated)
- dbo:friend (friend)
- dbo:frontierLength (length of a frontier)
- dbo:frozen (frozen)
- dbo:fuel (fuel)
- dbo:fuelCapacity (fuel capacity (ÎŒÂł))
- dbo:fuelConsumption (fuel consumption)
- dbo:fuelSystem (fuel system)
- dbo:fuelType (fuel type)
- dbo:fuelTypeName (fuel type)
- dbo:fullCompetition (full competition)
- dbo:fullScore (full score)
- dbo:functionEndDate (function end date)
- dbo:functionEndYear (function end year)
- dbo:functionStartDate (function start date)
- dbo:functionStartYear (function start year)
- dbo:fundedBy (funded by)
- dbo:galicianSpeakersDate (galicianSpeakersDate)
- dbo:galicianSpeakersPercentage (galicianSpeakersPercentage)
- dbo:galleryItem (gallery item)
- dbo:gameArtist (game artist)
- dbo:gameEngine (Game Engine)
- dbo:gameModus (Modus the game can be played in)
- dbo:games (games)
- dbo:garrison (garrison)
- dbo:gasChambers (gas chambers)
- dbo:gaudiAward (GaudĂ Award)
- dbo:geminiAward (Gemini Award)
- dbo:gender (gender)
- dbo:geneLocation (Gene Location)
- dbo:geneLocationEnd (gene location end)
- dbo:geneLocationStart (gene location start)
- dbo:geneReviewsId (geneReviewsId)
- dbo:geneReviewsName (geneReviewsName)
- dbo:generalCouncil (general council)
- dbo:generalManager (general manager)
- dbo:generationUnits (generation units)
- dbo:genomeDB (Genome DB)
- dbo:genre (genre)
- dbo:genus (genus)
- dbo:geolocDepartment (geolocDepartment)
- dbo:geolocDual (geolocdual)
- dbo:geologicPeriod (geologic period)
- dbo:geology (geology)
- dbo:giniCoefficient (gini coefficient)
- dbo:giniCoefficientAsOf (gini coefficient as of)
- dbo:giniCoefficientCategory (gini coefficient category)
- dbo:giniCoefficientRanking (gini coefficient ranking)
- dbo:glycemicIndex (glycemic index)
- dbo:gnisCode (gnis code)
- dbo:gnl (gnl)
- dbo:goalsInLeague (goals in league)
- dbo:goalsInNationalTeam (goals in national team)
- dbo:goldMedalDouble (gold medal double)
- dbo:goldMedalMixed (gold medal mixed)
- dbo:goldMedalSingle (gold medal single)
- dbo:goldMedalist (gold medalist)
- dbo:goldenCalfAward (Golden Calf Award)
- dbo:goldenGlobeAward (Golden Globe Award)
- dbo:goldenRaspberryAward (Golden Raspberry Award)
- dbo:governingBody (governing body)
- dbo:government (government)
- dbo:governmentCountry (government country)
- dbo:governmentElevation (government elevation (Ό))
- dbo:governmentMountain (government mountain)
- dbo:governmentPlace (government place)
- dbo:governmentPosition (government position)
- dbo:governmentRegion (government region)
- dbo:governmentType (government type)
- dbo:governor (governor)
- dbo:governorGeneral (governor general)
- dbo:governorate (governorate)
- dbo:goyaAward (Goya Award)
- dbo:grades (grades)
- dbo:grammyAward (Grammy Award)
- dbo:grandsire (grandsire)
- dbo:grave (grave)
- dbo:grayPage (Gray page)
- dbo:graySubject (Gray subject)
- dbo:greekName (name in ancient Greek)
- dbo:greenLongDistancePisteNumber (green long distance piste number)
- dbo:greenSkiPisteNumber (green ski piste number)
- dbo:gridReference (grid reference)
- dbo:grindingCapability (grinding capability)
- dbo:gross (gross ($))
- dbo:grossDomesticProduct (gross domestic product (GDP) ($))
- dbo:grossDomesticProductAsOf (gross domestic product as of)
- dbo:grossDomesticProductNominalPerCapita (gross domestic product nominal per capita)
- dbo:grossDomesticProductPerPeople (gross domestic product per people)
- dbo:grossDomesticProductPurchasingPowerParityPerCapita (gross domestic product purchasing power parity per capita)
- dbo:grossDomesticProductRank (gross domestic product rank)
- dbo:ground (ground)
- dbo:groundsForLiquidation (grounds for termination of activities)
- dbo:groupCommemorated (group commemorated)
- dbo:growingGrape (growing grape)
- dbo:guest (guest)
- dbo:gun (aircraft gun)
- dbo:gymApparatus (gym apparatus)
- dbo:hairColor (hair color)
- dbo:hairColour (hair colour)
- dbo:hairs (hairs)
- dbo:hallOfFame (hall of fame)
- dbo:hand (hand)
- dbo:handedness (handedness)
- dbo:handisport (handisport)
- dbo:hasAbsorbedMunicipality (the previous municipality from which this one has been created or enlarged)
- dbo:hasAnnotation (Indicates an annotation associated with this document)
- dbo:hasChannel (has channel)
- dbo:hasInput (has input)
- dbo:hasInsidePlace (has inside place)
- dbo:hasJunctionWith (has junction with)
- dbo:hasKMLData (Has KML data associated with it (usually because of KML overlays))
- dbo:hasNaturalBust (has natural bust)
- dbo:hasOutsidePlace (has outside place)
- dbo:hasSurfaceForm
- dbo:hasVariant (variant or variation)
- dbo:head (head)
- dbo:headAlloy (head alloy)
- dbo:headChef (head chef)
- dbo:headLabel (head label)
- dbo:headOfFamily (family head)
- dbo:headquarter (headquarter)
- dbo:headteacher (head teacher)
- dbo:height (height (Ό))
- dbo:heightAboveAverageTerrain (height above average terrain (Ό))
- dbo:heightAgainst (height against)
- dbo:heightAttack (height attack)
- dbo:heir (heir)
- dbo:heisman (heisman)
- dbo:heritageRegister (heritage register)
- dbo:hgncid (HGNCid)
- dbo:highestBreak (highest break)
- dbo:highestBuildingInYear (highest building in year)
- dbo:highestMountain (highest mountain)
- dbo:highestPlace (highest place)
- dbo:highestPoint (highest point)
- dbo:highestPointIsland (highest point of the island)
- dbo:highestPosition (highest position)
- dbo:highestRank (highest rank)
- dbo:highestRegion (highest region)
- dbo:highestState (highest state)
- dbo:highschool (highschool)
- dbo:highwaySystem (highway system)
- dbo:hipSize (hip size (Ό))
- dbo:historicalMap (historical map)
- dbo:historicalName (historical name)
- dbo:historicalRegion (historical region)
- dbo:hof (hof)
- dbo:homage (homage)
- dbo:homeArena (home arena)
- dbo:homeColourHexCode (colour hex code of home jersey or its parts)
- dbo:homeStadium (home stadium)
- dbo:homeport (homeport)
- dbo:hometown (home town)
- dbo:honours (honours)
- dbo:hopmanCup (hopman cup)
- dbo:horseRidingDiscipline (horse riding discipline)
- dbo:house (house)
- dbo:hraState (hra state)
- dbo:hsvCoordinateHue (hue coordinate in the HSV colour space)
- dbo:hsvCoordinateSaturation (saturation coordinate in the HSV colour space)
- dbo:hsvCoordinateValue (value coordinate in the HSV colour space)
- dbo:hubAirport (hub airport)
- dbo:humanDevelopmentIndex (Human Development Index (HDI))
- dbo:humanDevelopmentIndexAsOf (human development index as of)
- dbo:humanDevelopmentIndexRank (human development index rank)
- dbo:humanDevelopmentIndexRankingCategory (human development index (HDI) category)
- dbo:hybrid (hybrid)
- dbo:iafdId (iafd id)
- dbo:iataAirlineCode (IATA code)
- dbo:iataLocationIdentifier (IATA Location Identifier)
- dbo:ibdbId (IBDB ID)
- dbo:icaoAirlineCode (ICAO code)
- dbo:icaoLocationIdentifier (ICAO Location Identifier)
- dbo:icd1 (ICD1)
- dbo:icd10 (ICD10)
- dbo:icd9 (ICD9)
- dbo:icdo (ICDO)
- dbo:iconographicAttributes (iconographic attributes)
- dbo:id (id)
- dbo:idAllocine (Allocine ID)
- dbo:idNumber (id number)
- dbo:identificationSymbol (identification symbol)
- dbo:ideology (ideology)
- dbo:iftaAward (IFTA Award)
- dbo:iihfHof (lihf hof)
- dbo:illiteracy (illiteracy)
- dbo:illustrator (illustrator)
- dbo:imageSize (image size (px))
- dbo:imdbId (IMDB id)
- dbo:impactFactor (impact factor)
- dbo:impactFactorAsOf (impact factor as of)
- dbo:imposedDanseCompetition (imposed danse competition)
- dbo:imposedDanseScore (imposed danse score)
- dbo:inCemetery (in cemetery)
- dbo:inchi (The IUPAC International Chemical Identifier)
- dbo:inclination (inclination)
- dbo:income (income)
- dbo:incumbent (incumbent)
- dbo:individualisedGnd (individualised GND number)
- dbo:individualisedPnd (individualised PND number)
- dbo:industry (industry)
- dbo:infantMortality (infant mortality)
- dbo:inflow (inflow)
- dbo:influenced (influenced)
- dbo:influencedBy (influenced by)
- dbo:information (information)
- dbo:informationName (information name)
- dbo:ingredient (ingredient)
- dbo:ingredientName (ingredient name (literal))
- dbo:initiallyUsedFor (initally used for)
- dbo:inn (INN)
- dbo:innervates (innervates)
- dbo:inscription (inscription)
- dbo:inseeCode (INSEE code)
- dbo:installedCapacity (installed capacity (W))
- dbo:institution (institution)
- dbo:instrument (instrument)
- dbo:intercommunality (intercommunality)
- dbo:interest (interest)
- dbo:internationalAffiliation (international affiliation)
- dbo:internationalPhonePrefix (international phone prefix)
- dbo:internationalPhonePrefixLabel (international phone prefix label)
- dbo:internationally (internationally)
- dbo:introduced (introduced)
- dbo:introductionDate (introduction date)
- dbo:iobdbId (IOBDB ID)
- dbo:isCityState (is a city state)
- dbo:isHandicappedAccessible (is handicapped accessible)
- dbo:isPartOf (is part of)
- dbo:isPartOfAnatomicalStructure (is part of anatomical structure)
- dbo:isPartOfMilitaryConflict (is part of military conflict)
- dbo:isPartOfName (is part of (literal))
- dbo:isPartOfWineRegion (is part of wine region)
- dbo:isPeerReviewed (is peer reviewed)
- dbo:isRouteStop (is route stop)
- dbo:isbn (ISBN)
- dbo:isil (International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations (ISIL))
- dbo:island (island)
- dbo:isniId (ISNI Id)
- dbo:iso31661Code (ISO 3166-1 code)
- dbo:iso6391Code (ISO 639-1 code)
- dbo:iso6392Code (ISO 639-2 code)
- dbo:iso6393Code (ISO 639-3 code)
- dbo:isoCode (iso code of a place)
- dbo:isoCodeRegion (ISO region code)
- dbo:issDockings (iss dockings)
- dbo:issn (issn)
- dbo:ist (ist)
- dbo:istat (code istat)
- dbo:ithfDate (ithf date)
- dbo:iucnCategory (iucn category)
- dbo:iupacName (IUPAC name)
- dbo:jockey (jockey)
- dbo:jointCommunity (joint community)
- dbo:jstor (JSTOR)
- dbo:judge (judge)
- dbo:juniorSeason (junior season)
- dbo:juniorTeam (junior team)
- dbo:juniorYearsEndYear (junior years end year)
- dbo:juniorYearsStartYear (junior years start year)
- dbo:jureLanguage (jure language)
- dbo:jurisdiction (jurisdiction)
- dbo:jutsu (jutsu)
- dbo:keyPerson (key person)
- dbo:khlDraft (khl draft year)
- dbo:khlDraftTeam (khl draft team)
- dbo:khlDraftYear (khl draft year)
- dbo:killedBy (killed by)
- dbo:kinOfLanguage (kindOfLanguage)
- dbo:kindOfCoordinate (kind of coordinate)
- dbo:kindOfCriminal (kind of criminal)
- dbo:kindOfCriminalAction (kind of criminal action)
- dbo:kindOfRock (kind of rock)
- dbo:kingdom (kingdom)
- dbo:knownFor (known for)
- dbo:ko (ko)
- dbo:lahHof (lah hof)
- dbo:lake (vastest lake)
- dbo:land (land)
- dbo:landArea (area of a land (m2))
- dbo:landPercentage (land percentage of a place)
- dbo:landRegistryCode (land registry code)
- dbo:landeshauptmann (landeshauptmann)
- dbo:landingDate (landing date)
- dbo:landingSite (landing site)
- dbo:landingVehicle (landing vehicle)
- dbo:landskap (norwegian landskap)
- dbo:landtag (austrian land tag)
- dbo:landtagMandate (austrian land tag mandate)
- dbo:language (language)
- dbo:languageCode (language code)
- dbo:languageFamily (family)
- dbo:languageRegulator (language regulator or academy)
- dbo:largestCity (largest city)
- dbo:largestMetro (largest metro)
- dbo:largestSettlement (largest settlement)
- dbo:largestWin (largest win)
- dbo:lastAirDate (last air date)
- dbo:lastAppearance (last appearance)
- dbo:lastElectionDate (last election date)
- dbo:lastFamilyMember (last family member)
- dbo:lastFlight (last flight)
- dbo:lastFlightEndDate (last flight end date)
- dbo:lastFlightStartDate (last flight start date)
- dbo:lastLaunch (last launch)
- dbo:lastLaunchDate (last launch date)
- dbo:lastLaunchRocket (last launch rocket)
- dbo:lastPosition (last position)
- dbo:lastProMatch (first pro match)
- dbo:lastPublicationDate (last publication date)
- dbo:lastRace (last race)
- dbo:lastSeason (last season)
- dbo:lastWin (last win)
- dbo:laterality (laterality)
- dbo:latestElection (date of latest election)
- dbo:latestPreviewDate (latest preview date)
- dbo:latestPreviewVersion (latest preview version)
- dbo:latestReleaseDate (latest release date)
- dbo:latestReleaseVersion (latest release version)
- dbo:latinName (name in latin)
- dbo:launch (launch)
- dbo:launchDate (launch date)
- dbo:launchPad (launch pad)
- dbo:launchSite (launch site)
- dbo:launchVehicle (launch vehicle)
- dbo:launches (launches)
- dbo:laurenceOlivierAward (Laurence Olivier Award)
- dbo:lawCountry (law country)
- dbo:layingDown (laying down)
- dbo:layout (layout)
- dbo:lcc (LCC)
- dbo:lccn (LCCN)
- dbo:lccnId (LCCN Id)
- dbo:lchfDraft (lchf draft year)
- dbo:lchfDraftTeam (lchf draft year)
- dbo:lchfDraftYear (lchf draft year)
- dbo:leadTeam (lead team)
- dbo:leadYear (lead year)
- dbo:leader (leader)
- dbo:leaderFunction (leaderFunction)
- dbo:leaderName (leader name)
- dbo:leaderParty (leader party)
- dbo:leaderTitle (leader title)
- dbo:leadership (leadership)
- dbo:league (league)
- dbo:leagueManager (league manager)
- dbo:leftChild (left child)
- dbo:leftTributary (left tributary)
- dbo:legalArrondissement (legal arrondissement)
- dbo:legalArticle (legal article)
- dbo:legalForm (legal form)
- dbo:legislativePeriodName (legislative period name)
- dbo:length (length (Ό))
- dbo:lengthQuote (length quote)
- dbo:lengthReference (length reference)
- dbo:lethalOnChickens (lethal when given to chickens)
- dbo:lethalOnMice (lethal when given to mice)
- dbo:lethalOnRabbits (lethal when given to rabbits)
- dbo:lethalOnRats (lethal when given to rats)
- dbo:liberationDate (date of liberation)
- dbo:libretto (libretto)
- dbo:licenceLetter (licence letter of a german settlement)
- dbo:licenceNumber (licence number)
- dbo:licenceNumberLabel (licence number label)
- dbo:license (license)
- dbo:licensee (licensee)
- dbo:lieutenancy (lieutenancy)
- dbo:lieutenancyArea (Lieutenancy area)
- dbo:lieutenant (lieutenant)
- dbo:lifeExpectancy (life expectancy)
- dbo:limit (limit)
- dbo:lineLength (line length (Ό))
- dbo:linguisticsTradition (linguistics tradition)
- dbo:linkedSpace (linked space)
- dbo:linkedTo (linked to)
- dbo:listItemOf (list item)
- dbo:literaryGenre (literary genre)
- dbo:littlePoolRecord (little pool record)
- dbo:livingPlace (livingPlace)
- dbo:loadLimit (load limit (g))
- dbo:localAuthority (local authority)
- dbo:localPhonePrefix (local phone prefix)
- dbo:locality (locality of a switzerland settlement)
- dbo:localization (localization of the island)
- dbo:localizationThumbnail (thumbnail localization)
- dbo:localizationThumbnailCaption (legend thumbnail localization)
- dbo:locatedInArea (located in area)
- dbo:location (location)
- dbo:locationCity (location city)
- dbo:locationCountry (paĆstwo)
- dbo:locationIdentifier (Location Identifier)
- dbo:locationName (locationName)
- dbo:locomotive (locomotive)
- dbo:locusSupplementaryData (locus supplementary data)
- dbo:logo (logo)
- dbo:longDistancePisteKilometre (long distance piste kilometre (Ό))
- dbo:longDistancePisteNumber (long distance piste number)
- dbo:longName (longName)
- dbo:longtype (longtype)
- dbo:lounge (lounge)
- dbo:lowerAge (lower age)
- dbo:lowerEarthOrbitPayload (lower earth orbit payload (g))
- dbo:lowest (lowest)
- dbo:lowestMountain (lowest mountain)
- dbo:lowestPlace (lowest place)
- dbo:lowestPoint (lowest point)
- dbo:lowestPosition (lowest position)
- dbo:lowestRegion (lowest region)
- dbo:lowestState (lowest state)
- dbo:lunarEvaTime (lunar EVA time (s))
- dbo:lunarLandingSite (lunar landing site)
- dbo:lunarModule (lunar module)
- dbo:lunarOrbitTime (lunar orbit time (s))
- dbo:lunarRover (lunar rover)
- dbo:lunarSampleMass (lunar sample mass (g))
- dbo:lunarSurfaceTime (lunar surface time (s))
- dbo:lymph (lymph)
- dbo:lyrics (lyrics)
- dbo:magazine (magazine)
- dbo:maidenFlight (maiden flight)
- dbo:maidenFlightRocket (maiden flight rocket)
- dbo:maidenVoyage (maiden voyage)
- dbo:mainBuilding (main building)
- dbo:mainCharacter (main character)
- dbo:mainDomain (main domain)
- dbo:mainFamilyBranch (main branch)
- dbo:mainInterest (main interest)
- dbo:mainIsland (main island)
- dbo:mainIslands (main islands)
- dbo:mainOrgan (main organ)
- dbo:mainspan (mainspan (Ό))
- dbo:maintainedBy (maintained by)
- dbo:majorIsland (major island)
- dbo:majorShrine (major shrine)
- dbo:majorityFloorLeader (majority floor leader)
- dbo:majorityLeader (majority leader)
- dbo:makeupArtist (makeup artist)
- dbo:management (management)
- dbo:managementCountry (management country)
- dbo:managementElevation (management elevation (Ό))
- dbo:managementMountain (management mountain)
- dbo:managementPlace (management place)
- dbo:managementPosition (management position)
- dbo:managementRegion (management region)
- dbo:manager (manager)
- dbo:managerClub (manager club)
- dbo:managerSeason (manager season)
- dbo:managerTitle (manager title)
- dbo:managerYears (manager years)
- dbo:managerYearsEndYear (manager years end year)
- dbo:managerYearsStartYear (manager years start year)
- dbo:managingEditor (managing editor)
- dbo:mandate (political mandate)
- dbo:manufacturer (manufacturer)
- dbo:map (map)
- dbo:mapCaption (map caption)
- dbo:mapDescription (map description)
- dbo:march (march)
- dbo:marketCapitalisation (market capitalisation ($))
- dbo:mascot (mascot)
- dbo:mass (mass (g))
- dbo:massif (massif)
- dbo:mastersWins (masters wins)
- dbo:matchPoint (match point)
- dbo:material (material)
- dbo:max (max)
- dbo:maxAbsoluteMagnitude (maximum absolute magnitude)
- dbo:maxApparentMagnitude (maximum apparent magnitude)
- dbo:maxTime (maximum preparation time (s))
- dbo:maximumArea (maximum area)
- dbo:maximumAreaQuote (maximum area quote)
- dbo:maximumBoatBeam (maximum boat beam (Ό))
- dbo:maximumBoatLength (maximum boat length (Ό))
- dbo:maximumDepth (maximum depth (Ό))
- dbo:maximumDepthQuote (maximum depth quote)
- dbo:maximumDischarge (maximum discharge (mÂł/s))
- dbo:maximumElevation (maximum elevation (Ό))
- dbo:maximumInclination (maximum inclination)
- dbo:maximumTemperature (maximum temperature (K))
- dbo:mayor (mayor)
- dbo:mayorArticle (mayor article)
- dbo:mayorCouncillor (mayor councillor)
- dbo:mayorFunction (mayor function of a switzerland settlement)
- dbo:mayorMandate (mayorMandate)
- dbo:mayorTitle (mayor title of a hungarian settlement)
- dbo:mbaId (MBA Id)
- dbo:meanRadius (mean radius (Ό))
- dbo:meanTemperature (mean temperature (K))
- dbo:meaning (meaning)
- dbo:measurements (measurements)
- dbo:medalist (medalist)
- dbo:media (media)
- dbo:mediaItem (media item)
- dbo:mediaType (media type)
- dbo:medlinePlus (MedlinePlus)
- dbo:meetingBuilding (meeting building)
- dbo:meetingCity (meeting city)
- dbo:meetingRoad (meeting road)
- dbo:meltingPoint (melting point (K))
- dbo:member (member)
- dbo:memberOfParliament (Member of Parliament)
- dbo:membership (membership)
- dbo:membershipAsOf (date membership established)
- dbo:mentor (mentor)
- dbo:mergedIntoParty (merged into party)
- dbo:mergedSettlement (merged settlement)
- dbo:mergerDate (merger date)
- dbo:meshId (MeSH ID)
- dbo:meshName (MeSH name)
- dbo:meshNumber (MeSH number)
- dbo:messierName (Messier name)
- dbo:metropolitanBorough (metropolitan borough)
- dbo:mgiid (mgiid)
- dbo:militaryBranch (military branch)
- dbo:militaryCommand (military command)
- dbo:militaryFunction (military function)
- dbo:militaryGovernment (military government)
- dbo:militaryRank (military rank)
- dbo:militaryUnit (military unit)
- dbo:militaryUnitSize (military unit size)
- dbo:millSpan (mill span (Ό))
- dbo:millType (mill type)
- dbo:millsCodeBE (mill code BE)
- dbo:millsCodeDutch (mill code NL)
- dbo:millsCodeNL (mill code NL)
- dbo:millsCodeNLVerdwenen (mill dissapeared code NL)
- dbo:millsCodeNLWindmotoren (millsCodeNLWindmotoren)
- dbo:min (min)
- dbo:minTime (minimum preparation time (s))
- dbo:minimumArea (minimum area)
- dbo:minimumAreaQuote (minimum area quote)
- dbo:minimumDischarge (minimum discharge (mÂł/s))
- dbo:minimumElevation (minimum elevation (Ό))
- dbo:minimumInclination (minimum inclination)
- dbo:minimumTemperature (minimum temperature (K))
- dbo:minority (minority)
- dbo:minorityFloorLeader (minority floor leader)
- dbo:minorityLeader (minority leader)
- dbo:mirDockings (mir dockings)
- dbo:mission (mission)
- dbo:missionDuration (mission duration (s))
- dbo:missions (missions)
- dbo:model (model)
- dbo:modelEndDate (model end date)
- dbo:modelEndYear (model end year)
- dbo:modelLineVehicle (type series)
- dbo:modelStartDate (model start date)
- dbo:modelStartYear (model start year)
- dbo:molecularWeight (molecular weight)
- dbo:monarch (monarch)
- dbo:month (month)
- dbo:mood (mood)
- dbo:mostDownPoint (most down point of a norwegian settlement)
- dbo:mostWins (most wins)
- dbo:mother (mother)
- dbo:motto (motto)
- dbo:mount (mount)
- dbo:mountainRange (mountain range)
- dbo:mouthCountry (mouth country)
- dbo:mouthDistrict (mouth district)
- dbo:mouthElevation (mouth elevation (Ό))
- dbo:mouthMountain (mouth mountain)
- dbo:mouthPlace (mouth place)
- dbo:mouthPosition (mouth position)
- dbo:mouthRegion (mouth region)
- dbo:mouthState (mouth state)
- dbo:movement (movement)
- dbo:movie (movie)
- dbo:mukhtar (mukthar of a lebanon settlement)
- dbo:municipality (municipality)
- dbo:municipalityAbsorbedBy (absorbed by)
- dbo:municipalityCode (municipality code)
- dbo:municipalityRenamedTo (a municipality's new name)
- dbo:municipalityType (type of municipality)
- dbo:museum (museum)
- dbo:museumType (museumType)
- dbo:musicBand (Music Band)
- dbo:musicBy (music by)
- dbo:musicComposer (music composer)
- dbo:musicFormat (musicFormat)
- dbo:musicFusionGenre (music fusion genre)
- dbo:musicSubgenre (music subgenre)
- dbo:musicType (musicType)
- dbo:musicalArtist (musical artist)
- dbo:musicalBand (musical band)
- dbo:musicalKey (musical key)
- dbo:musicians (musicians)
- dbo:muteCharacterInPlay (mute character in play)
- dbo:mvp (mvp)
- dbo:mythology (mythology)
- dbo:naacpImageAward (NAACP Image Award)
- dbo:name (name)
- dbo:nameAsOf (so named since)
- dbo:nameDay (name day)
- dbo:nameInCantoneseChinese (name in Yue Chinese)
- dbo:nameInHangulKorean (name in Hangul-written Korean)
- dbo:nameInHanjaKorean (name in Hanja-written (traditional) Korean)
- dbo:nameInJapanese (name in Japanese)
- dbo:nameInMindongyuChinese (name in Mindongyu Chinese)
- dbo:nameInMinnanyuChinese (name in Minnanyu Chinese)
- dbo:nameInPinyinChinese (name in Pinyin Chinese)
- dbo:nameInSimplifiedChinese (name in Simplified Chinese)
- dbo:nameInTraditionalChinese (name in Traditional Chinese)
- dbo:nameInWadeGilesChinese (name in the Wade-Giles transscription of Chinese)
- dbo:namedAfter (named after)
- dbo:namedByLanguage (named by language)
- dbo:names (names)
- dbo:narrator (narrator)
- dbo:nation (nation)
- dbo:nationalAffiliation (national affiliation)
- dbo:nationalChampionship (national championship)
- dbo:nationalFilmAward (National Film Award)
- dbo:nationalOlympicCommittee (National Olympic Committee)
- dbo:nationalRanking (national ranking)
- dbo:nationalSelection (national selection)
- dbo:nationalTeam (national team)
- dbo:nationalTeamMatchPoint (national team match point)
- dbo:nationalTeamYear (national team year)
- dbo:nationalTopographicSystemMapNumber (National Topographic System map number)
- dbo:nationalTournament (continental tournament)
- dbo:nationalTournamentBronze (national tournament bronze)
- dbo:nationalTournamentGold (national tournament gold)
- dbo:nationalTournamentSilver (national tournament silver)
- dbo:nationalYears (national years)
- dbo:nationality (nationality)
- dbo:ncaaSeason (ncaa season)
- dbo:ncaaTeam (ncaa season)
- dbo:ncbhof (ncbhof)
- dbo:ndlId (NDL id)
- dbo:nearestCity (nearest city)
- dbo:neighboringMunicipality (neighboring municipality)
- dbo:neighbourConstellations (neighbour constellations)
- dbo:neighbourRegion (neighbour region)
- dbo:neighbourhood (neighbourhood of a hungarian settlement)
- dbo:nerve (nerve)
- dbo:netIncome (net income ($))
- dbo:network (network)
- dbo:networth (networth ($))
- dbo:newspaper (newspaper)
- dbo:nextEntity (next entity)
- dbo:nextEvent (next event)
- dbo:nextMission (next mission)
- dbo:nflCode (nfl code)
- dbo:nflSeason (nfl season)
- dbo:nflTeam (nfl team)
- dbo:ngcName (NGC name)
- dbo:nisCode (NIS code)
- dbo:nlaId (NLA Id)
- dbo:nndbId (NNDB id)
- dbo:noContest (no contest)
- dbo:nobelLaureates (nobel laureates)
- dbo:nominee (nominee)
- dbo:nonFictionSubject (non-fiction subject)
- dbo:nonProfessionalCareer (non professional career)
- dbo:northEastPlace (north-east place)
- dbo:northPlace (north place)
- dbo:northWestPlace (north-west place)
- dbo:notSolubleIn (not soluble in)
- dbo:notableCommander (notable commander)
- dbo:notableFeatures (notable features)
- dbo:notableIdea (notableIdea)
- dbo:notableStudent (notable student)
- dbo:notableWine (notable wine)
- dbo:notableWork (notable work)
- dbo:note (note)
- dbo:noteOnPlaceOfBurial (note on place of burial)
- dbo:noteOnRestingPlace (note on resting place)
- dbo:notes (notes)
- dbo:notifyDate (notify date)
- dbo:novel (novel)
- dbo:nrhpReferenceNumber (NRHP Reference Number)
- dbo:nrhpType (NRHP type)
- dbo:nssdcId (NSSDC ID)
- dbo:number (number)
- dbo:numberBuilt (number built)
- dbo:numberOfAcademicStaff (number of academic staff)
- dbo:numberOfAlbums (number of albums)
- dbo:numberOfArrondissement (number of arrondissement)
- dbo:numberOfBombs (number of bombs)
- dbo:numberOfBronzeMedalsWon (number of bronze medals won)
- dbo:numberOfCanton (number of canton)
- dbo:numberOfCantons (Number Of Cantons)
- dbo:numberOfCapitalDeputies (Number Of Capital Deputies)
- dbo:numberOfCity (number of contries inside en continent)
- dbo:numberOfClassrooms (number of classrooms)
- dbo:numberOfClubs (number of clubs)
- dbo:numberOfCollectionItems (number of items in collection)
- dbo:numberOfCompetitors (number of competitors)
- dbo:numberOfCounties (number of counties)
- dbo:numberOfCountries (number of countries)
- dbo:numberOfCrew (number of crew)
- dbo:numberOfDeaths (number of deaths)
- dbo:numberOfDependency (number of dependency)
- dbo:numberOfDistrict (number of district)
- dbo:numberOfDistricts (number of districts)
- dbo:numberOfDoctoralStudents (number of doctoral students)
- dbo:numberOfEmployees (number of employees)
- dbo:numberOfEntrances (number of entrances)
- dbo:numberOfEpisodes (number of episodes)
- dbo:numberOfFederalDeputies (Number Of Federal Deputies)
- dbo:numberOfFilms (number of films)
- dbo:numberOfGoals (number of goals scored)
- dbo:numberOfGoldMedalsWon (number of gold medals won)
- dbo:numberOfGraduateStudents (number of graduate students)
- dbo:numberOfGraves (number of graves)
- dbo:numberOfHoles (number of holes)
- dbo:numberOfHouses (number of houses present))
- dbo:numberOfIntercommunality (number of intercommunality)
- dbo:numberOfIsland (number of islands)
- dbo:numberOfIslands (number of islands)
- dbo:numberOfLanes (number of lanes)
- dbo:numberOfLaps (number of laps)
- dbo:numberOfLaunches (number of launches)
- dbo:numberOfLawyers (number of lawyers)
- dbo:numberOfLines (number of lines)
- dbo:numberOfLiveAlbums (number of live albums)
- dbo:numberOfLocations (number of locations)
- dbo:numberOfMatches (number of matches or caps)
- dbo:numberOfMembers (number of members)
- dbo:numberOfMembersAsOf (number of members as of)
- dbo:numberOfMinistries (number of ministries)
- dbo:numberOfMunicipalities (Number Of Municipalities)
- dbo:numberOfNeighbourhood (number of neighbourhood)
- dbo:numberOfNewlyIntroducedSports (number of newly introduced sports)
- dbo:numberOfOffices (number of offices)
- dbo:numberOfOfficials (number of officials)
- dbo:numberOfOrbits (number of orbits)
- dbo:numberOfPads (number of pads)
- dbo:numberOfPages (number of pages)
- dbo:numberOfParkingSpaces (number of parking spaces)
- dbo:numberOfParticipatingAthletes (number of participating athletes)
- dbo:numberOfParticipatingFemaleAthletes (number of participating female athletes)
- dbo:numberOfParticipatingMaleAthletes (number of participating male athletes)
- dbo:numberOfParticipatingNations (number of participating nations)
- dbo:numberOfPeopleAttending (number of people attending)
- dbo:numberOfPeopleLicensed (number of licensed)
- dbo:numberOfPiersInWater (number of piers in water)
- dbo:numberOfPixels (number of pixels (millions))
- dbo:numberOfPlatformLevels (number of platform levels)
- dbo:numberOfPlayers (number of players)
- dbo:numberOfPostgraduateStudents (number of postgraduate students)
- dbo:numberOfProfessionals (number of professionals)
- dbo:numberOfReactors (number of reactors)
- dbo:numberOfRestaurants (number of restaurants)
- dbo:numberOfRockets (number of rockets)
- dbo:numberOfRooms (number of rooms)
- dbo:numberOfRun (number of run)
- dbo:numberOfSeasons (number of seasons)
- dbo:numberOfSeats (number of seats)
- dbo:numberOfSeatsInParliament (number of seats in parliament)
- dbo:numberOfSettlement (number of settlement)
- dbo:numberOfSilverMedalsWon (number of silver medals won)
- dbo:numberOfSpans (number of spans)
- dbo:numberOfSpeakers (number of speakers)
- dbo:numberOfSports (number of sports)
- dbo:numberOfSportsEvents (number of sports events)
- dbo:numberOfStaff (number of staff)
- dbo:numberOfStars (number of stars)
- dbo:numberOfStateDeputies (Number Of State Deputies)
- dbo:numberOfStations (number of stations)
- dbo:numberOfStudents (number of students)
- dbo:numberOfStudioAlbums (number of studio albums)
- dbo:numberOfSuites (number of suites)
- dbo:numberOfTeams (number of teams)
- dbo:numberOfTracks (number of tracks)
- dbo:numberOfTurns (number of turns)
- dbo:numberOfUndergraduateStudents (number of undergraduate students)
- dbo:numberOfVehicles (number of vehicles)
- dbo:numberOfVillages (number of villages)
- dbo:numberOfVineyards (number of vineyards)
- dbo:numberOfVisitors (number of visitors)
- dbo:numberOfVisitorsAsOf (number of visitors as of)
- dbo:numberOfVolumes (number of volumes)
- dbo:numberOfVolunteers (number of volunteers)
- dbo:numberOfWineries (number of wineries)
- dbo:numberSold (number sold)
- dbo:nutsCode (NUTS code)
- dbo:observatory (observatory)
- dbo:occupation (occupation)
- dbo:oclc (OCLC)
- dbo:offeredClasses (offered classes)
- dbo:office (office)
- dbo:officerInCharge (officer in charge)
- dbo:officialLanguage (official language)
- dbo:officialName (official name)
- dbo:officialOpenedBy (official opened by)
- dbo:officialSchoolColour (official school colour)
- dbo:ofsCode (ofs code of a settlement)
- dbo:oilSystem (oil system)
- dbo:okatoCode (okato code)
- dbo:oldDistrict (old district)
- dbo:oldName (old name)
- dbo:oldProvince (old province)
- dbo:oldTeamCoached (old team coached)
- dbo:oldcode (oldcode)
- dbo:olivierAward (Olivier Award)
- dbo:olympicGames (olympic games)
- dbo:olympicGamesBronze (olympic games bronze)
- dbo:olympicGamesGold (olympic games gold)
- dbo:olympicGamesSilver (olympic games silver)
- dbo:olympicGamesWins (olympic games wins)
- dbo:olympicOathSwornBy (olympic oath sworn by)
- dbo:olympicOathSwornByAthlete (olympic oath sworn by athlete)
- dbo:olympicOathSwornByJudge (olympic oath sworn by judge)
- dbo:omim (OMIM id)
- dbo:onChromosome (on chromosome)
- dbo:ons (ons)
- dbo:openAccessContent (open access content)
- dbo:openingDate (opening date)
- dbo:openingFilm (opening film)
- dbo:openingTheme (opening theme)
- dbo:openingYear (opening year)
- dbo:operatingIncome (operating income ($))
- dbo:operatingSystem (operating system)
- dbo:operator (operator)
- dbo:opponent (opponent)
- dbo:opponents (opponents)
- dbo:orbitalEccentricity (orbital eccentricity)
- dbo:orbitalFlights (orbital flights)
- dbo:orbitalInclination (orbital inclination)
- dbo:orbitalPeriod (orbital period (s))
- dbo:orbits (orbits)
- dbo:orcidId (ORCID Id)
- dbo:order (order (taxonomy))
- dbo:orderDate (order date)
- dbo:orderInOffice (order in office)
- dbo:ordination (Ordination)
- dbo:organ (organ)
- dbo:organSystem (organ system)
- dbo:organisation (organisation)
- dbo:organisationMember (organisation member)
- dbo:orientation (orientation)
- dbo:origin (origin)
- dbo:originalDanseCompetition (original danse competititon)
- dbo:originalDanseScore (original danse score)
- dbo:originalEndPoint (original end point)
- dbo:originalLanguage (original language)
- dbo:originalMaximumBoatBeam (original maximum boat beam (Ό))
- dbo:originalMaximumBoatLength (original maximum boat length (Ό))
- dbo:originalName (original name)
- dbo:originalStartPoint (original start point)
- dbo:originalTitle (original title)
- dbo:originallyUsedFor (originally used for)
- dbo:origo (origo)
- dbo:orogeny (orogeny)
- dbo:orthologousGene (Orthologous Gene)
- dbo:other (other)
- dbo:otherActivity (other activity)
- dbo:otherAppearances (other appearances)
- dbo:otherChannel (other channel)
- dbo:otherFamilyBranch (other branch)
- dbo:otherFuelType (secondary/other fuel type)
- dbo:otherFunction (other function)
- dbo:otherInformation (other information of a settlement)
- dbo:otherLanguage (other language of a settlement)
- dbo:otherMedia (other media)
- dbo:otherName (other name)
- dbo:otherOccupation (other occupation)
- dbo:otherParty (other party)
- dbo:otherServingLines (other serving lines)
- dbo:otherSportsExperience (otherSportsExperience)
- dbo:otherWins (other wins)
- dbo:outflow (outflow)
- dbo:output (output)
- dbo:outskirts (outskirts)
- dbo:overallRecord (overall record)
- dbo:oversight (oversight)
- dbo:owner (owner)
- dbo:owningCompany (owning company)
- dbo:owningOrganisation (owning organisation)
- dbo:owns (owns)
- dbo:painter (painter)
- dbo:parent (parent)
- dbo:parentCompany (parent company)
- dbo:parentMountainPeak (parent mountain peak)
- dbo:parentOrganisation (parent organisation)
- dbo:parish (parish)
- dbo:parkingInformation (parking information)
- dbo:parkingLotsCars (number of parking lots for cars)
- dbo:parkingLotsTrucks (number of parking lots for trucks)
- dbo:parliament (parliament)
- dbo:parliamentType (parliament type)
- dbo:parliamentaryGroup (parliamentary group)
- dbo:part (part)
- dbo:partialFailedLaunches (partial failed launches)
- dbo:participant (participant)
- dbo:participatingIn (participates/participated in)
- dbo:particularSign (particular sign)
- dbo:partner (partner)
- dbo:party (party)
- dbo:partyNumber (party number)
- dbo:passengersPerDay (passengers per day)
- dbo:passengersPerYear (passengers per year)
- dbo:passengersUsedSystem (passengers used system)
- dbo:pastMember (past member)
- dbo:pastor (pastor)
- dbo:patent (patent)
- dbo:patron (patron)
- dbo:patronSaint (patron saint)
- dbo:pccSecretary (pcc secretary)
- dbo:pdb (PDB ID)
- dbo:peabodyAward (Peabody Award)
- dbo:penaltiesTeamA (Penalties Team A)
- dbo:penaltiesTeamB (Penalties Team B)
- dbo:penaltyScore (penalty score)
- dbo:penisLength (penis length)
- dbo:peopleName (peopleName)
- dbo:perCapitaIncome (per capita income ($))
- dbo:perCapitaIncomeAsOf (per capita income as of)
- dbo:perCapitaIncomeRank (per capital income rank)
- dbo:percentage (percentage)
- dbo:percentageAlcohol (percentage of alcohol)
- dbo:percentageFat (percentage of fat)
- dbo:percentageLiteracyMen (percentage of a place's male population that is literate, degree of analphabetism)
- dbo:percentageLiteracyWomen (percentage of a place's female population that is literate, degree of analphabetism)
- dbo:percentageLiterate (percentage of a place's population that is literate, degree of analphabetism)
- dbo:percentageOfAreaWater (percentage of area water)
- dbo:performer (performer)
- dbo:periapsis (periapsis (Ό))
- dbo:perifocus (perifocus)
- dbo:perimeter (perimeter (Ό))
- dbo:period (event period)
- dbo:person (person)
- dbo:personFunction (person function)
- dbo:personName (personName)
- dbo:pgaWins (pga wins)
- dbo:philosophicalSchool (philosophicalSchool)
- dbo:phonePrefix (phone prefix)
- dbo:phonePrefixLabel (phone prefix label of a settlement)
- dbo:photographer (photographer)
- dbo:phylum (phylum)
- dbo:picture (picture)
- dbo:pictureDescription (picture description)
- dbo:pictureFormat (picture format)
- dbo:picturesCommonsCategory (pictures Commons category)
- dbo:piercing (piercing)
- dbo:pisciculturalPopulation (piscicultural population)
- dbo:pistonStroke (piston stroke (Ό))
- dbo:place (place of military conflict)
- dbo:placeOfBurial (place of burial)
- dbo:placeOfWorship (place of worship)
- dbo:plant (plant)
- dbo:playRole (play role)
- dbo:playerInTeam (player in team)
- dbo:playerSeason (player season)
- dbo:playerStatus (player status)
- dbo:playingTime (playing time (s))
- dbo:plays (plays)
- dbo:pluviometry (pluviometry)
- dbo:podium (podium)
- dbo:podiums (podiums)
- dbo:pole (pole)
- dbo:poleDriver (pole driver)
- dbo:poleDriverCountry (pole driver country)
- dbo:poleDriverTeam (pole driver team)
- dbo:polePosition (pole position)
- dbo:poles (poles)
- dbo:policeName (police name)
- dbo:polishFilmAward (Polish Film Award)
- dbo:politicGovernmentDepartment (politic government department)
- dbo:politicalFunction (political function)
- dbo:politicalLeader (political leader)
- dbo:politicalMajority (political majority)
- dbo:politicalPartyInLegislature (political party in legislature)
- dbo:politicalPartyOfLeader (political party of leader)
- dbo:politicalSeats (political seats)
- dbo:popularVote (Number of votes given to candidate)
- dbo:population (population)
- dbo:populationAsOf (population as of)
- dbo:populationDensity (population density (/sqkm))
- dbo:populationMetro (population metro)
- dbo:populationMetroDensity (population metro density (/sqkm))
- dbo:populationPctChildren (population percentage under 12 years)
- dbo:populationPctMen (population percentage male)
- dbo:populationPctWomen (population percentage female)
- dbo:populationPlace (population place)
- dbo:populationQuote (population quote)
- dbo:populationRural (population rural)
- dbo:populationRuralDensity (population density rural (/sqkm))
- dbo:populationTotal (population total)
- dbo:populationTotalRanking (total population ranking)
- dbo:populationTotalReference (total population reference)
- dbo:populationUrban (population urban)
- dbo:populationUrbanDensity (population urban density (/sqkm))
- dbo:populationYear (population year)
- dbo:portfolio (portfolio)
- dbo:portrayer (portrayer)
- dbo:position (position)
- dbo:postalCode (postal code)
- dbo:power (power)
- dbo:powerOutput (power output (W))
- dbo:powerType (power type)
- dbo:precursor (precursor)
- dbo:predecessor (predecessor)
- dbo:prefaceBy (author of preface)
- dbo:prefect (prefect)
- dbo:prefectMandate (mandate of a prefect of a romanian settlement)
- dbo:prefecture (prefecture)
- dbo:prefix (prefix)
- dbo:premiereDate (premiere date)
- dbo:premierePlace (premiere place)
- dbo:premiereYear (premiere year)
- dbo:presentMunicipality (present municipality)
- dbo:presentName (a municipality's present name)
- dbo:presenter (presenter)
- dbo:president (president)
- dbo:presidentGeneralCouncil (president general council)
- dbo:presidentGeneralCouncilMandate (mandate of the president of the general council)
- dbo:presidentRegionalCouncil (president regional council)
- dbo:presidentRegionalCouncilMandate (mandate of the president council of the regional council)
- dbo:previousDemographics (previous demographics)
- dbo:previousEditor (previous editor)
- dbo:previousEntity (previous entity)
- dbo:previousEvent (previous event)
- dbo:previousInfrastructure (previous infrastructure)
- dbo:previousMission (previous mission)
- dbo:previousName (previous name)
- dbo:previousPopulation (previous population)
- dbo:previousPopulationTotal (previous population total)
- dbo:previousWork (previous work)
- dbo:price (price ($))
- dbo:primaryFuelType (primary fuel type)
- dbo:primate (Primite)
- dbo:primeMinister (prime minister)
- dbo:primogenitor (primogenitor, first forebear)
- dbo:principal (principal)
- dbo:principalArea (principal area)
- dbo:principalEngineer (principal engineer)
- dbo:proPeriod (pro period)
- dbo:proSince (pro since)
- dbo:proTeam (pro team)
- dbo:proYear (pro year)
- dbo:probowlPick (pro bowl pick)
- dbo:procedure (procedure)
- dbo:producedBy (produced by)
- dbo:producer (producer)
- dbo:produces (produces)
- dbo:product (product)
- dbo:productShape (product shape)
- dbo:production (production)
- dbo:productionCompany (production company)
- dbo:productionEndDate (production end date)
- dbo:productionEndYear (production end year)
- dbo:productionStartDate (production start date)
- dbo:productionStartYear (production start year)
- dbo:productionYears (production years)
- dbo:profession (profession)
- dbo:programCost (program cost ($))
- dbo:programmeFormat (programme format)
- dbo:programmingLanguage (programming language)
- dbo:project (project)
- dbo:projectBudgetFunding (project budget funding ($))
- dbo:projectBudgetTotal (project budget total ($))
- dbo:projectCoordinator (project coordinator)
- dbo:projectEndDate (project end date)
- dbo:projectKeyword (project keyword)
- dbo:projectObjective (project objective)
- dbo:projectParticipant (project participant)
- dbo:projectReferenceID (project reference ID)
- dbo:projectStartDate (project start date)
- dbo:projectType (project type)
- dbo:prominence (prominence (Ό))
- dbo:promotion (promotion)
- dbo:pronunciation (pronunciation)
- dbo:prospectLeague (prospect league)
- dbo:prospectTeam (prospect team)
- dbo:protectionStatus (monument protection status)
- dbo:protein (protein (g))
- dbo:protestantPercentage (protestant percentage)
- dbo:provCode (prove code)
- dbo:provides (provides)
- dbo:province (province)
- dbo:provinceIsoCode (iso code of a province)
- dbo:provinceLink (province link)
- dbo:provost (provost)
- dbo:pseudonym (pseudonym)
- dbo:pubchem (PubChem)
- dbo:publication (publication)
- dbo:publicationDate (publication date)
- dbo:publiclyAccessible (publicly accessible)
- dbo:publisher (publisher)
- dbo:purchasingPowerParity (purchasing power parity)
- dbo:purchasingPowerParityRank (purchasing power parity rank)
- dbo:purchasingPowerParityYear (purchasing power parity year)
- dbo:purpose (purpose)
- dbo:qatarClassic (qatar classic)
- dbo:quebecerTitle (quebecer title)
- dbo:quotation (quotation)
- dbo:quote (quote)
- dbo:ra (ra)
- dbo:race (race)
- dbo:raceHorse (race horse)
- dbo:raceLength (race length (Ό))
- dbo:raceResult (race result)
- dbo:raceTrack (race track)
- dbo:raceWins (race wins)
- dbo:races (races)
- dbo:racketCatching (racket catching)
- dbo:radio (radio)
- dbo:radioStation (radio station)
- dbo:radius_ly (Radius_ly)
- dbo:railGauge (rail gauge (Ό))
- dbo:railwayLineUsingTunnel (railway line using tunnel)
- dbo:railwayPlatforms (railway platforms)
- dbo:railwayRollingStock (railway rolling stock)
- dbo:range (range)
- dbo:rank (rank)
- dbo:rankAgreement (rank of an agreement)
- dbo:rankArea (rank of an area)
- dbo:rankInFinalMedalCount (rank in final medal count)
- dbo:rankPopulation (rank of a population)
- dbo:ranking (ranking)
- dbo:rankingWins (ranking wins)
- dbo:rankingsDoubles (doubles rankings)
- dbo:rankingsSingles (single rankings)
- dbo:rating (rating)
- dbo:ratio (CalculationNeeds)
- dbo:rebuildDate (rebuild date)
- dbo:rebuilder (rebuilder)
- dbo:rebuildingDate (rebuilding date)
- dbo:rebuildingYear (rebuilding year)
- dbo:recentWinner (recent winner)
- dbo:recommissioningDate (recommissioning date)
- dbo:recordDate (record date)
- dbo:recordLabel (record label)
- dbo:recordedIn (recorded in)
- dbo:rector (rector)
- dbo:redListIdNL (red list ID NL)
- dbo:redLongDistancePisteNumber (red long distance piste number)
- dbo:redSkiPisteNumber (red ski piste number)
- dbo:redline (redline (kmh))
- dbo:refcul (reference for cultural data)
- dbo:reference (reference)
- dbo:reffBourgmestre (referent bourgmestre)
- dbo:refgen (reference for general data)
- dbo:refgeo (reference for geographic data)
- dbo:refpol (reference for politic data)
- dbo:refseq (RefSeq)
- dbo:refseqmrna (refseq mRNA)
- dbo:refseqprotein (refseq protein)
- dbo:regency (regency)
- dbo:regentOf (regent of)
- dbo:regime (regime)
- dbo:region (region)
- dbo:regionLink (region link)
- dbo:regionServed (region served)
- dbo:regionType (region type)
- dbo:regionalCouncil (regional council)
- dbo:regionalLanguage (regional language)
- dbo:regionalPrefecture (regional prefecture)
- dbo:registration (registration)
- dbo:registryNumber (registry number)
- dbo:reign (reign)
- dbo:reignName (reign name)
- dbo:reigningPope (reigning pope)
- dbo:related (related)
- dbo:relatedFunctions (related functions)
- dbo:relatedMeanOfTransportation (related mean of transportation)
- dbo:relatedPlaces (related places)
- dbo:relation (relation)
- dbo:relative (relative)
- dbo:relativeAtomicMass (atomic weight)
- dbo:releaseDate (release date)
- dbo:releaseLocation (release location)
- dbo:relics (relics)
- dbo:relief (relief)
- dbo:religion (religion)
- dbo:religiousHead (religious head)
- dbo:religiousHeadLabel (religious head label)
- dbo:religiousOrder (religious order)
- dbo:reopened (reopened)
- dbo:reopeningDate (reopening date)
- dbo:reopeningYear (reopening year)
- dbo:reportingMark (reporting mark)
- dbo:representative (number of representatives)
- dbo:requirement (requirement)
- dbo:reservations (reservations)
- dbo:residence (residence)
- dbo:resolution (resolution)
- dbo:restingDate (resting date)
- dbo:restingPlace (resting place)
- dbo:restingPlacePosition (resting place position)
- dbo:restoreDate (restore date)
- dbo:result (result)
- dbo:retentionTime (relation time)
- dbo:retired (retired)
- dbo:retiredRocket (retired rocket)
- dbo:retirementDate (retirement date)
- dbo:revenue (revenue ($))
- dbo:review (review)
- dbo:rgbCoordinateBlue (bluecoordinate in the RGB space)
- dbo:rgbCoordinateGreen (green coordinate in the RGB space)
- dbo:rgbCoordinateRed (red coordinate in the RGB space)
- dbo:ridId (RID Id)
- dbo:rightAscension (right ascension)
- dbo:rightChild (right child)
- dbo:rightTributary (right tributary)
- dbo:rival (rival)
- dbo:river (river)
- dbo:riverBranch (branch)
- dbo:riverBranchOf (branch of)
- dbo:riverMouth (river mouth)
- dbo:rkdArtistsId (RKDartists id)
- dbo:road (road)
- dbo:rocket (rocket)
- dbo:rocketFunction (rocket function)
- dbo:rocketStages (number of rocket stages)
- dbo:rolandGarrosDouble (roland garros double)
- dbo:rolandGarrosMixed (roland garros mixed)
- dbo:rolandGarrosSingle (roland garros single)
- dbo:role (role)
- dbo:roleInEvent (A Person's role in an event)
- dbo:roofHeight (roof height)
- dbo:rotationPeriod (rotation period (s))
- dbo:route (route)
- dbo:routeActivity (route activity)
- dbo:routeDirection (route direction)
- dbo:routeEnd (route end)
- dbo:routeEndDirection (road end direction)
- dbo:routeEndLocation (route end location)
- dbo:routeJunction (route junction)
- dbo:routeLine (line)
- dbo:routeNext (route next stop)
- dbo:routeNumber (route number)
- dbo:routePrevious (route previous stop)
- dbo:routeStart (route start)
- dbo:routeStartDirection (road start direction)
- dbo:routeStartLocation (route start location)
- dbo:routeTypeAbbreviation (route type abbreviation)
- dbo:royalAnthem (royal anthem)
- dbo:ruling (ruling)
- dbo:runningMate (running mate)
- dbo:runtime (runtime (s))
- dbo:runwayDesignation (designation of runway)
- dbo:runwayLength (length of runway (Ό))
- dbo:runwaySurface (surface of runway)
- dbo:runwayWidth (width of runway (Ό))
- dbo:ruralMunicipality (rural municipality)
- dbo:saint (saint)
- dbo:salary (salary ($))
- dbo:sales (sales)
- dbo:sameName (same name)
- dbo:satScore (SAT score)
- dbo:satellite (satellite)
- dbo:satellitesDeployed (satellites deployed)
- dbo:scale (scale)
- dbo:scene (scene)
- dbo:school (school)
- dbo:schoolBoard (school board)
- dbo:schoolCode (school code)
- dbo:schoolNumber (school number)
- dbo:schoolPatron (school patron)
- dbo:scientificName (scientific name)
- dbo:score (score)
- dbo:screenActorsGuildAward (Screen Actors Guild Award)
- dbo:sea (sea)
- dbo:season (season)
- dbo:seasonManager (season manager)
- dbo:seasonNumber (season number)
- dbo:seatNumber (number of seats in the land parlement)
- dbo:seatingCapacity (seating capacity)
- dbo:second (second)
- dbo:secondCommander (second commander)
- dbo:secondDriver (second driver)
- dbo:secondDriverCountry (second driver country)
- dbo:secondLeader (secondLeader)
- dbo:secondPlace (second place)
- dbo:secondPopularVote (secondPopularVote)
- dbo:secondTeam (second team)
- dbo:secretaryGeneral (secretary)
- dbo:security (security)
- dbo:seiyu (seiyu)
- dbo:selection (selection)
- dbo:selectionPoint (selection point)
- dbo:selectionYear (selection year)
- dbo:selibrId (SELIBR Id)
- dbo:senator (senator)
- dbo:senior (senior)
- dbo:seniority (seniority)
- dbo:seniunija (seniunija)
- dbo:sentence (sentence)
- dbo:series (series)
- dbo:service (service)
- dbo:serviceEndDate (service end date)
- dbo:serviceEndYear (service end year)
- dbo:serviceModule (service module)
- dbo:serviceNumber (service number)
- dbo:serviceStartDate (service start date)
- dbo:serviceStartYear (service start year)
- dbo:servingRailwayLine (serving railway line)
- dbo:servingSize (serving size (g))
- dbo:servingTemperature (serving temperature)
- dbo:sessionNumber (session number)
- dbo:setDesigner (set designer)
- dbo:settingOfPlay (setting of play)
- dbo:settlement (settlement)
- dbo:settlementAttached (settlement attached)
- dbo:setupTime (setup time (s))
- dbo:sex (sex)
- dbo:sexualOrientation (sexual orientation)
- dbo:shape (intercommunality shape)
- dbo:shareDate (share date)
- dbo:shareOfAudience (share of audience)
- dbo:shareSource (share source)
- dbo:sharingOutPopulation (sharing out population)
- dbo:sharingOutPopulationYear (sharing out year)
- dbo:sheading (sheading)
- dbo:shipBeam (ship beam (Ό))
- dbo:shipCrew (crew)
- dbo:shipDisplacement (displacement (g))
- dbo:shipDraft (ship draft (Ό))
- dbo:shipLaunch (ship launched)
- dbo:shoeNumber (shoe number)
- dbo:shoeSize (shoe size)
- dbo:shoot (shoot)
- dbo:shoots (shoots)
- dbo:shoreLength (shore length (Ό))
- dbo:shortProgCompetition (short prog competition)
- dbo:shortProgScore (short prog score)
- dbo:show (show)
- dbo:showJudge (showJudge)
- dbo:shuttle (shuttle)
- dbo:sibling (sibling)
- dbo:signName (sign name of a hungarian settlement)
- dbo:signature (signature)
- dbo:significantBuilding (significant building)
- dbo:significantDesign (significant design)
- dbo:significantProject (significant project)
- dbo:silCode (SIL code)
- dbo:silverMedalDouble (silver medal double)
- dbo:silverMedalMixed (silver medal mixed)
- dbo:silverMedalSingle (silver medal single)
- dbo:silverMedalist (siler medalist)
- dbo:simcCode (SIMC code)
- dbo:similar (similar)
- dbo:sire (sire)
- dbo:siren (siren number)
- dbo:sisterCollege (sister college)
- dbo:sisterNewspaper (sister newspaper)
- dbo:sisterStation (sister station)
- dbo:sixthFormStudents (sixth form students)
- dbo:sizeBlazon (size blazon)
- dbo:sizeLogo (size logo)
- dbo:sizeMap (size map)
- dbo:sizeThumbnail (size thumbnail)
- dbo:size_v (size_v)
- dbo:skiLift (ski lift)
- dbo:skiPisteKilometre (ski piste kilometre (Ό))
- dbo:skiPisteNumber (ski piste number)
- dbo:skiTow (ski tow)
- dbo:skills (skills)
- dbo:skinColor (skin color)
- dbo:slogan (slogan)
- dbo:smiles (SMILES)
- dbo:snowParkNumber (snow park number)
- dbo:soccerLeaguePromoted (promoted)
- dbo:soccerLeagueRelegated (relegated teams)
- dbo:soccerLeagueSeason (season)
- dbo:soccerLeagueWinner (league champion)
- dbo:soccerTournamentClosingSeason (closing season)
- dbo:soccerTournamentLastChampion (last champion)
- dbo:soccerTournamentMostSteady (most steady)
- dbo:soccerTournamentMostSuccesfull (most successfull)
- dbo:soccerTournamentOpeningSeason (opening season)
- dbo:soccerTournamentThisSeason (this season)
- dbo:soccerTournamentTopScorer (top scorer)
- dbo:solicitorGeneral (solicitor general)
- dbo:solubility (solubility)
- dbo:solventWithBadSolubility (solvent with bad solubility)
- dbo:solventWithGoodSolubility (solvent with good solubility)
- dbo:solventWithMediocreSolubility (solvent with mediocre solubility)
- dbo:soundRecording (sound recording)
- dbo:source (source)
- dbo:sourceConfluence (source confluence)
- dbo:sourceConfluenceCountry (source confluence country)
- dbo:sourceConfluenceElevation (source confluence elevation (Ό))
- dbo:sourceConfluenceMountain (source confluence mountain)
- dbo:sourceConfluencePlace (source confluence place)
- dbo:sourceConfluencePosition (source confluence position)
- dbo:sourceConfluenceRegion (source confluence region)
- dbo:sourceConfluenceState (source confluence state)
- dbo:sourceCountry (source country)
- dbo:sourceDistrict (source district)
- dbo:sourceElevation (source elevation (Ό))
- dbo:sourceMountain (source mountain)
- dbo:sourcePlace (source place)
- dbo:sourcePosition (source position)
- dbo:sourceRegion (source region)
- dbo:sourceState (source state)
- dbo:sourceText (sourceText)
- dbo:southEastPlace (south-east place)
- dbo:southPlace (south place)
- dbo:southWestPlace (south-west place)
- dbo:sovereignCountry (sovereign country)
- dbo:space (space)
- dbo:spacecraft (spacecraft)
- dbo:spacestation (spacestation)
- dbo:spacewalkBegin (spacewalk begin)
- dbo:spacewalkEnd (spacewalk end)
- dbo:speaker (speaker)
- dbo:specialEffects (special effects)
- dbo:specialTrial (special trial)
- dbo:specialist (specialist)
- dbo:speciality (speciality)
- dbo:species (species)
- dbo:speedLimit (speed limit (kmh))
- dbo:spike (spike)
- dbo:splitFromParty (split from party)
- dbo:spokenIn (spoken in)
- dbo:spokesperson (spokesperson)
- dbo:sport (sport)
- dbo:sportCountry (sport country)
- dbo:sportDiscipline (sport discipline)
- dbo:sportGoverningBody (sport governing body)
- dbo:sportSpecialty (sport specialty)
- dbo:sportsFunction (sports function)
- dbo:spouse (spouse)
- dbo:spouseName (spouse name)
- dbo:spurOf (spur of)
- dbo:spurType (spur type)
- dbo:squadNumber (squad number)
- dbo:stadium (Stadium)
- dbo:staff (staff)
- dbo:starRating (star rating)
- dbo:starring (starring)
- dbo:start (start)
- dbo:startCareer (start career)
- dbo:startDate (start date)
- dbo:startDateTime (start date and time)
- dbo:startOccupation (start occupation)
- dbo:startPoint (start point)
- dbo:startReign (start reign)
- dbo:startWct (start xct)
- dbo:startWqs (start wqs)
- dbo:startYear (start year)
- dbo:startYearOfInsertion (start year of insertion)
- dbo:startYearOfSales (start year of sales)
- dbo:statName (stat name)
- dbo:statValue (stat value)
- dbo:state (state)
- dbo:stateDelegate (state delegate)
- dbo:stateOfOrigin (state of origin)
- dbo:stateOfOriginPoint (state of origin point)
- dbo:stateOfOriginTeam (state of origin team)
- dbo:stateOfOriginYear (state of origin year)
- dbo:stationEvaDuration (station EVA duration (s))
- dbo:stationStructure (station structure)
- dbo:stationVisitDuration (station visit duration (s))
- dbo:statistic (statistic)
- dbo:statisticLabel (statistic label)
- dbo:statisticValue (statistic value)
- dbo:statisticYear (statistic year)
- dbo:status (status)
- dbo:statusManager (status manager)
- dbo:statusYear (status year)
- dbo:stellarClassification (stellar classification)
- dbo:stockExchange (Registered at Stock Exchange)
- dbo:storyEditor (story editor)
- dbo:strength (strength)
- dbo:structuralSystem (structural system)
- dbo:student (diploma)
- dbo:style (style)
- dbo:stylisticOrigin (stylistic origin)
- dbo:subClassis (sub-classis)
- dbo:subFamily (sub-family)
- dbo:subGenus (subgenus)
- dbo:subMunicipalityType (type of municipality)
- dbo:subOrder (sub-order)
- dbo:subPrefecture (subprefecture)
- dbo:subTribus (subtribus)
- dbo:subdivision (subdivision)
- dbo:subdivisionLink (subdivision link)
- dbo:subdivisionName (subdivision name of the island)
- dbo:subdivisions (subdivisions)
- dbo:subjectOfPlay (subject of play)
- dbo:subjectTerm (subject term)
- dbo:sublimationPoint (sublimation point (K))
- dbo:suborbitalFlights (suborbital flights)
- dbo:subprefecture (subprefecture)
- dbo:subregion (subregion)
- dbo:subsequentInfrastructure (subsequent infrastructure)
- dbo:subsequentWork (subsequent work)
- dbo:subsidiary (subsidiary)
- dbo:subsystem (subsystem)
- dbo:subsystemLink (subsystem link)
- dbo:subtitle (subtitle)
- dbo:successfulLaunches (successful launches)
- dbo:successor (successor)
- dbo:sudocId (SUDOC id)
- dbo:summerAppearances (summer appearances)
- dbo:summerTemperature (summer temperature (K))
- dbo:superFamily (super-family)
- dbo:superOrder (super-order)
- dbo:superTribus (supertribus)
- dbo:superbowlWin (superbowl win)
- dbo:superintendent (superintendent)
- dbo:supplementalDraftRound (supplemental draft round)
- dbo:supplementalDraftYear (supplemental draft year)
- dbo:supplies (supplies)
- dbo:supply (supply)
- dbo:suppreddedDate (suppredded date)
- dbo:surfaceArea (surface area (m2))
- dbo:surfaceFormOccurrenceOffset (position in which a surface occurs in a text)
- dbo:surfaceGravity (surface gravity (g))
- dbo:surfaceType (type of surface)
- dbo:swimmingStyle (Swimming style)
- dbo:symbol (Symbol)
- dbo:synonym (synonym)
- dbo:systemOfLaw (system of law)
- dbo:systemRequirements (minimum system requirements)
- dbo:tag (tag)
- dbo:taoiseach (taoiseach)
- dbo:targetAirport (target airport)
- dbo:targetSpaceStation (target space station station)
- dbo:taste (taste or flavour)
- dbo:tattoo (tattoo)
- dbo:taxon (has taxon)
- dbo:teachingStaff (teaching staff)
- dbo:team (team)
- dbo:teamCoached (team coached)
- dbo:teamManager (team manager)
- dbo:teamName (team name)
- dbo:teamPoint (team point)
- dbo:teamSize (team size)
- dbo:teamTitle (team title)
- dbo:technique (technique)
- dbo:televisionSeries (television series)
- dbo:tempPlace (Temporary Placement in the Music Charts)
- dbo:temperature (temperature (K))
- dbo:temple (temple)
- dbo:templeYear (temple year)
- dbo:tenant (tenant)
- dbo:tennisSurfaceType (type of tennis surface)
- dbo:termOfOffice (term of office)
- dbo:termPeriod (term period)
- dbo:territory (territory)
- dbo:terytCode (TERYT code)
- dbo:tessitura (tessitura)
- dbo:testaverage (testaverage)
- dbo:theology (Theology)
- dbo:third (third)
- dbo:thirdCommander (third commander)
- dbo:thirdDriver (third driver)
- dbo:thirdDriverCountry (third driver country)
- dbo:thirdPlace (third place)
- dbo:thirdTeam (third team)
- dbo:throwingSide (throwing side)
- dbo:thumbnail (thumbnail)
- dbo:thumbnailCaption (thumbnail caption)
- dbo:tie (tie)
- dbo:time (time)
- dbo:timeInSpace (total time person has spent in space (s))
- dbo:timeZone (time zone)
- dbo:timeshiftChannel (timeshift channel)
- dbo:title (title)
- dbo:titleDate (title date)
- dbo:titleDouble (title double)
- dbo:titleLanguage (title language)
- dbo:titleSingle (title single)
- dbo:toll (toll ($))
- dbo:tonyAward (Tony Award)
- dbo:topFloorHeight (tor floor height)
- dbo:topLevelDomain (country top level (tld))
- dbo:topSpeed (top speed (kmh))
- dbo:topic (topic)
- dbo:torchBearer (torch bearer)
- dbo:torqueOutput (torque output (Nm))
- dbo:totalCargo (total cargo (g))
- dbo:totalDiscs (total discs)
- dbo:totalLaunches (total launches)
- dbo:totalMass (total mass (g))
- dbo:totalPopulation (total population)
- dbo:totalTracks (total tracks)
- dbo:totalTravellers (total travellers)
- dbo:touristicSite (touristic site)
- dbo:tournamentOfChampions (tournament of champions)
- dbo:tournamentRecord (tournament record)
- dbo:towerHeight (tower height)
- dbo:trackLength (track length (Ό))
- dbo:trackNumber (track number)
- dbo:trackWidth (track width (Ό))
- dbo:tradeMark (TradeMark)
- dbo:trainer (trainer)
- dbo:trainerClub (trainer club)
- dbo:trainerYears (trainer years)
- dbo:training (training)
- dbo:translatedMotto (translated motto)
- dbo:translator (translator)
- dbo:transmission (transmission)
- dbo:tree (tree)
- dbo:tribus (tribus)
- dbo:trustee (trustee)
- dbo:tu (tu)
- dbo:tuition (tuition ($))
- dbo:tvComId (tv.com id)
- dbo:tvShow (tvShow)
- dbo:twinCountry (twin country)
- dbo:twinTown (twin city)
- dbo:type (type)
- dbo:typeCoordinate (type coordinate)
- dbo:typeOfElectrification (type of electrification)
- dbo:typeOfGrain (type of grain (wheat etc.))
- dbo:typeOfStorage (type of storage)
- dbo:typeOfYeast (type of yeast)
- dbo:uRN (unique reference number (URN))
- dbo:uciCode (UCI code)
- dbo:ulanId (ULAN id)
- dbo:umbrellaTitle (umbrella title)
- dbo:undraftedYear (undrafted year)
- dbo:unesco (unesco)
- dbo:unicode (unicode)
- dbo:uniprot (UniProt)
- dbo:unitCost (unit cost ($))
- dbo:unitaryAuthority (unitary authority)
- dbo:unitedStatesNationalBridgeId (United States National Bridge ID)
- dbo:university (university)
- dbo:unknownOutcomes (unknown outcomes)
- dbo:unloCode (UN/LOCODE)
- dbo:updated (updated)
- dbo:upperAge (upper age)
- dbo:urbanArea (urban area)
- dbo:usOpenDouble (us open double)
- dbo:usOpenMixed (us open mixed)
- dbo:usOpenSingle (us open single)
- dbo:usSales (US sales)
- dbo:usedInWar (used in war)
- dbo:uses (uses)
- dbo:usingCountry (using country)
- dbo:usk (approved rating of the Entertainment Software Self-Regulation Body in Germany)
- dbo:usopenWins (usopen wins)
- dbo:usurper (usurper)
- dbo:utcOffset (UTC offset)
- dbo:v_hb (V_hb)
- dbo:value (value)
- dbo:valvetrain (valvetrain)
- dbo:variantOf (variant or variation)
- dbo:varietals (varietals)
- dbo:vehicle (vehicle)
- dbo:vehicleCode (vehicle code)
- dbo:vehiclesPerDay (vehicles per day)
- dbo:vein (vein)
- dbo:veneratedIn (venerated in)
- dbo:version (version)
- dbo:viafId (VIAF Id)
- dbo:viceChancellor (vice chancellor)
- dbo:viceLeader (vice leader)
- dbo:viceLeaderParty (vice leader party)
- dbo:vicePresident (vice president)
- dbo:vicePrimeMinister (vice prime minister)
- dbo:vicePrincipal (vice principal)
- dbo:vicePrincipalLabel (vice principal label)
- dbo:victim (victim (resource))
- dbo:victims (victims (string))
- dbo:victory (victory)
- dbo:victoryAsMgr (victory as manager)
- dbo:victoryPercentageAsMgr (victory percentage as manager)
- dbo:virtualChannel (virtual channel)
- dbo:visitorStatisticsAsOf (visitor statistics as of)
- dbo:visitorsPerDay (visitors per day)
- dbo:visitorsPerYear (visitors per year)
- dbo:visitorsPercentageChange (visitor percentage change)
- dbo:visitorsTotal (visitors total)
- dbo:voice (voice)
- dbo:voiceType (voice type)
- dbo:volcanicActivity (volcanic activity)
- dbo:volcanicType (volcanic type)
- dbo:volcanoId (volcano id)
- dbo:voltageOfElectrification (voltage of electrification (V))
- dbo:volume (volume (ÎŒÂł))
- dbo:volumeQuote (volume quote)
- dbo:volumes (volumes)
- dbo:vonKlitzingConstant (von Klitzing electromagnetic constant (RK))
- dbo:votesAgainst (Votes against the resolution)
- dbo:votesFor (Number of votes in favour of the resolution)
- dbo:wagon (train carriage)
- dbo:waistSize (waist size (Ό))
- dbo:war (wars)
- dbo:ward (ward of a liechtenstein settlement)
- dbo:water (water)
- dbo:waterArea (area of water (m2))
- dbo:waterPercentage (water percentage of a place)
- dbo:watercourse (watercourse)
- dbo:watershed (watershed (m2))
- dbo:waterwayThroughTunnel (waterway through tunnel)
- dbo:wavelength (wavelength (Ό))
- dbo:weapon (weapon)
- dbo:webcast (webcast)
- dbo:websiteLabel (label of a website)
- dbo:weddingParentsDate (Parents Wedding Date)
- dbo:weight (weight (g))
- dbo:westPlace (west place)
- dbo:whaDraft (wha draft)
- dbo:whaDraftTeam (wha draft team)
- dbo:whaDraftYear (wha draft year)
- dbo:wheelbase (wheelbase (Ό))
- dbo:wholeArea (whole area)
- dbo:width (width (Ό))
- dbo:widthQuote (width quote)
- dbo:wikiPageCharacterSize (Character size of wiki page)
- dbo:wikiPageDisambiguates (Wikipage disambiguates)
- dbo:wikiPageEditLink (Link to the Wikipage edit URL)
- dbo:wikiPageExternalLink (Link from a Wikipage to an external page)
- dbo:wikiPageExtracted (extraction datetime)
- dbo:wikiPageHistoryLink (Link to the Wikipage history URL)
- dbo:wikiPageID (Wikipage page ID)
- dbo:wikiPageInDegree (Wiki page in degree)
- dbo:wikiPageInterLanguageLink (Link from a Wikipage to a Wikipage in a different language about the same or a related subject.)
- dbo:wikiPageLength (page length (characters) of wiki page)
- dbo:wikiPageModified (Wikipage modification datetime)
- dbo:wikiPageOutDegree (Wiki page out degree)
- dbo:wikiPageRedirects (Wikipage redirect)
- dbo:wikiPageRevisionID (Wikipage revision ID)
- dbo:wikiPageRevisionLink (Link to the Wikipage revision URL)
- dbo:wikiPageWikiLink (Link from a Wikipage to another Wikipage)
- dbo:wikiPageWikiLinkText (Text used to link from a Wikipage to another Wikipage)
- dbo:wikidataSplitIri (Wikidata IRI slit)
- dbo:wilaya (wilaya)
- dbo:wimbledonDouble (wimbledon double)
- dbo:wimbledonMixed (wimbledon mixed)
- dbo:wimbledonSingle (wimbledon single)
- dbo:wineProduced (wine produced)
- dbo:wineRegion (wine region)
- dbo:wineYear (wine year)
- dbo:wingArea (wing area (m2))
- dbo:wingspan (wingspan (Ό))
- dbo:wins (wins)
- dbo:winsAtAlpg (wins at ALPG)
- dbo:winsAtAsia (wins at ASIA)
- dbo:winsAtAus (wins at AUS)
- dbo:winsAtChallenges (wins at challenges)
- dbo:winsAtChampionships (wins at championships)
- dbo:winsAtJLPGA (wins at JLPGA)
- dbo:winsAtJapan (wins at japan)
- dbo:winsAtKLPGA (wins at KLPGA)
- dbo:winsAtLAGT (wins at LAGT)
- dbo:winsAtLET (wins at LET)
- dbo:winsAtLPGA (wins at LPGA)
- dbo:winsAtMajors (wins at majors)
- dbo:winsAtNWIDE (wins at NWIDE)
- dbo:winsAtOtherTournaments (wins at other tournaments)
- dbo:winsAtPGA (wins at pga)
- dbo:winsAtProTournaments (wins at pro tournaments)
- dbo:winsAtSenEuro (wins at Senior Euro)
- dbo:winsAtSun (wins at sun)
- dbo:winsInEurope (wins in Europe)
- dbo:winterAppearances (winter appearances)
- dbo:winterTemperature (winter temperature (K))
- dbo:woRMS (WoRMS)
- dbo:wordBefore (word before the country)
- dbo:work (work)
- dbo:workArea (work area (m2))
- dbo:world (world)
- dbo:worldChampionTitleYear (year of world champion title)
- dbo:worldOpen (world open)
- dbo:worldTeamCup (world team cup)
- dbo:worldTournament (world tournament)
- dbo:worldTournamentBronze (world tournament bronze)
- dbo:worldTournamentGold (world tournament gold)
- dbo:worldTournamentSilver (world tournament silver)
- dbo:worstDefeat (worst defeat)
- dbo:wptFinalTable (wpt final table)
- dbo:wptItm (wpt itm)
- dbo:wptTitle (wpt title)
- dbo:writer (writer)
- dbo:wsopItm (wsop itm)
- dbo:wsopWinYear (wsop win year)
- dbo:wsopWristband (wsop wristband)
- dbo:year (year)
- dbo:yearElevationIntoNobility (year of elevation into the nobility)
- dbo:yearOfConstruction (year of construction)
- dbo:yearOfElectrification (year of electrification)
- dbo:years (years)
- dbo:youthClub (youth club)
- dbo:youthWing (youth wing)
- dbo:youthYears (youth years)
- dbo:zdb (zdb)
- dbo:zipCode (zip code)
- dbo:zodiacSign (zodiac sign)