RDF Prefix
QUDT Units of Measure for All Units Release 2.1.25
The http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/
namespace defines:
17 | qudt:CountingUnit |
180 | qudt:CurrencyUnit |
327 | qudt:DerivedUnit |
9 | qudt:DimensionlessUnit |
5 | qudt:LogarithmicUnit |
1778 | qudt:Unit |
- unit:BIT (Bit)
- unit:BYTE (Byte)
- unit:ExaBYTE (ExaByte)
- unit:ExbiBYTE (ExbiByte)
- unit:FRACTION (Fraction)
- unit:GibiBYTE (GibiByte)
- unit:GigaBYTE (GigaByte)
- unit:KibiBYTE (KibiByte)
- unit:KiloBYTE (Kilo Byte)
- unit:MebiBYTE (Mebibyte)
- unit:MegaBYTE (Mega byte)
- unit:NUM (Number)
- unit:PebiBYTE (PebiByte)
- unit:PetaBYTE (PetaByte)
- unit:TebiBYTE (TebiByte)
- unit:TeraBYTE (TeraByte)
- unit:UNITLESS (Unitless)
- unit:AFN (Afghani)
- unit:AMD (Armenian Dram)
- unit:ARS (Argentine Peso)
- unit:AUD (Australian Dollar)
- unit:AWG (Aruban Guilder)
- unit:AZN (Azerbaijanian Manat)
- unit:BBD (Barbados Dollar)
- unit:BDT (Bangladeshi Taka)
- unit:BHD (Bahraini Dinar)
- unit:BSD (Bahamian Dollar)
- unit:BYR (Belarussian Ruble)
- unit:BelizeDollar (Belize Dollar)
- unit:BermudaDollar (Bermuda Dollar)
- unit:BolivianMvdol (Bolivian Mvdol (Funds code))
- unit:Boliviano (Boliviano)
- unit:BrazilianReal (Brazilian Real)
- unit:BruneiDollar (Brunei Dollar)
- unit:BulgarianLev (Bulgarian Lev)
- unit:BurundianFranc (Burundian Franc)
- unit:CAD (Canadian Dollar)
- unit:CapeVerdeEscudo (Cape Verde Escudo)
- unit:CaymanIslandsDollar (Cayman Islands Dollar)
- unit:Cedi (Cedi)
- unit:ChileanPeso (Chilean Peso)
- unit:ColombianPeso (Colombian Peso)
- unit:ComoroFranc (Comoro Franc)
- unit:ConvertibleMark (Convertible Marks)
- unit:CordobaOro (Cordoba Oro)
- unit:CostaRicanColon (Costa Rican Colon)
- unit:CroatianKuna (Croatian Kuna)
- unit:CubanPeso (Cuban Peso)
- unit:CyprusPound (Cyprus Pound)
- unit:CzechKoruna (Czech Koruna)
- unit:DZD (Algerian Dinar)
- unit:Dalasi (Dalasi)
- unit:DanishKrone (Danish Krone)
- unit:Denar (Denar)
- unit:DjiboutiFranc (Djibouti Franc)
- unit:Dobra (Dobra)
- unit:DominicanPeso (Dominican Peso)
- unit:EastCaribbeanDollar (East Caribbean Dollar)
- unit:EgyptianPound (Egyptian Pound)
- unit:EthiopianBirr (Ethiopian Birr)
- unit:Euro (Euro)
- unit:EuropeanCompositeUnit (European Composite Unit (EURCO) (Bonds market unit))
- unit:EuropeanMonetaryUnit (European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6) (Bonds market unit))
- unit:EuropeanUnitOfAccount17 (European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17) (Bonds market unit))
- unit:EuropeanUnitOfAccount9 (European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9) (Bonds market unit))
- unit:FalklandIslandsPound (Falkland Islands Pound)
- unit:FijiDollar (Fiji Dollar)
- unit:Forint (Forint)
- unit:FrancCongolais (Franc Congolais)
- unit:GibraltarPound (Gibraltar pound)
- unit:Gold-OunceTroy (Gold (one Troy ounce))
- unit:GoldFranc (Gold franc (special settlement currency))
- unit:Guarani (Guarani)
- unit:GuineaFranc (Guinea Franc)
- unit:GuyanaDollar (Guyana Dollar)
- unit:HaitiGourde (Haiti Gourde)
- unit:HongKongDollar (Hong Kong Dollar)
- unit:Hryvnia (Hryvnia)
- unit:IcelandKrona (Iceland Krona)
- unit:IndianRupee (Indian Rupee)
- unit:IranianRial (Iranian Rial)
- unit:IraqiDinar (Iraqi Dinar)
- unit:JamaicanDollar (Jamaican Dollar)
- unit:JapaneseYen (Japanese yen)
- unit:JordanianDinar (Jordanian Dinar)
- unit:KenyanShilling (Kenyan Shilling)
- unit:Kina (Kina)
- unit:Kroon (Kroon)
- unit:KuwaitiDinar (Kuwaiti Dinar)
- unit:Kwanza (Kwanza)
- unit:Kyat (Kyat)
- unit:LaoKip (Lao kip)
- unit:Lari (Lari)
- unit:LatvianLats (Latvian Lats)
- unit:LebanesePound (Lebanese Pound)
- unit:Lek (Lek)
- unit:Lempira (Lempira)
- unit:Leone (Leone)
- unit:LiberianDollar (Liberian Dollar)
- unit:LibyanDinar (Libyan Dinar)
- unit:Lilangeni (Lilangeni)
- unit:LithuanianLitas (Lithuanian Litas)
- unit:Loti (Loti)
- unit:MalagasyAriary (Malagasy Ariary)
- unit:MalawiKwacha (Malawi Kwacha)
- unit:MalaysianRinggit (Malaysian Ringgit)
- unit:MalteseLira (Maltese Lira)
- unit:Manat (Manat)
- unit:MauritiusRupee (Mauritius Rupee)
- unit:Metical (Metical)
- unit:MexicanPeso (Mexican Peso)
- unit:MexicanUnidadDeInversion (Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI) (Funds code))
- unit:MillionUSD (Million US Dollars)
- unit:MoldovanLeu (Moldovan Leu)
- unit:MoroccanDirham (Moroccan Dirham)
- unit:Naira (Naira)
- unit:Nakfa (Nakfa)
- unit:NamibianDollar (Namibian Dollar)
- unit:NepaleseRupee (Nepalese Rupee)
- unit:NetherlandsAntillianGuilder (Netherlands Antillian Guilder)
- unit:NewIsraeliShekel (New Israeli Shekel)
- unit:NewTaiwanDollar (New Taiwan Dollar)
- unit:NewTurkishLira (New Turkish Lira)
- unit:NewZealandDollar (New Zealand Dollar)
- unit:Ngultrum (Ngultrum)
- unit:NorthKoreanWon (North Korean Won)
- unit:NorwegianKrone (Norwegian Krone)
- unit:NuevoSol (Nuevo Sol)
- unit:OmaniRial (Rial Omani)
- unit:Ouguiya (Ouguiya)
- unit:PAB (Balboa)
- unit:Paanga (Pa'anga)
- unit:PakistanRupee (Pakistan Rupee)
- unit:Palladium-OunceTroy (Palladium (one Troy ounce))
- unit:Pataca (Pataca)
- unit:PhilippinePeso (Philippine Peso)
- unit:Platinum-OunceTroy (Platinum (one Troy ounce))
- unit:PoundSterling (Pound Sterling)
- unit:Pula (Pula)
- unit:QatariRial (Qatari Rial)
- unit:Quetzal (Quetzal)
- unit:Riel (Riel)
- unit:RomanianNeLeu (Romanian New Leu)
- unit:Rufiyaa (Rufiyaa)
- unit:Rupiah (Rupiah)
- unit:RussianRuble (Russian Ruble)
- unit:RwandaFranc (Rwanda Franc)
- unit:SaintHelenaPound (Saint Helena Pound)
- unit:SamoanTala (Samoan Tala)
- unit:SaudiRiyal (Saudi Riyal)
- unit:SerbianDinar (Serbian Dinar)
- unit:SeychellesRupee (Seychelles Rupee)
- unit:Silver-OunceTroy (Silver (one Troy ounce))
- unit:SingaporeDollar (Singapore Dollar)
- unit:SlovakKoruna (Slovak Koruna)
- unit:SolomonIslandsDollar (Solomon Islands Dollar)
- unit:Som (Som)
- unit:SomaliShilling (Somali Shilling)
- unit:Somoni (Somoni)
- unit:SouthAfricanRand (South African Rand)
- unit:SouthKoreanWon (South Korean Won)
- unit:SpecialDrawingRights (Special Drawing Rights)
- unit:SriLankaRupee (Sri Lanka Rupee)
- unit:SudanesePound (Sudanese Pound)
- unit:SurinamDollar (Surinam Dollar)
- unit:SwedishKrona (Swedish Krona)
- unit:SwissFranc (Swiss Franc)
- unit:SyrianPound (Syrian Pound)
- unit:THB (Baht)
- unit:TanzanianShilling (Tanzanian Shilling)
- unit:Tenge (Tenge)
- unit:TrinidadAndTobagoDollar (Trinidad and Tobago Dollar)
- unit:Tugrik (Tugrik)
- unit:TunisianDinar (Tunisian Dinar)
- unit:UAEDirham (United Arab Emirates dirham)
- unit:UICFranc (UIC franc (special settlement currency))
- unit:USDollar (US Dollar)
- unit:USDollar_NextDay (United States Dollar (next day) (funds code))
- unit:USDollar_SameDay (United States Dollar (same day) (funds code))
- unit:UgandaShilling (Uganda Shilling)
- unit:UnidadDeValorReal (Unidad de Valor Real)
- unit:UnidadesDeFormento (Unidades de formento (Funds code))
- unit:UruguayPeso (Peso Uruguayo)
- unit:UzbekistanSom (Uzbekistan Som)
- unit:Vatu (Vatu)
- unit:VenezuelanBolvar (Venezuelan bolvar)
- unit:VietnameseDong (Vietnamese ??ng)
- unit:WIREuro (WIR Euro (complementary currency))
- unit:WIRFranc (WIR Franc (complementary currency))
- unit:XAF (CFA Franc BEAC)
- unit:XOF (CFA Franc BCEAO)
- unit:XPF (CFP franc)
- unit:YemeniRial (Yemeni Rial)
- unit:YuanRenminbi (Yuan Renminbi)
- unit:ZambianKwacha (Zambian Kwacha)
- unit:ZimbabweDollar (Zimbabwe Dollar)
- unit:Zloty (Zloty)
- unit:A-HR (Ampere Hour)
- unit:A-M2 (Ampere Square Metre)
- unit:A-M2-PER-J-SEC (Ampere Square Metre Per Joule Second)
- unit:A-PER-M (Ampere per Metre)
- unit:A-PER-M2 (Ampere per Square Metre)
- unit:A-PER-RAD (Ampere per Radian)
- unit:AC (Acre)
- unit:AC-FT (Acre Foot)
- unit:ARCMIN (ArcMinute)
- unit:ARCSEC (ArcSecond)
- unit:AT (Ampere Turn)
- unit:AT-PER-IN (Ampere Turn per Inch)
- unit:AT-PER-M (Ampere Turn per Metre)
- unit:ATM-M3-PER-MOL (Atmosphere Cubic Meter per Mole)
- unit:AttoC (AttoCoulomb)
- unit:BEAT-PER-MIN (Heart Beats per Minute)
- unit:BIT-PER-SEC (Bit per Second)
- unit:BQ (Becquerel)
- unit:BQ-PER-KiloGM (Becquerel per Kilogram)
- unit:BQ-PER-M2 (Becquerel per Square Metre)
- unit:BQ-PER-M3 (Becquerel per Cubic Metre)
- unit:BREATH-PER-MIN (Breath per Minute)
- unit:BTU_IT-FT (BTU Foot)
- unit:BTU_IT-FT-PER-FT2-HR-DEG_F (BTU (IT) Foot per Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_IT-IN (BTU Inch)
- unit:BTU_IT-IN-PER-FT2-HR-DEG_F (British Thermal Unit (international Table) Inch Per Hour Square Foot Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_IT-IN-PER-FT2-SEC-DEG_F (BTU (IT) Inch per Square Foot Second Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-DEG_F (BTU (IT) per Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-DEG_R (BTU per Degree Rankine)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-FT2 (BTU per Square Foot)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-FT2-HR-DEG_F (BTU per Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-FT2-SEC-DEG_F (BTU per Square Foot Second Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-HR (BTU per Hour)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-HR-FT2 (BTU per Hour Square Foot)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-LB (BTU-IT-PER-lb)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-LB-DEG_F (BTU per Pound Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-LB-DEG_R (BTU per Pound Degree Rankine)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-LB-MOL (BTU per Pound Mole)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-MOL-DEG_F (BTU per Pound Mole Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-SEC (BTU per Second)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-SEC-FT2 (BTU per Second Square Foot)
- unit:BTU_TH-FT-PER-FT2-HR-DEG_F (BTU (TH) Foot per Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_TH-IN-PER-FT2-HR-DEG_F (BTU (TH) Inch per Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_TH-IN-PER-FT2-SEC-DEG_F (BTU (TH) Inch per Square Foot Second Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_TH-PER-HR (British Thermal Unit (thermochemical) Per Hour)
- unit:BYTE (Byte)
- unit:C (Coulomb)
- unit:C-M (Coulomb Metre)
- unit:C-PER-KiloGM (Coulomb per Kilogram)
- unit:C-PER-KiloGM-SEC (Coulomb Per Kilogram Second)
- unit:C-PER-M (Coulomb per Metre)
- unit:C-PER-M3 (Coulomb per Cubic Metre)
- unit:C-PER-MOL (Coulomb per Mole)
- unit:CD-PER-IN2 (Candela per Square Inch)
- unit:CD-PER-M2 (candela per square metre)
- unit:CH (chain)
- unit:CentiC (CentiCoulomb)
- unit:CentiM (Centimetre)
- unit:CentiM-PER-SEC (centimetre per second)
- unit:CentiM-PER-SEC2 (Centimetre per Square Second)
- unit:CentiM-SEC-DEG_C (Centimetre Second Degree Celsius)
- unit:CentiM2 (Square Centimetre)
- unit:CentiM2-MIN (Square Centimetre Minute)
- unit:CentiM2-SEC (Square Centimetre Second)
- unit:CentiM3 (cubic centimetre)
- unit:CentiM3-PER-MOL-SEC (Cubic Centimeter per Mole Second)
- unit:DEG-PER-HR (Degree per Hour)
- unit:DEG-PER-SEC (Degree per Second)
- unit:DEG-PER-SEC2 (Degree per Square Second)
- unit:DEG_C (Degree Celsius)
- unit:DEG_F-HR (Degree Fahrenheit Hour)
- unit:DEG_F-HR-PER-BTU_IT (Degree Fahrenheit Hour per BTU)
- unit:DYN (Dyne)
- unit:DecaC (DecaCoulomb)
- unit:DeciC (DeciCoulomb)
- unit:DeciS-PER-M (decisiemens per metre)
- unit:ERG-SEC (Erg Second)
- unit:ExaC (ExaCoulomb)
- unit:FARAD (Farad)
- unit:FARAD-PER-M (Farad per Metre)
- unit:FRAME-PER-SEC (Frame per Second)
- unit:FT-LB_F-PER-FT2 (Foot Pound per Square Foot)
- unit:FT-LB_F-PER-M2 (Foot Pound Force per Square Metre)
- unit:FT-PER-SEC2 (Foot per Square Second)
- unit:FT2 (Square Foot)
- unit:FT2-DEG_F (Square Foot Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:FT2-HR-DEG_F (Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:FT2-HR-DEG_F-PER-BTU_IT (Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit per BTU)
- unit:FT2-PER-BTU_IT-IN (Square Foot per BTU Inch)
- unit:FT2-PER-HR (Square Foot per Hour)
- unit:FT2-SEC-DEG_F (Square Foot Second Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:FT3 (Cubic Foot)
- unit:FT3-PER-MIN (Cubic Foot per Minute)
- unit:FT3-PER-SEC (Cubic Foot per Second)
- unit:FUR (Furlong)
- unit:FemtoC (FemtoCoulomb)
- unit:GAL_US-PER-DAY (US Gallon per Day)
- unit:GAL_US-PER-MIN (US Gallon per Minute)
- unit:GRAY (Gray)
- unit:GRAY-PER-SEC (Gray per Second)
- unit:GigaBIT-PER-SEC (Gigabit per Second)
- unit:GigaC (GigaCoulomb)
- unit:GigaEV (Giga Electron Volt)
- unit:GigaHZ (Gigahertz)
- unit:H (Henry)
- unit:H-PER-M (Henry per Metre)
- unit:HR-FT2 (Hour Square Foot)
- unit:HZ (Hertz)
- unit:HectoC (HectoCoulomb)
- unit:HectoPA (Hectopascal)
- unit:IN-PER-SEC2 (Inch per Square second)
- unit:IN2 (Square Inch)
- unit:IN3 (Cubic Inch)
- unit:IN3-PER-MIN (Cubic Inch per Minute)
- unit:IU-PER-L (International Unit per Litre)
- unit:J (Joule)
- unit:J-M2 (Joule Square Metre)
- unit:J-M2-PER-KiloGM (Joule Square Metre per Kilogram)
- unit:J-PER-K (Joule per Kelvin)
- unit:J-PER-KiloGM (Joule per Kilogram)
- unit:J-PER-KiloGM-K (Joules per kilogram per Kelvin)
- unit:J-PER-KiloGM-K-M3 (Joule per Kilogram Kelvin Cubic Metre)
- unit:J-PER-KiloGM-K-PA (Joule per Kilogram Kelvin per Pascal)
- unit:J-PER-M (Joule Per Metre)
- unit:J-PER-M2 (Joule per Square Metre)
- unit:J-PER-M3 (Joule per Cubic Metre)
- unit:J-PER-M3-K (Joule per Cubic Metre Kelvin)
- unit:J-PER-M4 (Joule per Quartic Metre)
- unit:J-PER-MOL (Joule per Mole)
- unit:J-PER-MOL-K (Joule per Mole Kelvin)
- unit:J-PER-T (Joule per Tesla)
- unit:J-SEC (Joule Second)
- unit:K-PER-W (Kelvin per Watt)
- unit:KAT (Katal)
- unit:KN-PER-SEC (Knot per Second)
- unit:KY (Kayser)
- unit:KiloBIT-PER-SEC (Kilobit per Second)
- unit:KiloBTU_IT-PER-HR (Kilo British Thermal Unit (International Definition) per Hour)
- unit:KiloBTU_TH-PER-HR (Kilo British Thermal Unit (thermochemical) Per Hour)
- unit:KiloBYTE-PER-SEC (Kilobyte per Second)
- unit:KiloC (KiloCoulomb)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-CentiM-SEC-DEG_C (Kilocalorie per Centimetre Second Degree Celsius)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-CentiM2 (Kilocalorie per Square Centimetre)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-CentiM2-MIN (Kilocalorie per Square Centimetre Minute)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-CentiM2-SEC (Kilocalorie per Square Centimetre Second)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-GM (Kilocalorie per Gram)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-GM-DEG_C (Calorie per Gram Degree Celsius)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-MIN (Kilocalorie Per Minute)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-MOL (Kilocalorie per Mole)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-MOL-DEG_C (Kilocalorie per Mole Degree Celsius)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-SEC (Kilocalorie Per Second)
- unit:KiloEV (Kilo Electron Volt)
- unit:KiloEV-PER-MicroM (Kilo Electron Volt per Micrometre)
- unit:KiloGM-K (Kilogram Kelvin)
- unit:KiloGM-M-PER-SEC (Kilogram Metre Per Second)
- unit:KiloGM-M2 (Kilogram Square Metre)
- unit:KiloGM-M2-PER-SEC (Kilogram Square Metre Per Second)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-HA (Kilogram per Hectare)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-HR (Kilogram per Hour)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-M (Kilogram per Metre)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-M-SEC2 (Kilograms per metre per square second)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-M2 (Kilogram per Square Metre)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-M2-SEC2 (Kilogram per Square Metre Square Second)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-M3 (kilogram per cubic metre)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-SEC (Kilogram per Second)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-SEC2 (Kilogram per Square Second)
- unit:KiloGM-SEC2 (Kilogram Square Second)
- unit:KiloHZ (Kilohertz)
- unit:KiloM (Kilometre)
- unit:KiloMOL-PER-KiloGM (Kilomol per Kilogram)
- unit:KiloN-M2 (Kilo Newton Square Metre)
- unit:KiloPA (Kilopascal)
- unit:KiloPA_A (Kilopascal Absolute)
- unit:KiloSEC (kilosecond)
- unit:KiloW (Kilowatt)
- unit:LB-DEG_F (Pound Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:LB-DEG_R (Pound Degree Rankine)
- unit:LB-MOL (Pound Mole)
- unit:LB-MOL-DEG_F (Pound Mole Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:LM (lumen)
- unit:LUX (Lux)
- unit:LUX-HR (Lux Hour)
- unit:M-K (Metre Kelvin)
- unit:M-K-PER-W (Metre Kelvin per Watt)
- unit:M-KiloGM (Metre Kilogram)
- unit:M-PER-FARAD (Metre per Farad)
- unit:M-PER-HR (Metre per Hour)
- unit:M-PER-K (Metre per Kelvin)
- unit:M-PER-MIN (Metre per Minute)
- unit:M-PER-SEC (Metre per Second)
- unit:M-PER-SEC2 (Metre per Square Second)
- unit:M2 (Square Metre)
- unit:M2-K (Square Metre Kelvin)
- unit:M2-K-PER-W (Square Metre Kelvin per Watt)
- unit:M2-PER-J (Square Metre per Joule)
- unit:M2-PER-K (Square Metre per Kelvin)
- unit:M2-PER-KiloGM (Square Metre per Kilogram)
- unit:M2-PER-MOL (Square Metre per Mole)
- unit:M2-PER-SEC (Square Metre per Second)
- unit:M2-PER-SR (Square Metre per Steradian)
- unit:M2-PER-SR-J (Square Metre per Steradian Joule)
- unit:M2-PER-V-SEC (Square Metre per Volt Second)
- unit:M2-SR (Square Metre Steradian)
- unit:M3 (Cubic Metre)
- unit:M3-PER-HA (Cubic Metre per Hectare)
- unit:M3-PER-HR (Cubic Metre per Hour)
- unit:M3-PER-K (Cubic Metre per Kelvin)
- unit:M3-PER-KiloGM-SEC2 (Cubic Metre per Kilogram Square Second)
- unit:M3-PER-SEC (Cubic Metre per Second)
- unit:M4 (Quartic Metre)
- unit:M5 (Quintic Metre)
- unit:M6 (Sextic Metre)
- unit:MDOLLAR-PER-FLIGHT (Million US Dollars per Flight)
- unit:MI2 (Square Mile)
- unit:MI3 (Cubic Mile)
- unit:MOL-DEG_C (Mole Degree Celsius)
- unit:MOL-K (Mole Kelvin)
- unit:MOL-PER-KiloGM (Mol per Kilogram)
- unit:MOL-PER-KiloGM-PA (Mole per Kilogram Pascal)
- unit:MOL-PER-M3 (Mole per Cubic Metre)
- unit:MegaBIT-PER-SEC (Megabit per Second)
- unit:MegaC (MegaCoulomb)
- unit:MegaEV (Mega Electron Volt)
- unit:MegaEV-PER-CentiM (Mega Electron Volt per Centimetre)
- unit:MegaHZ (Megahertz)
- unit:MegaJ-PER-K (MegaJoule per Kelvin)
- unit:MegaYR (Million Years)
- unit:MicroC (MicroCoulomb)
- unit:MicroFARAD (microfarad)
- unit:MicroGRAY (MicroGray)
- unit:MicroH (Microhenry)
- unit:MicroIN (Microinch)
- unit:MicroM (Micrometre)
- unit:MicroRAD (microradian)
- unit:MicroSV (MicroSievert)
- unit:MicroSV-PER-HR (MicroSievert per hour)
- unit:MilLength (Mil Length)
- unit:MilliARCSEC (Milli ArcSecond)
- unit:MilliC (MilliCoulomb)
- unit:MilliDEG_C (Millidegree Celsius)
- unit:MilliG (Milligravity)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-DeciL (milligrams per decilitre)
- unit:MilliH (Millihenry)
- unit:MilliM (Millimetre)
- unit:MilliM-PER-DAY (millimetres per day)
- unit:MilliM3 (Cubic Millimetre)
- unit:MilliMOL-PER-L (millimoles per litre)
- unit:MilliRAD (milliradian)
- unit:MilliSEC (millisecond)
- unit:MillionUSD (Million US Dollars)
- unit:MillionUSD-PER-YR (Million US Dollars per Year)
- unit:N (Newton)
- unit:N-M (Newton Metre)
- unit:N-M-SEC (Newton Metre Second)
- unit:N-M2 (Newton Square Metre)
- unit:N-M2-PER-A (Newton Metre Squared per Ampere)
- unit:N-PER-C (Newton per Coulomb)
- unit:N-PER-KiloGM (Newton per Kilogram)
- unit:N-PER-M (Newton per Metre)
- unit:N-PER-M2 (Newtons Per Square Metre)
- unit:N-SEC-PER-M (Newton Second per Metre)
- unit:N-SEC-PER-M3 (Newton second per Cubic Metre)
- unit:NUM-PER-YR (Number per Year)
- unit:NanoC (NanoCoulomb)
- unit:NanoFARAD (Nanofarad)
- unit:NanoM-PER-CentiM-PSI (Nanometer Per Centimeter PSI)
- unit:NanoM-PER-MilliM-MegaPA (Nanometer Per Millimeter Megapascal)
- unit:NanoSEC (nanosecond)
- unit:OERSTED-CentiM (Oersted Centimetre)
- unit:OHM (Ohm)
- unit:OZ-PER-GAL (Imperial Mass Ounce per Gallon)
- unit:PA (Pascal)
- unit:PA-SEC (Pascal Second)
- unit:PA-SEC-PER-M (Pascal Second Per Metre)
- unit:PA-SEC-PER-M3 (Pascal Second Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:PA2-SEC (Square Pascal Second)
- unit:PER-HR (Reciprocal Hour)
- unit:PER-M2 (Reciprocal Square Metre)
- unit:PER-M2-SEC (Reciprocal square metre per second)
- unit:PER-M3-SEC (Reciprocal cubic metre per second)
- unit:PER-MIN (Reciprocal Minute)
- unit:PER-MOL (Reciprocal Mole)
- unit:PER-PA (Reciprocal Pascal)
- unit:PER-SEC (Reciprocal Second)
- unit:PetaC (PetaCoulomb)
- unit:PicoC (PicoCoulomb)
- unit:PicoFARAD (Picofarad)
- unit:RAD (Radian)
- unit:RAD-PER-M (Radian per Metre)
- unit:RAD-PER-SEC (radian per second)
- unit:RAD-PER-SEC2 (Radian per Square Second)
- unit:REV-PER-MIN (Revolution per Minute)
- unit:REV-PER-SEC (Revolution per Second)
- unit:S (Siemens)
- unit:SEC-FT2 (Second Square Foot)
- unit:SEC2 (Square Second)
- unit:SR (Steradian)
- unit:ST (Stokes)
- unit:SUSCEPTIBILITY_ELEC (Electric Susceptibility Unit)
- unit:SUSCEPTIBILITY_MAG (Magnetic Susceptibility Unit)
- unit:SV (Sievert)
- unit:S_Stat (Statsiemens)
- unit:T (Tesla)
- unit:TEX (Tex)
- unit:TONNE-PER-HA (tonne per hectare)
- unit:TONNE-PER-HA-YR (tonne per hectare per year)
- unit:TON_Metric-PER-HA (metric tonne per hectare)
- unit:TeraC (TeraCoulomb)
- unit:V-PER-M (Volt per Metre)
- unit:W (Watt)
- unit:W-PER-K (Watt per Kelvin)
- unit:W-PER-M-K (Watt per Metre Kelvin)
- unit:W-PER-M2 (Watt per Square Metre)
- unit:W-PER-M2-K (Watt per Square Metre Kelvin)
- unit:W-PER-M2-K4 (Watt per Square Metre Quartic Kelvin)
- unit:W-PER-M2-PA (Watt per Square Metre Pascal)
- unit:W-PER-M2-SR (Watt per Square Metre Steradian)
- unit:W-PER-SR (Watt per Steradian)
- unit:WB (Weber)
- unit:WB-M (Weber Metre)
- unit:YD2 (Square Yard)
- unit:YD3 (Cubic Yard)
- unit:YD3-PER-MIN (Cubic Yard per Minute)
- unit:YoctoC (YoctoCoulomb)
- unit:YottaC (YottaCoulomb)
- unit:ZeptoC (ZeptoCoulomb)
- unit:ZettaC (ZettaCoulomb)
- unit:A (Ampere)
- unit:A-HR (Ampere Hour)
- unit:A-M2 (Ampere Square Metre)
- unit:A-M2-PER-J-SEC (Ampere Square Metre Per Joule Second)
- unit:A-PER-CentiM (Ampere Per Centimetre)
- unit:A-PER-CentiM2 (Ampere Per Square Centimetre)
- unit:A-PER-DEG_C (Ampere per Degree Celsius)
- unit:A-PER-J (Ampere per Joule)
- unit:A-PER-M (Ampere per Metre)
- unit:A-PER-M2 (Ampere per Square Metre)
- unit:A-PER-M2-K2 (Ampere per Square Metre Square Kelvin)
- unit:A-PER-MilliM (Ampere Per Millimetre)
- unit:A-PER-MilliM2 (Ampere Per Square Millimetre)
- unit:A-PER-RAD (Ampere per Radian)
- unit:A-SEC (Ampere Second)
- unit:AC (Acre)
- unit:AC-FT (Acre Foot)
- unit:AFN (Afghani)
- unit:AMD (Armenian Dram)
- unit:AMU (Atomic mass unit)
- unit:ANGSTROM (Angstrom)
- unit:ANGSTROM3 (Cubic Angstrom)
- unit:ARCMIN (ArcMinute)
- unit:ARCSEC (ArcSecond)
- unit:ARE (are)
- unit:ARS (Argentine Peso)
- unit:AT (Ampere Turn)
- unit:AT-PER-IN (Ampere Turn per Inch)
- unit:AT-PER-M (Ampere Turn per Metre)
- unit:ATM (Standard Atmosphere)
- unit:ATM-M3-PER-MOL (Atmosphere Cubic Meter per Mole)
- unit:ATM_T (Technical Atmosphere)
- unit:AU (astronomical-unit)
- unit:AUD (Australian Dollar)
- unit:AWG (Aruban Guilder)
- unit:AZN (Azerbaijanian Manat)
- unit:A_Ab (Abampere)
- unit:A_Ab-CentiM2 (Abampere Square centimetre)
- unit:A_Ab-PER-CentiM2 (Abampere per Square Centimetre)
- unit:A_Stat (Statampere)
- unit:A_Stat-PER-CentiM2 (Statampere per Square Centimetre)
- unit:AttoC (AttoCoulomb)
- unit:AttoFARAD (Attofarad)
- unit:AttoJ (Attojoule)
- unit:AttoJ-SEC (Attojoule Second)
- unit:B (Bel)
- unit:BAN (Ban)
- unit:BAR (Bar)
- unit:BAR-L-PER-SEC (Bar Litre Per Second)
- unit:BAR-M3-PER-SEC (Bar Cubic Metre Per Second)
- unit:BAR-PER-BAR (Bar Per Bar)
- unit:BAR-PER-K (Bar Per Kelvin)
- unit:BARAD (Barad)
- unit:BARN (Barn)
- unit:BARYE (Barye)
- unit:BBD (Barbados Dollar)
- unit:BBL (Barrel)
- unit:BBL_UK_PET (Barrel (UK Petroleum))
- unit:BBL_UK_PET-PER-DAY (Barrel (UK Petroleum) Per Day)
- unit:BBL_UK_PET-PER-HR (Barrel (UK Petroleum) Per Hour)
- unit:BBL_UK_PET-PER-MIN (Barrel (UK Petroleum) Per Minute)
- unit:BBL_UK_PET-PER-SEC (Barrel (UK Petroleum) Per Second)
- unit:BBL_US (Barrel (US))
- unit:BBL_US-PER-DAY (Barrel (US) Per Day)
- unit:BBL_US-PER-MIN (Barrel (US) Per Minute)
- unit:BBL_US_DRY (Dry Barrel (US))
- unit:BBL_US_PET-PER-HR (Barrel (US Petroleum) Per Hour)
- unit:BBL_US_PET-PER-SEC (Barrel (US Petroleum) Per Second)
- unit:BDT (Bangladeshi Taka)
- unit:BEAT-PER-MIN (Heart Beats per Minute)
- unit:BFT (Beaufort)
- unit:BHD (Bahraini Dinar)
- unit:BIOT (Biot)
- unit:BIT (Bit)
- unit:BIT-PER-SEC (Bit per Second)
- unit:BQ (Becquerel)
- unit:BQ-PER-KiloGM (Becquerel per Kilogram)
- unit:BQ-PER-L (Becquerels per litre)
- unit:BQ-PER-M2 (Becquerel per Square Metre)
- unit:BQ-PER-M3 (Becquerel per Cubic Metre)
- unit:BQ-SEC-PER-M3 (Becquerels second per cubic metre)
- unit:BREATH-PER-MIN (Breath per Minute)
- unit:BSD (Bahamian Dollar)
- unit:BTU_IT (British Thermal Unit (International Definition))
- unit:BTU_IT-FT (BTU Foot)
- unit:BTU_IT-FT-PER-FT2-HR-DEG_F (BTU (IT) Foot per Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_IT-IN (BTU Inch)
- unit:BTU_IT-IN-PER-FT2-HR-DEG_F (British Thermal Unit (international Table) Inch Per Hour Square Foot Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_IT-IN-PER-FT2-SEC-DEG_F (BTU (IT) Inch per Square Foot Second Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_IT-IN-PER-HR-FT2-DEG_F (British Thermal Unit (international Table) Inch Per Hour Square Foot degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_IT-IN-PER-SEC-FT2-DEG_F (British Thermal Unit (international Table) Inch Per Second Square Foot degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-DEG_F (BTU (IT) per Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-DEG_R (BTU per Degree Rankine)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-FT2 (BTU per Square Foot)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-FT2-HR-DEG_F (BTU per Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-FT2-SEC-DEG_F (BTU per Square Foot Second Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-FT3 (British Thermal Unit (IT) Per Cubic Foot)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-HR (BTU per Hour)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-HR-FT2 (BTU per Hour Square Foot)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-HR-FT2-DEG_R (British Thermal Unit (international Table) Per Hour Square Foot degree Rankine)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-LB (BTU-IT-PER-lb)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-LB-DEG_F (BTU per Pound Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-LB-DEG_R (BTU per Pound Degree Rankine)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-LB-MOL (BTU per Pound Mole)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-LB_F (British Thermal Unit (international Table) Per Pound of Force)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-LB_F-DEG_F (British Thermal Unit (international Table) Per Pound Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-LB_F-DEG_R (British Thermal Unit (international Table) Per Pound Degree Rankine)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-MIN (British Thermal Unit (international Table) Per Minute)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-MOL-DEG_F (BTU per Pound Mole Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-SEC (BTU per Second)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-SEC-FT-DEG_R (British Thermal Unit (international Table) Per Second Foot Degree Rankine)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-SEC-FT2 (BTU per Second Square Foot)
- unit:BTU_IT-PER-SEC-FT2-DEG_R (British Thermal Unit (international Table) Per Second Square Foot degree Rankine)
- unit:BTU_MEAN (British Thermal Unit (mean))
- unit:BTU_TH (British Thermal Unit (Thermochemical Definition))
- unit:BTU_TH-FT-PER-FT2-HR-DEG_F (BTU (TH) Foot per Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_TH-FT-PER-HR-FT2-DEG_F (British Thermal Unit (thermochemical) Foot Per Hour Square Foot degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_TH-IN-PER-FT2-HR-DEG_F (BTU (TH) Inch per Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_TH-IN-PER-FT2-SEC-DEG_F (BTU (TH) Inch per Square Foot Second Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_TH-PER-FT3 (British Thermal Unit (TH) Per Cubic Foot)
- unit:BTU_TH-PER-HR (British Thermal Unit (thermochemical) Per Hour)
- unit:BTU_TH-PER-LB (British Thermal Unit (TH) Per Pound)
- unit:BTU_TH-PER-LB-DEG_F (British Thermal Unit (thermochemical) Per Pound Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:BTU_TH-PER-MIN (British Thermal Unit (thermochemical) Per Minute)
- unit:BTU_TH-PER-SEC (British Thermal Unit (thermochemical) Per Second)
- unit:BU_UK (bushel (UK))
- unit:BU_UK-PER-DAY (Bushel (UK) Per Day)
- unit:BU_UK-PER-HR (Bushel (UK) Per Hour)
- unit:BU_UK-PER-MIN (Bushel (UK) Per Minute)
- unit:BU_UK-PER-SEC (Bushel (UK) Per Second)
- unit:BU_US (bushel (US))
- unit:BU_US_DRY-PER-DAY (Bushel (US Dry) Per Day)
- unit:BU_US_DRY-PER-HR (Bushel (US Dry) Per Hour)
- unit:BU_US_DRY-PER-MIN (Bushel (US Dry) Per Minute)
- unit:BU_US_DRY-PER-SEC (Bushel (US Dry) Per Second)
- unit:BYR (Belarussian Ruble)
- unit:BYTE (Byte)
- unit:BelizeDollar (Belize Dollar)
- unit:BermudaDollar (Bermuda Dollar)
- unit:BolivianMvdol (Bolivian Mvdol (Funds code))
- unit:Boliviano (Boliviano)
- unit:BrazilianReal (Brazilian Real)
- unit:BruneiDollar (Brunei Dollar)
- unit:BulgarianLev (Bulgarian Lev)
- unit:BurundianFranc (Burundian Franc)
- unit:C (Coulomb)
- unit:C-M (Coulomb Metre)
- unit:C-M2 (Coulomb Square Metre)
- unit:C-M2-PER-V (Coulomb Square Metre Per Volt)
- unit:C-PER-CentiM2 (Coulomb Per Square Centimetre)
- unit:C-PER-CentiM3 (Coulomb Per Cubic Centimetre)
- unit:C-PER-KiloGM (Coulomb per Kilogram)
- unit:C-PER-KiloGM-SEC (Coulomb Per Kilogram Second)
- unit:C-PER-M (Coulomb per Metre)
- unit:C-PER-M2 (Coulomb per Square Metre)
- unit:C-PER-M3 (Coulomb per Cubic Metre)
- unit:C-PER-MOL (Coulomb per Mole)
- unit:C-PER-MilliM2 (Coulomb Per Square Millimetre)
- unit:C-PER-MilliM3 (Coulomb Per Cubic Millimetre)
- unit:C2-M-PER-J (Square Coulomb Metre per Joule)
- unit:C3-M-PER-J2 (Cubic Coulomb Metre per Square Joule)
- unit:C4-M4-PER-J3 (Quartic Coulomb Metre per Cubic Energy)
- unit:CAD (Canadian Dollar)
- unit:CAL_15_DEG_C (Calorie (15 Degrees C))
- unit:CAL_IT (International Table calorie)
- unit:CAL_IT-PER-GM (Calorie (international Table) Per Gram)
- unit:CAL_IT-PER-GM-DEG_C (Calorie (international Table) Per Gram Degree Celsius)
- unit:CAL_IT-PER-GM-K (Calorie (international Table) Per Gram Kelvin)
- unit:CAL_IT-PER-SEC-CentiM-K (Calorie (international Table) Per Second Centimetre Kelvin)
- unit:CAL_IT-PER-SEC-CentiM2-K (Calorie (international Table) Per Second Square Centimetre kelvin)
- unit:CAL_MEAN (Calorie (mean))
- unit:CAL_TH (Thermochemical Calorie)
- unit:CAL_TH-PER-CentiM-SEC-DEG_C (Calorie (thermochemical) Per Centimetre Second Degree Celsius)
- unit:CAL_TH-PER-G (calorie (thermochemical) per gram (calTH/g))
- unit:CAL_TH-PER-GM (Calorie (thermochemical) Per Gram)
- unit:CAL_TH-PER-GM-DEG_C (Calorie (thermochemical) Per Gram Degree Celsius)
- unit:CAL_TH-PER-GM-K (Calorie (thermochemical) Per Gram Kelvin)
- unit:CAL_TH-PER-MIN (Calorie (thermochemical) Per Minute)
- unit:CAL_TH-PER-SEC (Calorie (thermochemical) Per Second)
- unit:CAL_TH-PER-SEC-CentiM-K (Calorie (thermochemical) Per Second Centimetre Kelvin)
- unit:CAL_TH-PER-SEC-CentiM2-K (Calorie (thermochemical) Per Second Square Centimetre kelvin)
- unit:CARAT (Carat)
- unit:CASES-PER-1000I-YR (Cases per 1000 individuals per year)
- unit:CASES-PER-KiloINDIV-YR (Cases per 1000 individuals per year)
- unit:CD (Candela)
- unit:CD-PER-IN2 (Candela per Square Inch)
- unit:CD-PER-LM (Candela per Lumen)
- unit:CD-PER-M2 (candela per square metre)
- unit:CFU (Colony Forming Unit)
- unit:CH (chain)
- unit:CLO (Clo)
- unit:CM_H2O (Centimetre of Water)
- unit:CORD (Cord)
- unit:CP (Candlepower)
- unit:CUP (US Liquid Cup)
- unit:CUP_US (Cup (US))
- unit:CWT_LONG (Long Hundred Weight)
- unit:CWT_SHORT (Hundred Weight - Short)
- unit:C_Ab (Abcoulomb)
- unit:C_Ab-PER-CentiM2 (Abcoulomb per Square Centimetre)
- unit:C_Stat (Statcoulomb)
- unit:C_Stat-PER-CentiM2 (Statcoulomb per Square Centimetre)
- unit:C_Stat-PER-MOL (Statcoulomb per Mole)
- unit:CapeVerdeEscudo (Cape Verde Escudo)
- unit:CaymanIslandsDollar (Cayman Islands Dollar)
- unit:Cedi (Cedi)
- unit:CentiBAR (Centibar)
- unit:CentiC (CentiCoulomb)
- unit:CentiGM (Centigram)
- unit:CentiL (Centilitre)
- unit:CentiM (Centimetre)
- unit:CentiM-PER-HR (Centimetre Per Hour)
- unit:CentiM-PER-K (Centimetre Per Kelvin)
- unit:CentiM-PER-KiloYR (Centimetres per thousand years)
- unit:CentiM-PER-SEC (centimetre per second)
- unit:CentiM-PER-SEC2 (Centimetre per Square Second)
- unit:CentiM-SEC-DEG_C (Centimetre Second Degree Celsius)
- unit:CentiM2 (Square Centimetre)
- unit:CentiM2-MIN (Square Centimetre Minute)
- unit:CentiM2-PER-CentiM3 (Square centimetres per cubic centimetre)
- unit:CentiM2-PER-SEC (Square centimetres per second)
- unit:CentiM2-SEC (Square Centimetre Second)
- unit:CentiM3 (cubic centimetre)
- unit:CentiM3-PER-CentiM3 (Cubic Centimetre Per Cubic Centimetre)
- unit:CentiM3-PER-DAY (Cubic Centimetre Per Day)
- unit:CentiM3-PER-HR (Cubic Centimetre Per Hour)
- unit:CentiM3-PER-K (Cubic Centimetre Per Kelvin)
- unit:CentiM3-PER-M3 (Cubic Centimetre Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:CentiM3-PER-MIN (Cubic Centimetre Per Minute)
- unit:CentiM3-PER-MOL (Cubic Centimetre Per Mole)
- unit:CentiM3-PER-MOL-SEC (Cubic Centimeter per Mole Second)
- unit:CentiM3-PER-SEC (Cubic Centimetre Per Second)
- unit:CentiMOL-PER-KiloGM (Centimole per kilogram)
- unit:CentiM_H2O (Conventional Centimetre Of Water)
- unit:CentiM_HG (Centimetre Of Mercury)
- unit:CentiN-M (Centinewton Metre)
- unit:CentiPOISE (Centipoise)
- unit:CentiPOISE-PER-BAR (Centipoise Per Bar)
- unit:CentiST (Centistokes)
- unit:ChileanPeso (Chilean Peso)
- unit:Ci (Curie)
- unit:ColombianPeso (Colombian Peso)
- unit:ComoroFranc (Comoro Franc)
- unit:ConvertibleMark (Convertible Marks)
- unit:CordobaOro (Cordoba Oro)
- unit:CostaRicanColon (Costa Rican Colon)
- unit:CroatianKuna (Croatian Kuna)
- unit:CubanPeso (Cuban Peso)
- unit:CyprusPound (Cyprus Pound)
- unit:CzechKoruna (Czech Koruna)
- unit:DAY (Day)
- unit:DAY_Sidereal (Sidereal Day)
- unit:DEATHS-PER-1000000I-YR (Deaths per Million individuals per year)
- unit:DEATHS-PER-1000I-YR (Deaths per 1000 individuals per year)
- unit:DEATHS-PER-KiloINDIV-YR (Deaths per 1000 individuals per year)
- unit:DEATHS-PER-MegaINDIV-YR (Deaths per Million individuals per year)
- unit:DECADE (Dec)
- unit:DEG (Degree)
- unit:DEG-PER-HR (Degree per Hour)
- unit:DEG-PER-M (Degrees per metre)
- unit:DEG-PER-MIN (Degree per Minute)
- unit:DEG-PER-SEC (Degree per Second)
- unit:DEG-PER-SEC2 (Degree per Square Second)
- unit:DEG2 (Square degree)
- unit:DEGREE_API (Degree API)
- unit:DEGREE_BALLING (Degree Balling)
- unit:DEGREE_BAUME (Degree Baume (origin Scale))
- unit:DEGREE_BAUME_US_HEAVY (Degree Baume (US Heavy))
- unit:DEGREE_BAUME_US_LIGHT (Degree Baume (US Light))
- unit:DEGREE_BRIX (Degree Brix)
- unit:DEGREE_OECHSLE (Degree Oechsle)
- unit:DEGREE_PLATO (Degree Plato)
- unit:DEGREE_TWADDELL (Degree Twaddell)
- unit:DEG_C (Degree Celsius)
- unit:DEG_C-CentiM (Degree Celsius Centimetre)
- unit:DEG_C-KiloGM-PER-M2 (Degrees Celsius kilogram per square metre)
- unit:DEG_C-PER-HR (Degree Celsius per Hour)
- unit:DEG_C-PER-K (Degree Celsius Per Kelvin)
- unit:DEG_C-PER-M (Degrees Celsius per metre)
- unit:DEG_C-PER-MIN (Degree Celsius per Minute)
- unit:DEG_C-PER-SEC (Degree Celsius per Second)
- unit:DEG_C-PER-YR (Degrees Celsius per year)
- unit:DEG_C-WK (Degree Celsius week)
- unit:DEG_C2-PER-SEC (Square Degrees Celsius per second)
- unit:DEG_C_GROWING_CEREAL-DAY (Growing Degree Days (Cereals))
- unit:DEG_F (Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:DEG_F-HR (Degree Fahrenheit Hour)
- unit:DEG_F-HR-FT2-PER-BTU_IT (Degree Fahrenheit Hour Square Foot per British Thermal Unit (international Table))
- unit:DEG_F-HR-FT2-PER-BTU_TH (Degree Fahrenheit Hour Square Foot per British Thermal Unit (thermochemical))
- unit:DEG_F-HR-PER-BTU_IT (Degree Fahrenheit Hour per BTU)
- unit:DEG_F-PER-HR (Degree Fahrenheit per Hour)
- unit:DEG_F-PER-K (Degree Fahrenheit Per Kelvin)
- unit:DEG_F-PER-MIN (Degree Fahrenheit per Minute)
- unit:DEG_F-PER-SEC (Degree Fahrenheit per Second)
- unit:DEG_F-PER-SEC2 (Degree Fahrenheit per Square Second)
- unit:DEG_R (Degree Rankine)
- unit:DEG_R-PER-HR (Degree Rankine per Hour)
- unit:DEG_R-PER-MIN (Degree Rankine per Minute)
- unit:DEG_R-PER-SEC (Degree Rankine per Second)
- unit:DIOPTER (Diopter)
- unit:DPI (Dots Per Inch)
- unit:DRAM_UK (Dram (UK))
- unit:DRAM_US (Dram (US))
- unit:DWT (Penny Weight)
- unit:DYN (Dyne)
- unit:DYN-CentiM (Dyne Centimetre)
- unit:DYN-PER-CentiM (Dyne Per Centimetre)
- unit:DYN-PER-CentiM2 (Dyne per Square Centimetre)
- unit:DYN-SEC-PER-CentiM (Dyne Second Per Centimetre)
- unit:DYN-SEC-PER-CentiM3 (Dyne Second Per Cubic Centimetre)
- unit:DZD (Algerian Dinar)
- unit:Da (Dalton)
- unit:Dalasi (Dalasi)
- unit:DanishKrone (Danish Krone)
- unit:Debye (Debye)
- unit:DecaARE (Decare)
- unit:DecaC (DecaCoulomb)
- unit:DecaGM (Decagram)
- unit:DecaL (Decalitre)
- unit:DecaM (Decametre)
- unit:DecaM3 (Cubic Decametre)
- unit:DecaPA (Decapascal)
- unit:DeciB (Decibel)
- unit:DeciBAR (Decibar)
- unit:DeciBAR-PER-YR (Decibars per year)
- unit:DeciB_C (Decibel Carrier Unit)
- unit:DeciB_M (Decibel Referred to 1mw)
- unit:DeciC (DeciCoulomb)
- unit:DeciGM (Decigram)
- unit:DeciL (Decilitre)
- unit:DeciL-PER-GM (Decilitre Per Gram)
- unit:DeciM (Decimetre)
- unit:DeciM2 (Square Decimetre)
- unit:DeciM3 (Cubic Decimetre)
- unit:DeciM3-PER-DAY (Cubic Decimetre Per Day)
- unit:DeciM3-PER-HR (Cubic Decimetre Per Hour)
- unit:DeciM3-PER-M3 (Cubic Decimetre Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:DeciM3-PER-MIN (Cubic Decimetre Per Minute)
- unit:DeciM3-PER-MOL (Cubic Decimetre Per Mole)
- unit:DeciM3-PER-SEC (Cubic Decimetre Per Second)
- unit:DeciN-M (Decinewton Metre)
- unit:DeciS-PER-M (decisiemens per metre)
- unit:DeciTONNE (DeciTonne)
- unit:DeciTON_Metric (Metric DeciTON)
- unit:Denar (Denar)
- unit:Denier (Denier)
- unit:DjiboutiFranc (Djibouti Franc)
- unit:Dobra (Dobra)
- unit:DominicanPeso (Dominican Peso)
- unit:E (Elementary Charge)
- unit:ERG (Erg)
- unit:ERG-PER-CentiM (Erg Per Centimetre)
- unit:ERG-PER-CentiM2-SEC (Erg per Square Centimetre Second)
- unit:ERG-PER-CentiM3 (Erg per Cubic Centimetre)
- unit:ERG-PER-G (Erg per Gram)
- unit:ERG-PER-GM (Erg Per Gram)
- unit:ERG-PER-GM-SEC (Erg Per Gram Second)
- unit:ERG-PER-SEC (Erg per Second)
- unit:ERG-SEC (Erg Second)
- unit:ERLANG (Erlang)
- unit:EV (Electron Volt)
- unit:EV-PER-ANGSTROM (Electronvolt Per Angstrom)
- unit:EV-PER-K (Electron Volt per Kelvin)
- unit:EV-PER-M (Electronvolt Per Metre)
- unit:EV-PER-T (Electron Volt per Tesla)
- unit:EV-SEC (Electron Volt Second)
- unit:E_h (Hartree)
- unit:EarthMass (Earth mass)
- unit:EastCaribbeanDollar (East Caribbean Dollar)
- unit:EgyptianPound (Egyptian Pound)
- unit:ElementaryCharge (Elementary Charge)
- unit:EthiopianBirr (Ethiopian Birr)
- unit:Euro (Euro)
- unit:EuropeanCompositeUnit (European Composite Unit (EURCO) (Bonds market unit))
- unit:EuropeanMonetaryUnit (European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6) (Bonds market unit))
- unit:EuropeanUnitOfAccount17 (European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17) (Bonds market unit))
- unit:EuropeanUnitOfAccount9 (European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9) (Bonds market unit))
- unit:ExaBYTE (ExaByte)
- unit:ExaC (ExaCoulomb)
- unit:ExaJ (Exajoule)
- unit:ExbiBYTE (ExbiByte)
- unit:F (Faraday)
- unit:FA (Fractional area)
- unit:FARAD (Farad)
- unit:FARAD-PER-KiloM (Farad Per Kilometre)
- unit:FARAD-PER-M (Farad per Metre)
- unit:FARAD_Ab (Abfarad)
- unit:FARAD_Ab-PER-CentiM (Abfarad per Centimetre)
- unit:FARAD_Stat (Statfarad)
- unit:FATH (Fathom)
- unit:FBM (Board Foot)
- unit:FC (Foot Candle)
- unit:FM (fermi)
- unit:FR (Franklin)
- unit:FRACTION (Fraction)
- unit:FRAME-PER-SEC (Frame per Second)
- unit:FT (Foot)
- unit:FT-LA (Foot Lambert)
- unit:FT-LB_F (Foot Pound Force)
- unit:FT-LB_F-PER-FT2 (Foot Pound per Square Foot)
- unit:FT-LB_F-PER-FT2-SEC (Foot Pound Force per Square Foot Second)
- unit:FT-LB_F-PER-HR (Foot Pound Force per Hour)
- unit:FT-LB_F-PER-M2 (Foot Pound Force per Square Metre)
- unit:FT-LB_F-PER-MIN (Foot Pound Force per Minute)
- unit:FT-LB_F-PER-SEC (Foot Pound Force per Second)
- unit:FT-LB_F-SEC (Foot Pound Force Second)
- unit:FT-PDL (Foot Poundal)
- unit:FT-PER-DAY (Foot per Day)
- unit:FT-PER-DEG_F (Foot Per Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:FT-PER-HR (Foot per Hour)
- unit:FT-PER-MIN (Foot per Minute)
- unit:FT-PER-SEC (Foot per Second)
- unit:FT-PER-SEC2 (Foot per Square Second)
- unit:FT2 (Square Foot)
- unit:FT2-DEG_F (Square Foot Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:FT2-HR-DEG_F (Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:FT2-HR-DEG_F-PER-BTU_IT (Square Foot Hour Degree Fahrenheit per BTU)
- unit:FT2-PER-BTU_IT-IN (Square Foot per BTU Inch)
- unit:FT2-PER-HR (Square Foot per Hour)
- unit:FT2-PER-SEC (Square Foot per Second)
- unit:FT2-SEC-DEG_F (Square Foot Second Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:FT3 (Cubic Foot)
- unit:FT3-PER-DAY (Cubic Foot Per Day)
- unit:FT3-PER-DEG_F (Cubic Foot Per Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:FT3-PER-HR (Cubic Foot Per Hour)
- unit:FT3-PER-MIN (Cubic Foot per Minute)
- unit:FT3-PER-MIN-FT2 (Cubic Foot Per Minute Square Foot)
- unit:FT3-PER-SEC (Cubic Foot per Second)
- unit:FT_H2O (Foot of Water)
- unit:FT_HG (Foot Of Mercury)
- unit:FT_US (US Survey Foot)
- unit:FUR (Furlong)
- unit:FUR_Long (Long Furlong)
- unit:FalklandIslandsPound (Falkland Islands Pound)
- unit:FemtoC (FemtoCoulomb)
- unit:FemtoGM-PER-KiloGM (Femtograms per kilogram)
- unit:FemtoGM-PER-L (Femtograms per litre)
- unit:FemtoJ (Femtojoule)
- unit:FemtoL (Femtolitre)
- unit:FemtoM (Femtometre)
- unit:FemtoMOL-PER-KiloGM (Femtomoles per kilogram)
- unit:FemtoMOL-PER-L (Femtomoles per litre)
- unit:FijiDollar (Fiji Dollar)
- unit:Flight (Flight)
- unit:Forint (Forint)
- unit:FrancCongolais (Franc Congolais)
- unit:G (Gravity)
- unit:GALILEO (Galileo)
- unit:GAL_IMP (Imperial Gallon)
- unit:GAL_UK (Gallon (UK))
- unit:GAL_UK-PER-DAY (Gallon (UK) Per Day)
- unit:GAL_UK-PER-HR (Gallon (UK) Per Hour)
- unit:GAL_UK-PER-MIN (Gallon (UK) Per Minute)
- unit:GAL_UK-PER-SEC (Gallon (UK) Per Second)
- unit:GAL_US (US Gallon)
- unit:GAL_US-PER-DAY (US Gallon per Day)
- unit:GAL_US-PER-HR (Gallon (US) Per Hour)
- unit:GAL_US-PER-MIN (US Gallon per Minute)
- unit:GAL_US-PER-SEC (Gallon (US Liquid) Per Second)
- unit:GAL_US_DRY (Dry Gallon US)
- unit:GAUGE_FR (French Gauge)
- unit:GAUSS (Gauss)
- unit:GI (Gilbert)
- unit:GI_UK (Gill (UK))
- unit:GI_UK-PER-DAY (Gill (UK) Per Day)
- unit:GI_UK-PER-HR (Gill (UK) Per Hour)
- unit:GI_UK-PER-MIN (Gill (UK) Per Minute)
- unit:GI_UK-PER-SEC (Gill (UK) Per Second)
- unit:GI_US (Gill (US))
- unit:GI_US-PER-DAY (Gill (US) Per Day)
- unit:GI_US-PER-HR (Gill (US) Per Hour)
- unit:GI_US-PER-MIN (Gill (US) Per Minute)
- unit:GI_US-PER-SEC (Gill (US) Per Second)
- unit:GM (Gram)
- unit:GM-MilliM (Gram Millimetre)
- unit:GM-PER-CentiM2 (Gram Per Square Centimetre)
- unit:GM-PER-CentiM2-YR (Grams per square centimetre per year)
- unit:GM-PER-CentiM3 (Gram Per Cubic Centimetre)
- unit:GM-PER-DAY (Gram Per Day)
- unit:GM-PER-DEG_C (Gram Degree Celsius)
- unit:GM-PER-DeciM3 (Gram Per Cubic Decimetre)
- unit:GM-PER-GM (Gram Per Gram)
- unit:GM-PER-HR (Gram Per Hour)
- unit:GM-PER-KiloGM (Gram Per Kilogram)
- unit:GM-PER-KiloM (Gram Per Kilometre)
- unit:GM-PER-L (Gram Per Litre)
- unit:GM-PER-M (Gram Per Metre)
- unit:GM-PER-M2 (Gram Per Square Metre)
- unit:GM-PER-M2-DAY (grams per square metre per day)
- unit:GM-PER-M3 (Gram Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:GM-PER-MIN (Gram Per Minute)
- unit:GM-PER-MOL (Gram Per Mole)
- unit:GM-PER-MilliL (Gram Per Millilitre)
- unit:GM-PER-MilliM (Gram Per Millimetre)
- unit:GM-PER-SEC (Gram Per Second)
- unit:GM_Carbon-PER-M2-DAY (grams Carbon per square metre per day)
- unit:GM_F (Gram Force)
- unit:GM_F-PER-CentiM2 (Gram Force Per Square Centimetre)
- unit:GM_Nitrogen-PER-M2-DAY (grams Nitrogen per square metre per day)
- unit:GON (Gon)
- unit:GR (Grade)
- unit:GRAD (Grad)
- unit:GRAIN (Grain)
- unit:GRAIN-PER-GAL (Grain per Gallon)
- unit:GRAIN-PER-GAL_US (Grain Per Gallon (US))
- unit:GRAY (Gray)
- unit:GRAY-PER-SEC (Gray per Second)
- unit:GT (Gross Tonnage)
- unit:Gamma (Gamma)
- unit:GibiBYTE (GibiByte)
- unit:GibraltarPound (Gibraltar pound)
- unit:GigaBIT-PER-SEC (Gigabit per Second)
- unit:GigaBQ (Gigabecquerel)
- unit:GigaBYTE (GigaByte)
- unit:GigaBasePair (Gigabase Pair)
- unit:GigaC (GigaCoulomb)
- unit:GigaC-PER-M3 (Gigacoulomb Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:GigaEV (Giga Electron Volt)
- unit:GigaHZ (Gigahertz)
- unit:GigaHZ-M (Gigahertz Metre)
- unit:GigaJ (Gigajoule)
- unit:GigaOHM (Gigaohm)
- unit:GigaPA (Gigapascal)
- unit:GigaW (Gigawatt)
- unit:GigaW-HR (Gigawatt Hour)
- unit:Gold-OunceTroy (Gold (one Troy ounce))
- unit:GoldFranc (Gold franc (special settlement currency))
- unit:Gs (Gs)
- unit:Guarani (Guarani)
- unit:GuineaFranc (Guinea Franc)
- unit:GuyanaDollar (Guyana Dollar)
- unit:H (Henry)
- unit:H-PER-KiloOHM (Henry Per Kiloohm)
- unit:H-PER-M (Henry per Metre)
- unit:H-PER-OHM (Henry Per Ohm)
- unit:HA (Hectare)
- unit:HART (Hartley)
- unit:HART-PER-SEC (Hartley per Second)
- unit:HP (Horsepower)
- unit:HP_Boiler (Boiler Horsepower)
- unit:HP_Brake (Horsepower (brake))
- unit:HP_Electric (Horsepower (electric))
- unit:HP_Metric (Horsepower (metric))
- unit:HR (Hour)
- unit:HR-FT2 (Hour Square Foot)
- unit:HR_Sidereal (Sidereal Hour)
- unit:HZ (Hertz)
- unit:HZ-M (Hertz Metre)
- unit:HZ-PER-K (Hertz per Kelvin)
- unit:HZ-PER-T (Hertz per Tesla)
- unit:HZ-PER-V (Hertz per Volt)
- unit:H_Ab (Abhenry)
- unit:H_Stat (Stathenry)
- unit:H_Stat-PER-CentiM (Stathenry per Centimetre)
- unit:HaitiGourde (Haiti Gourde)
- unit:HeartBeat (Heart Beat)
- unit:HectoBAR (Hectobar)
- unit:HectoC (HectoCoulomb)
- unit:HectoGM (Hectogram)
- unit:HectoL (Hectolitre)
- unit:HectoM (Hectometre)
- unit:HectoPA (Hectopascal)
- unit:HectoPA-L-PER-SEC (Hectopascal Litre Per Second)
- unit:HectoPA-M3-PER-SEC (Hectopascal Cubic Metre Per Second)
- unit:HectoPA-PER-BAR (Hectopascal Per Bar)
- unit:HectoPA-PER-HR (Hectopascals per hour)
- unit:HectoPA-PER-K (Hectopascal Per Kelvin)
- unit:HongKongDollar (Hong Kong Dollar)
- unit:Hryvnia (Hryvnia)
- unit:Hundredweight_UK (Hundredweight (UK))
- unit:Hundredweight_US (Hundredweight (US))
- unit:IN (Inch)
- unit:IN-PER-DEG_F (Inch Per Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:IN-PER-SEC (Inch per Second)
- unit:IN-PER-SEC2 (Inch per Square second)
- unit:IN2 (Square Inch)
- unit:IN2-PER-SEC (Square Inch Per Second)
- unit:IN3 (Cubic Inch)
- unit:IN3-PER-HR (Cubic Inch Per Hour)
- unit:IN3-PER-MIN (Cubic Inch per Minute)
- unit:IN3-PER-SEC (Cubic Inch Per Second)
- unit:IN4 (Quartic Inch)
- unit:IN_H2O (Inch of Water)
- unit:IN_HG (Inch of Mercury)
- unit:IU (International Unit)
- unit:IU-PER-L (International Unit per Litre)
- unit:IU-PER-MilliGM (International Unit per milligram)
- unit:IcelandKrona (Iceland Krona)
- unit:IndianRupee (Indian Rupee)
- unit:IranianRial (Iranian Rial)
- unit:IraqiDinar (Iraqi Dinar)
- unit:J (Joule)
- unit:J-M-PER-MOL (Joule Metre per Mole)
- unit:J-M2 (Joule Square Metre)
- unit:J-M2-PER-KiloGM (Joule Square Metre per Kilogram)
- unit:J-PER-CentiM2 (Joule Per Square Centimetre)
- unit:J-PER-CentiM2-DAY (Joules per square centimetre per day)
- unit:J-PER-GM (Joule Per Gram)
- unit:J-PER-HR (Joule Per Hour)
- unit:J-PER-K (Joule per Kelvin)
- unit:J-PER-KiloGM (Joule per Kilogram)
- unit:J-PER-KiloGM-K (Joules per kilogram per Kelvin)
- unit:J-PER-KiloGM-K-M3 (Joule per Kilogram Kelvin Cubic Metre)
- unit:J-PER-KiloGM-K-PA (Joule per Kilogram Kelvin per Pascal)
- unit:J-PER-M (Joule Per Metre)
- unit:J-PER-M2 (Joule per Square Metre)
- unit:J-PER-M3 (Joule per Cubic Metre)
- unit:J-PER-M3-K (Joule per Cubic Metre Kelvin)
- unit:J-PER-M4 (Joule per Quartic Metre)
- unit:J-PER-MOL (Joule per Mole)
- unit:J-PER-MOL-K (Joule per Mole Kelvin)
- unit:J-PER-SEC (Joule Per Second)
- unit:J-PER-T (Joule per Tesla)
- unit:J-PER-T2 (Joule per Square Tesla)
- unit:J-SEC (Joule Second)
- unit:J-SEC-PER-MOL (Joule Second per Mole)
- unit:JamaicanDollar (Jamaican Dollar)
- unit:JapaneseYen (Japanese yen)
- unit:JordanianDinar (Jordanian Dinar)
- unit:K (Kelvin)
- unit:K-DAY (Kelvin day)
- unit:K-M (Kelvin metres)
- unit:K-M-PER-SEC (Kelvin metres per second)
- unit:K-M-PER-W (Kelvin Metre Per Watt)
- unit:K-M2-PER-KiloGM-SEC (Kelvin square metres per kilogram per second)
- unit:K-PA-PER-SEC (Kelvin Pascals per second)
- unit:K-PER-HR (Kelvin per Hour)
- unit:K-PER-K (Kelvin Per Kelvin)
- unit:K-PER-M (Kelvins per metre)
- unit:K-PER-MIN (Kelvin per Minute)
- unit:K-PER-SEC (Kelvin per Second)
- unit:K-PER-T (Kelvin per Tesla)
- unit:K-PER-W (Kelvin per Watt)
- unit:K-SEC (Kelvin second)
- unit:K2 (Square Kelvin)
- unit:KAT (Katal)
- unit:KIP_F (Kip)
- unit:KIP_F-PER-IN2 (Kip per Square Inch)
- unit:KN (Knot)
- unit:KN-PER-SEC (Knot per Second)
- unit:KY (Kayser)
- unit:KenyanShilling (Kenyan Shilling)
- unit:KibiBYTE (KibiByte)
- unit:KiloA (kiloampere)
- unit:KiloA-HR (Kiloampere Hour)
- unit:KiloA-PER-M (Kiloampere Per Metre)
- unit:KiloA-PER-M2 (Kiloampere Per Square Metre)
- unit:KiloBAR (Kilobar)
- unit:KiloBIT-PER-SEC (Kilobit per Second)
- unit:KiloBQ (Kilobecquerel)
- unit:KiloBTU_IT (Kilo British Thermal Unit (International Definition))
- unit:KiloBTU_IT-PER-HR (Kilo British Thermal Unit (International Definition) per Hour)
- unit:KiloBTU_TH (Kilo British Thermal Unit (Thermochemical Definition))
- unit:KiloBTU_TH-PER-HR (Kilo British Thermal Unit (thermochemical) Per Hour)
- unit:KiloBYTE (Kilo Byte)
- unit:KiloBYTE-PER-SEC (Kilobyte per Second)
- unit:KiloC (KiloCoulomb)
- unit:KiloC-PER-M2 (Kilocoulomb Per Square Metre)
- unit:KiloC-PER-M3 (Kilocoulomb Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:KiloCAL (Kilocalorie)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-CentiM-SEC-DEG_C (Kilocalorie per Centimetre Second Degree Celsius)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-CentiM2 (Kilocalorie per Square Centimetre)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-CentiM2-MIN (Kilocalorie per Square Centimetre Minute)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-CentiM2-SEC (Kilocalorie per Square Centimetre Second)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-GM (Kilocalorie per Gram)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-GM-DEG_C (Calorie per Gram Degree Celsius)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-MIN (Kilocalorie Per Minute)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-MOL (Kilocalorie per Mole)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-MOL-DEG_C (Kilocalorie per Mole Degree Celsius)
- unit:KiloCAL-PER-SEC (Kilocalorie Per Second)
- unit:KiloCAL_IT (Kilocalorie (international Table))
- unit:KiloCAL_IT-PER-HR-M-DEG_C (Kilocalorie (international Table) Per Hour Metre Degree Celsius)
- unit:KiloCAL_Mean (Kilocalorie (mean))
- unit:KiloCAL_TH (Kilocalorie (thermochemical))
- unit:KiloCAL_TH-PER-HR (Kilocalorie (thermochemical) Per Hour)
- unit:KiloCAL_TH-PER-MIN (Kilocalorie (thermochemical) Per Minute)
- unit:KiloCAL_TH-PER-SEC (Kilocalorie (thermochemical) Per Second)
- unit:KiloCi (Kilocurie)
- unit:KiloEV (Kilo Electron Volt)
- unit:KiloEV-PER-MicroM (Kilo Electron Volt per Micrometre)
- unit:KiloGAUSS (Kilogauss)
- unit:KiloGM (Kilogram)
- unit:KiloGM-CentiM2 (Kilogram Square Centimetre)
- unit:KiloGM-K (Kilogram Kelvin)
- unit:KiloGM-M-PER-SEC (Kilogram Metre Per Second)
- unit:KiloGM-M2 (Kilogram Square Metre)
- unit:KiloGM-M2-PER-SEC (Kilogram Square Metre Per Second)
- unit:KiloGM-MilliM2 (Kilogram Square Millimetre)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-CentiM2 (Kilogram Per Square Centimetre)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-CentiM3 (Kilogram Per Cubic Centimetre)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-DAY (Kilogram Per Day)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-DeciM3 (Kilogram Per Cubic Decimetre)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-HA (Kilogram per Hectare)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-HR (Kilogram per Hour)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-KiloGM (Kilogram Per Kilogram)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-KiloM2 (Kilograms per square kilometre)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-KiloMOL (Kilogram Per Kilomol)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-L (Kilogram Per Litre)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-M (Kilogram per Metre)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-M-HR (Kilograms per metre per hour)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-M-SEC (Kilograms per metre per second)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-M-SEC2 (Kilograms per metre per square second)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-M2 (Kilogram per Square Metre)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-M2-PA-SEC (Kilograms per square metre per Pascal per second)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-M2-SEC (Kilograms per square metre per second)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-M2-SEC2 (Kilogram per Square Metre Square Second)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-M3 (kilogram per cubic metre)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-M3-SEC (Kilograms per cubic metre per second)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-MIN (Kilogram Per Minute)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-MOL (Kilogram per Mol)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-MilliM (Kilogram Per Millimetre)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-SEC (Kilogram per Second)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-SEC-M2 (Kilogram Per Second Per Square Metre)
- unit:KiloGM-PER-SEC2 (Kilogram per Square Second)
- unit:KiloGM-SEC2 (Kilogram Square Second)
- unit:KiloGM2-PER-SEC2 (Square Kilograms per square second)
- unit:KiloGM_F (Kilogram Force)
- unit:KiloGM_F-M (Kilogram?force Metre)
- unit:KiloGM_F-M-PER-CentiM2 (Kilogram?force Metre Per Square Centimetre)
- unit:KiloGM_F-M-PER-SEC (Kilogram?force Metre Per Second)
- unit:KiloGM_F-PER-CentiM2 (Kilogram Force per Square Centimetre)
- unit:KiloGM_F-PER-M2 (Kilogram Force Per Square Metre)
- unit:KiloGM_F-PER-MilliM2 (Kilogram Force Per Square Millimetre)
- unit:KiloHZ (Kilohertz)
- unit:KiloHZ-M (Kilohertz Metre)
- unit:KiloJ (Kilojoule)
- unit:KiloJ-PER-K (Kilojoule Per Kelvin)
- unit:KiloJ-PER-KiloGM (Kilojoule Per Kilogram)
- unit:KiloJ-PER-KiloGM-K (Kilojoule Per Kilogram Kelvin)
- unit:KiloJ-PER-MOL (Kilojoule Per Mole)
- unit:KiloL (Kilolitre)
- unit:KiloL-PER-HR (Kilolitre Per Hour)
- unit:KiloLB_F-FT-PER-A (Pound Force Foot Per Ampere)
- unit:KiloLB_F-FT-PER-LB (Pound Force Foot Per Pound)
- unit:KiloLB_F-PER-FT (Pound Force Per Foot)
- unit:KiloLB_F-PER-IN2 (Kilopound Force Per Square Inch)
- unit:KiloM (Kilometre)
- unit:KiloM-PER-DAY (Kilometres per day)
- unit:KiloM-PER-HR (Kilometre per Hour)
- unit:KiloM-PER-SEC (Kilometre per Second)
- unit:KiloM3-PER-SEC2 (Cubic Kilometre per Square Second)
- unit:KiloMOL (Kilomole)
- unit:KiloMOL-PER-HR (Kilomole Per Hour)
- unit:KiloMOL-PER-KiloGM (Kilomol per Kilogram)
- unit:KiloMOL-PER-M3 (Kilomole Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:KiloMOL-PER-MIN (Kilomole Per Minute)
- unit:KiloMOL-PER-SEC (Kilomole Per Second)
- unit:KiloN (Kilonewton)
- unit:KiloN-M (Kilonewton Metre)
- unit:KiloN-M2 (Kilo Newton Square Metre)
- unit:KiloOHM (Kiloohm)
- unit:KiloP (Kilopond)
- unit:KiloPA (Kilopascal)
- unit:KiloPA-M2-PER-GM (Kilopascal Square Metre per Gram)
- unit:KiloPA-PER-BAR (Kilopascal Per Bar)
- unit:KiloPA-PER-K (Kilopascal Per Kelvin)
- unit:KiloPA-PER-MilliM (Kilopascal Per Millimetre)
- unit:KiloPA_A (Kilopascal Absolute)
- unit:KiloPOND (Kilopond)
- unit:KiloR (Kiloroentgen)
- unit:KiloS (Kilosiemens)
- unit:KiloS-PER-M (Kilosiemens Per Metre)
- unit:KiloSEC (kilosecond)
- unit:KiloTONNE (KiloTonne)
- unit:KiloTON_Metric (Metric KiloTON)
- unit:KiloV (Kilovolt)
- unit:KiloV-A (Kilovolt Ampere)
- unit:KiloV-A-HR (Kilovolt Ampere Hour)
- unit:KiloV-A_Reactive (Kilovolt Ampere Reactive)
- unit:KiloV-A_Reactive-HR (Kilovolt Ampere Reactive Hour)
- unit:KiloV-PER-M (Kilovolt Per Metre)
- unit:KiloW (Kilowatt)
- unit:KiloW-HR (Kilowatthour)
- unit:KiloW-HR-PER-M2 (Kilowatt hour per square metre)
- unit:KiloWB-PER-M (Kiloweber Per Metre)
- unit:Kina (Kina)
- unit:Kroon (Kroon)
- unit:KuwaitiDinar (Kuwaiti Dinar)
- unit:Kwanza (Kwanza)
- unit:Kyat (Kyat)
- unit:L (Litre)
- unit:L-PER-DAY (Litre Per Day)
- unit:L-PER-HR (Litre Per Hour)
- unit:L-PER-K (Litre Per Kelvin)
- unit:L-PER-KiloGM (Litre Per Kilogram)
- unit:L-PER-L (Litre Per Litre)
- unit:L-PER-MIN (Litre Per Minute)
- unit:L-PER-MOL (Litre Per Mole)
- unit:L-PER-MicroMOL (Litres per micromole)
- unit:L-PER-SEC (Litre Per Second)
- unit:L-PER-SEC-M2 (Litre Per Second Per Square Metre)
- unit:LA (Lambert)
- unit:LB (Pound Mass)
- unit:LB-DEG_F (Pound Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:LB-DEG_R (Pound Degree Rankine)
- unit:LB-FT2 (Pound Mass (avoirdupois) Square Foot)
- unit:LB-IN (Pound Mass (avoirdupois) Inch)
- unit:LB-IN2 (Pound Mass (avoirdupois) Square Inch)
- unit:LB-MOL (Pound Mole)
- unit:LB-MOL-DEG_F (Pound Mole Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:LB-PER-DAY (Pound (avoirdupois) Per Day)
- unit:LB-PER-FT (Pound per Foot)
- unit:LB-PER-FT-HR (Pound per Foot Hour)
- unit:LB-PER-FT-SEC (Pound per Foot Second)
- unit:LB-PER-FT2 (Pound Mass (avoirdupois) Per Square Foot)
- unit:LB-PER-FT3 (Pound per Cubic Foot)
- unit:LB-PER-GAL (Pound per Gallon)
- unit:LB-PER-GAL_UK (Pound (avoirdupois) Per Gallon (UK))
- unit:LB-PER-GAL_US (Pound (avoirdupois) Per Gallon (US))
- unit:LB-PER-HR (Pound per Hour)
- unit:LB-PER-IN (Pound per Inch)
- unit:LB-PER-IN2 (Pound (avoirdupois) Per Square Inch)
- unit:LB-PER-IN3 (Pound per Cubic Inch)
- unit:LB-PER-M3 (Pound per Cubic Metre)
- unit:LB-PER-MIN (Pound per Minute)
- unit:LB-PER-SEC (Pound (avoirdupois) Per Second)
- unit:LB-PER-YD3 (Pound per Cubic Yard)
- unit:LB_F (Pound Force)
- unit:LB_F-FT (Pound Force Foot)
- unit:LB_F-IN (Pound Force Inch)
- unit:LB_F-PER-FT (Pound Force per Foot)
- unit:LB_F-PER-FT2 (Pound Force per Square Foot)
- unit:LB_F-PER-IN (Pound Force per Inch)
- unit:LB_F-PER-IN2 (Pound Force per Square Inch)
- unit:LB_F-PER-IN2-DEG_F (Pound Force Per Square Inch Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:LB_F-PER-IN2-SEC (Pound Force per Square Inch Second)
- unit:LB_F-PER-LB (Pound Force per Pound)
- unit:LB_F-SEC-PER-FT2 (Pound Force Second per Square Foot)
- unit:LB_F-SEC-PER-IN2 (Pound Force Second per Square Inch)
- unit:LB_T (Pound Troy)
- unit:LM (lumen)
- unit:LM-PER-W (Lumen per Watt)
- unit:LM-SEC (lumen second)
- unit:LUX (Lux)
- unit:LUX-HR (Lux Hour)
- unit:LY (Light Year)
- unit:LaoKip (Lao kip)
- unit:Lari (Lari)
- unit:LatvianLats (Latvian Lats)
- unit:LebanesePound (Lebanese Pound)
- unit:Lek (Lek)
- unit:Lempira (Lempira)
- unit:Leone (Leone)
- unit:LiberianDollar (Liberian Dollar)
- unit:LibyanDinar (Libyan Dinar)
- unit:Lilangeni (Lilangeni)
- unit:LithuanianLitas (Lithuanian Litas)
- unit:Loti (Loti)
- unit:LunarMass (Lunar mass)
- unit:M (Metre)
- unit:M-K (Metre Kelvin)
- unit:M-K-PER-W (Metre Kelvin per Watt)
- unit:M-KiloGM (Metre Kilogram)
- unit:M-PER-FARAD (Metre per Farad)
- unit:M-PER-HR (Metre per Hour)
- unit:M-PER-K (Metre per Kelvin)
- unit:M-PER-MIN (Metre per Minute)
- unit:M-PER-SEC (Metre per Second)
- unit:M-PER-SEC2 (Metre per Square Second)
- unit:M-PER-YR (Metres per year)
- unit:M2 (Square Metre)
- unit:M2-HR-DEG_C-PER-KiloCAL_IT (Square Metre Hour Degree Celsius Per Kilocalorie (international Table))
- unit:M2-HZ (Square metres Hertz)
- unit:M2-HZ2 (Square Metres square Hertz)
- unit:M2-HZ3 (Square metres cubic Hertz)
- unit:M2-HZ4 (Square metres Hertz^4)
- unit:M2-K (Square Metre Kelvin)
- unit:M2-K-PER-W (Square Metre Kelvin per Watt)
- unit:M2-PER-GM (Square metres per gram)
- unit:M2-PER-GM_DRY (Square metres per gram of dry sediment)
- unit:M2-PER-HA (square metres per hectare)
- unit:M2-PER-HZ (Square metres per Hertz)
- unit:M2-PER-HZ-DEG (Square metres per Hertz per degree)
- unit:M2-PER-HZ2 (Square metres per square Hertz)
- unit:M2-PER-J (Square Metre per Joule)
- unit:M2-PER-K (Square Metre per Kelvin)
- unit:M2-PER-KiloGM (Square Metre per Kilogram)
- unit:M2-PER-M2 (square metre per square metre)
- unit:M2-PER-MOL (Square Metre per Mole)
- unit:M2-PER-N (Square Metre Per Newton)
- unit:M2-PER-SEC (Square Metre per Second)
- unit:M2-PER-SEC2 (Square metres per square second)
- unit:M2-PER-SR (Square Metre per Steradian)
- unit:M2-PER-SR-J (Square Metre per Steradian Joule)
- unit:M2-PER-V-SEC (Square Metre per Volt Second)
- unit:M2-SEC-PER-RAD (Square metre seconds per radian)
- unit:M2-SR (Square Metre Steradian)
- unit:M3 (Cubic Metre)
- unit:M3-PER-C (Cubic Metre per Coulomb)
- unit:M3-PER-DAY (Cubic Metre Per Day)
- unit:M3-PER-HA (Cubic Metre per Hectare)
- unit:M3-PER-HR (Cubic Metre per Hour)
- unit:M3-PER-K (Cubic Metre per Kelvin)
- unit:M3-PER-KiloGM (Cubic Metre per Kilogram)
- unit:M3-PER-KiloGM-SEC2 (Cubic Metre per Kilogram Square Second)
- unit:M3-PER-M3 (Cubic Metre Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:M3-PER-MIN (Cubic Metre Per Minute)
- unit:M3-PER-MOL (Cubic Metre per Mole)
- unit:M3-PER-SEC (Cubic Metre per Second)
- unit:M3-PER-SEC2 (Cubic Metre per Square Second)
- unit:M4 (Quartic Metre)
- unit:M4-PER-SEC (Metres to the power four per second)
- unit:M5 (Quintic Metre)
- unit:M6 (Sextic Metre)
- unit:MACH (Mach)
- unit:MDOLLAR-PER-FLIGHT (Million US Dollars per Flight)
- unit:MESH (Mesh)
- unit:MHO (Mho)
- unit:MHO_Stat (Statmho)
- unit:MI (International Mile)
- unit:MI-PER-HR (Mile per Hour)
- unit:MI-PER-MIN (Mile per Minute)
- unit:MI-PER-SEC (Mile per Second)
- unit:MI2 (Square Mile)
- unit:MI3 (Cubic Mile)
- unit:MIL (Mil Angle (NATO))
- unit:MIL_Circ (Circular Mil)
- unit:MIN (Minute)
- unit:MIN_Angle (Minute Angle)
- unit:MIN_Sidereal (Sidereal Minute)
- unit:MI_N (Nautical Mile)
- unit:MI_N-PER-HR (Nautical Mile per Hour)
- unit:MI_N-PER-MIN (Nautical Mile per Minute)
- unit:MI_US (Mile US Statute)
- unit:MO (Month)
- unit:MOHM (Mohm)
- unit:MOL (Mole)
- unit:MOL-DEG_C (Mole Degree Celsius)
- unit:MOL-K (Mole Kelvin)
- unit:MOL-PER-DeciM3 (Mole Per Cubic Decimetre)
- unit:MOL-PER-GM-HR (Moles per gram per hour)
- unit:MOL-PER-HR (Mole Per Hour)
- unit:MOL-PER-KiloGM (Mol per Kilogram)
- unit:MOL-PER-KiloGM-PA (Mole per Kilogram Pascal)
- unit:MOL-PER-L (Mole Per Litre)
- unit:MOL-PER-M2 (Moles per square metre)
- unit:MOL-PER-M2-DAY (Moles per square metre per day)
- unit:MOL-PER-M2-SEC (Moles per square metre per second)
- unit:MOL-PER-M2-SEC-M (Moles per square metre per second per metre)
- unit:MOL-PER-M2-SEC-M-SR (Moles per square metre per second per metre per steradian)
- unit:MOL-PER-M2-SEC-SR (Moles per square metre per second per steradian)
- unit:MOL-PER-M3 (Mole per Cubic Metre)
- unit:MOL-PER-M3-SEC (Moles per cubic metre per second)
- unit:MOL-PER-MIN (Mole Per Minute)
- unit:MOL-PER-MOL (Moles per mole)
- unit:MOL-PER-SEC (Mole Per Second)
- unit:MO_MeanGREGORIAN (Mean Gregorian Month)
- unit:MO_MeanJulian (Mean Julian Month)
- unit:MO_Synodic (Synodic month)
- unit:MX (Maxwell)
- unit:MalagasyAriary (Malagasy Ariary)
- unit:MalawiKwacha (Malawi Kwacha)
- unit:MalaysianRinggit (Malaysian Ringgit)
- unit:MalteseLira (Maltese Lira)
- unit:Manat (Manat)
- unit:MauritiusRupee (Mauritius Rupee)
- unit:MebiBYTE (Mebibyte)
- unit:MegaA (Megaampere)
- unit:MegaA-PER-M2 (Megaampere Per Square Metre)
- unit:MegaBAR (Megabar)
- unit:MegaBIT-PER-SEC (Megabit per Second)
- unit:MegaBQ (Megabecquerel)
- unit:MegaBYTE (Mega byte)
- unit:MegaC (MegaCoulomb)
- unit:MegaC-PER-M2 (Megacoulomb Per Square Metre)
- unit:MegaC-PER-M3 (Megacoulomb Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:MegaEV (Mega Electron Volt)
- unit:MegaEV-FemtoM (Mega Electron Volt Femtometre)
- unit:MegaEV-PER-CentiM (Mega Electron Volt per Centimetre)
- unit:MegaEV-PER-SpeedOfLight (Mega Electron Volt per Speed of Light)
- unit:MegaGM (Megagram)
- unit:MegaGM-PER-M3 (Megagram Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:MegaHZ (Megahertz)
- unit:MegaHZ-M (Megahertz Metre)
- unit:MegaHZ-PER-K (Mega Hertz per Kelvin)
- unit:MegaHZ-PER-T (Mega Hertz per Tesla)
- unit:MegaJ (Megajoule)
- unit:MegaJ-PER-K (MegaJoule per Kelvin)
- unit:MegaJ-PER-KiloGM (Megajoule Per Kilogram)
- unit:MegaJ-PER-M2 (Megajoule Per Square Metre)
- unit:MegaJ-PER-M3 (Megajoule Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:MegaJ-PER-SEC (Megajoule Per Second)
- unit:MegaL (Megalitre)
- unit:MegaLB_F (Mega Pound Force)
- unit:MegaN (Meganewton)
- unit:MegaN-M (Meganewton Metre)
- unit:MegaOHM (Megaohm)
- unit:MegaPA (Megapascal)
- unit:MegaPA-L-PER-SEC (Megapascal Litre Per Second)
- unit:MegaPA-M3-PER-SEC (Megapascal Cubic Metre Per Second)
- unit:MegaPA-PER-BAR (Megapascal Per Bar)
- unit:MegaPA-PER-K (Megapascal Per Kelvin)
- unit:MegaS-PER-M (Megasiemens Per Metre)
- unit:MegaTOE (Megaton of Oil Equivalent)
- unit:MegaV (Megavolt)
- unit:MegaV-A (Megavolt Ampere)
- unit:MegaV-A-HR (Megavolt Ampere Hour)
- unit:MegaV-A_Reactive (Megavolt Ampere Reactive)
- unit:MegaV-A_Reactive-HR (Megavolt Ampere Reactive Hour)
- unit:MegaV-PER-M (Megavolt Per Metre)
- unit:MegaW (MegaW)
- unit:MegaW-HR (Megawatt Hour)
- unit:MegaYR (Million Years)
- unit:Metical (Metical)
- unit:MexicanPeso (Mexican Peso)
- unit:MexicanUnidadDeInversion (Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI) (Funds code))
- unit:MicroA (microampere)
- unit:MicroATM (Microatmospheres)
- unit:MicroBAR (Microbar)
- unit:MicroBQ (Microbecquerel)
- unit:MicroBQ-PER-KiloGM (Microbecquerels per kilogram)
- unit:MicroBQ-PER-L (Microbecquerels per litre)
- unit:MicroC (MicroCoulomb)
- unit:MicroC-PER-M2 (Microcoulomb Per Square Metre)
- unit:MicroC-PER-M3 (Microcoulomb Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:MicroCi (MicroCurie)
- unit:MicroFARAD (microfarad)
- unit:MicroFARAD-PER-KiloM (Microfarad Per Kilometre)
- unit:MicroFARAD-PER-M (Microfarad Per Metre)
- unit:MicroG (Microgravity)
- unit:MicroG-PER-CentiM2 (Microgram per square centimetre)
- unit:MicroGAL-PER-M (MicroGals per metre)
- unit:MicroGM (Microgram)
- unit:MicroGM-PER-GM (Micrograms per gram)
- unit:MicroGM-PER-KiloGM (Microgram Per Kilogram)
- unit:MicroGM-PER-L (Microgram Per Litre)
- unit:MicroGM-PER-L-HR (Micrograms per litre per hour)
- unit:MicroGM-PER-M2-DAY (Micrograms per square metre per day)
- unit:MicroGM-PER-M3 (Microgram Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:MicroGM-PER-M3-HR (Micrograms per cubic metre per hour)
- unit:MicroGM-PER-MilliL (Micrograms per millilitre)
- unit:MicroGRAY (MicroGray)
- unit:MicroH (Microhenry)
- unit:MicroH-PER-KiloOHM (Microhenry Per Kiloohm)
- unit:MicroH-PER-M (Microhenry Per Metre)
- unit:MicroH-PER-OHM (Microhenry Per Ohm)
- unit:MicroIN (Microinch)
- unit:MicroJ (Micro Joule)
- unit:MicroL (Microlitre)
- unit:MicroL-PER-L (Microlitre Per Litre)
- unit:MicroM (Micrometre)
- unit:MicroM-PER-K (Micrometre Per Kelvin)
- unit:MicroM-PER-L-DAY (Micromoles per litre per day)
- unit:MicroM-PER-MilliL (Square microns per millilitre)
- unit:MicroM-PER-N (Micro metre per Newton)
- unit:MicroM2 (Square Micrometre)
- unit:MicroM3 (Cubic micrometres (microns))
- unit:MicroM3-PER-M3 (Cubic microns per cubic metre)
- unit:MicroM3-PER-MilliL (Cubic microns per millilitre)
- unit:MicroMHO (Micromho)
- unit:MicroMOL (Micromole)
- unit:MicroMOL-PER-GM (Micromoles per gram)
- unit:MicroMOL-PER-GM-HR (Micromoles per gram per hour)
- unit:MicroMOL-PER-GM-SEC (Micromoles per gram per second)
- unit:MicroMOL-PER-KiloGM (Micromoles per kilogram)
- unit:MicroMOL-PER-L (Micromoles per litre)
- unit:MicroMOL-PER-L-HR (Micromoles per litre per hour)
- unit:MicroMOL-PER-M2 (Micromoles per square metre)
- unit:MicroMOL-PER-M2-DAY (Micromoles per square metre per day)
- unit:MicroMOL-PER-M2-HR (Micromoles per square metre per hour)
- unit:MicroMOL-PER-M2-SEC (Micromoles per square metre per second)
- unit:MicroMOL-PER-MOL (Micromoles per mole)
- unit:MicroMOL-PER-MicroMOL-DAY (Micromole per micromole of biomass per day)
- unit:MicroMOL-PER-SEC (Micromoles per second)
- unit:MicroN (Micronewton)
- unit:MicroN-M (Micronewton Metre)
- unit:MicroOHM (Microohm)
- unit:MicroPA (Micropascal)
- unit:MicroPOISE (Micropoise)
- unit:MicroRAD (microradian)
- unit:MicroS (Microsiemens)
- unit:MicroS-PER-CentiM (Microsiemens Per Centimetre)
- unit:MicroS-PER-M (Microsiemens Per Metre)
- unit:MicroSEC (microsecond)
- unit:MicroSV (MicroSievert)
- unit:MicroSV-PER-HR (MicroSievert per hour)
- unit:MicroT (Microtesla)
- unit:MicroTORR (MicroTorr)
- unit:MicroV (Microvolt)
- unit:MicroV-PER-M (Microvolt Per Metre)
- unit:MicroW (Microwatt)
- unit:MicroW-PER-M2 (Microwatt Per Square Metre)
- unit:MilLength (Mil Length)
- unit:MilliA (MilliAmpere)
- unit:MilliA-HR (Milliampere Hour)
- unit:MilliA-PER-IN (Milliampere Per Inch)
- unit:MilliA-PER-MilliM (Milliampere Per Millimetre)
- unit:MilliARCSEC (Milli ArcSecond)
- unit:MilliBAR (Millibar)
- unit:MilliBAR-L-PER-SEC (Millibar Litre Per Second)
- unit:MilliBAR-M3-PER-SEC (Millibar Cubic Metre Per Second)
- unit:MilliBAR-PER-BAR (Millibar Per Bar)
- unit:MilliBAR-PER-K (Millibar Per Kelvin)
- unit:MilliBQ-PER-GM (Millibecquerels per gram)
- unit:MilliBQ-PER-KiloGM (Millibecquerels per kilogram)
- unit:MilliBQ-PER-L (Millibecquerels per litre)
- unit:MilliBQ-PER-M2-DAY (Millibecquerels per square metre per day)
- unit:MilliC (MilliCoulomb)
- unit:MilliC-PER-KiloGM (Millicoulomb Per Kilogram)
- unit:MilliC-PER-M2 (Millicoulomb Per Square Metre)
- unit:MilliC-PER-M3 (Millicoulomb Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:MilliCi (Millicurie)
- unit:MilliDEG_C (Millidegree Celsius)
- unit:MilliFARAD (Millifarad)
- unit:MilliG (Milligravity)
- unit:MilliGAL (Milligal)
- unit:MilliGAL-PER-MO (MilliGals per month)
- unit:MilliGM (Milligram)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-CentiM2 (Milligram Per Square Centimetre)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-DAY (Milligram Per Day)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-DeciL (milligrams per decilitre)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-GM (Milligram Per Gram)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-HA (Milligram Per Hectare)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-HR (Milligram Per Hour)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-KiloGM (Milligram Per Kilogram)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-L (Milligram Per Litre)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-M (Milligram Per Metre)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-M2 (Milligram Per Square Metre)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-M2-DAY (Milligrams per square metre per day)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-M2-HR (Milligrams per square metre per hour)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-M2-SEC (Milligrams per square metre per second)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-M3 (Milligram Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-M3-DAY (Milligrams per cubic metre per day)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-M3-HR (Milligrams per cubic metre per hour)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-M3-SEC (Milligrams per cubic metre per second)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-MIN (Milligram Per Minute)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-MilliL (Milligram Per Millilitre)
- unit:MilliGM-PER-SEC (Milligram Per Second)
- unit:MilliGRAY (Milligray)
- unit:MilliH (Millihenry)
- unit:MilliH-PER-KiloOHM (Millihenry Per Kiloohm)
- unit:MilliH-PER-OHM (Millihenry Per Ohm)
- unit:MilliIN (Milli-inch)
- unit:MilliJ (Millijoule)
- unit:MilliL (Millilitre)
- unit:MilliL-PER-CentiM2-MIN (Millilitre Per Square Centimetre Minute)
- unit:MilliL-PER-CentiM2-SEC (Millilitre Per Square Centimetre Second)
- unit:MilliL-PER-DAY (Millilitre Per Day)
- unit:MilliL-PER-HR (Millilitre Per Hour)
- unit:MilliL-PER-K (Millilitre Per Kelvin)
- unit:MilliL-PER-KiloGM (Millilitre Per Kilogram)
- unit:MilliL-PER-L (Millilitre Per Litre)
- unit:MilliL-PER-M2-DAY (Millilitres per square metre per day)
- unit:MilliL-PER-M3 (Millilitre Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:MilliL-PER-MIN (Millilitre Per Minute)
- unit:MilliL-PER-SEC (Millilitre Per Second)
- unit:MilliM (Millimetre)
- unit:MilliM-PER-DAY (millimetres per day)
- unit:MilliM-PER-HR (Millimetre Per Hour)
- unit:MilliM-PER-K (Millimetre Per Kelvin)
- unit:MilliM-PER-MIN (Millimetre Per Minute)
- unit:MilliM-PER-SEC (Millimetre Per Second)
- unit:MilliM-PER-YR (Millimetre Per Year)
- unit:MilliM2 (Square Millimetre)
- unit:MilliM2-PER-SEC (Square Millimetre Per Second)
- unit:MilliM3 (Cubic Millimetre)
- unit:MilliM3-PER-M3 (Cubic Millimetre Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:MilliM4 (Quartic Millimetre)
- unit:MilliMOL (Millimole)
- unit:MilliMOL-PER-GM (Millimole Per Gram)
- unit:MilliMOL-PER-KiloGM (Millimole Per Kilogram)
- unit:MilliMOL-PER-L (millimoles per litre)
- unit:MilliMOL-PER-M2 (Millimoles per square metre)
- unit:MilliMOL-PER-M2-DAY (Millimoles per square metre per day)
- unit:MilliMOL-PER-M2-SEC (Millimoles per square metre per second)
- unit:MilliMOL-PER-M3 (Millimoles per cubic metre)
- unit:MilliMOL-PER-M3-DAY (Millimoles per cubic metre per day)
- unit:MilliMOL-PER-MOL (Millimoles per mole)
- unit:MilliM_H2O (Conventional Millimetre Of Water)
- unit:MilliM_HG (Millimetre of Mercury)
- unit:MilliM_HGA (Millimetre of Mercury - Absolute)
- unit:MilliN (Millinewton)
- unit:MilliN-M (Millinewton Metre)
- unit:MilliN-PER-M (Millinewton Per Metre)
- unit:MilliOHM (Milliohm)
- unit:MilliPA (Millipascal)
- unit:MilliPA-SEC (Millipascal Second)
- unit:MilliPA-SEC-PER-BAR (Millipascal Second Per Bar)
- unit:MilliR (Milliroentgen)
- unit:MilliRAD (milliradian)
- unit:MilliRAD_R-PER-HR (Millirads per hour)
- unit:MilliR_man (Milliroentgen Equivalent Man)
- unit:MilliS (Millisiemens)
- unit:MilliS-PER-CentiM (Millisiemens Per Centimetre)
- unit:MilliS-PER-M (MilliSiemens per metre)
- unit:MilliSEC (millisecond)
- unit:MilliSV (Millisievert)
- unit:MilliT (Millitesla)
- unit:MilliTORR (MilliTorr)
- unit:MilliV (Millivolt)
- unit:MilliV-PER-M (Millivolt Per Metre)
- unit:MilliV-PER-MIN (Millivolt Per Minute)
- unit:MilliW (MilliW)
- unit:MilliW-PER-CentiM2-MicroM-SR (Milliwatts per square centimetre per micrometre per steradian)
- unit:MilliW-PER-M2 (Milliwatt Per Square Metre)
- unit:MilliW-PER-M2-NanoM (Milliwatts per square metre per nanometre)
- unit:MilliW-PER-M2-NanoM-SR (Milliwatts per square metre per nanometre per steradian)
- unit:MilliWB (Milliweber)
- unit:MillionUSD (Million US Dollars)
- unit:MillionUSD-PER-YR (Million US Dollars per Year)
- unit:MoldovanLeu (Moldovan Leu)
- unit:MoroccanDirham (Moroccan Dirham)
- unit:N (Newton)
- unit:N-CentiM (Newton Centimetre)
- unit:N-M (Newton Metre)
- unit:N-M-PER-A (Newton Metre Per Ampere)
- unit:N-M-PER-KiloGM (Newton Metre Per Kilogram)
- unit:N-M-PER-M (Newton metre per metre)
- unit:N-M-PER-M-RAD (Newton Metre per Metre per Radians)
- unit:N-M-PER-M2 (Newton Metre Per Square Metre)
- unit:N-M-PER-RAD (Newton metre per radian)
- unit:N-M-SEC (Newton Metre Second)
- unit:N-M-SEC-PER-M (Newton metre seconds per metre)
- unit:N-M-SEC-PER-RAD (Newton metre seconds per radian)
- unit:N-M2 (Newton Square Metre)
- unit:N-M2-PER-A (Newton Metre Squared per Ampere)
- unit:N-M2-PER-KiloGM2 (Newton Square Metre Per Square Kilogram)
- unit:N-PER-A (Newton Per Ampere)
- unit:N-PER-C (Newton per Coulomb)
- unit:N-PER-CentiM (Newton Per Centimetre)
- unit:N-PER-CentiM2 (Newton Per Square Centimetre)
- unit:N-PER-KiloGM (Newton per Kilogram)
- unit:N-PER-M (Newton per Metre)
- unit:N-PER-M2 (Newtons Per Square Metre)
- unit:N-PER-M3 (Newtons per cubic metre)
- unit:N-PER-MilliM (Newton Per Millimetre)
- unit:N-PER-MilliM2 (Newton Per Square Millimetre)
- unit:N-PER-RAD (Newton per radian)
- unit:N-SEC (Newton Second)
- unit:N-SEC-PER-M (Newton Second per Metre)
- unit:N-SEC-PER-M3 (Newton second per Cubic Metre)
- unit:N-SEC-PER-RAD (Newton seconds per radian)
- unit:NAT (Nat)
- unit:NAT-PER-SEC (Nat per Second)
- unit:NP (Neper)
- unit:NTU (Nephelometry Turbidity Unit)
- unit:NUM (Number)
- unit:NUM-PER-CentiM-KiloYR (Number per square centimetre per thousand years)
- unit:NUM-PER-GM (Number per gram)
- unit:NUM-PER-HA (Number per hectare)
- unit:NUM-PER-HR (Number per individual per hour)
- unit:NUM-PER-HectoGM (Number per 100 grams)
- unit:NUM-PER-KiloM2 (Number per square kilometre)
- unit:NUM-PER-L (Number per litre)
- unit:NUM-PER-M (Number per metre)
- unit:NUM-PER-M2 (Number per square metre)
- unit:NUM-PER-M2-DAY (Number per square metre per day)
- unit:NUM-PER-M3 (Number per cubic metre)
- unit:NUM-PER-MicroL (Number per microlitre)
- unit:NUM-PER-MilliGM (Number per milligram)
- unit:NUM-PER-NanoL (Number per nanolitre)
- unit:NUM-PER-SEC (Counts per second)
- unit:NUM-PER-YR (Number per Year)
- unit:Naira (Naira)
- unit:Nakfa (Nakfa)
- unit:NamibianDollar (Namibian Dollar)
- unit:NanoA (nanoampere)
- unit:NanoBQ-PER-L (Nanobecquerels per litre)
- unit:NanoC (NanoCoulomb)
- unit:NanoFARAD (Nanofarad)
- unit:NanoFARAD-PER-M (Nanofarad Per Metre)
- unit:NanoGM (Nanograms)
- unit:NanoGM-PER-DAY (Nanograms per day)
- unit:NanoGM-PER-KiloGM (Nanogram Per Kilogram)
- unit:NanoGM-PER-L (Nanograms per litre)
- unit:NanoGM-PER-M2-PA-SEC (Nanograms per square metre per Pascal per second)
- unit:NanoGM-PER-M3 (Nanogram Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:NanoGM-PER-MicroL (Nanograms per microlitre)
- unit:NanoGM-PER-MilliL (Nanograms per millilitre)
- unit:NanoH (Nanohenry)
- unit:NanoH-PER-M (Nanohenry Per Metre)
- unit:NanoL (Nanolitre)
- unit:NanoM (Nanometre)
- unit:NanoM-PER-CentiM-PSI (Nanometer Per Centimeter PSI)
- unit:NanoM-PER-MilliM-MegaPA (Nanometer Per Millimeter Megapascal)
- unit:NanoM2 (Square Nanometre)
- unit:NanoMOL-PER-CentiM3-HR (Nanomoles per cubic centimetre per hour)
- unit:NanoMOL-PER-GM-SEC (Nanomoles per gram per second)
- unit:NanoMOL-PER-KiloGM (Nanomoles per kilogram)
- unit:NanoMOL-PER-L (Nanomoles per litre)
- unit:NanoMOL-PER-L-DAY (Nanomoles per litre per day)
- unit:NanoMOL-PER-L-HR (Nanomoles per litre per hour)
- unit:NanoMOL-PER-M2-DAY (Nanomoles per square metre per day)
- unit:NanoMOL-PER-MicroGM-HR (Nanomoles per microgram per hour)
- unit:NanoMOL-PER-MicroMOL (Nanomoles per micromole)
- unit:NanoMOL-PER-MicroMOL-DAY (Nanomoles per micromole per day)
- unit:NanoS-PER-CentiM (Nanosiemens Per Centimetre)
- unit:NanoS-PER-M (Nanosiemens Per Metre)
- unit:NanoSEC (nanosecond)
- unit:NanoT (Nanotesla)
- unit:NanoW (Nanowatt)
- unit:NepaleseRupee (Nepalese Rupee)
- unit:NetherlandsAntillianGuilder (Netherlands Antillian Guilder)
- unit:NewIsraeliShekel (New Israeli Shekel)
- unit:NewTaiwanDollar (New Taiwan Dollar)
- unit:NewTurkishLira (New Turkish Lira)
- unit:NewZealandDollar (New Zealand Dollar)
- unit:Ngultrum (Ngultrum)
- unit:NorthKoreanWon (North Korean Won)
- unit:NorwegianKrone (Norwegian Krone)
- unit:NuevoSol (Nuevo Sol)
- unit:OCT (Oct)
- unit:OERSTED (Oersted)
- unit:OERSTED-CentiM (Oersted Centimetre)
- unit:OHM (Ohm)
- unit:OHM-M (Ohm Metre)
- unit:OHM-M2-PER-M (Ohm Square Metre per Metre)
- unit:OHM_Ab (Abohm)
- unit:OHM_Stat (Statohm)
- unit:OZ (Ounce Mass)
- unit:OZ-FT (Ounce (avoirdupois) Foot)
- unit:OZ-IN (Ounce (avoirdupois) Inch)
- unit:OZ-PER-DAY (Ounce (avoirdupois) Per Day)
- unit:OZ-PER-FT2 (Imperial Mass Ounce per Square Foot)
- unit:OZ-PER-GAL (Imperial Mass Ounce per Gallon)
- unit:OZ-PER-GAL_UK (Ounce (avoirdupois) Per Gallon (UK))
- unit:OZ-PER-GAL_US (Ounce (avoirdupois) Per Gallon (US))
- unit:OZ-PER-HR (Ounce (avoirdupois) Per Hour)
- unit:OZ-PER-IN3 (Imperial Mass Ounce per Cubic Inch)
- unit:OZ-PER-MIN (Ounce (avoirdupois) Per Minute)
- unit:OZ-PER-SEC (Ounce (avoirdupois) Per Second)
- unit:OZ-PER-YD2 (Imperial Mass Ounce per Square Yard)
- unit:OZ-PER-YD3 (Ounce (avoirdupois) Per Cubic Yard)
- unit:OZ_F (Imperial Ounce Force)
- unit:OZ_F-IN (Imperial Ounce Force Inch)
- unit:OZ_TROY (Ounce Troy)
- unit:OZ_VOL_UK (Fluid Ounce (UK))
- unit:OZ_VOL_UK-PER-DAY (Ounce (UK Fluid) Per Day)
- unit:OZ_VOL_UK-PER-HR (Ounce (UK Fluid) Per Hour)
- unit:OZ_VOL_UK-PER-MIN (Ounce (UK Fluid) Per Minute)
- unit:OZ_VOL_UK-PER-SEC (Ounce (UK Fluid) Per Second)
- unit:OZ_VOL_US (US Liquid Ounce)
- unit:OZ_VOL_US-PER-DAY (Ounce (US Fluid) Per Day)
- unit:OZ_VOL_US-PER-HR (Ounce (US Fluid) Per Hour)
- unit:OZ_VOL_US-PER-MIN (Ounce (US Fluid) Per Minute)
- unit:OZ_VOL_US-PER-SEC (Ounce (US Fluid) Per Second)
- unit:OmaniRial (Rial Omani)
- unit:Ouguiya (Ouguiya)
- unit:PA (Pascal)
- unit:PA-L-PER-SEC (Pascal Litre Per Second)
- unit:PA-M (Pascal metres)
- unit:PA-M-PER-SEC (Pascal metres per second)
- unit:PA-M-PER-SEC2 (Pascal metres per square second)
- unit:PA-M3-PER-SEC (Pascal Cubic Metre Per Second)
- unit:PA-PER-BAR (Pascal Per Bar)
- unit:PA-PER-HR (Pascal per Hour)
- unit:PA-PER-K (Pascal per Kelvin)
- unit:PA-PER-M (Pascal Per Metre)
- unit:PA-PER-MIN (Pascal per Minute)
- unit:PA-PER-SEC (Pascal per Second)
- unit:PA-SEC (Pascal Second)
- unit:PA-SEC-PER-BAR (Pascal Second Per Bar)
- unit:PA-SEC-PER-M (Pascal Second Per Metre)
- unit:PA-SEC-PER-M3 (Pascal Second Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:PA2-PER-SEC2 (Square pascal per square second)
- unit:PA2-SEC (Square Pascal Second)
- unit:PAB (Balboa)
- unit:PARSEC (Parsec)
- unit:PCA (Pica)
- unit:PDL (Poundal)
- unit:PDL-PER-FT2 (Poundal per Square Foot)
- unit:PER-ANGSTROM (Reciprocal ångström)
- unit:PER-BAR (Reciprocal Bar)
- unit:PER-CentiM (Reciprocal Centimetre)
- unit:PER-CentiM3 (Reciprocal Cubic Centimetre)
- unit:PER-DAY (Reciprocal Day)
- unit:PER-FT3 (Reciprocal Cubic Foot)
- unit:PER-GM (Reciprocal gram)
- unit:PER-GigaEV2 (Reciprocal Square Giga Electron Volt Unit)
- unit:PER-H (Reciprocal Henry)
- unit:PER-HR (Reciprocal Hour)
- unit:PER-IN3 (Reciprocal Cubic Inch)
- unit:PER-J-M3 (Reciprocal Joule Cubic Metre)
- unit:PER-K (Reciprocal Kelvin)
- unit:PER-KiloM (Reciprocal Kilometre)
- unit:PER-KiloV-A-HR (Reciprocal Kilovolt Ampere Hour)
- unit:PER-L (Reciprocal Litre)
- unit:PER-M (Reciprocal Metre)
- unit:PER-M-K (Reciprocal Metre Kelvin)
- unit:PER-M-NanoM (Reciprocal metre per nanometre)
- unit:PER-M-NanoM-SR (Reciprocal metre per nanometre per steradian)
- unit:PER-M-SEC (Reciprocal metre per second)
- unit:PER-M-SR (Reciprocal metre per steradian)
- unit:PER-M2 (Reciprocal Square Metre)
- unit:PER-M2-SEC (Reciprocal square metre per second)
- unit:PER-M3 (Reciprocal Cubic Metre)
- unit:PER-M3-SEC (Reciprocal cubic metre per second)
- unit:PER-MILLE-PER-PSI (Reciprocal Mille Per Psi)
- unit:PER-MIN (Reciprocal Minute)
- unit:PER-MO (Reciprocal Month)
- unit:PER-MOL (Reciprocal Mole)
- unit:PER-MicroM (Reciprocal Micrometre)
- unit:PER-MicroMOL-L (Reciprocal micromole per litre)
- unit:PER-MilliM (Reciprocal Millimetre)
- unit:PER-MilliM3 (Reciprocal Cubic Millimetre)
- unit:PER-MilliSEC (Reciprocal millisecond)
- unit:PER-NanoM (Reciprocal Nanometre)
- unit:PER-PA (Reciprocal Pascal)
- unit:PER-PA-SEC (Reciprocal Pascal per second)
- unit:PER-PSI (Reciprocal Psi)
- unit:PER-PicoM (Reciprocal Picometre)
- unit:PER-PlanckMass2 (Inverse Square Planck Mass)
- unit:PER-SEC (Reciprocal Second)
- unit:PER-SEC-M2 (Reciprocal Second Square Metre)
- unit:PER-SEC-M2-SR (Reciprocal Second Square Metre Steradian)
- unit:PER-SEC-SR (Reciprocal Second Steradian)
- unit:PER-SEC2 (Reciprocal square second)
- unit:PER-SR (Reciprocal steradian)
- unit:PER-T-M (Reciprocal Tesla Metre)
- unit:PER-T-SEC (Reciprocal Tesla Second Unit)
- unit:PER-WB (Reciprocal Weber)
- unit:PER-WK (Reciprocal Week)
- unit:PER-YD3 (Reciprocal Cubic Yard)
- unit:PER-YR (Reciprocal Year)
- unit:PERCENT (Percent)
- unit:PERCENT-PER-DAY (Percent per day)
- unit:PERCENT-PER-HR (Percent per hour)
- unit:PERCENT-PER-M (Percent per metre)
- unit:PERCENT-PER-WK (Percent per week)
- unit:PERCENT_RH (Percent Relative Humidity)
- unit:PERMEABILITY_EM_REL (Relative Electromagnetic Permeability)
- unit:PERMEABILITY_REL (Relative Permeability)
- unit:PERMITTIVITY_REL (Relative Permittivity)
- unit:PERM_Metric (U.S. Perm)
- unit:PERM_US (U.S. Perm)
- unit:PH (Acidity)
- unit:PHOT (Phot)
- unit:PINT (Imperial Pint)
- unit:PINT_UK (Pint (UK))
- unit:PINT_UK-PER-DAY (Pint (UK) Per Day)
- unit:PINT_UK-PER-HR (Pint (UK) Per Hour)
- unit:PINT_UK-PER-MIN (Pint (UK) Per Minute)
- unit:PINT_UK-PER-SEC (Pint (UK) Per Second)
- unit:PINT_US (US Liquid Pint)
- unit:PINT_US-PER-DAY (Pint (US Liquid) Per Day)
- unit:PINT_US-PER-HR (Pint (US Liquid) Per Hour)
- unit:PINT_US-PER-MIN (Pint (US Liquid) Per Minute)
- unit:PINT_US-PER-SEC (Pint (US Liquid) Per Second)
- unit:PINT_US_DRY (US Dry Pint)
- unit:PK_UK (Peck (UK))
- unit:PK_UK-PER-DAY (Peck (UK) Per Day)
- unit:PK_UK-PER-HR (Peck (UK) Per Hour)
- unit:PK_UK-PER-MIN (Peck (UK) Per Minute)
- unit:PK_UK-PER-SEC (Peck (UK) Per Second)
- unit:PK_US_DRY (US Peck)
- unit:PK_US_DRY-PER-DAY (Peck (US Dry) Per Day)
- unit:PK_US_DRY-PER-HR (Peck (US Dry) Per Hour)
- unit:PK_US_DRY-PER-MIN (Peck (US Dry) Per Minute)
- unit:PK_US_DRY-PER-SEC (Peck (US Dry) Per Second)
- unit:POISE (Poise)
- unit:POISE-PER-BAR (Poise Per Bar)
- unit:PPB (Parts per billion)
- unit:PPM (Parts per million)
- unit:PPM-PER-K (Parts Per Million per Kelvin)
- unit:PPTH (Parts per thousand)
- unit:PPTH-PER-HR (Parts per thousand per hour)
- unit:PPTM (Parts per Ten Million)
- unit:PPTM-PER-K (Parts Per Ten Million per Kelvin)
- unit:PPTR (Parts per trillion)
- unit:PPTR_VOL (Parts per trillion by volume)
- unit:PSI (PSI)
- unit:PSI-IN3-PER-SEC (Psi Cubic Inch Per Second)
- unit:PSI-L-PER-SEC (Psi Litre Per Second)
- unit:PSI-M3-PER-SEC (PSI Cubic Metre Per Second)
- unit:PSI-PER-PSI (Psi Per Psi)
- unit:PSI-YD3-PER-SEC (Psi Cubic Yard Per Second)
- unit:PSU (Practical salinity unit)
- unit:PT (Point)
- unit:Paanga (Pa'anga)
- unit:PakistanRupee (Pakistan Rupee)
- unit:Palladium-OunceTroy (Palladium (one Troy ounce))
- unit:Pataca (Pataca)
- unit:PebiBYTE (PebiByte)
- unit:Pennyweight (Pennyweight)
- unit:PetaBYTE (PetaByte)
- unit:PetaC (PetaCoulomb)
- unit:PetaJ (Petajoule)
- unit:PhilippinePeso (Philippine Peso)
- unit:PicoA (picoampere)
- unit:PicoA-PER-MicroMOL-L (Picoamps per micromole per litre)
- unit:PicoC (PicoCoulomb)
- unit:PicoFARAD (Picofarad)
- unit:PicoFARAD-PER-M (Picofarad Per Metre)
- unit:PicoGM (Picograms)
- unit:PicoGM-PER-GM (Picograms per gram)
- unit:PicoGM-PER-KiloGM (Picograms per kilogram)
- unit:PicoGM-PER-L (Picograms per litre)
- unit:PicoGM-PER-MilliL (Picograms per millilitre)
- unit:PicoH (Picohenry)
- unit:PicoL (Picolitre)
- unit:PicoM (Picometre)
- unit:PicoMOL-PER-KiloGM (Picomoles per kilogram)
- unit:PicoMOL-PER-L (Picomoles per litre)
- unit:PicoMOL-PER-L-DAY (Picomoles per litre per day)
- unit:PicoMOL-PER-L-HR (Picomoles per litre per hour)
- unit:PicoMOL-PER-M-W-SEC (Picomoles per metre per watt per second)
- unit:PicoMOL-PER-M2-DAY (Picomoles per square metre per day)
- unit:PicoMOL-PER-M3 (Picomoles per cubic metre)
- unit:PicoMOL-PER-M3-SEC (Picomoles per cubic metre per second)
- unit:PicoPA-PER-KiloM (Picopascal Per Kilometre)
- unit:PicoS-PER-M (Picosiemens Per Metre)
- unit:PicoSEC (Picosecond)
- unit:PicoW (Picowatt)
- unit:PicoW-PER-CentiM2-L (Picowatts per square centimetre per litre)
- unit:PicoW-PER-M2 (Picowatt Per Square Metre)
- unit:PlanckArea (Planck Area)
- unit:PlanckCharge (Planck Charge)
- unit:PlanckCurrent (Planck Current)
- unit:PlanckCurrentDensity (Planck Current Density)
- unit:PlanckDensity (Planck Density)
- unit:PlanckEnergy (Planck Energy)
- unit:PlanckForce (Planck Force)
- unit:PlanckFrequency (Planck Frequency)
- unit:PlanckFrequency_Ang (Planck Angular Frequency)
- unit:PlanckImpedance (Planck Impedance)
- unit:PlanckLength (Planck Length)
- unit:PlanckMass (Planck Mass)
- unit:PlanckMomentum (Planck Momentum)
- unit:PlanckPower (Planck Power)
- unit:PlanckPressure (Planck Pressure)
- unit:PlanckTemperature (PlanckTemperature)
- unit:PlanckTime (Planck Time)
- unit:PlanckVolt (Planck Volt)
- unit:PlanckVolume (Planck Volume)
- unit:Platinum-OunceTroy (Platinum (one Troy ounce))
- unit:PoundSterling (Pound Sterling)
- unit:Pula (Pula)
- unit:QT_UK (Quart (UK))
- unit:QT_UK-PER-DAY (Quart (UK Liquid) Per Day)
- unit:QT_UK-PER-HR (Quart (UK Liquid) Per Hour)
- unit:QT_UK-PER-MIN (Quart (UK Liquid) Per Minute)
- unit:QT_UK-PER-SEC (Quart (UK Liquid) Per Second)
- unit:QT_US (US Liquid Quart)
- unit:QT_US-PER-DAY (Quart (US Liquid) Per Day)
- unit:QT_US-PER-HR (Quart (US Liquid) Per Hour)
- unit:QT_US-PER-MIN (Quart (US Liquid) Per Minute)
- unit:QT_US-PER-SEC (Quart (US Liquid) Per Second)
- unit:QT_US_DRY (US Dry Quart)
- unit:QUAD (Quad)
- unit:QatariRial (Qatari Rial)
- unit:Quarter_UK (Quarter (UK))
- unit:Quetzal (Quetzal)
- unit:R (Roentgen)
- unit:RAD (Radian)
- unit:RAD-M2-PER-KiloGM (Radian Square Metre per Kilogram)
- unit:RAD-M2-PER-MOL (Radian Square Metre per Mole)
- unit:RAD-PER-HR (Radian per Hour)
- unit:RAD-PER-M (Radian per Metre)
- unit:RAD-PER-MIN (Radian per Minute)
- unit:RAD-PER-SEC (radian per second)
- unit:RAD-PER-SEC2 (Radian per Square Second)
- unit:RAD_R (Rad)
- unit:RAYL (Rayl)
- unit:REM (Rem)
- unit:REV (Revolution)
- unit:REV-PER-HR (Revolution per Hour)
- unit:REV-PER-MIN (Revolution per Minute)
- unit:REV-PER-SEC (Revolution per Second)
- unit:REV-PER-SEC2 (Revolution per Square Second)
- unit:ROD (Rod)
- unit:RPK (Reads Per Kilobase)
- unit:RT (Register Ton)
- unit:Riel (Riel)
- unit:RomanianNeLeu (Romanian New Leu)
- unit:Rufiyaa (Rufiyaa)
- unit:Rupiah (Rupiah)
- unit:RussianRuble (Russian Ruble)
- unit:RwandaFranc (Rwanda Franc)
- unit:S (Siemens)
- unit:S-M2-PER-MOL (Siemens Square metre per mole)
- unit:S-PER-CentiM (Siemens Per Centimetre)
- unit:S-PER-M (Siemens Per Metre)
- unit:SAMPLE-PER-SEC (Sample per second)
- unit:SEC (Second)
- unit:SEC-FT2 (Second Square Foot)
- unit:SEC-PER-M (Seconds per metre)
- unit:SEC-PER-RAD-M3 (Second per Radian Cubic Metre)
- unit:SEC2 (Square Second)
- unit:SH (Shake)
- unit:SHANNON (Shannon)
- unit:SHANNON-PER-SEC (Shannon per Second)
- unit:SLUG (Slug)
- unit:SLUG-PER-DAY (Slug Per Day)
- unit:SLUG-PER-FT (Slug per Foot)
- unit:SLUG-PER-FT-SEC (Slug per Foot Second)
- unit:SLUG-PER-FT2 (Slug per Square Foot)
- unit:SLUG-PER-FT3 (Slug per Cubic Foot)
- unit:SLUG-PER-HR (Slug Per Hour)
- unit:SLUG-PER-MIN (Slug Per Minute)
- unit:SLUG-PER-SEC (Slug per Second)
- unit:SR (Steradian)
- unit:ST (Stokes)
- unit:STILB (Stilb)
- unit:STR (Stere)
- unit:SUSCEPTIBILITY_ELEC (Electric Susceptibility Unit)
- unit:SUSCEPTIBILITY_MAG (Magnetic Susceptibility Unit)
- unit:SV (Sievert)
- unit:S_Ab (Absiemen)
- unit:S_Stat (Statsiemens)
- unit:SaintHelenaPound (Saint Helena Pound)
- unit:SamoanTala (Samoan Tala)
- unit:SaudiRiyal (Saudi Riyal)
- unit:SerbianDinar (Serbian Dinar)
- unit:SeychellesRupee (Seychelles Rupee)
- unit:Silver-OunceTroy (Silver (one Troy ounce))
- unit:SingaporeDollar (Singapore Dollar)
- unit:SlovakKoruna (Slovak Koruna)
- unit:SolarMass (Solar mass)
- unit:SolomonIslandsDollar (Solomon Islands Dollar)
- unit:Som (Som)
- unit:SomaliShilling (Somali Shilling)
- unit:Somoni (Somoni)
- unit:SouthAfricanRand (South African Rand)
- unit:SouthKoreanWon (South Korean Won)
- unit:SpecialDrawingRights (Special Drawing Rights)
- unit:SriLankaRupee (Sri Lanka Rupee)
- unit:Standard (Standard)
- unit:Stone_UK (Stone (UK))
- unit:SudanesePound (Sudanese Pound)
- unit:SurinamDollar (Surinam Dollar)
- unit:SwedishKrona (Swedish Krona)
- unit:SwissFranc (Swiss Franc)
- unit:SyrianPound (Syrian Pound)
- unit:T (Tesla)
- unit:T-M (T-M)
- unit:T-SEC (T-SEC)
- unit:TBSP (Tablespoon)
- unit:TEX (Tex)
- unit:THB (Baht)
- unit:THM_EEC (THM_EEC)
- unit:THM_US (Therm US)
- unit:TOE (Ton of Oil Equivalent)
- unit:TONNE (Tonne)
- unit:TONNE-PER-DAY (Tonne Per Day)
- unit:TONNE-PER-HA (tonne per hectare)
- unit:TONNE-PER-HA-YR (tonne per hectare per year)
- unit:TONNE-PER-HR (Tonne Per Hour)
- unit:TONNE-PER-M3 (Tonne Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:TONNE-PER-MIN (Tonne Per Minute)
- unit:TONNE-PER-SEC (Tonne Per Second)
- unit:TON_Assay (Assay Ton)
- unit:TON_FG (Ton of Refrigeration)
- unit:TON_F_US (Ton Force (US Short))
- unit:TON_LONG (Long Ton)
- unit:TON_LONG-PER-YD3 (Long Ton per Cubic Yard)
- unit:TON_Metric (Metric Ton)
- unit:TON_Metric-PER-DAY (Tonne Per Day)
- unit:TON_Metric-PER-HA (metric tonne per hectare)
- unit:TON_Metric-PER-HR (Tonne Per Hour)
- unit:TON_Metric-PER-M3 (Tonne Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:TON_Metric-PER-MIN (Tonne Per Minute)
- unit:TON_Metric-PER-SEC (Tonne Per Second (metric Ton))
- unit:TON_SHIPPING_US (Ton (US Shipping))
- unit:TON_SHORT (Short Ton)
- unit:TON_SHORT-PER-HR (Short Ton per Hour)
- unit:TON_SHORT-PER-YD3 (Short Ton per Cubic Yard)
- unit:TON_UK (Ton (UK))
- unit:TON_UK-PER-DAY (Long Ton (uk) Per Day)
- unit:TON_UK-PER-YD3 (Long Ton (UK) Per Cubic Yard)
- unit:TON_US (Ton (US))
- unit:TON_US-PER-DAY (Short Ton (us) Per Day)
- unit:TON_US-PER-HR (Ton (US) Per Hour)
- unit:TON_US-PER-YD3 (Short Ton (US) Per Cubic Yard)
- unit:TORR (Torr)
- unit:TSP (Teaspoon)
- unit:T_Ab (Abtesla)
- unit:TanzanianShilling (Tanzanian Shilling)
- unit:TebiBYTE (TebiByte)
- unit:Tenge (Tenge)
- unit:TeraBYTE (TeraByte)
- unit:TeraC (TeraCoulomb)
- unit:TeraHZ (Terahertz)
- unit:TeraJ (Terajoule)
- unit:TeraOHM (Teraohm)
- unit:TeraW (Terawatt)
- unit:TeraW-HR (Terawatt Hour)
- unit:TonEnergy (Ton Energy)
- unit:TrinidadAndTobagoDollar (Trinidad and Tobago Dollar)
- unit:Tugrik (Tugrik)
- unit:TunisianDinar (Tunisian Dinar)
- unit:U (Unified Atomic Mass Unit)
- unit:UAEDirham (United Arab Emirates dirham)
- unit:UICFranc (UIC franc (special settlement currency))
- unit:UNITLESS (Unitless)
- unit:USDollar (US Dollar)
- unit:USDollar_NextDay (United States Dollar (next day) (funds code))
- unit:USDollar_SameDay (United States Dollar (same day) (funds code))
- unit:UgandaShilling (Uganda Shilling)
- unit:UnidadDeValorReal (Unidad de Valor Real)
- unit:UnidadesDeFormento (Unidades de formento (Funds code))
- unit:UnitPole (Unit Pole)
- unit:UruguayPeso (Peso Uruguayo)
- unit:UzbekistanSom (Uzbekistan Som)
- unit:V (Volt)
- unit:V-A (Volt Ampere)
- unit:V-A-HR (Volt Ampere Hour)
- unit:V-A_Reactive (Volt Ampere Reactive)
- unit:V-A_Reactive-HR (Volt Ampere Reactive Hour)
- unit:V-M (V-M)
- unit:V-PER-CentiM (Volt Per Centimetre)
- unit:V-PER-IN (Volt Per Inch)
- unit:V-PER-K (Volt per Kelvin)
- unit:V-PER-M (Volt per Metre)
- unit:V-PER-M2 (Volt per Square Metre)
- unit:V-PER-MicroSEC (Volt Per Microsecond)
- unit:V-PER-MilliM (Volt Per Millimetre)
- unit:V-PER-SEC (Volt per second)
- unit:V-SEC-PER-M (Volt Second Per Metre)
- unit:V2-PER-K2 (Square Volt per Square Kelvin)
- unit:V_Ab (Abvolt)
- unit:V_Ab-PER-CentiM (Abvolt per centimetre)
- unit:V_Ab-SEC (Abvolt Second)
- unit:V_Stat (Statvolt)
- unit:V_Stat-CentiM (V_Stat-CentiM)
- unit:V_Stat-PER-CentiM (Statvolt per Centimetre)
- unit:Vatu (Vatu)
- unit:VenezuelanBolvar (Venezuelan bolvar)
- unit:VietnameseDong (Vietnamese ??ng)
- unit:W (Watt)
- unit:W-HR (Watthour)
- unit:W-HR-PER-M3 (Watthour per Cubic metre)
- unit:W-M-PER-M2-SR (Watts per square metre per inverse metre per steradian)
- unit:W-M2 (W-M2)
- unit:W-M2-PER-SR (W-M2-PER-SR)
- unit:W-PER-CentiM2 (Watt per Square Centimetre)
- unit:W-PER-FT2 (Watt per Square Foot)
- unit:W-PER-IN2 (Watt per Square Inch)
- unit:W-PER-K (Watt per Kelvin)
- unit:W-PER-KiloGM (Watt Per Kilogram)
- unit:W-PER-M (Watts per metre)
- unit:W-PER-M-K (Watt per Metre Kelvin)
- unit:W-PER-M2 (Watt per Square Metre)
- unit:W-PER-M2-K (Watt per Square Metre Kelvin)
- unit:W-PER-M2-K4 (Watt per Square Metre Quartic Kelvin)
- unit:W-PER-M2-M (Watts per square metre per metre)
- unit:W-PER-M2-M-SR (Watts per square metre per metre per steradian)
- unit:W-PER-M2-NanoM (Watts per square metre per nanometre)
- unit:W-PER-M2-NanoM-SR (Watts per square metre per nanometre per steradian)
- unit:W-PER-M2-PA (Watt per Square Metre Pascal)
- unit:W-PER-M2-SR (Watt per Square Metre Steradian)
- unit:W-PER-M3 (Watt Per Cubic Metre)
- unit:W-PER-SR (Watt per Steradian)
- unit:W-SEC (Watt Second)
- unit:W-SEC-PER-M2 (Watt seconds per square metre)
- unit:WB (Weber)
- unit:WB-M (Weber Metre)
- unit:WB-PER-M (Weber Per Metre)
- unit:WB-PER-MilliM (Weber Per Millimetre)
- unit:WIREuro (WIR Euro (complementary currency))
- unit:WIRFranc (WIR Franc (complementary currency))
- unit:WK (Week)
- unit:XAF (CFA Franc BEAC)
- unit:XOF (CFA Franc BCEAO)
- unit:XPF (CFP franc)
- unit:YD (Yard)
- unit:YD-PER-DEG_F (Yard Per Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:YD2 (Square Yard)
- unit:YD3 (Cubic Yard)
- unit:YD3-PER-DAY (Cubic Yard Per Day)
- unit:YD3-PER-DEG_F (Cubic Yard Per Degree Fahrenheit)
- unit:YD3-PER-HR (Cubic Yard Per Hour)
- unit:YD3-PER-MIN (Cubic Yard per Minute)
- unit:YD3-PER-SEC (Cubic Yard Per Second)
- unit:YR (Year)
- unit:YR_Common (Common Year)
- unit:YR_Sidereal (Sidereal Year)
- unit:YR_TROPICAL (Tropical Year)
- unit:YemeniRial (Yemeni Rial)
- unit:YoctoC (YoctoCoulomb)
- unit:YottaC (YottaCoulomb)
- unit:YuanRenminbi (Yuan Renminbi)
- unit:Z (atomic-number)
- unit:ZambianKwacha (Zambian Kwacha)
- unit:ZeptoC (ZeptoCoulomb)
- unit:ZettaC (ZettaCoulomb)
- unit:ZimbabweDollar (Zimbabwe Dollar)
- unit:Zloty (Zloty)
- unit:failures-in-time (Failures In Time)